
Worship Leader Gives Most Specific, Passive-Aggressive Prayer Ever

Holy Cross Catholic Church in Vero Beach, Florida, had a cantor give an oddly specific, passive aggressive prayer during mass, highlighting what seemed were his own personal irritants and pet peeves, as part of the time of corporate read and response, taking the congregation to task for stealing xerox paper, using tax loopholes to get disability benefits, cheating at golf and hoarding toilet paper.

From the sense of blind entitlement some people seem to have, Lord have mercy.

From a blind judgmental attitude over other people’s appearance or dress, Christ have mercy.

For the times our sharp political divide blinded our call to care for each other, Christ have mercy.

When people use loopholes to take advantage of disability benefits, Christ have mercy.

From a blind attitude over the theft of work Xerox paper for personal use, Lord have mercy.

When we attempted to jump the line or skirt the rules to get a vaccine, Lord have mercy.

From a lack of courtesy, especially for the elderly, Lord have mercy.

From a lack of humility or lack of patience, Christ have mercy.

From a temptation to cheat at golf tournaments by not reporting strokes or by a foot wedge, Christ have mercy.

From a blind attitude during COVID of not wearing masks or hoarding toilet paper, Christ have mercy.

For the times we lacked respect for God in church with distracted talking, Lord have mercy.

We are tempted to gossip or be engaged in incessant griping, Lord have mercy.

When we are blind to racism in all its colors, Lord have mercy.

For the times we blame the church as an excuse for not participating, Christ have mercy.

From the attitude that it is okay to double bill or not show up for doctor appointments, Christ have mercy.

When we become annoyed that someone is sitting in my pew or think the homily is too long, Christ have mercy.


Prominent SBC Pastor Advocates For Abortion in Cases of Rape and Incest

Prominent SBC pastor Dwight McKissic, a progressive denominational gadfly who continually advocates for female pastors, endorsed Hillary Clinton for president, and has repeated supported the practice and implementation of Critical Race Theory, threatening to leave the Southern Baptist Convention if they make a formal resolution denouncing it from the convention floor, has come out as functionally pro-choice by stating that legally speaking, women should be able to murder their babies in the womb in cases of rape or incest.

Of course McKissic would likely quibble with that designation, saying something along the lines that he is personally pro-life and doesn’t want women to abort in those cases, only that they should legally be allowed. That sounds nice until you realize that what he want to be legally allowed is using chemicals and curettes to slice up babies and turn their bodies into little pink slurries of blood and bone, scraped into the trash or incinerator.

In the same way that he would never accept carved out exceptions for plantation owners to keep slaves- such as the slaver insisting he must have them in order to stave off crushing poverty and economic collapse, so too much we reject his reasons. These exceptions are abhorrent and should be roundly condemned, along with McKissic, who has gotten more honest and outed himself for what he truly believes.


A Comprehensive Guide to States That Banned Abortion+ Loopholes and Exceptions

LifeSiteNews) – The Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade, and states across the U.S. are now moving rapidly to enforce the strictest pro-life laws in generations, sending Democrats and the abortion industry scrambling to keep abortion legal on-demand wherever they can.

As of Wednesday evening, laws in at least seven states have taken effect criminalizing abortion throughout pregnancy with virtually no exemptions. Several other states have sharply restricted the murder of unborn children within their borders, and 10 or more are set to enforce bans in the coming days and weeks following the Supreme Court’s landmark ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization on Friday.

UPDATES – Thursday, June 30:

  • Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich has announced that he will enforce Arizona’s total abortion ban.
  • A Kentucky judge has temporarily paused the state’s trigger law.
  • campaign in Michigan to enshrine abortion up to the moment of birth in the Michigan Constitution says it has enough signatures to get the issue on the ballot in November.
  • Planned Parenthood of Tennessee and North Mississippi has totally halted abortions as of Tuesday.

Check the guide below for comprehensive information about where each state currently stands on abortion in post-Roe America.

ALABAMA – Ban throughout pregnancy

As of Friday, abortion is illegal at all stages of pregnancy in Alabama with few exceptions. A federal court lifted an injunction on the state’s near-total abortion ban enacted in 2019, Attorney General Steve Marshall announced within hours of the Dobbs ruling.

