
Bye Bye Demons? Charismatic Revivalist Casts out ‘Mermaid Spirit’ From Small Child

Daniel Adams is the founder of The Supernatural Life which bills itself as “a national and international movement that birthed through Daniel Adams on YouTube” that believes in “showing people how to do the same supernatural works Jesus did while here on earth and pushing them into their God-given destinies!”

At a recent revivalist event, he encountered a young girl who allegedly had a demon inside her needing to be exorcised. After talking to her, Adams ‘discovers’ she has a ‘Mermaid Spirit’ that she got from watching ‘scary mermaid videos on YouTube and as a result, could not speak.

It’s unsurprising that he’d label it that, as nothing makes a charismatic happier than being able to name a newly-discovered demon after some zoon animal. We’ll add this one to the long list of ones we’ve been told that Christians ought to be wary and on guard for, including the ‘merman spirit’, an ‘octopus spirit’, the ‘wild-ass spirit’ and our personal favorite, the ‘sneaky squid spirit‘ that Dr. Michael Brown so vociferously defends.

Adams then gives the verbal cue so the girl pretending to be demon-possessed at the instruction of her spiritually abusive parents know when to act as if the spirit has come and gone casts out the demon, causing it to flee, to the cheers of all involved.

h/t to Shawn of Revealing Truth


Awkward! Church Hosts ‘Drag Queen Story Time’- But the Kids Don’t Want to Come Forward

Silver Spire United Church in Canada is quite possibly the most LGBTQIAWOMXZGFDUR&$^@ church on earth. Meticulously assembled by Lucifer himself and seemingly populated exclusively by lesbians and effeminate men, it’s entirely possible that anyone not ready to proudly shout their pronouns would burn up instantly upon entry into the sanctuary. The church is not only affirming of every sexual perversion invented by man and devil alike, but every indication is that its constant pervasiveness and promotion of it would exhaust all but the most strident of believers.

It’s under these auspicious settings that the church hosted a Drag Queen Story Time during their June 5, 2022 service, which is their third story hour in the last 12 months. During the service, the drag queens ask any children to come forwards….but none of them do. They and the pastrix spend a few minutes awkwardly trying to cajole a couple of kids into joining them at the front, but it’s not happening. Eventually, a manchild and a few other adults come to the front and the queens seem to resign themselves to reading gay story books to adults until a lone mother brings her small child to the front, granting them a meager audience.

Bonus. Enjoy their rendition of this queer hymn by Unitarian Universalist Adam Tice, which is sure to be the next ‘Amazing Grace’ or A Mighty Fortress”

Quirky, queer, and wonderful

Quirky, queer, and wonderful, distinct, unique, and odd… all of our humanity reveals the face of God.

No “normal” can encompass or comprehend the range of all the kinds of people that God created strange!

From Jesus we learn riddles; he said the last are first. He tweaked received religion with role that he reversed.

To Peter, God presented untouchable cuisine and said “Do not call dirty what I declare is clean.”

In Christ the false divisions of gender, class, and race, can never separate us from God’s abundant grace.

The many parts that form us each serve a different role. In Christ, we are one body, made holy, good, and whole. —Adam M. L. Tice, 2015


Arch-Heretic Sid Roth Starring in Animated Show About His Biblical Adventures

“What if I did a cartoon series for children that would teach the invisible world, the supernatural?” Sid Roth

NAR grandpappy Sid Roth is continually up to no good. When he’s not recounting wacky tales of Charismatic gaucherie or platforming every wild-eyed charismatic with a prophecy, a potion, or a ploy to push, he’s telling tall tales about how he saw a kid starting flying around the room during a revival, claiming he can convert Jews to the faith with 95% success rate, and praising a revivalist who punched a baby and then threw it against a wall to heal it. This is all the while being vigorously defended and praised by wormsy men like Dr. Michael Brown.

To combat the transmischief from Disney, Sid Roth announced he is releasing an animated children’s series that he’ll star in. The premise of the show is straightforward: using some mystical glasses that will transport characters to ancient Jerusalem, Roth will be a first-century tour guide, teaching stories from the bible from his own outlandish perspective. He explains in the promo materialB

“With your help, we are developing Supernatural Sid, an animated Bible series to teach children how to have an intimate experiential knowledge of God. They will not only learn to explore the greatest life-changing stories in the Bible, but they will understand how to walk in the supernatural of God and operate in the gifts of the Spirit to win every battle they face!

