Uh Oh. ‘The Chosen’ TV Show To Be Translated into 600 Languages

The blockbuster TV show The Chosen is set to be dubbed into 100 new languages and subtitled into 500 more, designed to expand its reach worldwide, according to a new group formed to further that end, which will “allow 95% of the people worldwide to experience The Chosen in their own, heart language.”
The Come and See foundation has been “established by a group of passionate believers and experienced professionals to come alongside The Chosen to grow its reach and impact globally” Their goal is to “provide resources, technology, ministry connections and expertise to help The Chosen reach its goal of having a billion people experience an authentic Jesus through this series and related content.”
Their first order of business has seen them launch a new app, which lets users watch all three seasons for free. They also have “extensive relationships around the world with ministry partners who will be able to assist in getting The Chosen in places that traditional distribution channel partners do not pursue.”
While we haven’t written about The Chosen much, we have written about its creator, Dallas Jenkins, who does not understand the gospel and has steadfastly insisted that Mormons are Christians, despite having a different Jesus and a completely different gospel.
so…. scientology basically
While Jenkins’ understanding of Mormonism is obviously biblically flawed, his show does not deal in any way with the Mormon religion and is a powerful and valuable instrument in reaching the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The fact it is gaining a wider distribution is something every Christian should be giving thanks for 🙂
Season three has Jesus saying “I am the Law.” That phrase is never found in the Bible, but it is found in the Book of Mormon
at the end of the first season they had Nicodemus saying things that are not in the Bible that would open up the possibility of latter-day prophets, which of course would be appreciated by mormons, and then in the third season they had Jesus saying things that came from The Book of Mormon and not from the Bible.
Some might think these are minor things in the bigger picture. However, the point of all of it, and the point of the Mormons supporting this to such an extreme extent, is to try to convince large portions of the population that they believe in Jesus in this Earthly Ministry just like Christians do, and there is no difference in that regard. However, that is complete deceit. Their beliefs are very different from christianity. The story taken out of the Bible of His earthly ministry is the same since they include the King James version, but they say it has been completely corrupted. This gives them license to change the meaning of everything that is written according to the current day profit and the profits of their church that came before the current one.