Penalties: The 2019 law, known as the Human Life Protection Act, makes performing an abortion a Class A felony that can result in life imprisonment.

Exceptions: The law allows exceptions when “necessary in order to prevent a serious health risk to the unborn child’s mother” or for fatal fetal anomalies. Alabama has another 1951 pre-Roe ban on the books that outlaws abortion except to preserve a mother’s life or health.

Impact: The last three abortion facilities in Alabama halted all procedures Friday.

ARIZONA – Ban throughout pregnancy

Arizona has an enjoined pre-Roe law from 1901 that bans abortion throughout pregnancy with penalties of up to five years in prison for anyone who aborts a woman’s baby or helps her to do so. The only exception is when an abortion would be “necessary to save [the mother’s] life.”

In effect: Gov. Doug Ducey has said that he will move to implement a 15-week ban that he signed in March and that takes effect in September. But Attorney General Mark Brnovich announced Wednesday that the pre-Roe law is enforceable, and he said it doesn’t conflict with the more recent ban.

Brnovich added that he’ll seek the removal of the injunction placed on the law in 1973, the Associated Press reported.

Eugenic abortion ban: The Republican attorney general has indicated that another pro-life law enacted last year that prohibits abortions due to race, sex, or non-lethal genetic abnormality may also take effect with Roe out of the way. That law, SB 1457, makes performing a eugenic and race- or sex-selective abortion a Class 3 felony except in a “medical emergency” necessitating an immediate abortion to avoid the mother’s death or serious, permanent injury, based on a physician’s “good faith clinical judgment.”

Fetal personhood: It also contains a provision declaring unborn babies legal persons “at every stage of development” and granting them “all rights, privileges and immunities available to other persons, citizens and residents of this state, subject only the Constitution of the United States” and constitutional decisions of the Supreme Court.

A federal judge blocked part of SB 1457 last year but declined halt the fetal personhood provision, according to the Associated Press.

Impact: Planned Parenthood of Arizona and other abortion businesses in the state have stopped abortions.

ARKANSAS – Ban throughout pregnancy

Abortion is illegal throughout pregnancy in Arkansas.

A 2019 trigger law came into effect after Attorney General Leslie Rutledge certified on Friday that the Supreme Court had struck down Roe, the Arkansas Democrat Gazette reported. “None of us thought today would come in our lifetimes,” Rutledge said Friday.

Penalties: Anyone other than the mother who performs or attempts to perform an abortion will now face felony charges, fines of up to $100,000, and up to 10 years in prison.

Exceptions: The trigger law allows exceptions only when “necessary to preserve the life of a pregnant woman whose life is endangered by a physical disorder, physical illness, or physical injury.”

Impact: In response to the trigger law, Planned Parenthood Great Plains has completely halted abortions in the…

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Raymond Wolfe and published at Life Site News


Wild Bible Twist as Pastor Says God is Pro-Choice: ‘Choose Ye This Day Whom You Will Serve’

Pastor Mike Thomas of Radiant Covenant Church in Renton, Washington, is a woke pastor overseeing a woke church. We say this because we featured him before after he issued an imprecatory prayer over Trump supporters who attended the rally at Capitol Hill, publicly praying for their death and that God justly smites them off the face of the earth. He did this with a BLM fist sign featured prominently and garishly behind the pulpit, and the church’s recommended reading list includes James Cone, Ibram X. Kendi, Jemar Tisby, and Willie James Jennings.

In a new video, he offers perhaps the worst bible reading uttered out loud, calling God ‘pro-choice because He told the Israelites: “Choose ye this day whom you will serve“. Furthermore, Thomas claims in the same way that God did not legislate morality to the Israelites in the Old Testament (Ed. Note. Even though the whole book of Leviticus is about that), so too should the government should not legislate morality to us.

My heart is praying for all the women of America today. Unless you’re under a rock, you are fully aware of the overturning by the Supreme Court of Roe versus Wade. Again, I say my prayers are for the women of America today.

I’m grateful to know that the god we serve is not a single-issue savior. Amen. The god we serve is not a single-issue savior. God is not a donkey, he’s not an elephant. How many of y’all know he is the lamb that was slain? Amen.

