
Charismatic Prophetess Reveals Existence of ‘Jello-land’ in Heaven+ Chocolate Waterfalls and Candy House

When Kat Kerr, our favorite pink-haired charismatic meme-bot and “Dr. Michael Brown-approved prophetess” isn’t weaving an unbiblical tale of witchcraft and false theology by claiming that she has a picture of thousands of lioned-faced angels frog-marching chained demons across the sky in order to go to heaven for judgment, or that Miscarried Babies are Reincarnated For the Next Pregnancy, she’s sharing the existence of a place called Jello-land in heaven, which is populated with edible mansions and chocolate waterfalls.

There’s a whole place called ‘Jello-land’ in heaven, it really does exist. And then part of that land of course there’s houses made out of candy, they’re made out of all kinds of things. Flowers, a whole house made out of flowers and they sing to you all the time when you come to your mansion, but candy is one of the most favorite things.

I know there’s chocolate waterfalls, probably would be a part of that mansion made out of candy. You can just go jump out the waterfall and drink the chocolate or swim in the chocolate. And so yes in the Jelloland part of it, people reach out they’ll take, you know, a bite of the house or take a handful the house and eat it and it comes right back.

You can bounce in the Jello-land houses also, but the candy house I think is a great idea. It makes me think of that game Candyland. So let me tell you, I will say this, Jesus Christ does have a soft part in his heart for sweets. He loves sweets! So he’d probably be right there with you you know tasting the chocolate or the candy canes or wherever else your house was made out of.

Sadly, she is not some freaky-deeky fringe charismatic, but rather represents the mainstream of the movement.


Albert Mohler Secretly Leaves The Gospel Coalition

(Reformation Charlotte) Al Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS), was elected to The Gospel Coalition’s leadership council in April 2009 where he has served for over 12 years. Shortly after ditching T4G, in the last few days, it has come to light that his name has been silently removed from the leadership council without address. As Michael O’Fallon of Sovereign Nations stated,

As of today, Mohler’s name does not appear on The Gospel Coalition’s website as a council member.

However, as recently as December 17, as you can see at’s Wayback Machine, Mohler was clearly listed as a council member, right between Tony Merida and his protégé, Russell Moore…

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s note. This article was written by Jeff Maples and published at Reformation Charlotte.

bad theology News

More Bad Theology! Lecrae Claims Hanging out on a Bus ‘Chopping it up’ is ‘Church’

Yesterday, we brought you a story where, during an interview on the Dirty Glove Bastard podcast, Christian rapper Lecrae explained how really, anything is ‘church’, including his album release party where people were eating food and getting tattoos, further demonstrating that his theology has been progressing in a downward spiral and he’s come to a pretty terrible place.

In this new clip, from their church culture panel discussing the album, Lecrae again declares that anything is considered church, whether that be going to a building on Sunday and sitting under a pastor, or just hanging out in a house with a bunch of people, or even just ‘chopping it up’ (ie, having a conversation) with people in the back of the van- that is church for the rapper, who used to know better.

It is wretchedly dangerous theology, but Lecrae says as long as someone is ‘connected to God’, it all counts.

A lot of people use the verse…in Hebrew ‘do not forsake the fellowship’, right? That verse is not about going to a building on Sunday, that verse, forsaken is connecting with the people who love God.

Now, in our culture, in a western world, we meet on Sundays, so that’s an easy route to connect with folks. But it’s not about that. What it’s about is, is what is your relationship with God look like? What does that look like? And are you tuning that up?

Because I know a lot of people who don’t go to church, but they also don’t groan.
You know what I’m saying? And so, I’m like, you ain’t gonna find a better solution then Jesus out here. Aint gonna find nothing better. So stay connected, whatever that looks like for you.

And I’m just being honest, you know, if that’s going to a building every Sunday to fellowship with other folks to sit under a pastor with leadership, then do that.

If that’s meeting at a house with a group of people who care about you, and love you, then do that.

If that’s, you know what I’m saying like, we on the road a lot. Sometimes we just be on a bus chopping it up. You know what I’m saying, but look, that’s church for us, you know what I’m saying?

So I’m just saying, whatever it looks like, you need to be connected to the Lord. Like just make sure you connected to people and connect to the Lord. And we’re gonna keep this thing going, man. This is what we are. I can’t be nothing I’m not.

