
A Brief Roundup of Pastors and Pastrixes Headed to Hell, Including One Who Claims Jesus Did Gay Things at the Last Supper

Welcome to our bi-monthly roundup of the worst of the worst so-called pastors and pastrixes from Tiktok and other social media hubs. These are a collation of lost souls fast on their way to receiving the greater judgment if they don’t repent of their sins and put their faith in Christ.

Each one is between 15 and 30 seconds, used to demonstrate the sheer insanity that is out there, but also where some of these conservative denominations are headed if they don’t take an uncompromising, bombastically hard line against even a hint of LGBTQ influence in the church

h/t Christcuck Pastors


Thousands of American Pastors Preach in Solidarity With Canadian Christians Crushed by Demonic New Law

Thousands of pastors and clergy across North American devoted their Sunday morning service to preaching and presenting a clear and unapologetic sermon on biblical sexuality, standing in solidarity with their Canadian brethren who have come face to face with a government and culture hell-bent on destroying themselves and their citizens.

The initiative was spearheaded by the Liberty Coalition Canada and was promoted by Pastor John MacArthur, who tweeted it out.

According to Liberty Counsel, at least 4000 pastors pledged to preach on it, including pastor and publisher JD Hall, whose sermon is at the end. Two noted pastors who preached on it were James Coates of Gracelife Church in Alberta and Pastor Tim Stephens of Fairview Baptist Church, both of who spent weeks in prison for refusing to shut down their churches during the pandemic.

The new law passed on January 5th makes it a crime to advertise counseling services or offer counseling services that seek to do any of the following, which is punishable between 2 and 5 years in prison, depending on the severity of the breach.

  • Change a person’s sexual orientation to heterosexual;
  • Change a person’s gender identity to cisgender;
  • Change a person’s gender expression so that it conforms to the sex assigned to the person at birth;
  • Repress or reduce non-heterosexual attraction or sexual behavior;
  • Repress a person’s non-cisgender gender identity; or
  • Repress or reduce a person’s gender expression that does not conform to the sex assigned to the person at birth.”

With this new Canadian law, if a congregant tells a pastor they have sinful homosexual thoughts, and seek prayer and counseling for them to have them quelled and brought under the blood of Christ, and the pastor dares to meet with that man or woman and do the following- that is worthy of fines, arrest, and even jail if discovered and brought to the authorities.

The bill itself has the support of all the political parties, along with broad support from the populace, despite it being horrific, and saying, within the bill itself:

 “conversion therapy causes harm to society because, among other things, it is based on and propagates myths and stereotypes about sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression, including the myth that heterosexuality, cisgender gender identity, and gender expression that conforms to the sex assigned to a person at birth are to be preferred over other sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions … in light of those harms, it is important to discourage and denounce the provision of conversion therapy in order to protect the human dignity and equality of all Canadians.”

May God have mercy on our Canadian brothers and sisters


Rapper Lecrae Wears Shirt with Homage to Filthy, Filthy, FIIIIILTHY Song at Rap Concert

Several months ago, artist Lecrae attended a Raekwon, Ghostface Killah & GZA concert (basically Wu-Tang Clan) at the Fillmore Auditorium in Denver, Colorado, where he proceeded to berate and rebuke a street preacher who was preaching at the event, telling him he was doing it wrong and claiming that Jesus would never do what he did. One thing which was pointed out, however, apart from Lecrae acting like a Theological Karen, is that Lecrae was wearing an “Ice-Cream” T-shirt to the concert.

“Ice-Cream” is the third solo single by Wu-Tang Clan member Raekwon, featuring members of the Wu-Tang Clan Ghostface Killah, Method Man and Cappadonna. It is incredibly disgusting and vile, overflowing with sexual innuendo and explicit content.

In fact, that very song was played during the concert.

