
Rap Artist Lecrae Has Been Watching Some Filthy, Filthy, Fiiiiiiiiilthy TV Shows

Naw (Indwelling sin) I ain’t trusting you
Ain’t nothing but lust in you
Thanks be to God I obeyed the teaching I was entrusted to.
…See dawg I live by the Spirit so I don’t gratify
All them old sinful desires that never satisfy

…What? A lil this, a lil that, a lil BET late at night
That’s like a lil crack, see you ain’t gone lie to me
I see how you be tryna be
BET tonight becomes addiction to pornography
And that’s in no way honoring the God who’s ruling sovereignly

…after that I sober up and think of Jesus holding up
His skin up on the cross for all them drunken nights I’m throwing up
Every thought of blowin’ up is captured in his flowing blood
I start thinking Philippians 4:8 when you showing up

Lecrae. Indwelling Sin. Rebel album, 2008. Pre-Deconstruction.

Prior to his professed deconstruction of his faith (more on that here) rapper Lecrae was a very different person. He would frequently speak out against sexual sin and lust in his music, along with the battles of his flesh against the draws of his flesh. One example would be his song Indwelling Sin, which we’ve included a few lines above, which describes what it’s like struggle to stay pure against rising sinful desires. Back then, if you asked him whether or not Christians should be watching TV shows and movies filled with sex and nudity, he would have given a firm ‘no.’

This is not the case anymore.

Two shows stand out from Lecrae’s list. One is the adult-rated ‘Ozark’, which we discussed here. Not only is there tons of cursing in this series, between 20-50 F-bombs an episode and a fair amount of violence, the show is rife with sex scenes, including many graphic homosexual ones, resulting in it being rated 18+ in many countries. This is a show where less than three minutes into the very first episode, a semi-nude man receives oral sex and then starts thrusting into a woman, and the rest of the sexual content is consistent and persistent.

Another series is ‘Snowfall’ which also contains a ton of graphic sex and nudity and which Lecrae has watched through. This series has received cautions from both Common Sense Media and it’s IMBD page, who explain:

In fact, in the very first episode, within the first 5 minutes, a naked woman blows cocaine up a naked man’s backside, and then gives the man oral sex, before being joined by another woman for a threesome. In the first 5 minutes,* and Lecrae didn’t turn it off? He kept on watching after that, knowing that this was setting the pace for the rest of the movie? What sort of filth was in the rest of the 4 other seasons?

It’s almost as bad as the Senior Editor of The Gospel Coalition, Brett McCracken, shared that his Favorite TV Show Contains a Graphic Homosexual Sex Scene.

It’s shameful stuff, but Lecrae sees nothing wrong with it. In fact, he’s about to go on his “Unashamed Tour”

Time for him to revisit that song, perhaps, and the indwelling sin that he’s ceased fighting against.

  • Editor’s Note. We have not personally watched that scene from Snowfall, but two independent sources have verified that it’s there. If Lecrae can prove otherwise, we’ll take it down, but every indication is that it’s as described.


Slain in the Spirit? Pastrix Drops Bodies Left, Right and Center, Turning Service into a Human Car Crash

Mother DuPree is the pastrix of Lighthouse Fellowship Prayer Tower in Ottawa Lake Michigan. According to the church bio, “The Power of God rests on Dr. May DuPree’s life so strongly that at times saints are overcome and slain in the Spirit during the services.” Sounds like a bad time. They further note:

“….Mother DuPree’s mother recalls hearing trumpets during her birth as if the Lord was heralding the birth of someone very special...The Lord gave evidence of her calling early in her ministry when the Power of God would routinely flood the church and leave the saints enraptured, healed, delivered from evil spirits and in many cases slain under the power of God when she ministered.

Lighthouse is a place where the Power of God has free reign in the services to move on his people. Deliverance from demonic influences, habits and even lifelong addictions have been taking place by the power of God. People are being healed from diseases, back problems, blindness and in one case a woman that died on the services was raised by the prayers of the anointed servant of God.

In this case, Mother DuPree oversees a complete and total abuse of the spiritual gifts and a chaotic church service, violating the scriptures which says all things are to be done orderly. Also when we say ‘spiritual gifts’, we actually mean fleshly manifestations of bad intentions. Far from being a spiritual gift is, it is instead a demonic curse- all make believe to put on a show by a congregation riddled with self-delusion.

