
Roman Catholic Church Defends Controversial Academy Appointment ‘She’s “Pro-Choice” but not “Pro-Abortion”’

Last month Pope Francis named several members to the Pontifical Academy for Life, a Roman Catholic pro-life organization dedicated to “study, information and formation on the principal problems of biomedicine and of law, relative to the promotion and defense of life.” While most are run-of-the-mill scholars, several were discovered to be rabidly pro-choice, such as Mariana Mazzucato.

In response to the criticism, The president of the Pontifical Academy of Life, Archbishop Vincenzo Pagli defended Mazzucato and other questionable appointments, intoning that her tweets may have been “pro-choice”, but that doesn’t mean they were “pro-abortion.” Instead, he argues that the members :

“have at heart the value of human life in their area of expertise…they are not all Catholics and do not profess all the tenets of the Catholic faith. And we know there are differences on the level of ethics, but they defend life in its entirety….

(With Muzzacato) our vetting showed that in her scientific work she has never taken a position against life. You cannot judge the deepest convictions of a person by four tweets.

This is typical stuff for the aging commie, who has been busy appointing a notorious pro-LBGTQ priest to a major role, affirming the faith of Joe Biden and saying he would never refuse him communion, instituting ‘vaccine ‘passports’ at Vatican City, endorsing civil unions for gay couples, hating on anti-maskers and those urging caution at taking the COVID vaccine and releasing his most outrageously blasphemous statement.


‘Jesus’ Film Has Now Been Translated into 2000 Languages, with ‘Zo’ the Newest Addition

43 years after its release, the ‘Jesus’ film has hit a significant milestone, being translated into 2000 languages, with more on the way.

Released in English in 1979, the movie is considered the most-watched film in the world. Based on the book of Luke, it depicts the events of the gospel, including Jesus’ death and resurrection, and is often used as a missionary tool to reach the lost. According to the church website.

The 2,000th language is Zo!

So what do we know about the Zo language? Well roughly 65,000 people in the world speak Zo. These speakers are from the country of Myanmar, but because of recent instability at home you can find Zo people across the world. The printed Bible in Zo isn’t widely available in Myanmar, and many Zo can’t read. . We’re praying this new translation of JESUS in Zo provides a way for the Zo to have access to the story of Jesus in a format they can understand, wherever they are.


Delete, Edit, Re-Upload: Prosperity Heretic Tries to Hide Video Praising Pro-Abortion Politician

Televangelist Creflo Dollar has taken down a video of a recent church service that features him praising the radical pro-choice Democrat Gubernatorial Stacey Abrams and urging his congregants to vote for her, telling them “do what you got to do.” Shortly after he took it down and then reuploaded the church stream, with that segment now conveniently cut out.

Dollar is one of the most infamous and successful prosperity preachers, joining such men as Benny Hinn and Kenneth Copeland as the trio of arch-heretics most responsible for exporting the false prosperity gospel throughout the world.

A televangelist and pastor of the 30,000-member World Changers Church International (WCCI) in Atlanta, he’s known for his wealth and extravagant lifestyle, owning several multi-million dollar homes, expensive luxury cars, being a proponent of “little gods’ theology, and making headlines back in 2015 when he asked followers and supporters to fund his purchase of a $65,000,000 private jet. 

During his October 30, 2022 service He told the crowd:

“I just want to say this because I want to see how it sounds. Governor Stacey Abrams just walked in. [Applause] So you already know what to do, right? How many of you have already done it? [Applause] Wow. It’s big time. Make it happen. Do what you got to do.”

Now, that video is gone but forever immortalized above. Creflo reuploaded a new video stream of the service, and all mentions of Abrams are gone.

But not from here.

h/t Woke Preacher TV


Little God Theology? Bethel Prophet Says you are ‘Made like God’ and Made ‘After the God-Kind’

And God created man in His own image in the image of God, He created male and female, He created them.

