
PBS Kid’s Show ‘Odd Squad’ Features Same-Sex Wedding, Much Indoctrination

Everything is gay and getting gayer in the secular world, and kids shows continue to be no exception. Several recent offerings include when Blue’s Clues Reboot Featured Drag Queen Sing-along at LGBTQ Parade, the time when the Cartoon Network Promoted Abortion and Ze/Zir Pronouns and when Disney Introduced 14-year-old as First Bisexual Lead Character in ‘Owl House’. Also the cartoon Arthur had a gay wedding and the most recent Rugrats reboot features a lesbian single mom.

Perhaps the biggest piece of propaganda that is emblematic of this whole affair is when Disney Junior pushed trans ideology on two-year-old’s using Muppet Babies.

PBS Kids has gotten into the action, with a recent episode of Odd Squad (Season 3, Episode 30) featuring a same-sex marriage officiated by one the main characters in an LGBQT storyline. This is puzzling plot, given then show is designed to teach 5-8 year children mathematics.

They’ve managed to do it however, when the main characters- superhero children- help put on a wedding between lesbians and then later on attend the wedding reception. According to Mombian:

The child agents of the Odd Squad, who use math to solve problems and save people, are hot on his trail. While in Paris to rescue the Eiffel Tower, the agents encounter two women in white wedding dresses, preparing for their ceremony. One agent tells everyone to clear the area because of the villain.

“But we’ve been waiting for this day for years,” one of the women responds. The other adds, “There’s no villain stronger than our love for each other.”

Another agent tries to problem solve, asking, “Could you get married fast?”

They could—except that their officiant, flower girl, and musicians aren’t there yet. The agents then swing into action, helping the brides with their outfits, tossing flower petals as they walk down the aisle, playing the harp, and even officiating.

An emergency phone call during the ceremony brings the news that the villain has struck again, but the brides ask the agent officiating to finish marrying them first. “I now declare you married. Have a wonderful life! Goodbye!” he says, before rushing off.

h/t Christian Post


Queer Christian Artist Begs to be Nominated for a Dove Award. Did She Make the Ballot?

Queer “Christian’ artist Semler has been pleading to be considered for this year’s “Best New Artist” at the 53rd annual Dove Awards, which are given for outstanding achievements in the Christian music industry. She hoped the committee would consider her despite her flagrant promotion of LGBTQ theology and beliefs in her public and private life.

Semler’s real name is Grace Semler Baldridge. She’s a non-binary lesbian married (now divorced?) to a woman while purposefully altering her appearance to look like a man—giving the impression she’s about one upper chest surgery from becoming transgender. She’s not a Christian even a little bit, despite seeking to be seen as such.

Baldridge gained some publicity after her profanity-laced album briefly took the top spot on iTunes Christian and Gospel charts. In the last few months, she’s been touring with Relient K, the queer affirming former Christian band, gaining prominence and visibility.

She also recently wrote the “world’s gayest worship song” after channeling the hurt of someone who “broke my heart for Jesus.”

Unfortunately for her, it looks like she didn’t even make it past the first round of voting, which is decided by Gospel Music Association (GMA) members (professionals who work full-time and earn their income primarily from the Christian and Gospel Music Industry)

She is undaunted, however, and is looking to attend as a guest. Given the state of the GMA, we fully expect her to be attending come the fall.


Bethel Church Pastor Says Christians Should Take Dominion Over the Actual Air

Joaquin Evans is the Senior Leader of Bethel Austin, part of Bethel Church’s eastern expansion pack. Because he believes the same sketchy theology that Bethelites do, he declared in a recent sermon that as part of the apostolic mission, Christians are supposed to own the airwaves and take dominion over the air.

This is pretty standard charismatic fare, unfortunately. Evans teaches that maladies like depression, sickness, anxiety, fear and confusion travel through the air, and that every time a Christian worships, they bind and lose the demonic through no-fly zones.

Does it make a lick of biblical sense? Not at all, but we’ll let Evans try to explain it.

In an apostolic mission, we’re supposed to own the airways. Now the model that we just talked about the the Roman Armada, in those days, they didn’t have airplanes, and so they probably didn’t, you know, militarily they weren’t worried about the air so much. But in current times, how…many know governments have restricted airspace? Listen if you have governance over a land, part of binding and loosing is what comes through the airwaves.