Editor’s Note. For Fallin’-Away Lecrae, he has been on a decades-long spiral into becoming a biblically unsound promoter of progressivism. He says he “doesn’t endorse” abortion but HATES classism. A few months ago he put on a concert in order to Get Out The Early Vote on behalf of pro-choice Democratic Senate candidates Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff. He sputtered, “You know…well…um…er….ah….I don’t know,” when asked about the sin of homosexuality in an interview, and after Joe Biden won the election and was inaugurated that he said it “feels good to be on the right side of history” with the party that is “pro-life from womb to tomb.”


TGC Christmas Song Features Trans Art in Background

In a strange twist that continues to demonstrate that the Gospel Coalition has little discernment and little vetting when it comes to the sort of content and people they will promote, a woke rendition of ‘Away in the Manger‘ they featured on their main channel last year just so happened to have some pro-transexual art on the wall of one of the musician’s homes, calling into question the standards they employ when finding artists to platform.

The song was written by Liz Vice, a musician associated with the Porter’s Gate, a band frequently promoted by the Gospel Coalition that has done, among other things, created a Song Worshipping George Floyd, creating a Worship Album About Illegal Immigration, Reparations, Police Brutality, and BLM , and recently seeking to create the ‘World’s First Worship Album Focused on Climate Crisis’.

Vice was joined by Madison Cunningham, also a Porter’s Gate collaborator, on guitar and backing vocals, and at this point, it is unsure whose house they are singing in, and which of the musicians the art belongs to.

The song “Refugee King” alone has some questionable lyrics, considering Joseph had a place in Egypt, and Jesus was not a refugee or illegal immigrant, no matter how badly the wokefolk want to co-opt the narrative to say that he was.

Away from the manger they ran for their lives
The crying boy Jesus, a son they must hide
A dream came to Joseph, they fled in the night
And they ran and they ran and they ran

No stars in the sky but the Spirit of God
Led down into egypt from Herod to hide
No place for his parents no country or tribe
And they ran and they ran and they ran

Stay near me LORD Jesus when danger is nigh
And keep us from herods and all of their lies
I love the LORD Jesus, the Refugee King

And we sing and we sing and we sing


The art is an image taken by Zach Oren, a gay photographer featuring transgendered men and women as part of his Ides of Gender project, designed to give them more visibility and to celebrate them.

The fact that one of these two feels comfortable with such a gross image on their wall is highly disturbing, but should not surprise us. The fact that the Gospel Coalition didn’t see it coming as a possibility, given their pedigree, should not surprise us either.

Editor’s Note. h/t To @WokepreacherTV for catching the initial woke rendition of the song and the for Jon Harris for pointing out the trans pic featured front and center.


A Conversation with One of Our Critics, In Pictures

Presented without comment.

After we posted this article:


Televangelist Perry Stone Goes Full-on ‘Touch not my Anointed’over Sexual Misconduct Criticism.

Televangelist Perry Stone has gone on a full-court press against his critics, blasting the media who have been covering allegations of sexual misconduct and claiming those speaking against him are ‘hindering spirits’ being driven by the devil.

It’s a bizarre tactic, considering he has already admitted on leaked audio that he has acted inappropriately with women, despite later covering it up and denying it ever happened.

Over the last few days, after woman shouted out that he was a ‘Nasty Perv’ who wouldn’t stop sleeping with his employees, Stone has been defending himself on Facebook, writing a series of status updates claiming divine backing for his claims, raking discernment ministries under the coals, claiming that God spoke to him in dreams, and then claiming that some ‘Arabs’ translated a message from the Holy Spirit, where God warned him about the troublemakers trying to hurt his ministry by pointing out he won’t stop mackin’ on the ladies.

Stone also released a 17-minute video titled ‘The Truth Behind Today’s Media‘ where he repeatedly claimed that media sources like the Chattanooga Press, or ministries like Protestia were is sensationalizing and lying about him in order to make more money for ad revenue.

Editor’s Note. Those Facebook pics are longer than what we posted. Check out the originals for the rest of his nonsense.


Lecrae Describes Album Release Party w/ Free Tattoos as his ‘Church’

In a conversation with 1K Phew (real name Isaac Gordon,) an artist signed to his Reach Record label, Rapper Lecrae describes how their new collaborative album ‘No Church In A While’ came out of the fact that neither he nor 1K Phew had been to church during the pandemic, with Phew explaining:

“We just went through the pandemic and ain’t nobody to church in a minute. This album is for everybody who ain’t been to church or connected to God in a while who thinks they can’t go back. It ain’t really that deep. God is waiting for everybody to tap back in. No Church In A While is telling people there’s still hope, you can still turn to God no matter how long you’ve been away.”

