
Anti-Abortion Org. Releases Visceral, Painful-to-Watch Short Film on Abortion Procedure

Laura Klassen, the founder and Director of the anti-abortion organization Choice42 has released the short film The Procedure about the eyewitness testimony of an ultrasound technician who helped perform an abortion on a second-trimester baby. The film depicts the procedure he participated in, from arrival to nightmarish end, with an emphasis on the perspective of the child.

Produced by Loor and garnering accolades from the likes of Ray Comfort, Jeff Durbin, Kaitlin Bennet, Kevin Sorbo, John Speed, and Chicks on the Right, The Procedure is reminiscent of the 1984 abortion documentary The Silent Scream, which had a wide-ranging cultural impact for its depiction of this quintessentially evil act. 

“I wanted to make the film to tell the story of this little girl who was murdered,” said Klassen, who spoke to us about her endeavor. “If our culture is really in support of abortion, then they need to see it for what it really is: baby murder…I don’t think that this experience-witnessing an ultrasound-guided abortion- is rare. I’ve heard from many people who have had the same experience, sadly.”

Marked by high production values, including the score and voiceover work, the film follows in the footsteps of other stunning animated shorts the group has created, including So, You’re Pregnant and Modern Child Sacrifice, both of which absolutely should be seen.

Though animated, this film is emotionally jarring, draining, and should be shared far and wide.


Canadian Pastor Jailed for 21 Days for Breaking COVID-19 Rules Has Been Acquitted

Canadian Pastor Tim Stephens of Fairview Baptist Church in Calgary, AB, has been acquitted on charges of breach of Public Health Orders for his actions during the COVID pandemic, a judge has ruled.

Stephens was one of only a handful of churches that fought to stay open throughout the pandemic and was ruthless targeted by Alberta Health Services. Stephens, along with Pastor James Coates, was imprisoned for weeks.

Judge Allan Fradsham ruled that prosecutors failed to prove Stephens didn’t maintain social distancing during two church services in early 2021, meaning that all personal Public Health Act charges against him have now either been withdrawn or resulted in acquittals.

In an interview with Post Media, Stephens was overjoyed.

“All my personal matters have been dealt with so I feel vindicated. It certainly speaks volumes of the overreach of government actions during COVID…I praise God because those heavy-handed measures only enhanced the gospel of Jesus Christ. For that, I rejoice.”

The JCCF explains:

On May 6, 2021, Associate Chief Justice John Rooke of the Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench issued what might be the broadest restraining order in common law history. Justice Rooke’s injunction allowed police to arrest and detain immediately and take before the court any Albertan who exercised her or his Charter freedoms in the face of Alberta Premier Jason Kenney’s unscientific and unconstitutional lockdown orders and restrictions.

On May 13, 2021, at the request of the Justice Centre, the injunction was amended by the Court of Queen’s Bench to apply only to persons associated with the Whistle Stop Café. Nonetheless, on May 16, 2021, Pastor Tim Stephens of Fairview Baptist Church was unlawfully arrested for allegedly violating the terms of the injunction, even though he had no association with the Café and had not been served notice of the injunction. Pastor Stephens was released after spending three days in the Calgary Remand Centre.

Pastor Stephens was again arrested on June 14, 2021, for having allegedly conducted an outdoor church service violating a court order. As a result, he spent an additional 18 days in jail before being released on July 1, 2021. At the time of his release, the Public Health Orders in question had been revoked.

In addition to spending a total of 21 days in jail, Pastor Stephen had also been served with six provincial tickets for his alleged breach of Alberta Public Health Orders. Four of those tickets have since been dropped; today’s decision is in relation to the two remaining tickets.

In an interview with Post Media, Stephens was overjoyed.

“All my personal matters have been dealt with so I feel vindicated. It certainly speaks volumes of the overreach of government actions during COVID…I praise God because those heavy-handed measures only enhanced the gospel of Jesus Christ. For that, I rejoice.”

Evangelical Stuff News Scandal

Smear Film: Jerry Falwell Jr. Caused the January 6th Riot and Ended Roe, and You’re Just Like Him

God Forbid, a tawdry, salacious, and politically-motivated smear documentary about Jerry Falwell Jr.’s fall from power was released on Hulu today, advancing the bizarre claim that Falwell was a “kingmaker” for Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential victory and that Falwell’s sins demonstrate the evil of Christians who engage with the culture.