Here is a brief snippet of some of the lyrics (Content warning ahead. Language left in)

[Verse 3: Cappadonna]
Black chocolate girl wonder, shake ground like thunder
Politic to your deficit step, give me your number
Your sexy persuasive tatas and thighs
Catch my eyes like pies, I want your bodily surprise
Double down some time
Ice cream, you got me falling out like a cripple
I love you like I love my dick size

Ooh, baby, I miss you, your sweet tender touches
Take pulls off the Dutches
Orgasm in my mind-state, masturbate in your clutches
I want you for self like wealth, so play me closely
Bitches paranoia for the sting, who want the most of me?
Only a hard dozen wanna be calling me cousin
Thirsty for my catalog, baby, shopping spree you’re loving
Call me if you wanna get dug like the pockets
I jizz ’em like a giant, break wombs out of the sockets

[Pre-Chorus: Method Man]
Wu-Tang in the cut, for real niggas, what?
It’s the afterparty and bitches wanna fuck

[Chorus: Method Man]
Watch these rap niggas get all up in your guts
French vanilla, butter pecan, chocolate deluxe
Even caramel sundaes is getting touched
Scooped in the ice cream truck, who tears it up
Ice cold bitches melt down when in my clutch
And want they titties sucked, ice cream, yeah
Your guts

Not only is this the sort of music Lecrae seemingly likes to listen to, as the rest of their setlist is rife with similar songs and lyrics, but what are the odds that Lecrae just unrelatedly happened to wear an “Ice-Cream” shirt to a concert by a band who had that as a hit single? Are we suppose that the two are completely unrelated and just a matter of coincidence?

We don’t think so. It’s an homage.

It’s super gross, and just another example of Lecrae loving the world and the things of the world.


Babylon Bee Pushes Back and Laughs at Critics of Their Gospel Presentation to Elon Musk

With all the criticism sent their way for the truly wretched gospel presentation the Babylon Bee gave billionaire Elon Musk during an interview with him, you’d think they’d be a little more introspective and contrite about how it all shook out, but apparently not.

During a recent segment, the crew addressed the controversy, responding to a clip of a critic who took them to task and chastised them by saying:

“Number one is you cannot ‘do me a quick solid by accepting Jesus.’ That’s just not how it works. Number two is the emotional music does nothing for the video. Because there’s no substance to the gospel presentation or what they like to call it. If the gospel does not have the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, that He saved you from your sins, and all it takes is belief in Him, then it’s not the gospel.

In response to the critique, the Babylon Bee crew starts laughing uproariously, revealing:

“Pwnd. Wow, I don’t think we could ever do that again though.”

Kyle Mann: “I’ve seen some criticisms of that, like one guy released a video of that, and then everybody else dogpiled on it like ‘Oh, yeah, I hated that too.’ Yeah, the interview’s been up for a month and no one said anything.

But I actually hadn’t seen – some of them were a little more in-depth, where they’re just like, ‘oh, I wasn’t comfortable with joking around with the guy who’s actually not a believer.’ And, and making the gospel kind of a joke, even though they understood that it was satire and we were just being silly. But I hadn’t seen that. He’s like, ‘You guys did a terrible job at presenting the gospel.”

They conclude by talking about the emotional music that was overlayed at the end, revealing that it was on purpose, “It’s almost like that was the joke. That’s exactly what we were trying to parody.”

In short, The Babylon Bee and Editor-in-Chief Kyle Mann continue to treat the whole thing as a joke, sharing that they never intended the presentation to be taken seriously and never truly intended to present the gospel to Musk because after all, they were “just being silly” and parodying a real gospel presentation.

What a waste.

[Editor’s note: I wonder what Paul would have said, and if he would have seen the “parody” of the gospel as “another gospel” like he did in Galatia.]


