VeggieTales Creator Phil Vischer Criticizes Conservative Network for Not Featuring LBGTQ Characters in Films

VeggieTales co-creator Phil Vischer spent nearly 30 minutes on episode 537 of the Holy Post discussing Candace Cameron Bure’s move to the new Great American Family network (GAF). Bure, a professing Christian, was one of the biggest stars on the Hallmark Channel featured in over two dozen films. She left Hallmark on account of their shift to feature same-sex couples and love stories, writing that she “wanted to promote faith programming and good family entertainment” and “I think that Great American Family will keep traditional marriage at the core.”
After taking a swipe at folks who don’t want to see movies with LBGTQ characters in them as people whose “comfort food is Cracker Barrel, and they just want a Christmas movie that feels like it was made in the 50s” Skye Jethani says it’s an “overreaction” on the part of GAF to not feature LBGTQ character in central or even non-central roles.
Vischer agrees.
Vischer: If you’re trying to create, if you’re trying to present a world where certain classes of people do not exist, I’m pretty uncomfortable with that…my fear is that GAF, Great American Family, is going so far as to erase the existence of sexual or gender minorities, which I don’t think is beneficial at all to society, to just say, ‘hey, these people don’t exist in this world. So join us in this world where the people you don’t like don’t exist.’
Taylor: Well, and they might be successful with that model. I mean, there really is a- half our nation views things differently than the other half of our nation. So.
Vischer: Right, well, it’s red TV and blue TV. In blue TV everyone is a minority. In red TV no one is a minority unless they’re my funny friend that only comes over once in a while and doesn’t bring their boyfriend with them.
h/t WPC
Pedophiles, thieves, murderers, and rapists exist too. I don’t want to sit down with my family to watch shows that promote sin. Phil Vischer isn’t even pretending to be a halfway decent human being anymore. (And Bure was too neutral, if anything. I respect her stance but it’s not like she drew a line in the sand.)
To be expected, since Vischer has essentially rejected the Creator, that underlies his reprobate thinking. He does not see it as wicked abominable sin according to God’s Word, but rather as a product of Evolution according to darwinism. Yet even in that context, his arguments are still nonsensical. The theory of Evolution demands that none of any species are born perfect. If any where, then there would logically be no such thing as a beneficial mutation. The process of evolution would halt. Sociopaths are born with the desire to murder, for one example. So the conclusion might be that he believes abominable, sexual, degenerate perversion is a beneficial mutation, when it clearly is not. But the reality is that he just approves of, revels in, supports, and delights in all manner of perverted wickedness.
In short, He’s gone. Another tree bearing bad fruit that will be hewn down and cast into the fire. Another fake and fraud. He obviously never was a born again Christian to begin with. He needs to rename his podcast to the Unholy Post.
Should’ve said “when it clearly wouldn’t be were the theory of big-E Evolution true” – it is a bunch of nonsensical hooey.
Of course their theory that there is a nearly infinite spectrum of acceptable “genders” is also in direct conflict with their theory of Evolution, which would demand that at least some such “genders” were more beneficial than others, to be naturally selected in order to necessitate positive evolution.
Some, understanding this problem to a degree, then say, well since perfection is the goal of Evolution, there could logically only be one beneficial “gender” with all the rest of the spectrum being detrimental to that perfect end. So they then promote Androgyny in supposed perfect balance, the likes of Baphomet, and are now, as we speak, attempting to manufacture such abominations in surgical arenas throughout the west. Yet that, of course, would also conflict with the notion of natural selection, since there is nothing remotely natural about what they’re doing.
Romans 1 describes it far better than we could, as does 2 Thess. 2, Jude, first half of 1 John 3, and many other passages.
And of course, Androgyny would also severely limit the selective process of natural selection, by eliminating selectivity involving reproduction.
Which, then, would all but destroy their own arguments in favor of murdering babies in the womb.
On and on and on. One could thresh out their insane dissonant, reprobate, delusional “reasoning” from now to the end of days.
The proliferation of individuals claiming Christ while working to advance behavior God abhors is nothing less than shocking. Surely, the end is near.
This guy gets way to much airtime on this site. He’s not a Christian, and his opinion matters not one jot or tittle to a sincere believer.
Shut him down, please. He’s probably enjoying the notoriety and free advertising.