
Former ‘AND Campaign’ Chief Strategist Proposes Act of Congress to Make Abortion Federally Legal

Former AND Campaign chief strategist Michael Wear, a progressive Democrat activist who was President Obama’s campaign strategist and who has been featured on The Gospel Coalition and written for the ERLC, has written an article titled “This is How To End Abortion Politics as We’ve Known It” 

In the post, he suggests that in light of the toxicity from Roe v. Wade being overturned (after 50 years and with 63 million babies dead) a compromise is in order to keep the Republic from killing each other, noting: “What would be healthier for our politics is for Congress to ask the extremes to accept something they don’t like, as a change from the current tact of asking the majority in the middle to choose between two extremes.”

The law hasn’t been overturned for two weeks, and already Wear is suggesting a “sustainable compromise” on the ability of states to make baby butchery the law of the land again, proposing:

“… a federal ban on abortion post-viability with exceptions for the life of the mother, rape and incest (the ceiling); the legalization of abortion up to a certain early-stage in a pregnancy (somewhere, perhaps, between eight-fifteen weeks, depending on the makeup of the coalition to support such a bill; the floor); the codification of the Hyde Amendment; the codification of robust conscience clause protections; a prohibition of federal laws overriding state restrictions on abortion as proposed by the WHPA; and a mandate that states ensure reasonable access to a safe abortion provider.”

Put another way, the leader of the supposedly pro-life organization wants to make it impossible for any state to abolish abortion. Instead, every state must make baby-murder legal for cases of rape and incest up to birth and between 9 and 15 weeks for everyone else. He’s proposing this to “provide a framework that makes the post-Dobbs, post-Roe landscape sustainable, objectionable to activists on both sides, but too delicate to upset.”

Call us crazy, but we don’t want a compromise that is objectionable to us. We want a landscape where those who are trying to kill the babies are perpetually wailing and gnashing their teeth on account of being unable to execute their grotesque, Mephistophelean plots. We want a landscape where every day they weep bitter, resentful tears that they can’t kill the babies, and Wear here is seeking to codify child-butchery for all the citizenry? Is this a joke?

Specifically, he wants this done because “such a deal could place abortion in our politics where it is in the politics of most European nations—sometimes a second or third-tier issue, but never an issue around which their politics revolves.”

Right. Because the state-sanctioned murder of millions of babies should be a “third-tier issue.” Wear would never allow this in cases of child sex abuse, where all states must allow sexual abuse of children to be legal, but only up to six years old. He would never allow this for slavery, where people have a right to enslave people in all 50 states, but cannot own more than 8-15 at a time. He’d fully and forcefully repudiate that. But killing babies? That should be reduced to the same importance and consideration as arcane tax breaks or specific trade policies and tariffs, apparently.

Wear concludes that one of the reasons why the American public has so identified with Biden as a person is because he has “poignantly described how the issue has bedeviled him” and that “Speaker Pelosi (who has similarly wrestled with the issue of abortion throughout her career) (Editor’s Note. No she hasn’t) could transition our nation into a new era.” free of the encumbrances of this divisive issue.

Editors Note. This article originally stated that Wear is the chief strategist for the AND Campaign, based on his biography on his website, but new information indicates that he is the former chief strategist. This article has been updated accordingly.


Only 3% of Christian Missionaries Focus on the ‘Unreached’ Across the Globe: Report

(Christian Headlines) A new report found that just three percent of Christian missionaries worldwide focus on “unreached” people, meaning people who have never heard of the Gospel of Jesus Christ or been to church.

According to The Traveling Team data cited by global evangelism ministry East-West, there are about 400,000 Christian missionaries worldwide. Among them, only 3.3 percent are focused on “unreached people groups,” otherwise identified as UPG.