Binding and loosing- what comes through the airways? Enemy aircraft can’t just fly through your land, that they actually set up perimeters not just in the land, but in the air. And actually, there is a declaration that this is our space.

How many people know that we’re supposed to live in an open heaven? That we under apostolic mission as the body of Christ, that we are supposed to have authority on the land where our feet tread, but also in the air. Come on, thank you, Jesus.

Ephesians 6:12 You’ve heard this before, ‘for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers against the rulers of darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.’ Or some translations say ‘in the air’.

Really? Name one translation that says “in the air.” Here are 65 or so of the top translations from Bible Gateway. Not one one of them translates it as ‘air’ Even Bethel’s Passion version doesn’t say it. He’s just making stuff up at this point.

That on apostolic mission, we take the land, and we take the airways. Like we have an assignment to own the airways. Listen in Austin, Texas, we have an assignment to own the airways. Over this house, this church ,we have an assignment to own the airwaves. It is part of the reason why worship is so central and so important. That we are breaking through and taking authority over our airways every time we worship.

We’re creating-listen- for the demonic and for the enemy, we’re creating a no-fly zone. Listen, you can’t come through here because we have dominion in the name of Jesus. How many people know the church is supposed to own the airwaves? Not the new age, not witchcraft. This is our land. This is our territory. This is our heavens. This is our airspace.

You can no longer come through here. Depression you cannot fly through here. Anxiety you have no place here. Fear you can’t come through here. Confusion. You cannot come this way. We have dominion over the air.
In Jesus name

When you’re at Bethel, bad theology abounds, and this is no exception.

h/t to Salt and Light for the vid and the image cover.

Bonus. Look how awful the Message Bible translates this verse :

ESV: For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.

MSG: This is no afternoon athletic contest that we’ll walk away from and forget about in a couple of hours. This is for keeps, a life-or-death fight to the finish against the Devil and all his angels.


$999 a Ticket? Priscilla Shirer, Tim Tebow Put On Megabucks Prosperity Event

LifeSurge bills itself as America’s #1 Christian Business Event where according to the promo material, you can learn “expert business wisdom and secrets, how to turn your passion into a million-dollar online business,” and “how to maximize your business dreams without sacrificing Godly principles.”

Headliners at the event include Priscilla Shirer, Willie Robertson, Tim Tebow and Nick Vujicic and where with their help, attendees will “learn how to SURGE Your Life God’s Way and become an IMPACT HACKER!”

By all indications this is the prosperity gospel wrapped up in slick packaging, with the FAQ for the event explaining that “Jesus said: “I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly” and “In another Scripture, God calls us to be the head and not the tail, to be at the top and not the bottom.” They twist these two scriptures and the lament that when people “are not the head and certainly not at the top…we have little impact on this world…therefore not effectively fulfilling Jesus’ Great Commission.” 

According to founder Joe Johnson:

Our mandate is to provide an opportunity for each attendee and believer to experience increase in their personal lives, careers, businesses, wealth, and legacy for the generations to follow. Because of John 10:10, we believe that there are always opportunities to live a better life, and that can happen suddenly and powerfully.

Tickets range from 49$ up to $999. Interestingly, the VIP package includes almost all of the same perks as the Ultimate Experience, with the only difference being slightly better seats (from VIP seats to ‘The Best Seats,) an opportunity to get a picture taken with the headliners, and a signed Tim Tebow football and Willie Robertson Duck Call. Is that worth the extra 800$? The organizers of the event would love for you to believe so, so that their wealth can surge.

This is not the most expensive Christian event we ever heard of, however. That crown goes to T.D. Jakes and Joel Osteen, who held an event with $1000 tickets, beating this one by a buck.

ht to The Dissenter


MUST-WATCH EXPOSE’: SBC’s ERLC & Pro-Life Movement’s Compromise & Hypocrisy

The team at Apologia Studios have put together an exposé detailing the hypocrisy of the Southern Baptist Convention and their leaders surrounding the events of May 12, 2022, when Louisiana lawmakers advanced a historic bill that would not only criminalize abortion but classify it as a homicide, the Pro-Life Machine stepped in and drafted a letter signed by 70 of their organizations, including the ERLC, to kill the bill and declare they do not support it.