Rapper Lecrae Rebukes Street Preacher for Preaching the Gospel at Rap Concert

We have explained numerous times that Rapper Lecrae is thoroughly theologically compromised, loving the world and the things of the world [Editor’s note: Compare 2 Timothy 4:10, Demas], and here is more proof of that, interrupting a street preacher at a Raekwon, Ghostface Killah & GZA concert as part of their “3 Chambers Tour” at the Fillmore Auditorium in Denver, CO.

He also wore a shirt in homage to an absolutely filthy song, as can be seen here.

Earlier in the night, the street preacher specifically called out Lecrae after seeing him attend the concert, where the songs played are incredibly filthy and vile (the kind of music Lecrae likes, apparently), telling him:

You claim to obey Christ, but you follow after the ways of the world…Out of that same mouth that you proclaim His name you pollute your body with smoke, and you claim to proclaim God in your lyrics, in your words, and you’re gonna have to repent Lecare. You’re gonna have to give your life to Him for real.

Are you going in there to testify to them? Are you going in there to eat and drink with the drunkards? Look, I care about you. Don’t partake with the workers of iniquity…Look at all these people walking in their sin. They’re walking off of a cliff. They’re walking off the cliff into destruction. And you can have an influence on that, man. Believe the gospel. Believe what it says. Don’t pick and choose and cherry pick. He says if you’re lukewarm, he’s going to spit you out of his mouth. He needs to repent to your sin once and for all. Because you’re cursing every other minute.

We co-sign that. An hour later, while the street preacher is talking to a guy, Lecrae comes up and goes into full-on Karen mode by berating him, telling him that what he’s doing is wrong and ineffective, pointing out he needs to “meet people where they’re at” and “build relationships with people.”

Preacher: “Did Jesus always build relationships with people?” * (See Editors Note 1.)

Lecrae: “Of course he did!”

Preacher: “Or did he rebuke the Pharisees?”

Lecrae: “Meet people man. Meet them where they at and build relationships with people….Peter and Matthew would have been diametrically opposed to each other, a tax collector and a zealot, they would have hated each other. Because of the relationship that was established, they did not kill each other fam.

All I’m saying is, yes, you do have to bring truth to people, but you bring truth to people who trust you and know you care. They’ll listen if they believe you care. I’m inside talking to a young lady who’s working for Live Nation. And we can have a whole dialogue and conversation and it turned into a conversation about her faith and lack thereof and it was beautiful. And it wasn’t because I came to her and told her “you’re gonna burn. It was because…

Preacher: “But does the Bible say, ‘how can they hear without a preacher?’ [Editor’s note: See Romans 10:14 where it says exactly that] Or does it say go build a relationship with her first? It tells us to go into the highways and byways…”

Lecrae: “(Jesus) said love them, ‘love your neighbor as yourself…'”

Preacher: “But you’re not acknowledging what I’m telling you.”

Lecrae: “That’s not love…Grace and Truth. You’re not a friend…you’re doing exactly what the Pharisees did.”

Lecrae goes on to say that the preacher is “pushing people away” and that Jesus did not push people away, but rather he “welcomed them” and that his own way of evangelism has got him “way further” than the street preacher’s will, at which point Lecrae walked away.

With friends like these…

Editor’s Note 1. The conversation has a lot of crosstalk, and so this is an inexact and imprecise transcript. (*)

Editor’s Note 2.
h/t to Joseph Maldonado of In the Midst of the Valley ministries.

Editor’s Note 3. For Fallin’-Away Lecrae, he has been on a decades-long spiral into becoming a biblically unsound promoter of progressivism. He says he “doesn’t endorse” abortion but HATES classism. A few months ago he put on a concert in order to Get Out The Early Vote on behalf of pro-choice Democratic Senate candidates Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff. He sputtered, “You know…well…um…er….ah….I don’t know,” when asked about the sin of homosexuality in an interview, and after Joe Biden won the election and was inaugurated that he said it “feels good to be on the right side of history” with the party that is “pro-life from womb to tomb.” Recently he has stated that hanging out on a bus ‘chopping it up’ is ‘church’.