During an interview on the Dirty Glove Bastard podcast, Lecrae explains how really, anything is ‘church’, including his album release party where people were eating food and getting tattoos, further demonstrating that his theology has been progressing in a downward spiral and he’s come to a pretty terrible place.

1K Phew: Even coming from me personally like, that’s when really I found God for real was when I didn’t go to church for a minute, and really had to step out on my own. And not really having nobody to tell me or force me or serve religion down my throat. And I really had to find that relationship with God, you feel what I’m saying for myself? So yeah, that’s how it related to me personally.”

Lecrae:Yeah, church ain’t no building, man. It’s not a building it’s the people. We the church you know what I’m saying?”

1K PhewWe the Church right now.”

Lecrae:We just had our, we did a little release party, a little soul food Sundays. And it was like, go grills getting made, you know what I’m saying? Free tattoos. 116 tattoos. Fried chicken, you know, macaroni and cheese, us rapping, my homie Tadashi teaching, and that was like, that’s church for folks, you know what I’m saying? Like it ain’t about a building. It was like, it’s about who’s in the building. You know what I mean?”

Editor’s Note. For Fallin’-Away Lecrae, he has been on a decades-long spiral into becoming a biblically unsound promoter of progressivism. He says he “doesn’t endorse” abortion but HATES classism. A few months ago he put on a concert in order to Get Out The Early Vote on behalf of pro-choice Democratic Senate candidates Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff. He sputtered, “You know…well…um…er….ah….I don’t know,” when asked about the sin of homosexuality in an interview, and after Joe Biden won the election and was inaugurated that he said it “feels good to be on the right side of history” with the party that is “pro-life from womb to tomb.”


‘Do it for the Queer Kids’? Pastrix Michelle Higgins gives Masterclass on Woke Communion

Michelle Higgins, the senior “pastrix” of Saint John’s Church (United Church of Christ) and one-third of the podcasting trio ‘The Truth’s Table’ continues to leave us vexed but unsurprised at the blasphemously progressive way she’s running her new church goat pen, usually with a series of proverbial open-handed slaps to the face of Jesus, such as when she instructed congregants to reveal their personal pronouns before they can speak at the pulpit or that time a few months ago when she repeatedly said that the Trinity is ‘queer’.

Now we have this gem, showing what a woke communion service looks like, where pastrix Higgins goes far beyond ‘do this in remembrance of me.’

Be seated to receive the Lord’s table. When you take the small wafer for from the plastic, know my loved one, that human bones don’t taste much better than that. This is the body of Jesus broken so that your body can be whole. This is a bite of scarcity so that you can eat in abundance.

Take the bread to yourself knowing God has traded places with you. No longer are you built, to be in want, you are built now to be filled, be filled with the body of Jesus now.

From the night that human frailty, (utter?) mistakes and trying to make our own list and take things into our own hands, on the night that ridiculousness betrayed and laid to waste the Son of Man, on the night, not long before Jesus was betrayed and murdered by the state.

He said, ‘I know the cup you’ve been drinking from. It’s a cup full of your own foolishness and it’s a cup full of racism. It’s a cup full of misogyny. It’s a cup full of the mess of the world. It’s a cup full of ageism, it’s a cup full of ableism. It’s a cup full of colorism. It’s a cup full of your self deprecation. It’s a cup full of your addiction to self-hatred, your addiction to hating others. Your idolising of marriage, your idolising of singleness, your idolising of the fashion you wear, your idolising you’re making money, your idolising of being poor.’

This cup is full of things, and you only need one nourishment. You only need just one vitamin (unintelligebale), just one, and that’s the blood of Jesus today. In this (unintelliegable) a feast, this cup of wine or juice. Maybe you only have a droplet of water, y’all know I love the cup.

Jesus is replacing your pain with his praise, replacing your name with ‘beloved blessing’. Good. Just the word ‘good’. Speak over yourself the creational blessing. ‘God made me, I am good. God made me, I am good.’

They were good. She is good. They are good. Not one of the people (slaves in the 19th century) we lost in the Middle Passage over the side of the boat, breathed their last breath in the bottom of the cabin. They were good! They were good!