This was the first actual abolition bill to pass committee in any state in the nation so far, and the politicians were getting pressure all week from pro-life groups. Still, the bill’s fate was sealed when earlier in the day, over 70 ‘pro-life groups’ like National Right to Life and their state subsidiaries, along with the ERLC, released an open letter opposing the bill, disparaging it for going too far in its efforts to abolish abortion.

The ERLC was ideologically joined with far-left women’s rights groups and Planned Parenthood, the apex predator of the baby-killing world. This lobbying arm of the SBC opposed the bill and declared unequivocally that they could not support it. Planned Parenthood was pressuring its supporters to defeat the bill, and The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission was doing the exact same thing, both pushing from different sides to attain the same goal, despite the SBC passing a resolution at last year’s convention to seek to abolish abortion. But politicians who previously championed the bill were now voting against it.


This video explains why, and how it all came together.


SBC Prez. Bart Barber Retweets Unsubstantiated Allegation against Mary Sills

(Capstone Report) Eric Geiger claimed on social media that Mary Sills threatened Jennifer Lyell and that Mrs. Sills knew of the (abusive) relationship between Lyell and David Sills.

Mary Sills denies Eric Geiger’s allegation.

In the rush to virtue signal support for Jennifer Lyell, SBC pastor Eric Geiger made a public allegation against Mary Sills, wife of David Sills. Geiger alleged that Mary Sills threatened Jennifer Lyell in text messages and that Mrs. Sills knew of the relationship between Jennifer Lyell and David Sills. Then newly elected SBC President Bart Barber retweeted Geiger’s statement, which compounded the reach of this explosive and now public allegation.

You’ll note this part contains the public accusation against Mrs. Sills, “After Sills departed from Southern Seminary, Jennifer showed me correspondence from Sills’ wife that reinforced all she had shared with me, including text messages with a threatening tone and indications she had known of the sexual encounters.”

And of course, making sure to join the virtue signaling was Bart Barber.

Barber retweeted this now public allegation. Barber’s position…to continue reading, click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written and published at the Capstone Report


Pope Francis Says Biden’s Love for Abortion is Between Him and His ‘Conscience’

Pope Francis has commented on Biden’s apparent love of abortion- manifested by publicly supporting it and passing laws and executive orders to see it further entrenched- saying that he view’s the President’s position as “incoherent.”

Rather than making any further statement about it, or elaborate on how he himself is so easily able to flout Roman Catholic doctrine by giving Biden the Eucharist, along with his priest, despite being in mortal sin, Francis explained that “I leave it to his conscience and that he speaks to his bishop, his pastor, his parish priest about that inconsistency.

According to CNS news Correspondent Junno Arocho Esteves:

#Pope was also asked about Speaker Nancy Pelosi, receiving Communion at Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica despite being barred from receiving in her home diocese. The pope warned that when shepherds lose “pastoral dimension, it creates a political problem.”


Beni Johnson Of Bethel Church Has Died

Beni Johnson, one of the senior leaders of the 12,000-member Bethel Church in Redding, California and wife to Bill Johnson has passed away. She was 67.

Beni had been undergoing chemotherapy, the result of several tumors being revealed by a CT scan inside her body after a season of prolonged illness, and entered hospice care, where she was being prayed for around the clock by congregants. Beni was previously diagnosed with breast cancer in 2017.

Bill Johnson posted this message on Facebook:

During her first diagnosis in 2017, Beni Johnson revealed she had a heavenly encounter with Jesus in the spirit and gained access to “healing power over cancer” and told the congregants to begin grabbing the healing power of cancer “out of heaven” as a means of obtaining healing.

Last year, when Bill revealed the cancer came back, he said they were confident she would be healed, sharing with the church:

We’re not begging for a miracle. It’s already been bought and paid for. The entire Christian life for me is learning what’s in my possession and what’s in my account and how to make withdrawals, and that’s the entire Christian life.

…Guilt and shame is false humility, and it introduces you to an insulation to breakthrough, and so what you want to do is stay away from that…but what we know for sure is that divine health is our portion. We know that no weapon formed against us can prosper. We know that he sent his word that is finely tuned and specifically designed for Benni’s situation.