Given his track record, we couldn’t think of anything worse.


Charlie Kirk, TPUSA Host ‘Pastors Summit’ Headlined by Atheist

Turning Point USA, an American nonprofit organization founded by Charlie Kirk that advocates for conservative values on high school, college, and university campuses, is hosting its first annual Pastors Summit, and atheist James A Lindsay is headlining it.

Lindsay is perhaps best known for being “part of the trio of left-wing academics that published several intentionally absurd papers in leading scholarly journals in what has become known as ‘The Grievance Studies Affair’ including a paper that claimed to address rape culture by monitoring dog-humping incidents at parks in Portland, Oregon. He’s also been a fierce critic of woke culture and the adoption of critical race theory in the church and the SBC. He’s been promoted by Tom Ascol Founders Ministries, Michael O’Fallon of Sovereign Nations, and even Albert Mohler of SBTS.

Despite being frequently lauded by conservatives, he is an avowed atheist, writing in his books Dot Dot Dot and Everybody is Wrong about God:”

My claim here is that “God” is an abstract notion, not a real one, and whatever real-world utility that idea has, it certainly is not an active agent that causes or does things in the universe. The “God” that we often hear about is a conflation of the abstract with the numinous, the numinous with the real, and then a personification of the ideal on top of that.”

Theism means belief in the existence of gods or, especially, the God of the major monotheistic religions, and it is time that we put these superstitions away.”

According to the promo material for the event. :

“Pastors who attend this retreat will hear from incredible guest speakers, receive first-class training, and participate in a series of networking events with Faith and political leaders from across the nation. Following the summit, you’ll return to your congregation energized and equipped to boldly stand for liberty and The Kingdom.

Along with the atheist are a host of pastors of a very outwardly political stripe, conservative and political talking heads, motivational speakers, and a Christian lawyer for a conservative law firm that litigated high-profile cases.

News Op-Ed SBC

The SBC Has Been Assimilated for Years

On the first official day of the 2022 Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting in Anaheim, pastors and church members from all over the United States who spent thousands of dollars to travel to Southern California were greeted with a jolting reminder: Rick Warren and his army of church growth drones still own the SBC, and the cancer of doctrinal compromise has spread to every part of the Body.

The Invasion of Pragmatism

Since the early 2000s and the explosion of the Purpose Driven Life, evangelical churches have been overrun with Warren copycats, each new character utilizing the same basic lost person pleasing recipe for church, albeit with a slightly different take on the formula. We’ve seen hip deconstructionists, potty-mouthed and sex-obsessed “tough” guys, and prosperity gospel-lite, music-driven international “ministries” – all utilizing some form of Warren’s metrics-driven salesmanship.

Those who came up in the church during the last 20 years or so might be forgiven for not realizing the impact Warren’s customer-focused methodology has had on Evangelicalism. While Saddleback Church is officially affiliated with the SBC, its biggest contribution to the Convention has been the viral spread of seeker sensitivity and the postmodern subjectivity essential to its propagation. This man-focused methodology has taken over the Evangelical church and spawned a long list of symptomatically related movements – the now-integrated emergent church, #churchtoo feminism, and the infiltration of social justice/Critical Race Theory all owe their presence in the church (at least in part) to the worldly capitulation that seeker sensitivity unapologetically promotes as the essence of Gospel ministry.

Warren’s Druckerite brand of evangelism – which in the name of numerical success has made common cause with every fad of false doctrine including contemplative mysticism, fad diets, globalism, naked ecumenicism, and excusing homosexuality – has only one guiding principle, which is to give the lost world exactly what its wicked and depraved heart wants. Warren preaches a false gospel complete with an ignoring of sin and a Jesus who is merely an alternative method for achieving self-actualization and a better life. His best-selling book (which he brags is right up there with the Bible in popularity) presents his false gospel this way:

Right now, God is inviting you to live for his glory by fulfilling the purposes he made you for.

Real life begins by committing yourself completely to Jesus Christ. If you are not sure you have done this, all you need to do is receive and believe. Will you accept God’s offer?