And you all, it’s a perplex [sic] issue. The reality is we cannot only be concerned about the unborn and then not be concerned about their life after birth. Can I talk to some real people?

I submit to you that my Bible teaches me, Isaiah, that God is pro-life. He says I’ve come that you may have life and have it more abundantly.

But if I could rock your theological noodle, I submit to you that my Bible teaches me that God is pro-choice, also. How can you say that? He said, “Choose ye this day whom you will serve.” The Old Testament says, “I have set before you life and death. Therefore,” I’m not gonna legislate the answer for you. “Therefore, choose life, that both you,” oh, I wish I had some Bible readers in the building, “you and your descendants may live.”

And so you all, as we pray as we process so much going on in our world, I just want to encourage us to just stop and think. There are a lot of gatherings happening today. It’s a shame, Chris, you can’t even just assume. You’ve got to compartmentalize your church from somebody else’s. You can’t even assume that we all on the same page. Can I talk to some real people?

And there are some churches today that’s celebrating this.
There are churches that are lamenting this. And I would just want to say, I think before the church does any kind of victory lap, I want to encourage us as the body of Christ to walk in humility, to be teachable, to be patient, to double-check what are we really celebrating today, and how is it impacting others.

h/t to WokePreacherTV for the clip and transcript.


Woke Podcast Promotes ‘The Enneagram for Black Liberation’ + Reclaim it from ‘Whiteness’

The Truth’s Table, led by Christina Edmondson and Ekimini Uwan, is promoting a new book on their Twitter account, the curiously titled The Enneagram for Black Liberation (Return to Who You Are Beneath the Armor You Carry) by Chichi Agorom, who is an Enneagram teacher.

The ‘Table’ was said to be “built by Black women and for Black women,” and they described their podcast as “women who love truth and seek it out wherever it leads us. We share our perspectives on politics, race, culture, entertainment, and gender, which are filtered through an accessible yet robust Christian theological framework interspersed with hearty cackles and cathartic tears.”

No mere personality test, Israel Fouche has a nice write-up where he explains where we get it from:

“It was first introduced to the Catholic community around the 1970s through people like Robert Ochs who taught it at the Jesuit School of Theology in Chicago. Ochs learned it from Claudio Naranjo at the Esalen Institute which existed to teach alternative education through the merging of western and eastern philosophy.

It was at Esalen where Noranjo took the Enneagram teachings of Oscar Ichazo and merged them with western psychology. Noranjo was taught the Enneagram by Ichazo when he visited Santiago, Chile with a group of around 50. Ichazo was an occultist who practiced esoteric spirituality and also practiced Zen, Sufism, the Kabbalah and the teachings of Georges I. Gurdjieff (the Father of the Enneagram). Ichazo spent years in the East studying the higher yogas, Buddhism, Confucianism, alchemy, and I Ching and after himself spending a reported 7 days in a state of ecstasy decided to start a school to teach what he had learned and established the “Arica institute” where Noranjo studied the Enneagram.

Ichazo taught that every person is born a pure “essence” but between the age of 4 and 6 choose one of 9 personalities (the Enneagram). He taught that to return to one’s essence you have to act opposite to your personality’s ego through special practices such as meditation or the Buddhist Mudras. Ichazo claimed to have been taught the connection between personality and the Enneagram while in a trance under the influence of Archangel Gabriel, the “Green Qu’Tub Spirit” or Metatron. Some of the training at the Arica institute was to prepare you to connect to your “Green Qu’Tub Spirit” (Sufi mystical term for spiritual master)”

In short, it’s some thoroughly occultic, demonic, new-age magik trash that no Christian should have anything to do with. It has nothing to do with Christianity, nothing to offer or teach Christianity, and is fit to be burned for the pagan heap of bovine scatology that it, no matter how much Russell Moore or TGC Contributors praise and defend it.

According to Agorom’s book, even the demonic spiritual practice is infested by white supremacy, and it’s her job to shuck it off, giving blackfolk the straight new age truth unencumbered by whiteness.