Not one of the people you see the church abandoned deserved to go without this cup. Drink this cup for every queer person who’s been cussed out by a Christian. Drink this cup for every person whoever scandalised your name and called you worthless. Drink this cup, for your stomach is a witness. Your throat is a witness. Your body is a witness.

Don’t you take that instrument of torture and harm yourself. Put down your self-harm right now. Jesus wants to coat yours inside with a dedication, a willingness to seek help, to get healthy, to go to bed on time, to put down the whiskey bottle or maybe pick up some wine.

Jesus wants to coat you head to toe in their own self confidence. Jesus wants to change your bone structure. Jesus want to transfuse you blood. Drink this cup! Drink the cup and feel your hunger be filled by God. Drink this cup beloved and know it’s just a foretaste of the Lord who will never stop showing up, who will never stop coming to you. Who will never leave your side, who will always offer you a ride who will always tell you what your name is, baby.


Russell Moore Takes the Cash: Good Neighbor Exposed

(Evangelical Dark Web) Not every figure in Big Eva is an enigma. Russell Moore is one of the simplest to understand as far as major influencers are concerned. And a webinar he did on December 16th had him peddling money to churches if they would become vaccination clinics for their congregation. The project, initiative, or organization is called Good Neighbor and they tapped Russell Moore and Daniel Darling to pitch this.

Daniel Darling is the director of the Land Center for Cultural Engagement at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and occasionally writes for The Gospel Coalition and mainstream outlets.

For an organization with deep ties, Good Neighbor is very open about it. Their website is a single page with a contact form that states:

The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, in partnership with the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU), Rev. Carlos L. Malavé, Director of the Latino Christian National Network, CVS/Walgreens, Values Partnerships, and Public Square Strategies, has established a partnership to support evangelical community and faith-based organizations that will host a vaccination clinic at their church, campus, or organization. The purpose of this effort is to ensure evangelicals have a convenient, familiar place to get vaccinated in order to protect themselves, their families and their faith community…

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Ray Fava and published at Evangelical Dark Web. Title changed by Protestia


Perry Stone Called ‘Nasty Perv’ During Church Service

During his Tuesday service, prophet Perry Stone was greeted with one unhappy congregant who, while he lamenting the fact that so many people had left their faith in recent years, shouted out from the back where the whole church could hear, according to the CFP:

“Probably because you keep touching them, you nasty perv! Why don’t you tell them the real reason why they left? Because you kept touching them.”

She’s not wrong. In July of 2020 took a sabbatical after 11 letters were sent to the Voice of Evangelism board of directors, as well as to the Chatanooga Free Press , all from women who worked for him They alleged that Stone would frequently engage in sexual harassment, including groping, making comments about their breasts, kissing them on the lips and on their necks, asking for massages, and texting them asking for pictures.

Stone would soon admit that he had “acted inappropriately with (women), and with words and sometimes actions” telling a small group of people in leaked audio:

“I confess at times I’ve been inappropriate in all this weariness of just non-stop ministry. I let my guard down and I’ve asked, of course, God to forgive me for that. I sat down with my family, with my beautiful, precious wife Pam, the love of my life. I asked her to forgive me. And I very humbly and very sincerely ask those who have been hurt or offended by my actions to, please, also forgive me for those things.”

To the rest of his church, he and his board told a different story, saying that he took time off to be with family and work on a project of sorts, as well as for health concerns, not mentioning the allegations or his private confession.

The deception comes naturally to Stone, a radical charismatic ‘prophet’ who regularly claims to be receiving fresh words from God and apocalyptic prophesies on the daily. He oversees the Voice of Evangelism (VOE) Empire that brings in tens of millions of dollars a year, but is perhaps best known within discernment circles for checking his phone while speaking in tongues.

In response to the woman’s comments he sicced his security guards on her, shouting at her, as reported by the CFP.

“Ma’am, I’ll have you arrested, and I’ll bring a lawsuit against you for making statements like that! You’ve talked to people who told 16 lies on my wife and I! That’s who you’ve been talking to.

He then told the crowd:

“I am not a perfect man. People have taken me hugging and kissing them on the cheek wrong. I quit that. I’m Italian. My whole family holds hands, rubs backs. I didn’t know you can look at somebody and say, ‘Hey, how you doing?’ and they can take it wrong.”