Wherever you are reading this, I invite you to bow your head and quietly whisper the prayer that will change your eternity: ‘Jesus, I believe in you and I receive you.’ Go ahead. If you sincerely meant that prayer, congratulations! Welcome to the family of God!

A “gospel” absent the existence of sinful culpability and the need for repentance fills pews with lost people, or at best infantile believers “tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes” (Eph 4:14).

Credentials Don’t Matter

Last year’s motion, referred to the Credentials Committee entitled, To break fellowship with Saddleback Church was adjudicated not by scripture, but by a (misapplied) application of the Baptist Faith and Message 2000, which states in Article VI:

While both men and women are gifted for service in the church, the office of pastor is limited to men as qualified by Scripture.

The Credentials Committee returned the following to the 2022 Convention:

 It is the unanimous opinion of the Credentials Committee that the majority of Southern Baptists hold to the belief that the function of lead pastor, elder, bishop, or overseer is limited to men as qualified by Scripture and that this was the intended definition of “office of pastor” as stated in Article VI of the Baptist Faith & Message 2000.

The Credentials Committee has found little information evidencing the Convention’s beliefs regarding the use of the “title of pastor” for staff positions with different responsibility and authority than that of the lead pastor. For this reason, the Credentials Committee makes the following report and recommendation:

Report: The Credentials Committee reports to the Southern Baptist Convention during its June 14-15, 2022, annual meeting, that pursuant to SBC Bylaw 8 and SBC Constitution Article III, that it is unable to form an opinion regarding the relationship of Saddleback Church to the Southern Baptist Convention, until clarity is provided regarding the use of the title “pastor” for staff positions with different responsibility and authority than that of the lead pastor. Therefore, the Credentials Committee makes the following recommendation:

Recommendation: The Credentials Committee recommends that the Southern Baptist Convention during its June 14-15, 2022, annual meeting in Anaheim, California, form a study committee, the members of which shall be appointed by the President, to report to the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting, June 13-14, 2023, in New Orleans, Louisiana, a recommendation providing clarity regarding the “office of pastor” as stated in the Baptist Faith & Message Article VI, The Church, given the many different offices within Baptist churches which include “pastor” in the title, though often with very different responsibilities and authority.

Noticing the editorial addition of the “lead” qualifier, messengers audibly and procedurally pushed back. Still, the Committee followed through with their recommendation to “study” what “office of pastor” means in light of the multitude of extra-biblical interpretations in use by present-day churches.

While it is common to see SBC churches employ functional female pastors by simply referring to them as “directors” or “ministers” and not allowing them to preach (the function without the title), Saddleback used the reverse approach – namely calling their ordained women “pastors” while claiming the title wasn’t indicative of the function. Language – like the meaning behind it – is simply a tool to be leveraged for numerical growth, and Warren realized he could please egalitarians by using the term “pastor” while placating complementarians by reassuring them that the word didn’t carry the traditional biblical meaning.

The Last Insult

While we argued that Ed Litton parading his suit-coated female worship pastor director to lead the convention in Dominionist-lite and sin-censoring music was his last insult as SBC president, he had one more in the form of “extending a courtesy” to Rick Warren, who spent six uninterrupted minutes insulting and lecturing the Convention. While Warren spent the bulk of his time “not defending himself” by listing all of the numerically superior accomplishments he achieved while building his church (versus the lesser accomplishments of the SBC seminaries everyone is fighting over), he argued that women “pastors” was not worth dividing over.

The fact that for decades the false gospel-driven growth propagated by Warren and his customers/clones changed nearly everything about their churches seemed largely unknown to the messengers, many of whom offered Warren a standing ovation after he lied to and insulted them for six straight minutes. This was distinct from the knee-bending platformers like Litton, who ostensibly understand what Warren represents and can’t afford to care. They owe their full but doctrinally ignorant pews to the marketing innovations infused into the church by Warren and his ilk, and Ed Litton stood compliant behind the main microphone audibly affirming Warren as he lied over and over.

The Proof Was in the Pews

Warren’s horrifyingly narcissistic list of lies was bad enough, but the fact that so many in the convention hall clapped in agreement and stood to their feet to laud the Purpose-driven Pope was a watershed moment. It demonstrated beyond any doubt that the most involved and invested Southern Baptist church members are largely ignorant about the single biggest reason the SBC shrugged off the conservative resurgence and continued the downgrade, and are entirely unequipped to have a doctrinally-informed conversation, much less fight the liberalism that will soon render their denomination unrecognizable.