Hillsong Apologizes to Gov’t after Church Kids caught ‘Singing and Dancing’ to Secular Music at Youth Camp

Hillsong Church has apologized to the New South Wales government after a now-deleted video emerged showing tons of teens attending their youth camp dancing and singing maskless in close proximity, violating the state’s strict Covid-19 public health orders. The singing and dancing were not during worship time, but rather a concert and DJ show.

This revelation led Premier Dominic Perrottet to explain that he was “completely shocked” by the video. In NSW, public health orders ban singing and dancing at music festivals, hospitality venues, nightclubs, entertainment facilities and major recreation facilities, with churches being given an exception for worship – but not for this.

South West Health Minister Brad Hazzard explained, “While the order does not apply to religious services, it does apply to major recreation facilities and this event is clearly in breach of both the spirit and intent of the order, which is in place to help keep the community safe…”

In response to this, Hillsong issued a statement on their website, noting:

These camps have a Christian focus and include worship services. Over a three-day duration the percentage of time spent singing is minor. However we regret giving any perception that we were not playing our part to keep NSW safe and we sincerely apologise to the community at large. Our heart is for people, and loving and caring for all people is at the core of our church.

We have since spoken to NSW Health and received instruction to cease congregant/student singing and dancing during the services that occur on the campsite and have immediately and willingly enacted that instruction.


Judge Denies NAMB’s Motion for Summary Judgment, Handing SBC Entity 4th Loss in a Row

(Capstone Report) Another win in Will McRaney’s quest for justice. 4 straight defeats for NAMB & Kevin Ezell. Will the NAMB trustees stop these humiliations?

The North American Mission Board (NAMB) of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) got more bad news in its attempts to avoid discovery in the lawsuit filed against it by Will McRaney. On Wednesday, January 12, 2022, federal court for the Northern District of Mississippi denied NAMB’s request for summary judgement. In rejecting the motion, the court said that it was not time to consider summary judgment—it should wait on discovery.

This is a big win for Will McRaney as he attempts to hold NAMB accountable for harm he claims NAMB and Ezell did to him

NAMB has now lost four straight rulings to McRaney. NAMB and Ezell lost in a ruling at the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, requested and was denied an en banc hearing at the 5th Circuit, and then appealed to the Supreme Court of the United States and was denied. Today’s ruling is the fourth loss in as many tries.

NAMB and Kevin Ezell lost all those bids to delay or avoid discovery.

According to the court order,

The Defendant has filed this motion months prior to the completion of discovery, a fact pointed out by the Plaintiff, who requests pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure…. 

To continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written and published at the Capstone Report


David Platt Joining Arch Heretic Todd White for New Conference

Either David Platt’s speaking fees are ridiculously low, or he just really likes to partner with questionable characters within the Christian world. Perhaps it’s a little of both? How else can you explain his perchance to travel the country and speak at seemingly every Christianish conference that throws an invite his way?

We wrote about his last two ones here and here, and now we have the worst one yet, with Platt speaking at 2022 Send Conference.

The Send Lead Pastor Summit, billed in conjunction with decidedly charismatic Azuza Now, was conceived in 2011 when, according to their promo material, “The Lord spoke to the leaders of The Call through a group of YWAM (Youth With A Mission) missionaries that a shift was coming that would give birth to a new sending movement, as a beginning fulfillment to their years of prayer and fasting.” They further note that:

We believe the only way to see nation-wide impact is through uncommon collaboration. That’s why Circuit Riders, Lou Engle Ministries, Youth With A Mission, Lifestyle Christianity, Christ For All Nations, Jesus Image, Dunamis Movement, Crazy Love, and many others are uniting together to form THE SEND.