He sent his word and healed her. We know that by the stripes of Jesus- did you know the stripes of Jesus, the suffering, was not necessary for your redemption? It was necessary for our healing. The death on the cross was necessary for our salvation- the shedding of blood, but not the suffering from a whip. That was for the healing. That was for the deliverance.


Woke Church Newsletter Invites Congregants To Help Pay for Abortions and Abortion Pills

Boise’s Cathedral Of The Rockies has sent out their latest church newsletter, encouraging congregants to help abortion-minded women by paying for their abortions, abortion pills, and travelling expenses to cover the costs of their baby-killin’ in light of the overturning of Roe. w. Wade

The COTR is a Pro-LGBTQQIP2SAA, Pro-choice United Methodist Church (ie, not a church at all) that is led in part by the excretable Rev. Benjamin Cremer, who routinely posts brilliant missives like this on his social media.

In their newsletter, along with announcing upcoming sermons, Vacation Bible School for kids and their lunch bag ministry, they also urge congregants to Volunteer, Donate or Utilize to Support Women’s Rights & Resources as part of their community outreach.

Just when we think the ELCA or PCUSA has pulled ahead in the race to see which denomination hates Jesus more, the UMC does something like this and gets themselves back in the game.


Bethel Church Has a ‘Lab’ Where they Apply Scientific Methods to The Prophetic + People. Only $2750!

Bethel Church in Redding, California, has many ways to make a buck. They need to, as they’ve already broken ground on their brand new $96,000,000 Campus and Apostolic Training Center. To keep the land of milk and honey from growing parched, the 12,000-member Bethel Church has over 90 ministries, many of which seem only to exist to raise capital. We wrote about one yesterday- where they interpret dreams for $125.

We have discovered a new initiative, The Prophetic Lab. The church offers advanced courses on prophesying in a laboratory-ish environment based on their best experiments and prophetic trial and error so that the mildly prophetic can hone and refine their skills using the scientific method, exercises, and experiments they have developed. According to their website:

The Prophetic Lab is an initiative of Aqua Regia, a spiritual intelligence company that unlocks practical solutions for clients through in-depth prophetic reports, briefings, and consultations. The Prophetic Lab was started at Bethel Church in Redding, California.

The Online Prophetic Lab is a highly interactive, virtual experience designed for those interested in honing their ability to hear God’s voice for themselves, others, and solutions. Through prophetic training, experiments, and team exercises, participants will grow in confidence in their prophetic ability.

The Online Lab brings together the best exercises, experiments, and activations we have tested and used to refine our ability to hear God’s voice over the last three years into a single experience.

Cloaked in scientific language, the Prophetic Lab is run by Lindsey Reiman, who is the founder of the spiritual intelligence company Aqua Regia and co-founder of the SQ Institute. The promo states that Reiman spent “years under the mentorship of Bethel Church’s prophetic director, Ben Armstrong, and has personally spearheaded the use of many of the practices taught during the Lab.” Kris Valloton, Bethels’ lead prophet, teaches one of the classes

The Lab is broken into several components:

Investigations. $125

In this portal, the curious can “Submit 1-4 words you have received and one of our prophetic trackers will review them and then spend 1-hour unpacking what we sense God is saying about who you are, what He’s calling you to, how He’s equipped you, and ways you can partner with Him as He moves in your life.”

Book the Lab. $35-$550

Participants will hone their ability to hear God’s voice for themselves, others, and solutions. This Lab is a safe space to experiment with the prophetic and learn the Biblical foundations of what is possible in our conversations with God…..We’ll work with you to determine where your group is now in their prophetic gifting and where you want to grow. Then we’ll pull from our repertoire of experiments, activations, and teachings to design a custom prophetic lab experience for your group.”

Prophetic Reports. $2200, $2750, Custom

Lastly, the prophetic bigwigs at Bethel will “gather to hear the Lord for an individual, business or city. This is accomplished through a double-blind methodology; the prophetic company has no knowledge of the individual, business or city recipient other than an identifier code.” They have several options:

It’s all very lucrative, gauche, and would leave the money changers in the temple squirming with jealously that they never got the chance to get in on such a racket.