Director and raging leftist Billy Corben spends a good portion of the film talking not about the hypocrisy-fueled depravity itself, but how the iniquity of the Falwells and their man-whore pool boy Giancarlo Granda were the true cause of the supposed rise of Christian Nationalism and the capitol rioting on January 6th.

You read that right – The film claims that Becki and Jerry Falwell’s disgusting private life led to the “insurrection.”

Try to follow along: According to the narrative, because Becki and Jerry Falwell were apparent sexual predators, this means that all of the “culture” around them is also predatory and evil (Granda’s sister claims that Granda “put the spotlight on the grossness that was going on at the school, the abuse of power…”). This “culture” flows through Liberty’s conservative think tank the Falkirk (Falwell and Charlie Kirk) Center (now mercifully named the Freedom Center), and voices at the think tank questioned the 2020 election and were present in D.C. on January 6th for the (somehow gunless) “insurrection.” See, depraved sexual promiscuity = Trump supporters. Got it?

In a nod to Abuse Inc., the documentary claims that Granda was abused – apparently forgetting that the whole thing got started when he intentionally went up to a hotel room to have sex with a woman he knew was married. Cry us a river, Gian.

The documentary concludes not with a somber warning about adultery or sexual predation, but with a discussion of Republicans who were questioning the validity of the presidential election in November 2020. Using the typical monochromatic filters to make Trump supporters look like terrorists, the propaganda film denounces the overwhelmingly peaceful January 6th protesters as “parading around with Christian symbolism, invoking God and Jesus and the Bible in the service of sedition.”

So-called Christian “extremists” (or more accurately, actual Christians) are characterized as more dangerous than Islamic extremists, and January 6th is hatefully labeled as “Christian Jihad.” Evangelicals looking to affect government policy are claimed to be trying to change the US into a theocracy ruled by white Christian men (they even found a ranting Greg Locke clip for the film).

The film claims that evangelicals made a “deal with the devil” to get Trump into office so he could “shift the Supreme Court right” and end abortion “rights” – as if true Christians should somehow feel ashamed for succeeding in saving the lives of unborn babies. Finally, the film makes the Blue Anon crackpot claim that “Jerry Falwell Jr. has now officially completed the work his father began.” That is, of course, the sexual predator was the one responsible for ending abortion “rights.”

The preferred depiction of Falwell in relationship to January 6th was made clear in these two back to back images used in the film:

This research-absent, third-rate Michael Moore piece of garbage simply repeats largely known facts and claims about the Falwell-Granda tryst to work its audience into titillated incredulity before turning its guns on its actual target – pesky Christians intent on exercising their faith in public life. The real threat to Corben and his like-minded leftist buddies are not Jerry Falwell or Donald Trump – it’s Christians who dare to engage the culture.


Witness BCC VP Says Child with Braids is ‘Culturally Appropriating’ Black Hair Styles+ Evidence of White Supremacy

While Jemar Tisby and his supporters go around complaining and raging that a college he once spoke at repudiated one of his messages for being too progressive and having “divisive racial themes,’ the LGBTQ-affirming, openly pro-choice Vice President of his Black Christian Collective Organization is out slinging racial accusations again, this time accusing a nine-year old girl of engaging in
problematic behavior” by wearing a “black hairstyle” and therefore being guilty of being white supremacy and “cultural appropriation.”

For context, this is the same woman who advised black women not to enter into interracial relationships with white people, then she said that she’s concerned about the number of black ‘coons’ running for political office, because white people are ‘weaponizing’ them. She also said that white children are racist after observing THIS normal playground behavior and that white people enjoy the viral ‘It’s Corn!’ video because they’re racist.

She explains:

Okay, so this comment irks my soul so I’m going to talk about it. So the commenter is right. I don’t own the hairstyle. However, it is a problem whenever people from the culturally dominant group (white people) do things that racially marginalized people don’t get to do.

When black people wear their hair in a style similar to what that child was wearing in that video, not even in fashion colors, but in natural hair colors, we’re told that we violate dress codes, that we are unprofessional. We are essentially not allowed to wear a hairstyle that we invented as a people.

The child’s age doesn’t make a lick of difference. In fact, white supremacy is being solidified for this child at the tender age of nine. This child is learning at the tender age of nine that it’s okay to appropriate people’s culture because you really want to.

This is where white entitlement begins; when white adults teach white children that black people’s boundaries don’t matter.