“When we say unreached, we’re not just talking about lostness; we’re talking about access. Unreached means that they don’t even have access to hear the Gospel. There’s no church, no Christian, no Bible available … God has not just commanded us to make the Gospel known among as many people as possible. He has commanded us to make the Gospel known among all the peoples,” said pastor David Platt of McClean Bible Church in Washington D.C., according to a blog posted to East-West’s website.

The Joshua Project, an organization that tracks evangelism efforts across the globe, states that people groups are categorized as unreached when less than 2 percent of those identify as evangelical Christian and less than 5 percent adhere to any form of Christianity

Additionally, UPG resources noted…to continue reading, click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Milton Quintanilla and published at Christian Headlines


Canadian Armed Forces Considering Booting all Chaplains Who Teach Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life

Three months ago, Canada’s Minister of National Defense’s Advisory Panel presented a report for the Canadian military. The goal, according to thinktank Cardus was to “provide recommendations on how to eliminate systemic racism and discrimination from the Department of National Defense and the Canadian Armed Forces DND/CAF)”

Their results were stunning, recommending that any chaplains who believe that Jesus is the only way to heaven should not be hired by the military, nor any pastors or reverends who are not openly pro-LGBTQ, on account of the discriminatory and exclusionary nature of these religious truth claims. According to the Canadian Armed Forces panel, chaplains are:

“responsible for fostering the spiritual, religious, and pastoral care of Canadian Armed Forces members and their families, regardless of religious affiliation, practice, and/or belief. They have an open attitude and promote diversity within the Canadian Armed Forces by providing an environment that is caring and compassionate

…It is necessary as well to recognize that, for some Canadians, religion can be a source of suffering and generational trauma. This is especially true for many lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and two-spirited members of Canadian society…

They continue in shocking fashion.

…Another important point is that, at present, some chaplains represent or are affiliated with organized religions whose beliefs are not synonymous with those of a diverse and inclusive workplace. Some of the affiliated religions of these chaplains do not subscribe to an open attitude and the promotion of diversity.

For example, some churches’ exclusion of women from their priesthoods violates principles of equality and social justice, as do sexist notions embedded in their religious dogmas.

In addition, certain faiths have strict tenets requiring conversion of those they deem to be “pagan,” or who belong to polytheistic religions.

These faiths’ dogmas and practices conflict with the commitment of the Defense Team to value equality and inclusivity at every level of the workplace.

As a result, given that these parameters exclude any actual Christians, the board concludes with their recommendations:

  • 6.1 Do not consider for employment as spiritual guides or multi-faith representatives Chaplaincy applicants affiliated with religious groups whose values are not aligned with those of the Defense Team. The Defense Team’s message, otherwise, is inconsistent.

Pray for Canada.


Pope Francis Explains Why He Gave Communion to Pro-Abortion Nancy Pelosi

Last month, in a rare showing that the Roman Catholic Church, led by the insufferably heretical Pope Francis, is not just a bloated corpse of Mariology and malaise, American Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, who leads the archdiocese of San Francisco where Pelosi attends mass, announced that she would be subsequently barred from taking the eucharist on account of her rabidly pro-abortion ways, which are considered known mortal sins within the Roman Catholic faith.

At the time, he explained that a “Catholic legislator who supports procured abortion, after knowing the teaching of the Church, commits a manifestly grave sin which is a cause of most serious scandal to others” and told her:

“You are not to present yourself for Holy Communion and, should you do so, you are not to be admitted to Holy Communion until such time as you publicly repudiate your advocacy for the legitimacy of abortion and confess and receive absolution of this grave sin in the sacrament of Penance.

But Francis doesn’t care. He’s on record saying, “I Have Never Refused the Eucharist to Anyone,” and has expressly thwarted the instruction of Cordileone who is acting according to the Catholic Catechism, ultimately sending a message to Pelosi not to listen to her archbishop and to keep on her crooked path.

