Nominees: The Worst Christian of 2022

(Pulpit and Pen) Who out there, among the professing, has had the most deleterious effect on the health of the body of Christ in the year 2022? Using a number of criteria Pulpit & Pen has identified a list of nominees from a pool of eligible individuals (obvious charlatans and the theologically heterodox* were not included for consideration).  In 2021, Beth Moore claimed the title of Pulpit & Pen’s “Worst Christian” of the year, beating out Ed Litton, Russell Moore, James Merritt, and Dhati Lewis.  This year, Moore is not among the nominees, instead, there are a few new faces. 

Who is the worst Christian of 2022? The Nominees are as follows:

The nominee will be sent a large trophy, informing them of their ignoble victory.

This article was written by Seth Dunn and originally posted at Pulpit & Pen

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10 thoughts on “Nominees: The Worst Christian of 2022

  1. Rick Warren. That man has ruined so many churches with his “40 Days” business model that so many pastors used to develop their own “mega church” complete with high salary and asking the world what church should be. The result? Satan was shown an open door and look at the American Church a little over 30 years later. His efforts all caused the dumbing down of so many people when churches used to teach the Bible (which you actually brought with you – I know – shock horror!) and instill in our youth the greatness and lovingkindness of God as He told us to do in the Old Testament many times. We are no different than the times of Joshua before his death. Israel turned from God in one generation. Look around you. It all started just a bit over 30 years ago.

    1. I meant we were no different than what Joshua told Israel to do before his death. Joshua dies and Israel turned away in one generation because the stories and commandments weren’t passed down to the children in each generation.

  2. Jamal Bryant swept in to snatch the “pot”. It was a “blazing” victory at 4:20. His smoking idea on church “planting” was really hazing at first, but we can see the forest despite the “burning trees”.

    Mike Todd and his props have to be in the running.

  3. JD, I guess you have no control over advertising. On this same page is an AD for a documentary film on “Mother Teresa No Greater Love.” As you know, she was never a Christian.

  4. I vote for JD Hall. The stalwart defender of Biblical values and conservative politics who turned out to be little more than an embezzling, wife-and-child-abusing drug addict.

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