Replying to @rubyjune21 yall gone catch this woek #ontoday #antiracism #antiracismdaily #antiracismeducation #antiracist #culturalappropriation #culturaltheft #crownact

♬ original sound – Puff the Magic Negress

SBC Megachurch Sings Sanitized ‘Astronauts in the Ocean’ Song for Pirate-Themed Church Service

Church by the Glades in Coral Springs, FL, an 8000- member Southern Baptist megachurch continues its celebration of all things fleshly. Know for their extravagant attempts to keep their members entertained, in the past few months alone they played a cover of Run D.M.C’s sleazy and sexual song Walk this Way in church, as well as preformed Kendrick Lamar’s N95, only cleaned up and sanitized for church audiences, removing the curse words and racial epitaphs for a sermon illustration.

Now, as part of their month-long, Pirate-themed church sermon services, they played a cleaned up cover of Masked Wolf’s 2019 hit ‘Astronauts in the Ocean’ for reasons senior pastor and Chief Entertainer David Hughes explains below:

Happy Spooktacular weekend. If you’re new to the church and you’re confused I get it, most churches don’t do something quite like this. But we just got to wrap our arms around this time of year and embrace the costumes and the spooky and the candy to hopefully entice a lot of families to come check out our church.

…So thanks for being the kind of church that just does this to reach people, man. Thank you for being a ‘whatever it takes’ kind of church. And Jesus says something I thought was so intriguing the same way, the same way., uh you know pirate stories have been around for a long time…

To make it “church friendly” the performers removed a couple curse words from the lyrics, including s****, a few “damn’s’ and the word T.H.O.T (that hoe over there.)

By the way, look how quickly they transition from the show to the worship portion. It’ll give you theological whiplash!

It’s incredible jarring, but goes to show that in the grand scheme of things, it’s all just more of the same; designed to entertain, and not bring glory to the Lord.


Church Holds ‘Harry Potter’ Themed Service

When Lanchester Parish Church isn’t holding church services for dogs, all the while pastrix Lesley Sutherland leads the church into irrelevancy, they’re holding a Messy Church service, a Harry-Potter themed event that includes “songs, stories, worship, and friendship.”

The church is small and the event was not recorded, but one image has emerged of the ‘Service of Light.’

They’re not the first church to do this, however. Many seeker-sensitive WorshipCorps have put on Harry Potter themed service, including Church by the Glade, who had an especially gross offering.

When the bible isn’t enough, nothing is ever enough


Church Speaker; The Story of Israel in the Bible is about ‘Land Conquest, Homelessness,+ the Erasure of Indigenous People’

The Episcopal Church is dying, both figuratively and literally, and it’s because of woke and irrelevant sermonettes like these. In the message, Dr. Judy Stack, a member of the “open and affirming” St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church in St Paul, MN, teaches the lost congregants on “Decolonial Stewardship of God’s Resources” where she claims that the story of Israel in the Bible is really about about land conquests, domination and the erasure of Indigenous people, which manifests in white people today as a colonizing attitude and character.

The land on which our church sits, the land on which we live and move and have our being, is stolen land from the indigenous peoples, and how do we continue to faithfully have our lives on land that was so viciously in most cases, taken from the people who lived here before us and who still live among us?

Because she is lost, she equates giving an indigenous person the gospel message as a form of ‘cultural colonization.’

The dominant picture of folks who were not in western industrialized countries is that they were savages, right? And that we were developed and they were either undeveloped or developing …this is one of the key things that then happens within, of course, our religious tradition, because religion becomes part of that. We bring the liberating, ‘real’ religion of God to people who have been heathen, pagan, barbarous, you know all these all these terms that were quite acceptable.

And this grows right out of our tradition. This is a really tough balancing act right because we do believe that God sets people free through the gospel of Jesus Christ, we do believe that there is something exciting and life-giving in what god did in Jesus and that people should hear it.

But how that gets co-opted into a whole cultural agenda to essentially civilize the savages is an exceptionally problematic part of our history and becomes the cultural colonization, even when there is not actual physical political colonization okay? And of course a lot of this takes place through use of force.

She continues by trying to explain the redemptive arc of scripture and the history of Israel invading lands given to them by God, noting that it’s all just made up.

To shift now particularly, we’re going to look at some scriptures that have been problematic and then some scriptures that we can maybe re-read. And I want to focus on the story of Israel, because it’s really a story about land conquest, domination and the erasure of indigenous peoples, right?