Last week while visiting the Vatican, Nancy Pelosi met with the Pope briefly and then soon after was given communion, despite her lamentable wickedness and openly repudiating Roman Catholic teachings for years, functioning as a living emblem of what openly defying ones church looks like. She’s not Roman Catholic by their standards and should have been excommunicated decades ago, but Francis doesn’t care.

In an hour and a half interview with Reuters, where he also denied plans to retire soon and where he was asked why he gave her communion, Francis condemned the actions of her archbishop, saying:

“When the Church loses its pastoral nature, when a bishop loses his pastoral nature, it causes a political problem. That’s all I can say.”

This is stuff for the aging commie, who has been busy affirming the faith of Joe Biden and saying he would never refuse him communion, instituting ‘vaccine ‘passports’ at Vatican City, endorsing civil unions for gay couples, hating on anti-maskers and those urging caution at taking the COVID vaccine and releasing his most outrageously blasphemous statement.


Need a New Arm? Charismatic Prophetess Reveals How to Access the ‘Body Parts Room’ In Heaven

When our favorite pink-haired charismatic “prophetess” Kat Kerr isn’t commanding 100 million angels to guard the RNC or making a fool of herself trying to control the weather, she’s recounting all the mysteries she’s learned during her thousands of trips to heaven. Such a celebrated celestial tourist has naturally made other charismatics inquisitive about what the afterlife is like, what Jesus, God and the angels are up to, and what sort of mystical revelations she’s been given to bring back to the mere mortals on earth.

It was on this occasion that chief-enabler Steve Shultz, who oversees a litany of crazy-as-a-rat-in-a-coffee-can malcontent prophets at the Elijah List, (whom incidentally, not a one predicted the overturning of Roe v. Wade) asked Kat on Episode 68 of Wednesdays with Kat and Steve if it were true that there is a ‘body parts room’ in heaven where God gets the legs and arms that he heals with from. She confirms there are, and that she’s ‘literally’ seen angels deliver them.

Shultz: I’ve heard Kat say several times that there are body parts in heaven. My question is, how do we pray for these body parts to be given to our loved ones in ourselves that need them? If there’s a right arm, is that right arm For Steve one day that’s gonna need it, or is that right arm for anyone that’s going to need a right arm? How does that work?

I think that whatever body parts are you are lacking or that aren’t working properly. I have seen- I didn’t know that arms were designated with certain people. However, I was in a service where an angel came down with a gift box and walked through a man who was due for heart surgery. He walked in that man’s body and left a new heart in that man’s body. That was a service we had at at New Life Christian Fellowship, where they had like three hours of worship.

And after the three hours of worship, there was this big crack and the staircase literally came down from heaven into the sanctuary, and angels begin to run down with all these boxes. Because at the point, I heard this loud crack, nobody else heard the crack but me. They always have you sit on the front row with a sketch pad so I could sketch anything I was seeing in the spirit realm. That’s a really awesome journal and sketch pad I have.

That is a wild story so far. We would give anything to see that journal. Anything.

Then our pastor said, shout out what you need from Jesus right now. Right now we’ve seeded the heavenlies with our worship, with the declarations right now, yell out what you want. And this man yells out, ‘I want a new heart’.

And the angels begin running down with all these gift boxes. So your body part comes in a gift box people. (Shultz: Woooow) Right through you with it, and it’s put right in the place it needs to be. It will be just the size you need to match the rest of your body. I know that part. I know that happens.”

…And I just know 100 And some years into the future… there’ll be a point in that time when they empty the body parts warehouse because nobody will need body parts after this time of glory on the earth.

We don’t doubt that she was the only person who heard the sound and saw the staircase. She says that after the incident, a doctor who was about to do surgery on the man took x-rays and was amazed that his heart was healed and healthy. She concludes:

Let’s just say my sister, you know, her arm is damaged or is not working right, I stand in the gap for her…that her arm will be restored or you’ll give her a brand new one. However you desire to do that….that’s a declaration…and what happens is.. that requisition you just gave will go to the body parts warehouse, it will be sent to the back. They’ll take that arm, put it in a gift box. And I know you’re thinking, you’re picturing human arms just flopping around. It’s a spiritual arm at that point, it’s in the spirit, but you can see it and they will deliver it, walk through your sister’s body, and then she would have it immediately. And I’ve heard of testimonies way back in the days, right when people before people got new feet, they got new legs.