More bad fruit of the charismatic movement.


Court Dismisses Lawsuit Against David Platt’s Church by Former and Current Members

A Virginia county judge has dismissed a lawsuit brought against David Platt and McLean Bible Church by current and former members who accused the church leadership of violating church bylaws during an elder election last year. Because the suit was dismissed with prejudice, it cannot be refiled, but the plaintiffs do plan on appealing.

In late June 2021, a vote was taken to admit three men into eldership. In a stunning outcome, the elder candidates failed to receive the 75% majority that the church bylaw demands, which was the first time in the church’s history. Members who declined to support these candidates say they did so out of a concern that the church was becoming liberal and on the downgrade by teaching critical race theory and social justice.

Platt claimed there was a conspiracy and suggested that it was a theological coup, commenting in a sermon that “a small group of people, inside and outside this church, coordinated a divisive effort to use disinformation to persuade others to vote these men down as part of a broader effort to take control of this church.”

The church had a follow-up election several weeks later. Instead of having a secret ballot as they had the last 60 years, the leadership of McLean said members had to sign their names to the ballot, in apparent violation of their bylaws. Amidst allegations that the church declined to allow some members to vote in a vote that saw these elders approved, the concerned members filed suit.

After months of back-and-forth in the courts, the church held a special election mere days ago, and the congregation approved the six elders on the docket. In this case, the church allowed all active members to vote by secret ballot, with the dissidents saying no members who joined after June 2021 should be allowed to vote. Church leadership disagreed, and with the current congregation in tow, they won.

With the vote passing, MacLean pastor Wade Burnett says that he hopes this will put everything behind them, as “We want to move forward in unity.”


40 Abortion Businesses Stopped, More to Come: A Review by State

(Operation Rescue) Washington D.C. – After nearly 50 long years, the U.S. Supreme Court finally overturned the Roe v. Wade decision that falsely established a federal constitutional right to kill children in the womb. In the afterglow of Friday’s celebration, many are asking how the abortion industry and state legislatures are responding.

According to our own research, 40 abortion facilities have halted abortions or are no longer scheduling appointments at all since Friday. And more are scheduled to follow suit by July 24, when statutory 30-day enactment delays of abortion restrictions or bans have been fulfilled.

Expect to see a rapidly changing environment across the landscape of the U.S. in the upcoming days, weeks, and months. Some clues can be garnered from a list composed by The Susan B. Anthony List revealing states that were either poised to protect children in the womb immediately upon Roe’s overturn or are expected to do so in the coming weeks.

Twelve states protecting the lives of in utero babies immediately:  

  • Alabama – unborn children protected throughout pregnancy.
  • Arkansas – unborn children protected throughout pregnancy.
  • Kentucky – unborn children protected throughout pregnancy.
  • Louisiana – unborn children protected throughout pregnancy.
  • Missouri – unborn children protected throughout pregnancy.
  • Ohio – unborn children protected as soon as their heartbeat can be detected.
  • Oklahoma – unborn children protected throughout pregnancy.
  • South Dakota – unborn children protected throughout pregnancy.
  • Texas – unborn children protected throughout pregnancy. Pre-Roe law and Heartbeat Act are in effect; trigger law takes effect 30 days after Roe.
  • Utah – unborn children protected throughout pregnancy.
  • West Virginia – unborn children protected throughout pregnancy; pre-Roe law enforceable.
  • Wisconsin – unborn children protected throughout pregnancy; pre-Roe law enforceable.

At least eight states expected to enact pro-life protections soon:                                                                

Editro’s Note This article was written by Anne Reed and posted at Operation Rescue.


Op-Ed: ‘Make Abortion Unnecessary’ Is The Socialist Trojan Horse Of Our Time

As American Christians celebrate the death of Roe V. Wade and prayerfully petition God for the end of abortion in their respective states, evangelical leftists have begun subversive messaging to bring the Democratic Party platform into the church under the guise of the trojan horse of “making abortion “unnecessary” or “making abortion unthinkable.” Many social media messages about the Supreme Court decision from leftist evangelicals followed a typical pattern that began with a mention of the ruling and ended with a statement about making abortion unnecessary or ending the conditions that they believe cause women to want to murder their pre-born children.