Yes, conservative leaders within the SBC have proven entirely impotent – incapable of calling men like Akin, Barber, and McKissic out for the wolves they clearly are, never mind woke charismatics like Matt Chandler or worldly compromisers like John Piper. They are as likely to attack polemics/discernment ministries as “divisive” when we say the things their respectability won’t permit. And they continually wonder why the invested SBCers (often ignorantly) side with the Platform and conservative pastors who secretly read Protestia won’t rally to their side. They are incapable of understanding that we are called to make every man a liar if necessary to obey God, and this means not breaking bread with His enemies – even when they show up at our conferences.

Most tellingly for the demise of the SBC, the unbiblical, infantile, and cowardly infection has reached stage 4 within the pews, and faithful believers must not be yoked with any of the likely lost people who offered Rick Warren praise.

It is too late to fight alongside these conservative leaders or on their charitable terms. The only remaining option is to break these institutions and re-form new ones, and it must take the form of not sending SBC leadership another dime. Leave these institutions, the ERLC, and the now-fully woke Executive Committee to the goats and focus on your local church. Fund missionaries directly – away from the woke demands of NAMB or the IMB. Plant churches that will stay open in obedience to Christ, willing to face down Caesar in obedience to the Lord. Protect your people and their faithful giving from the hands of men willing to debate truths God’s Word settled long ago. Do not listen to the woke compromisers who are frantically gaslighting, claiming conservatism, and “welcoming” you (and your funding) to stay under their big tent.

Shake the dust off your feet and never return.


SBC Woman Reportedly Paid $1.5 Million for Having 12 Year-Long Affair with Married Man

Several months ago, the SBC Executive Committee, in a rare move, issued a personal apology to Ms. Jennifer Lyell for failing to “adequately listen, protect and care” for her after she came forward with allegations of sexual abuse by her professor, as well as acknowledging the “unintentional harm” they caused her by not correctly reporting her case and framing what happened to her in a blameworthy and distressing manner, resulting in a confidential monetary settlement to Lyell.

By way of backstory, a couple of years ago, Lyell, then a Vice President at Lifeway Christian Resources, admitted to being involved in a sexual relationship with Southern Baptist Theological Seminary professor David Sills for over a decade. She claimed that it resulted from him ‘grooming’ her while enrolled in a missions class at the seminary in 2004 when she was 26 years old, ending 12 years later when she was 38 and having long moved on. She says that he “sexually acted” against her, but never details much more than that, or what the grooming looked like over the course of their relationship, particularly when they were away from each other for months at a time. Once their affair was revealed, however, it resulted in his swift termination and public disgrace.

The Baptist Press, overseen by the Southern Baptist Convention’s Executive Committee, reported on the story but framed their involvement as a “morally inappropriate relationship” (repeating her words) with her former professor. Outrage ensued, and the paper eventually apologized and retracted the offending article, but not before supposedly damaging her reputation, on account of readers decrying her as ‘an adulteress,’ among other things.

In March 2019, Lyell would write:

“So that day when I shared what had happened to me with my boss at LifeWay and then later with SBTS President, Dr. R. Albert Mohler, I was quick to also share the responsibility I bore for being compliant at times, for not telling immediately, and for so idolizing the idea of a whole family that I protected it despite what was happening within it. I am not a sinless victim. But I am a victim nonetheless.”

A year later, she would seemingly walk back any suggestion that she was guilty of any sin for the relationship, explaining in an update that just because she was ‘compliant’, it did not mean their relationship was ‘consensual.’

As her understanding of her role in the whole affair continued to evolve, she also appeared to dispel the notion that there was any sin on her part for which she ought to apologize, supposing that she was and remains a complete, guiltless victim in every sense of the word, sharing the same culpability of a 4-year-old being, molested by her step-father.

The SBC Committee ultimately agreed with her victim status, with their release framing the 12 years together as one long incident of “nonconsensual sexual abuse” between adults.