Creflo Dollar Repents of False Teaching? “Throw Away Every Book, Every Tape I Ever Did on the Subject of Tithing”

Creflo Dollar is one of the most infamous and successful prosperity preachers to have ever lived, joining such men as Benny Hinn and Kenneth Copeland as the trio of arch-heretics most responsible for exporting the false prosperity gospel throughout the world.

A televangelist and pastor of the 30,000-member World Changers Church International (WCCI) in Atlanta, he’s known for his wealth and extravagant lifestyle, owning several multi-million dollar homes, expensive luxury cars, being a proponent of “little gods’ theology, and making headlines back in 2015 when he asked followers and supporters to fund his purchase of a $65,000,000 private jet. A best-selling author, he’s also known for his broad reach, with his Changing your World broadcast ministry going out to nearly every country on earth, garnering millions of followers and listeners.

Known for browbeating his audience about the importance of following the Old Testament tithes and giving money to his ministry, Challies explains his teaching:

“The way prosperity is activated is by the planting of seeds, so that the person who wants financial prosperity must plant a seed of financial prosperity. Needless to say, such seeds are usually through a donation to a ministry like Dollar’s.

You can say, “Oh, God, I need money! The rent is due. The baby needs shoes. And what about my breakthrough?” But if you haven’t sown financial seed, how can you expect a financial harvest?

If you wanted to grow apples, would you plant cucumber seeds or pumpkin seeds? You would not! So why do people expect to receive financial increase when they purposely plant anything and everything but what is needed? They will plant hope seed, shout seed, dance seed, and even “claim it” seed! All of these are good things, but alone and without the appropriate seed, they are unproductive.”

During the June 26, 2022 ‘The Great Misunderstanding’ sermon, Creflo revealed to a shook crowd that he’s had a change in beliefs, repudiating his former understanding scripture and giving a half-decent presentation.

I want to start off by saying to you that I’m still growing, and that the teachings that I’ve shared in times past on the subject of tithing were not correct. And today I stand in humility to correct some things that I’ve taught for years and believed for years, but could never under understand it clearly, because I had not yet been confronted with the gospel of grace, which has made the difference.

I won’t apologize because if it wasn’t for me going down that route, I would have never ended up where I am right now. But I will say that I have no shame at all, at saying to you, ‘throw away every book, every tape, and every video I ever did on the subject of tithing, unless it lines up with this’. I’ve done some corrective teaching in Atlanta last 10 years, but not to the degree of what we’re getting ready to do now.

So why is this important? Because religion is sustained by two factors, fear and guilt. And if there’s one subject that the church has used, for a long time, to keep people in fear and guilt, it is in that subject of tithing, and it has to be corrected, and it’s got to be corrected now. I may lose some friends, preachers may not ever invite me no more, but I think I already been through that, so it doesn’t matter.”

He goes on to explain that “Tithing is an Old Testament concept” and that “nowhere after the death of Jesus, there’s nowhere (that) commands…or even recommends that Christians submit to a legalistic type of system. The New Testament nowhere designates a percentage of income.”

I want you to get to a particular place where you understand that he is not requiring New Testament believers to operate in the Old Testament system of tithing, which included a blessing and a curse. If you’re under grace, Jesus took the curse away, and you already blessed.

Alright now watch this. The New Testament talks about the importance and the benefits of giving, that’s what it talks about. We are to give as we are able. And sometimes that means giving more than 10%. Sometimes that means giving less. It all depends on the ability of the Christian and the needs of the Body of Christ.