Former TGC contributor Thabiti Anyabwile (AKA Ron Burns) believes that the overturning of Roe V. Wade will be a “pyrrhic victory” (a worthless or fruitless victory) if work is not done to “make abortion unthinkable” and “create conditions for women that help them escape the dreadful situation altogether.” By this, Burns means that the church must advocate for leftist policies such as increased welfare, gun control, and anything else deemed necessary to deter women from murdering their children, as if throwing money and failed socialist solutions at a heart problem will instantly make murder go away.

Egalitarian Beth Allison Barr echoed Burn’s sentiment, beginning her Twitter thread by claiming the pro-life credentials of having done pro-life work. Allison Barr didn’t offer any praise for the ruling, as she is a leftist, but instead used the opportunity to rail against the systemic oppression of women. Barr wants to stuff her “pro-life” trojan horse with egalitarianism, birth control, “believing women,” and leftist “systemic solutions.”

Karen Swallow Prior, a self-proclaimed “whole life” pro-lifer (a position more deceptive than a whole-life insurance sales pitch), wants a deluxe trojan horse that will include everything from climate care, gun control, animal rights, egalitarianism, and socialism. She isn’t shy about her desire to loot money from those who have earned it and dump it on pregnant women. Of course, everyone knows that Bible verse about redistributing wealth and giving it to pregnant women to change their hearts and win them over to the Gospel. Or was that a Democratic Party field manual on how to win votes?

Sheologian Summer Jaeger pointed out the subversiveness of the messaging. Instead of pointing women to the Gospel of Jesus, leftist evangelicals and incrementalists have substituted pragmatism for the message of the Gospel. In place of presenting the Law of God as a mirror to show women that murder is a sin and the Gospel to show them that salvation and forgiveness for that sin come through Christ alone, they want to win women over with cold hard cash. Whether that cash is obtained through redistribution within the church or government programs, money will never solve the heart problem of a wicked and depraved generation.

While they were typically more purposely vague about their understanding of what “make abortion unthinkable” means, institutionalist evangelicals were also out in force. Jen Wilkin pushed the idea that “underlying factors make abortion appear the only alternative for so many women.” After reading all of the comments about the extenuating circumstances of women in the United States that cause them to murder their children, an outside observer would certainly question the argument’s legitimacy on the basis of economics. If women in the United States, a country that ranks as one of the wealthiest countries in the world, choose to murder their children at a higher rate than most third-world countries, how would more cash and programs solve the problem?

It’s subtle, but then this theological sort of sleight of hand always is.


Charismatic Prophetess Says Heaven Smells like Pumpkin Pie and Cows Drive Around on Tractors

When Kat Kerr, our favorite pink-haired charismatic prophetess isn’t weaving an unbiblical tale of witchcraft and false theology by claiming that she has a picture of thousands of lioned-faced angels frog-marching chained demons across the sky in order to go to heaven for judgment, or that Miscarried Babies are Reincarnated For the Next Pregnancy, or even that there’s a place called ‘Jello-land’ in heaven that contains chocolate waterfalls and candy houses, claiming that certain parts of heaven smell like pumpkin pie, and that cows drive around on tractors.

Speaking to apprentice enabler Kelsey O’Malley on episode 82 of Wednesdays with Kat and Steve, Shultz asks her whether or not people can ride various dinosaurs in the afterlife.

I did have an encounter with the Father…. Just a short list of some of the places I’ve been taken to Heaven. There’s the Mountain of Spices which is mentioned in the Bible, is a literal place in heaven where it always smells like I say a pumpkin pie to me, that’s what it smells like. It smells like the fall. The leaves are always on the trees in the Mountain of Spices, but the leaves are like huge, this big.

Every purples and burgundys and oranges, the most vivid colors in heaven are in the Mountains of Spices, and every level you go up higher and higher, you smell another spice that you would probably have around in the fall. It’s an amazing place.

But that’s not else, She lists other places she’s been to, includin gone which has flowers the size of house.

I’ve been to the Valley of the Falls where I saw over 50 Falls, waterfalls the first time I was taken. But I’ve seen over 150 waterfalls, at the top of the Mountain of Spices are these fantastic waterfalls that fall 200 feet, and you ride them down. You jump into the waterfall though this is in heaven, and you ride all the way down to the bottom into the River of Life. And you go into these huge flowers, like this the size of a house, and that’s where you land. And then you swim out the flowers, down the leaves, into these beautiful pools created by the River of Life.