Of course, there are questions. Peter Lumpkins asks in his own 2019 article:

“Assuming a unilateral manipulative, exploitative, wrongful beginning (“grooming”) of the relationship by the perverted professor, at what point does a 12-year voluntary but illicit sexual relationship between two grown adults, at times, miles apart, cease to be a unilaterally manipulative, exploitative, and wrongful relationship? Or does it? Are we to understand that a 38-year-old woman who is having a sexual relationship with a married man, and does so at long distances, is doing so because she is trapped in a sexual abuse scandal in which she cannot escape?”

Listen to Lyell’s words again, words she wrote to describe the fiasco not words Baptist Press used to describe the relationship:

“But a family relationship did develop. Over the years I spent weekends with them, my holidays with them, became an “aunt” to their grandchildren, and their grown children became like siblings to me. It looked idyllic on the surface. Except the pattern of inappropriate sexual activity continued throughout the relationship (emphasis added)

Lyell said she spent weekends with the family; enjoyed holidays with them; and became very close to their grandchildren. Apparently, Lyell must have been close to Mrs. Sills during this time. Friends. Except for one qualifying factor that made it different–Lyell continued the pattern of “inappropriate sexual activity” with her friend’s husband.

…More problematic still is the notion that the definition of ‘nonconsensual sexual abuse’ has now been broadened to include voluntary sexual affairs by two consenting adults. It’s true that powerful people in authoritative positions can exploit, manipulate, and deceive others into an initially unwanted relationship. Granted. No one is suggesting otherwise, and we rightly condemn it when it undeniably takes place.

However, to argue that an illicit relationship between two adults that started by devious exploitation of one over the other while the other was under the manipulative person’s authority but continued on years later after no such authority was present, remains morally absurd.”

Not according to the SBC leadership.

Despite the Sexual Abuse Task Force dedicating approximately 35 of its 288 pages to Lyell’s story and the circumstances surrounding it, repeatedly castigating Sills not as an “alleged abuser” but a definite, for sure, unequivocal “abuser,” what was not mentioned was that Lyell received massive payouts for her trouble and that there’s no real corroborating evidence for those claims. In Megan Basham’s investigative report, she reveals:

Executive committee sources who agreed to speak with me anonymously say that the SBC’s insurance agency did not want to settle with Lyell, believing she did not have a strong case. But already facing bad press over Denhollander’s conference comments, committee members feared further fallout from dragging the issue out. In May 2020, the same sources say the committee paid Lyell just over $1 million, thinking that would be the end of the matter. It wasn’t.

We can reveal that the initial payout was authorized by Ronnie Floyd, who was president of the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee at the time, but that was just the first payment. Later on, she reportedly received an additional settlement that is estimated to be between $500,000 and $700,000, according to former Executive Committee member Rod Martin, who also revealed that at least one of the payments was covered by insurance, but the other may not have been.

Basham goes on to detail how claims that the relationship between Sills and Lyell was not so one-sided as Guidepost and her defenses have made it out to be- this manipulative machiavellian hellscape- by demonstrating that her version of events wasn’t corroborated in any meaningful sense, finding friends and acquaintances of Sills who call into question her characterization of him and the relationship, and all the while questioning some of the factual details. (Lyell says she reported Sills to the Jefferson Town Authorities, but the department said they were not able to “locate anything on either Sills or Lyell in their system.”)

Despite making Sills out to be the quintessential abuser of the SATF, the article concludes by suggesting there is no basis for this assertion, and that Guidepost’s reputation for thoroughness leaves much to be wanting.

Perhaps the most significant reason Guidepost investigators did not find evidence to suggest Sills was not an abuser was simply because they didn’t ask him. Sills, who has declined all requests to speak to the media, relayed through an intermediary that, as far as he knows, Guidepost never tried to contact him

While Lyell’s allegations have resulted in numerous stories that portray her sympathetically, Guidepost’s assertions of Sills’ guilt have now led to reports that claim he not only committed crimes, but confessed to them. For example, Religion News Service reporter Bob Smietana incorrectly reported on May 27, “[Sills] resigned in 2018 after admitting to abusing a former student.”

Sills relayed through intermediaries that he has never admitted to sexual violence or assault, yet because his name is associated with abuse rather than simply infidelity, he has been unemployable in his field.