So every Christian should diligently pray and seek God’s wisdom in the matters of participating on how much you should give. That’s the whole point. We’re Christians now, under the grace of God, we have a relationship with God. We need to be talking to God about giving us wisdom in our giving.

Creflo says he won’t apologize for his false teaching and fleecing the flock for decades because it brought to “where he is now” but that is little comfort for all his victims who bought into his lies and wretched exegesis. If Dollar were truly repentant, he’d quit the ministry and repudiate all his false teachings, being thoroughly, thoroughly disqualified.


Lifeway’s 2022 Vacation Bible School (VBS) Soundtrack Hits the No. 1 spot on Apple Music Chart

According to Lifeway President Ben Mandrell,” Last week the @Lifeway VBS Spark Studios soundtrack hit the No. 1 spot on @AppleMusic” for the  Top 100 Children’s Music Albums chart last week, including the 63rd spot for all genre’s. He went on to say “We’re talking about *all* kids albums here; not just a religious category. This is not the first time they have received this kind of recognition. I couldn’t be more proud and grateful!”

Albums it beat out include Nursery Rhymes by Cocomelon, Disney Princess: The Ultimate Song Collection, KIDZ BOP 2022, and Patriotic Kids’ Songs.

The album is the soundtrack for their Vacation Bible School program for this summer, where according to the promo material:

In summer 2022, kids will learn that God’s creativity didn’t stop in Genesis. The Master Artist is working to redeem, reclaim, and transform us–His creation–to the design He planned for us. Kids will see the beautiful truth that they are God’s workmanship as they learn to use their talents to bring glory to Him.

You can hear some of the songs below.


Google Announces it will Automatically Delete Trip History For Users Who Visit Abortion Clinics

A week after the Supreme Court overruled Roe v. Wade, tech giant Google has announced a new series of security and privacy protocols aimed at women wanting to kill their babies, including ensuring that any visits to abortion clinics will be automatically deleted from user’s search and location history, along with giving users an easy way to delete menstruation tracking logs from their apps.

According to Android Central: “Google’s latest move clearly aims to address growing concerns that location data could be used to track people visiting abortion clinics in several states where abortion is outlawed. This has prompted a number of lawmakers to urge the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to probe Google and Apple’s mobile tacking practices, which they believe could lead to that outcome.” Google explains in a blog post:

Location History is a Google account setting that is off by default, and for those that turn it on, we provide simple controls like auto-delete so users can easily delete parts, or all, of their data at any time. Some of the places people visit — including medical facilities like counseling centers, domestic violence shelters, abortion clinics, fertility centers, addiction treatment facilities, weight loss clinics, cosmetic surgery clinics, and others — can be particularly personal. Today, we’re announcing that if our systems identify that someone has visited one of these places, we will delete these entries from Location History soon after they visit. This change will take effect in the coming weeks.

They also include a section on User Data on Apps where they reveal that they’ve seemingly acted in response to the conspiracy theories that law enforcement will be actively and preemptively tracking women’s menstruation in order to determine if they’re about to kill their baby via abortion, adding a new change:

For example, Fitbit users who have chosen to track their menstrual cycles in the app can currently delete menstruation logs one at a time, and we will be rolling out updates that let users delete multiple logs at once.

News Op-Ed

Op-Ed: Praise God for 10-Year-Old Rape Victims Being Denied Abortions

Two things happened to a 10-year-old Ohio girl in the last few months. The first- someone committed an incalculable evil against her. She was violently raped and put into a state of terror and fright as a grotesque monster of a man violated her and forever changed her life. 

The second- she, along with her parents, in turn committed a more horrific act of violence. Discovering she was unable to kill her child in her home state, she traveled to Indiana, where she ended the life of the soul growing inside of her. In doing so, her parents became complicit and seemingly the driving factors in the death of an innocent victim, compounding the tragedy of the situation. 