  • We have YWAM and its subsidiary Circuit Riders, who focus on reaching high schools and universities with an emphasis on intense, fully immersed missionary work. They accept missionaries and volunteers from all denominations, including Roman Catholic, and are all charismatic.
  • Lou Engle is the founder of the “Azusa Now: The Call. Engle emerged from the Kansas City Prophets and Latter Rain movement, and was a senior leader of IHOP (International House of Prayer).  Engle’s Azusa Now signs and wonders revival was inspired by dreams, visions and extra-biblical prophecies, and he also welcomes Roman Catholics into the mission.
  • Christ For All Nations is the massive organization formerly led by Reinhard Bonnke and now By Daniel Kolenda, who has claimed to have personally led more than 22 million people to Christ, as well as as having performed tons of miracles, including healing cancer, blindness, deafness, paralysis, regrowing limbs, and the like.
  • Lifestyle Christianity, led by Todd White, prolific faith healer and prosperity gospel teacher who is currently taking three months off to recover from a bad heart condition, even though he teaches that bad hearts and sickness come from the devil himself, and that God always desires and will heal sickness if you have faith.
  • Jesus Image, led by Michael and Jessica Koulianos, frequently collaborators with Benny Hinn and are run-of-the-mill hyper charismatic/ you must receive the second bapstim in the spirit sort of ministry. They do, interestingly, have a bizarre statement of faith about God and the Trinity that raises a few eyebrows.
  • Crazy Love, led by Francis Chan, who has fully embraced every false teacher who can think of, and who was last seen healing an entire village without the Holy Spirit, butchering church history, and speaking at a Roman Catholic conference.

The fact that Platt feels completely comfortable in such an environment, speaking alongside them with nary a rebuke or word of caution to be found, ought to lead the reader to surmise that any biblical discernment he claims to hold to be seriously, seriously wanting, and he’s not to be viewed or regarded as a trustworthy leader or teacher.


Board’s Approval of ‘After School Satan Club’ for Elementary Students Sparks Controversy

(Christian Headlines) Parents at an Illinois elementary school are expressing concern after the local school board approved a new extracurricular club for children that will be led by members of The Satanic Temple and held in school facilities.

According to WQAD, the so-called “After School Satan Club” was approved by the Moline-Coal Valley School District Board of Education on January 10. The club will hold meetings at Jane Addams Elementary in Moline, Illinois, beginning at 2:45 p.m. – immediately after school – on January 13, February 10, March 10, April 14 and May 12. It is open to children in first through fifth grade, although students first need permission from a parent.

The Satanic Temple calls itself the “primary Satanic religious organization in the world,” even though the group itself is atheistic and believes in neither a literal God nor literal Satan. Instead, the Satanic Temple venerates the biblical Satan as a symbol of “defiance, independence, wisdom and self-empowerment.” It rewards “Devil’s Advocate Scholarships” in the amount of $666 to multiple grades, including to elementary students.

According to flyers, the After School Satan Club meetings will include science projects, puzzles, games, craft projects and a snack. The flyer also says that children will learn benevolence, empathy, personal sovereignty…

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Michael Foust and published at Christian Headlines


Summit Church Fires Pastor For Stealing from the Offering Plate

Former SBC President J.D Greear’s Florida church plant, Summit Church Naples, has fired one of their main pastors and ‘Directing Elders’ after he admitted to stealing from the offering plate.

Former Pastor Jim Hines was busted stealing from the bustling megachurch during the Christmas Eve service, and he also admitted to taking money back in 2018, according to the Roys Report, who revealed:

“According to Summit’s statement, Hines was first accused of taking cash during an offering count in 2018. “That charge was taken seriously and Jim was put on leave,” the church said. “At that time, he denied the accusation and ultimately it could not be confirmed.”

However, the statement adds that Hines “was seen violating one of our protective policies” on Christmas Eve. This led to Hines “being caught stealing $1,000 from an offering. He also has admitted to stealing when he was initially accused in 2018.”

We have reached out to Summit Church for clarification on whether or not he was being put under church discipline as a member who would remain with the church, and will update this post accordingly.