Awesome! Denomination Codifies ‘Homosexual Sex as Sin’ in its Declaration of Faith, Becoming Part of Confession

In a move, we’d like to see more churches and denominations adopt, as it is a primary gospel issue, the 200,000-member Christian Reformed Church denomination voted during their annual synod two days ago to elevate their opposition to homosexuality into becoming part of their confession; their very declaration of faith. The motion passed 131-45.

The move is a clawing back by conservatives within the church concerned about liberalism creeping into their colleges and congregations, where most of the battles are being fought and lost. In 2016, a previous synod voted to form a “study committee” designed to report on all things related to biblical sexuality.

Called the Human Sexuality Report, it ended up listing all the aberrations that the church will not stand for and for which they find intolerable, such as “adultery, premarital sex, extra-marital sex, polyamory, pornography, and homosexual sex” and the drawing structures around that. It declares:

“The church must warn its members that those who refuse to repent of these sins—as well as of idolatry, greed, and other such sins—will not inherit the kingdom of God. It must discipline those who refuse to repent of such sins for the sake of their souls.”

Now the law of the land, some are furious with the statement, resulting in the pure, white-hot rage of several students and teachers attending their flagship academic institution: Calvin University. The school has been the epicenter of tension and dissent for years, having already given itself to an incredible level of wokeness and grifters. Of chief example is this school promo which has students and profs declaring how racist they are and how much they need to repent of it or the fact that they allowed an openly loud and proud gay Student Body President last year.

Much like the conservative resurgence within the SBC of the 1980s, this move will likely serve to expel the vast majorities of liberals, who will like refuse to bend to this supposed “anti-gay” agenda, and will fight tooth and nail to remain on, setting the school up for a civil war.

One such teacher who is against the new amendment is Elisha Marr, an associate professor of sociology at Calvin who’s been teaching there for 13 years. She’s the gay-affirming Head of the University’s Gender and Sexuality Studies and has a non-binary daughter. In an interview with Fox17 she reveals:

“I know of people who have already left over this, a number of people who’ve already left over this. I know students who have left over this. I feel like at a Christian institution, I shouldn’t have to choose about how to fully and wholeheartedly care for other people.”

I love bringing my faith into the classroom, and I love that I can talk about it, and I love that I can share it. This is the place for me. I’m devastated that I feel like I have to make a choice now.

I can’t continue to be a part of that, and so I really, I’m just going to go back this summer and this fall and just advocate for the ability to continue to care for students, because regardless of whatever happens, we have to put their interests first.”


Former SBC President James Merrit Says After Recent Convention, He’s SURE there’s No Drift

Former President of the Southern Baptist Convention James Merrit continues to disbelieve his lying eyes, claiming that even despite the clown show that was the 2022 SBC annual meeting, with the two conservatives running for power getting crushed in the polls, to the Resolution Committee dismissing a resolution to abolish abortion in favor of a watered-down statement that does nothing but praises their own pathetic efforts, to the Credentials Committee refusing to remove Rick Warren’s church from the books for having open women pastors, because the SBC they can’t be sure what the word ‘pastor” means, that there is no drift whatever.

You’ll recall that 7 months ago Merrit retweeted a sermon from his son and encouraged his thousands of followers to listen to it, commending it as both “brilliant” and “faithful to the gospel. The sermon was, in fact, terrible. The fact that his son is a “Side A” Sodomite who took it for the ringing endorsement it was intended to be and retweeted it to his own 70k followers made matters all the worse, yet Merritt refused to walk back his words of praise and admiration but rather doubled down.

Now, he’s claiming that with liberal Barber at the helm, the SBC is going in the right direction, dismissing suggestions to the contrary.

To his meager credit, Merritt is surprisingly scrappy and will frequently engage his critics on his social media, usually with a cutting dismissal. This is no exception, and he went on to refute further claims of drift and liberalizing



Woke TGC Contributor Suggests Mary Taught Jesus The Sermon On The Mount

Mika Edmondson is a frequent Gospel Coalition contributor and the lead pastor of the Koinonia” campus of Christ Presbyterian Church in Nashville, which is part of the conservative PCA. He is the husband of Christina Edmonson, who is the “scholar in residence” at his church and who is also part of the Truth’s Table podcast- a ‘Christian” talk show which she co-hosts with pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ pastrix known for her sermon about the queerness of the Trinity

During a panel discussion on “Race And Justice” last year for the Q Ideas conference, Edmondson insists that “Christian men must sit at the feet of Christian women” and suggests that Jesus’s Sermon On The Mount was primarily inspired by, if not directly taught by, his mother Mary.”