With the story causing worldwide outrage, it’s given abortion-right advocates a hard case to hang around our necks. Abortion in cases of rape or incest is incredibly low, making up less than 1% of reasons for abortion, but to hear some of these people, that’s all the want to talk about. Their strategy is simple: beat us up with the bad ones until we reveal our heartlessness. Despite their haranguing, being pressed with imagery of a child with legs in stirrups and with a distended belly should not cause us to flinch or falter. If a life is a life is a life, then consistency would demand that all abortions be abolished, without exception, even for children who become pregnant through no fault of their own.

This is not an easy position to take in the face of our accusatory culture. Activists wield “edge cases” as weapons, bringing up the blistering incongruity of child rape as a means to batter the abolitionist imperative, seeking to shock the conscience and have us swallow back the words of defense, turning a stammer into silence. 

Don’t let them. Don’t stay silent. Shout! The fact that Ohio so far has not bent the knee to these fiery darts should give us cause to celebrate. Don’t let them use sanitized language when describing what these parents and bloodthirsty baby butcher have done to this child: keep the graphic nature of it at the forefront of your mind and tongue. 

In the book 1984, Orwell envisioned a language called ‘Newspeak’ which culled truthful yet subversive speech out of the vocabulary over a period of decades. As the vocabulary diminished, so did the ability to articulate known truths, so that only approved language remains. Anyone seeking to fight back was stopped by an inability to express themselves or mount a needed offense.

This is what has happened with the language surrounding abortion over the last 40 years. Both culture and then nice Christian leaders asked us to tame our tongues and temper our rhetoric, turning what should be prophetic protestations and fiery declarations into nuanced niceties, adopting the language and expressions of the enemy to make it more difficult to combat them.

“Don’t call it ‘murder.’ Don’t refer to clinics as ‘murder mills.’ Don’t call the medical centers ‘abortuaries.’ Don’t deny the humanity of clinic workers by calling them ‘deathscorts’ or ‘bloodworkers.’ Don’t call abortions providers ‘abortion ghouls.’ Don’t you know that’s inflammatory and unchristlike?

By doing so, we are told that we are loving women, being sensitive to their feelings, and ensuring that they will be emotionally attuned and receptive to our conversations when the topic of the fate of their fetus is finally broached. This genteel broaching and watered-down witness is what the principalities, the powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world, and the spiritual wickedness in high places want more than anything.

Every time we play this game by pulling our punching, curbing our words, and make exceptions for edge cases, we coach the culture to blunt abortion’s scandal and minimize its horror by maximizing the inoffensiveness of what is a bloody and barbaric practice. If it’s ok to kill a baby in cases of rape or incest, then it’s not really a baby. This is also why those at odds with us find graphic images so infuriating, because it squarely brings into focus a burnt-into-your-brain depiction of what we’re really talking about here- a human life in high definition.

Yes, a 10-year-old or 11-year-old giving birth, almost certainly by C-section and almost certainly prematurely, would be traumatic. It would be undeniably, immeasurably painful and fearful; nearly too much to bear. But ending a life is also traumatic, particularly for the little one growing inside who is about to have his or her existence destroyed. What do we do with that pain? What do we say to that image of God growing insider her tiny womb? This is how we love them both, by not compounding and adding to the young girl’s anguish with the memory of a murder to one day haunt her.

The phrase “they’re taking a young girl to the clinic to get an abortion” should never come out of our mouth. Instead, we should say “they’re taking the young girl to destroy the child inside of her, using chemicals, curettes, and surgical steel to slice up the baby’s body and turn it into a slurry of blood and bone to be poured down the drain or tossed into a dumpster.”

This should be the standard and not the exception, thereby reclaiming language that never should have disappeared, and honoring the victims whose blood has been shed by the tens of millions.