This is just giving you a little, tiny, mini glimpse of heaven. I’ve also been to Passionate Paradise, which is all about the love of Christ. And He will take you there if you’ve done something amazing with your life for him. He will take you Passionate paradise and sing his own song to you. And then he puts a song inside of you and you begin to sing that song, and everyone in heaven can hear you no matter where they are- this is heaven I’m talking about.

And lastly, the cows!

..But I’ve been to the Galleria, which is where a lot of the artists go, every form of paint, they paint the sky with liquid paint, and it remains. Everyone who is an artist or who wants to learn to be an artist, you actually can go there and get classes from people who have that gift of art.

There’s also of course the Art Barn, where the kids go, and the cows drive the tractors, this is heaven. They also have the flower concerts, with the flowers all come together and sing.

And so all these are things that exist in heaven to give you a little glimpse of what’s there. Of course, there’s the roller coaster, the (rush in?) heaven that goes through the sky, not on a track-under the Crystal Sea. You can breathe the water. Even fish can fly in the sky- I’m talking about flying fish. So no matter what you think of the Earth, there’s no way your mind can consider some of these beautiful, amazing things that are in heaven…

Lest you think no one cares about her wild ravings and mad ramblings, her videos typically run between 80-200k views, with hundreds and thousands of supportive comments. She’s not the fringe of continuationism, she’s mainstream.


Children Watch on as Seattle Pride Event Featured Naked Men on Bikes+ ‘Clothing Optional’ Water Fountain Party

Pride parades are never just tame events where mild-mannered men and women march in to show their support for the so-called “gay-community”- as if a community can ever be formed on the basis of perverted sexual proclivities, but rather they are marked by garish self-indulgence, overt displays of abusive excess, and extravagant hedonism.

One striking fact that is never discussed is the amount of nudity that tends to happen at these events, where not only is the whole affair marred by a blanket of sexual overtones, but it is frequently explicit. In many parades, adult men will walk around nude, fully exposed, dancing away with their members exposed for the world to see, including in front of the copious amount of children that bad parents bring to these events.

This was no more true at the Seattle Pride Parade this weekend, which featured several nude cyclists driving around as part of the parade, as well as a clothing-optional water fountain party, all while hundreds of children looked on.

According to Post Millennial Reporter Katie Daviscourt: “I asked these officers about the nudity in front of children and they said it is permissible under the city’s indecent exposure laws. Someone that feels threatened would have to file a report in order for them to take action.” She has video on her feed but given the are so explicit, we’re not sharing them, except for this edited snippet:

Something similar happened at the Toronto Pride Parade, where men and women just walked around nude, seeming for the hell of it.

Behold the fruit of the LGBTQQIP2SAA movement.


A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church. Album 47

The forty-seventh album in our series showing our brothers and sisters in Christ gathering for church service as faithful believers.

While going to church does not make one a believer, refusing to faithfully attend a local church should seriously call that faith into question. This is a glimpse of what the global church is up to, and will feature images in chronological order, week to week, of the men and women being obedient to the scriptures. As always, click to enlarge.

For previous albums Album #1Album #2, Album #3 Album #4 Album #5 Album #6 Album #7 Album #8 Album #9 Album #10 Album #11 Album #12 Album #13 Album #14 Album #15 Album #16 Album #17 Album #18 Album #19 Album #20 Album #21 Album #22 Album #23 Album #24 Album #25 Album #26 Album #27 Album #28 Album #29 Album #30 Album #31 Album #32 Album #33 Album #34 Album #35 Album #36 Album #37 Album #38 Album #39 Album #40 Album #41 Album #42 Album #43 Album #44 Album #45 Album #46

For our multi-volume series showing the progression of the Church worldwide experiencing the lockdown and pandemic, from March 2020- July 2021, click here.


Crisis Pregnancy Center Set on Fire by Pro-Choice Terrorists

In what will prove to be just one in a long line of attacks on churches and crisis pregnancy centers, Life Choices Pregnancy Medical Center in Longmont, Colorado, was attacked and set on fire and vandalized yesterday morning, with the building sustaining fire and heavy smoke damage.

Along with the attempts to burn down the building, the arsonists spray-painted the threat “If abortions aren’t safe, neither are you,” which is the slogan of the far-left extremist group Jane’s Revenge as part of their “Night of Rage” mantra.

Similarly, Blue Ridge Pregnancy Center in Virginia was also damaged and vandalized, with the culprits smashing windows and spray painting similar slogans on the building.