I went to Johannesburg, South Africa…The pastor that was there that was helping to host us, he drove us from the airport…I noticed this large hill in the distance, and it had a completely flat top. He said, “You see that hill?” And I said, “Yeah.” He said that’s not a natural thing, that’s a man-made hill. That’s a mine dump where they would take material from the diamond trade and they would just dump it from this particular area.

I said, “Oh, wow.” He said, “But you know why it’s put right here?” I said, “Why?” He said the reason this mine dump is here is because the township of Soweto is on the other side. And the white South Africans, when they were coming into Johannesburg, did not want to look at the township on the other side. And so the mine dump keeps them from having to reckon with the human cost of their oppressive system.

And I would suggest that a lot of theology is like that mine dump. A lot of theology is constructed in such a way that it keeps us from having to reckon with the human cost of injustice, particularly racial injustice in America.

We have a theology that has comfortably co-existed with 250 years of chattel slavery, with Jim Crow, with the lynching tree, with segregation, with mass incarceration, with any number of things that you can name.

And you say, “Well, how can that be?” Well, it’s a theology that was deliberately constructed to be blind in certain places. So we say, why is it that the church is behind on issues of race? It’s because the theology is working as designed. And what that means is we need another theology, a biblical theology that actually tells us the truth and allows us to see the township.

It’s amazing that Jesus, when he was born, would [sic] chose to be born in a township.

So this issue is a big issue. It causes for us to listen to one another. Christian men must listen, they must sit at the feet of Christian women, because when they read the Bible and when the Lord speaks to them, they’re gonna see some things that we as men would not see. It’s significant that the first Bible teacher that Jesus had was his mother. That’s significant, right? I mean, we don’t hear much about Joseph’s Bible teaching to Jesus. But the Magnificat, Mary’s song she sang in praise to God, the themes of the Magnificat is [sic] coming all out on the Sermon On The Mount. And you say, “Wait, where did he get that?” Well, Jesus got that from his mother, who the Father used to speak to the Son.

Editor’s Note. h/t to WokePtreacherTV, who also provided the transcript.


ERLC President Draws Cheers, Clapping For Saying the SBC Will Not Support Punishing Women Who Kill Their Babies

The Southern Baptist Convention’s ERLC really HATES abortion abolition. They despise everything about it- from the demands that abortion is made illegal without exception, to the insistence that all persons receive equal justice under the law, to the suggestion that women who take their babies to an abortionist ghoul in order to receive the sanitized equivalent of three swift kicks to their soft skulls and then a curb stomp to squish the brains out, really are murderers.

Their denial of this base reality is nauseating, as is their insistence that women who pay their boyfriends to drown their three-year-olds should be punished, but women who pay their abortion doctors to drown their three months old in their own blood should never, ever be punished or even entertain the hint of some form of consequence.

“It’s the abortion doctor, he’s the guilty one. The women who drove over and paid him to snip the spine, spin their brains, and then vacuum out the blood and bones? They might have a bit of moral culpability, maybe a smidge, but certainly no legal culpability. God forbid!”

During the 2022 annual meeting, not only did newly elected SBC President Bart Barber and the Resolution Committee squash a true resolution to abolish abortion in committee and instead replaced it with a watered-down one that does not treat abortion as murder but instead is rife with wishy-washy sentiments while praising the ERLC- the same ERLC that helped to stop a legislative bill in Louisiana that would have abolished abortion completely.

Even a cursory examination of the two resolutions will show just how shallow and soft the SBC has become. The fact that their resolution was adopted over the abolitionist one is a damning indictment against them.

In response to the passing of the resolution, ERLC president Brent Leatherwood was happy as can be, telling the messengers:

Here’s the reality. You’re not going to get me to say that I want to throw mothers behind bars. That’s not the view of this entity. That is not the view of this convention. It is not the view of the pro-life movement. That was proven yet again today.

I believe the same principles that Jesus used in John 4 and John 8 apply right here. Maybe instead of rushing in like a mob, we instead rush in with the truth given to us by the author of life showing we are able to bear the burdens of others and offer the healing that comes with grace, just as has been poured out for us.

h/t Dissenter