Megachurch Pastor Claims That ‘Racist’ End Of Abortion Will Increase Black Infant Mortality

The fallout of the recent Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe V. Wade revealed the broken and divided state of evangelicalism. Many conservative pro-life evangelicals rejoiced in response to the decision and praised God for using imperfect men and means to bring about the ruling that would allow them to ban abortion in their respective states. Many never-Trump evangelicals, such as Russell Moore, remain silent on the verdict, as the Trump-appointed justices fulfilled President Trump’s promise to appoint strong conservatives who would bring an end to the federal institution of court-mandated pre-born child murder.

The most shocking response to the ruling in the evangelical realm comes from historically black churches, whose members are statistically more likely to murder their own pre-born children. These churches typically align themselves with liberal politicians that pander to the black community. It is no surprise that such organizations would oppose the pro-life message, as they are beholden to the political idolatry of progressivism. Jamal Bryant, pastor of the 12,000 member megachurch New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, exemplified the defiance of many leftist pastors when he declared to his congregation that God is displeased with the Supreme Court and the Pro-Life movement.

This week, America turned back the hands of time and declared a war on women in this nation. I wanted us to stand resolvely [sic] to say to this nation that if America was authentically pro-life, then they would immediately abolish the death penalty. If they were really pro-life, then they would put more money into Head Start programs. If they were pro-life, they would seek to cure the opiate addiction in this nation. If they were pro-life they would make sure that teachers feel safe in their schools. If they were pro-life, there would be stiff, stricter measures about gun control in this nation. If it was, pro-life we would not have to deal with food insecurity.

The position held by Bryant and many other evangelical leftists unapologetically presents abortion as a choice that a woman must make without any interference from church or state, a Biblically indefensible position. Of course, Bryant, a serial adulterer, who should have been permanently disqualified from the pastorate long ago, wouldn’t let the scriptures get in the way of his personal desires or opinions. It is no surprise that pastors without personal integrity, who participate in sexual immorality, would favor pre-born child murder, especially when murder could potentially be used to cover up sexual sin. Bryant continued his godless rant, claiming the Supreme Court ruling will lead to a 30% increase in black infant mortality.

I want all of us all over this room, would you do me a favor? Would you celebrate the women around you who are competent enough to make decisions about their bodies, decisions about their life, and decisions about their future? We’re praying steadfastly, because what we are seeing is racism rearing its head again uh with this measure that has just taken place. Black baby infant mortality is going to rise by 30 percent, and hence we cover the lives of our mothers of our pregnant mothers and our unborn babies…today we stand in the gap for mothers and for emerging mothers.

The idea that 30% more black children will die with the elimination of abortion is an absurd perversion of the facts. The abortion rate for black women is nearly four times the abortion rate of white women. The elimination of abortion would lead to an increase in the total number of black babies born by more than 100,000 per year. Any increase in infant mortality would be dwarfed by the total number of black infants who would live because they were not murdered in the womb. Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood and eugenics proponent, advocated for the deception of black women by leftist pastors like Jamal Bryant.

It seems to me from my experience…that while the colored Negroes have great respect for white doctors, they can get closer to their own members and more or less lay their cards on the table which means their ignorance, superstitions and doubts. We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.

Ironically, after advocating for child murder, Bryant went on to officiate a baby dedication without even skipping a beat because he believes in the sovereignty of mothers to choose whether their children live or die over the Biblical sovereignty of God.

So today, proudly, we dedicate babies in our church. They’re coming at this time because we believe the children are the future. But we also believe that mothers have the right to elect where it is that they are in the season and the stages of their life, and they should not be criminalized for making decisions that will best suit them for where it is that they are.

The idea of deciding whether or not to murder a child on the basis of personal convenience and circumstance shows that churches like New Birth are not churches at all, but rather synagogues of Satan masquerading as houses of God. The writer of Judges chronicles an attitude of disregard for the law of God and the Kingship of Yahweh in all areas of life that was rampant in the nation of Israel in the days of the Judges. This attitude is present in New Birth Church and many other like-minded churches today. 

In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.

-Judges 21:25