Jane’s Revenge is a militant terror group formed immediately following the May 2022 SCOTUS leak and has claimed responsibility for a host of firebombing and acts of violence across the country, mainly targeting crisis pregnancy centers. The name is believed to come from the Jane Collective, an underground movement providing illegal abortions to women in Chicago in the 1970s before abortion was legalized.

News Op-Ed

Statement on the Disqualification of JD Hall

The following statement is to announce the removal of pastor JD Hall from ministerial association with Protestia.

Update. The church has provided a statement. Please pray for wisdom for the church leadership as the continue to practice church discipline, as well as for all those hurt by Jordan’s actions.

Published June 27, 2022 by FBC Leadership

During the several days following an incident that took place Sunday June 5th, 2022, it came to the attention of church leadership of Fellowship Baptist Church of Sidney, MT that our lead pastor, Jordan Hall, had fallen into a dependency upon prescription alprazolam (Xanax), characterized by use that exceeded his prescribed dosage. As a result, Pastor Hall tendered his resignation from the pastorate shortly thereafter on June 8th, under the assumption that he had become disqualified from eldership as detailed in 1 Timothy 3.

In a subsequent business meeting, the church body voted to accept his resignation from his role as pastor and elder at Fellowship Baptist Church.

This resignation, however, was distinct from an earlier resignation that was tendered on May 14th, 2022, due to an incident in which Pastor Hall had been arrested and charged with a DUI after failing a field sobriety test during a routine traffic stop. Due to the testimony of Pastor Hall regarding a known vitamin deficiency that he insisted was to blame for his lack of coordination, the church had voted unanimously to reject his resignation, believing that the situation did not disqualify him from the pastorate.

The church decided, instead, to insist that Pastor Hall submit to a minimum 3-month sabbatical to address his physical health issues. The results of a toxicology screening requested by law enforcement were pending (the results of the screening are still outstanding at the time of this writing), and the church agreed to revisit his qualification if the report found problematic substances in his system, but no member vocalized any suspicion of drug abuse.

If the church had been aware at that point of Mr. Hall’s prescription drug abuse, the decision regarding his tendered resignation would likely have been different. However, we believe that we acted appropriately given the information we had at the time.

Mr. Hall and his family are now being ministered to by church leadership. Through the application of church discipline as prescribed in Matthew 18, we are exhorting him to seek professional treatment and work toward the restoration of his mind and body, and the reconciliation of his relationships with God and family.

Your prayers for the Hall family along with wisdom regarding this situation as it unfolds, are coveted.


Leadership of Fellowship Baptist Church, Sidney MT

Earlier this week, the team at Protestia received allegations of serious sin committed by our brother JD Hall. After correspondence with leadership at Fellowship Baptist Church, we learned that JD was determined by the church to have disqualified himself from pastoral ministry, had resigned from the pastorate, and submitted himself to a process of church discipline. Due to JD’s removal from pastoral ministry, we likewise have removed him from ministry with Protestia.

While the church’s decision to accept JD’s resignation from pastoral ministry leaves us no choice but to consider the allegations against him to be credible, we are unable to determine their truth with certainty and therefore cannot speak to all of the specifics of the accusations lest we be guilty of gossip.

As Protestia is a ministry comprised of believers from across North America, we rely on our local churches to exercise the biblical process of church discipline in the lives of our writers and team. We defer to the judgment of men God has placed in positions of local church authority, and a determination of disqualification from ministry for any of our team will result in removal from this ministry as well.

This is heartbreaking news for the Protestia team, and we pray for wisdom and courage for the leadership of FBC Sidney as they follow the process of church discipline with the goal of repentance, reconciliation, and restoration to fellowship for JD. Similarly, we are praying for his family during this trying time. In accordance with our commitment to transparency and impartiality, we will continue to stay apprised of further developments.

Effective immediately, the following changes will take place:

  • Protestia will cease to be a ministry of Fellowship Baptist Church in Sidney, Montana. This decision was made both by the church and the team at Protestia, and not because of any disagreement between us and the church.
  • JD Hall’s writings and work on this site will be removed, but archived and available if needed for reference.
  • The Polemics Report podcast will cease but will be replaced soon with a companion podcast/video ministry.

Please pray for all involved as we seek clarity and endeavor to shepherd this important ministry going forward.