“The Enneagram is an ancient system of human development that shows us the limiting stories that keep us stuck in unhelpful patterns and invites us into more expansive stories. For too long, conversations about the Enneagram and its personality types have been centered on and by whiteness. In The Enneagram for Black Liberation, certified Enneagram teacher and trained psychotherapist Chichi Agorom reclaims the Enneagram as a powerful tool for Black women to rediscover our wholeness and worth that existed long before systems of supremacy told us we weren’t enough.

Wholeness work is justice work. Centering freedom, ease, and rest for Black women, Agorom invites each of us to claim the Enneagram as our tool for resilience-building in the continued fight for liberation.

Bonus quote, from her appearance on the new age Life as Spiritual Practice podcast:

(Because of the Enneagram) It’s been a really wonderful and freeing experience to reconnect to the wisdom of my body and to find the divine within that has been a powerful part of the part of my journey with the Enneagram.


Pope Francis Gives Abortion Queen Nancy Pelosi Communion, Defying Her Bishop

Last month, in a rare showing that the Roman Catholic Church, led by the insufferably heretical Pope Francis, is not just a bloated corpse of Mariology and malaise, American Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, who leads the archdiocese of San Francisco where Pelosi attends mass, announced that she would be subsequently barred from taking the eucharist on account of her rabidly pro-abortion ways, which are considered known mortal sins within the Roman Catholic faith.

At the time, he explained that a “Catholic legislator who supports procured abortion, after knowing the teaching of the Church, commits a manifestly grave sin which is a cause of most serious scandal to others” and told her:

“You are not to present yourself for Holy Communion and, should you do so, you are not to be admitted to Holy Communion until such time as you publicly repudiate your advocacy for the legitimacy of abortion and confess and receive absolution of this grave sin in the sacrament of Penance.

But Francis doesn’t care. He’s on record saying, “I Have Never Refused the Eucharist to Anyone,” and has expressly thwarted the instruction of Cordileone who is acting according to the Catholic Catechism, ultimately sending a message to Pelosi not to listen to her archbishop and to keep on her crooked path.

After all, the decrepit pontiff, whose theology makes the Banquet of Chestnuts feel like a holy gathering in comparison, has consistently affirmed that Joe Biden is a “good catholic” who he would not refuse communion, despite the President’s septuagenarian penchant for baby blood, so why would Pelosi be any different?

Pelosi met with him before the service, received a personal blessing, and then received communion during a papal Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica, designed to mark the feasts of St. Peter and St. Paul. She was sitting in the VIP diplomatic seating, so there was no missing her as just another face in the crowd.


Street Preacher Arrested at Gay Pride Parade For Preaching, Bible Ripped and Thrown in Porta-Potty

Street preacher Matthew Meinecke was arrested by Seattle police on Sunday and charged with obstruction because he failed to stop reading his Bible at a public park at the Seattle Gay Pride parade, causing multiple complaints and leading to his arrest.

Meinecke, who goes by ‘The Seattle Preacher’, said that he was peacefully reading from the book of Matthew, causing activist to harass him and scream and bark in his face. Eventually around ten police officers surrounded him and arrested him, with officers telling him:

Police: So at this point we can no longer stand by. The risk that you pose for public safety by remaining here can be mitigated if you leave, it’s your last chance…alright let’s (arrest him.)

Meinecke: I don’t want to leave because I’m not in danger.

Meinecke was taken to the police station, where he was fingerprinted and eventually released after he was able to post bond. Yesterday at his hearing, the Seattle City Attorney declined to file obstruction charges against him. This is the Pride Parade where grown men danced around naked in front of children, with Meinecke commenting that nude men were walking around not 200 feet from him, but because no one was complaining, law enforcement did not bother them.

During the same weekend, he also had parade-goers take his Bible from him and rip out pages from it, kicking it around before one girl tossed it into a porta-potty. The preacher called it a hate crime and lamented that they would never have done it with a Quran.

Meineke says he may request body cam footage and file a complaint .


Never Forget: Bethel Church Promoted Prophetic Uno Cards

Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, led by Chief Prophet Kris Valloton under the watchful eye of Bill Johnson, is a place where all things ‘woo-woo’ tends happens and where they experiment with all sort of spiritual novelties, such as that time Bethel church kids went on a Satanic Treasure Hunt.

We don’t put much stock in the school as a whole, however, given that on multiple occasions Bethel Church Shuts Down their ‘School of Supernatural Ministry’ Due to COVID Fears, along with shutting down their ‘healing rooms’ but every now and then something surprises us.

