Kirk Cameron Request for Story-Hour Time Rejected by 50 Public Libraries

Kirk Cameron has been shut down by more than 50 public libraries who have rebuffed his attempts to put on a “story hour program” in the promotion and sharing of his new book As you Grow, according to his publisher Brave Books.

Cameron’s publisher told Fox News “Many of the same libraries that won’t give Cameron a slot, however, are actively offering ‘drag queen’ story hours or similar programs for kids and young people.” As you Grow about how to cultivate love, joy, and gentleness with your family.

One of the libraries that rejected the request is Rochambeau Public Library in Providence, R.I, who told Cameron’s publisher “We are a very queer-friendly library. Our messaging does not align.”

Cameron told Fox News that he believes he’s being targeted.

“This is proof that more than ever, we are getting destroyed in the battle for the hearts and minds of our children…Publicly funded libraries are green-lighting ‘gender marker and name change clinics’ while denying a story time that would involve the reading of a book that teaches biblical wisdom. How much more clear can it get?”

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7 thoughts on “Kirk Cameron Request for Story-Hour Time Rejected by 50 Public Libraries

  1. An increasingly godless, evil society shamelessly denies Christ while promoting deviancy and mental illness. Pathetic.

      1. Anoint the libraries with holy water that refused them and watch the drag queens scream (((my makeup is melting)))😂

  2. If you want to know how truly horrid the homosexual lifestyle is, especially for men, because of the invasive nature of it, check out the article from last summer published in “The American Conservative“ magazine.

    Granted, it was written by a fairly well-known Roman Catholic, but he’s still has some very worthwhile things to say and exposes a lot of things people don’t know about that lifestyle.

    Another way to learn a lot is to date an emergency room nurse in a major city like I did back in the late 80s to learn about the things she witnessed that had to be extracted by doctors on most weekends from gay men.

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