But with the story of the Exodus, you have an enslaved people being brought out from their slavery, that in terms of the story, like how this all actually transpired historically, not sure. It’s very sketchy..

Really, I think one of the things that we can think about as we read these stories is that these stories of Israel, is that a lot of it is about ongoing generational trauma around homelessness, loss of homeland, disconnection from homeland, and then the trauma response is colonizing.

She concludes:

(When Israel) is disconnected from the land in which they used to live…they have this trauma of being disconnected. And then once they’re set free what do they do? They go and enact this traumatic response (taking the land by killing the residents) and then continue to replay that.

And so one of the things that we need to think about is how all of us sitting here as white people are also disconnected from our homelands. Whether that’s England or Ireland or Germany… we live here as exiles and our colonizing response is probably in part a ‘trauma response’ to our own disconnection from land.. we are replicating the kinds of anger trauma responses in our colonizing that we see in the story of Israel.”


NAMB Engaged in ‘Egregious Misconduct’ Court Filing Claims

(Capstone Report) New court filings reveal a glimpse into the evidence that the Southern Baptist Convention’s North American Mission Board (NAMB) attempted to discipline a state convention by cutting funding and then immediately restored the funding when the state convention caved to Kevin Ezell’s demands. Also, new filings show how Ezell and NAMB engaged in ‘egregious misconduct’ by failure to correct Russell Moore’s lies.

The North American Mission Board decided it should discipline a state Baptist convention, according to new court filings in the Will McRaney v. NAMB case. The new filing comes in an amended complaint and teases evidence revealing that NAMB discussed a “Maryland/Delaware disciplinal process.”

According to new court filings, “NAMB referred to its now-rescinded threat that it would sever relations with BCMD if it did not get its way as the ‘Maryland/Delaware disciplinal process.’


What does that even mean? Did NAMB mean disciplinary? And how comfortable are state convention executives with the idea that NAMB might attempt to discipline you or your churches?

And there are other juicy tidbits in this new filing that advances our understanding of what is going on in the discovery process now underway in the McRaney v. NAMB case.

As soon as Maryland/Delaware caved and forced out McRaney, NAMB restored money it took away as punishment, according to the new filings. These moves show what appears to be coordination between Kevin Ezell’s NAMB and…to continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written and published at the Capstone Report


Pastor Greg Locke Casts out Booze Demons With The Power of….Hugs?

Days after Pastor Greg Locke of Global Vision Bible Church in Mount Juliet, TN had his church’s YouTube channel permanently banned for “severe or repeated violations of our Community Guidelines,” he’s revealed that he cast the ‘spirit of alcohol’ from a man, with the demon fleeing after he was hugged.

Readers of Protestia will recognize Locke as the foul-mouthed, spouse-abandoning, Tennessee “pastor” who notoriously divorced his wife of two decades and quickly married his secretary, claimed that “Illuminati hand signals are controlling Mitch McConnell,” threatened a Dunkin’ Donuts worker with kicking his teeth down his throat, and recently said that if you deny the existence of tunnels under the White House or Capitol Building that were uncovered by the military and used to house both live and dead children, you’re just as complicit in the abuse as “crack-smoking perverts.” 

Locke has been elbows deep in ‘deliverance ministry’ after a bunch of witches supposedly have been harassing his church and has partnered up with crackpot Isaiah Saldivar to help him get the problem under control. With a Greg Locke Set to Burn Rosary Beads and Statues of Mary in Major Halloween Bonfire tonight, he is out in full force, writing:

Of course, there is no such thing as a ‘spirit of alcohol’ and teaching ‘evil spirits can’t handle it when you speak the love of the Father over someone struggling with fear and rejection’ sounds like something a newly-converted charismatic would say after spending a day watching Bob Larson casting out fake demons, interwoven with old Brownsville ‘revival’ clips.

It’s all just made up, and we have no reason to believe that any principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places monkeying about isn’t emanating squarely from his own church.


A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church. Album 13

The thirteenth album in this year’s series showing our brothers and sisters in Christ gathering for church service as faithful believers.

While going to church does not make one a believer, refusing to faithfully attend a local church should seriously call that faith into question. This is a glimpse of what the global church is up to, and will feature images in chronological order, week to week, of the men and women being obedient to the scriptures. As always, click pictures to enlarge.

Album #1Album #2 Album #3 Album #4 Album #5 Album #6 Album #7 Album #8 Album #9 Album #10 Album #11 Album #12