In this case, as part of our ‘Wayback Wednesdays’ where we highlight sketchy spirituality of yesterday for our new readers, we wanted to call back to 2019, when Bethel jumped into the deep end of the divination card industry by peddling “Prophetic UNO cards.”

No joke.

The Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry School Planting Facebook page included a description of “Prophetic UNO” which seems designed to teach the students there how to ‘prophecy’.

“Grab some UNO cards (a few of each color) and place them in the middle of the group. Have your students take turns going around in the circle turning over the next card. Follow the instructions (below) as to what to do with that particular card. This exercise is best with groups of 6-8 students.”

RED – you give a prophetic word to the person on your left about their financial situation.

GREEN – you give a prophetic word to the person on your right about their relationship with someone close to them

YELLOW – you choose who to give a prophetic word to in the group about their career/employment/job

DRAW 2 – give any 2 people in the group a prophetic word about their identity

WILD CARD – choose whether you give a prophetic word to someone about their destiny or choose someone to give you one about your destiny.

This is basically another form of Tarot, and it’s this occultism that is being taught to students and sent out to churches across the world.


The Gospel Coalition Urges Not to Celebrate, But to Empathize With Pro-Abortion Mothers Amid SCOTUS Decision

(The Dissenter) If you want to find the kind of luke-warm Christianity God detests—like the church in Sardis that God said he would vomit from his presence—look no further than The Gospel Coalition. Amid the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade which ended 50 years of the guaranteed right to murder innocent children in the womb, Evangelical leaders are urging Christians to temper their celebration.

For the last several years, Big Eva (the “Big Evangelical” industrial complex) leaders have spent the better part of their time trying to convince us that voting Democrat is a morally acceptable choice given the “fact” that conservatives “couldn’t do anything about abortion anyways.” Thankfully, that argument has been exposed for the fraudulent lie that it was and those trying to convince us of its truth now have nothing left to convince us that Republicans and Democrats are just the same.

So now they have one option left—try to convince us that overturning Roe v. Wade is not worth celebrating and that in the midst of this “terrible tragedy” for some women, we should empathize with them and “understand their pain.”

In The Gospel Coalition’s latest attempt at derailing your biblical worldview, in an article titled After Roe, Choose Compassion over Culture War, the author starts out by recalling when, as a teenager, he and his girlfriend found out that she was pregnant, and recalling the fear and uncertainty they faced at the time. The author then recalled being offered a “way out” by the doctor, and from there, he jumps into a diatribe against Christians who celebrate life.

Playing on the emotions of the weaker vessel (1 Peter 3:7), the author, James Forsyth, attempts to convince us that it is normal for scared women, teenagers, and those in uncomfortable and unprepared situations to see abortion as a viable option to an unexpected pregnancy. And this is where Forsyth calls on Christians not to celebrate the fact that

To continue reading, click here:

Editor’s note. This article was written by Jeff Maples and published at The Dissenter.


USA’s Largest Lutheran Denomination Blasts SCOTUS for ‘Praying Coach’ Ruling, Overturning Roe

The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, (ELCA) has naturally come out swinging against all things good and godly, blasting the recent Supreme Court ruling that determined that football coach Joseph Kennedy has the constitutional right to pray on the field after his team’s games. In a message sent by their official advocacy arm (think the ERLC in about 15 years) they explain that they would be joining with the even more reprobate United Church of Christ in “submitting a brief supporting a different outcome.”

No surprise, as these two denominations can be likened cities of Sodom and Gomorrah for the number of righteous people you’ll be able to find within these theological hellscapes.

Keeping on brand as a stand in for the Eighth son of Sceva, ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaten explains:

“Pregnant persons have moral agency; they are the ones to make decisions about a pregnancy. This church and its ministers trust them to decide but expect them to make such decisions in relationship—with God, self, partner, family, ministers and others.

A developing life does not have an exclusive right to be born This church does not support abortion as a normative form of birth control but rather understands it as necessary in some morally responsible circumstances. This church does not condone late-term abortions except in extreme circumstances, which must be determined by the individual with their medical caregivers.”

What say you, PCUSA?