Kris Vallotton is the co-founder of the School of the Prophets and Senior Associate Leader of Bethel Church. In a recent post, we covered how he claimed that when Adam named the animals in the garden, he was “procreating” and co-creating” with God– and that we can do the same thing. But that wasn’t the only squirrely part of the message. Previously, Vallotton goes to great lengths to establish the creds we have to be “co-creating with God” and “co-reigning with God” by explaining that we can do these things because we are made after the “God-kind.” 

Eight times God says, I’ve made the cattle, the birds after their kind, the cattle after their kind, creeping things after their kind, and eight times God says, ‘Let us make these things after our kind’.

And then he gets to you, and he says, ‘Let us make man in our image.’ The connotation is ‘let us make man after our kind’. And God made you after the God-kind. You weren’t an amoeba that warped into an ape that warped- you are made in the image of God, in the likeness of God. You’re actually made like God.

Ephesian 5:1 says, ‘Be imitators of God.’ How many understand when you’re acting like God you’re being yourself? Because you were made in the image and likeness of God. And I love this part. It says that he gave us power over all birds of the sky of the cattle and over everything that creeps on the earth…and so we were made after the God-kind.

It’s not the first time he’s said it, previously claiming:

The reason why you can heal the sick, raise the dead and cast out demons is because of who you are. Jesus didn’t say ‘pray for the sick’. He said ‘heal the sick.’

“Well only God can heal the sick.”

That’s why he said ‘be imitators of God.’

“Listen, I can’t heal the sick, only God can heal the sick.”

That’s right. You are sons of God. In fact, Jesus quoted the psalmist when he said ‘you are gods’ and the word ‘gods’ is little ‘g’. Ye is big ‘G’ and you are a little ‘g’. You’re ‘little g’ god.

For more on Vallotton:

Bethel Leader Says Prophets Can Cause Randos To Prophecy + be ‘Activated’
Bethel’s Chief Prophet Praises Pope ‘You’re My Hero’
Bethel Prophet Reveals Miracle of ‘Second Virginity’: ‘Hundreds of Hymens Grew Back’
Bethel ‘Prophet’ Who Falsely Prophesied Trump’s Victory Headlines Prophetic Conference
Bethel’ Pastor’ Says Michael the Archangel Dresses in ‘Wrestling Tights,’ is ‘always Grumpy’
Bethel Church Prophet Says Jesus Frequently ‘Took the Scripture out of Context’’


Professing Christian Kanye West is a Christian No More?

We had high hopes for Kayne. When we first covered his supposed conversion in 2019, he was in good hands and was being taught and discipled by pastors who were theologically sound. Over the years, he showed some good fruit, such as Kanye West Talks Expository Preaching and Jesus on Joe Rogan Podcast and Kanye West Talks Faith In New GQ Interview, sayin things like:

One of my pastors, pastor Adam, the way he preaches is called expository. It’s like one-to-one by the Word. I like all different kind of preachers but there are some type of preachers they get up, they have the bible in their hand, and they close the bible and they just talk for two hours.

And some do have anointing, but expository preachers go line for line, and for me it’s like I come from entertainment. I got so much sauce, I don’t need no sauce on the word. I need the word to be solid food that I can understand exactly what God was saying to me through the King James version, through this, you know, this translation or the English Standard Version.”

At the time we were encouraged but were realists, with JD Hall urging back then:


I am perfectly willing to concede that Kanye may brush off his Biblical counselors, jump back into a Hillsong-style Christianity, and become some kind of weird hip-hop antichrist. I am making no definitive claim that I know his conversion is real.

However, I also know that if all you can do is voice concern and not be hopefully optimistic that God can save the chief of sinners, we might have more hope that Kanye is saved than that you are.

Do not be the Prodigal’s older brother, with folded-arms, huffing and angry with snorting, cynical skepticism. Have your doubts, while you hope and pray for the best.

Unfortunately, since then the fruit has lessened and started to rot. His behavior has gotten more and more erratic, a mix of ego and mental illness which has harried West for years. A messy public divorce, frequently bad theology, inexcusable actions and statements, and now racially charged comments that echo what you might find flying from the mouth of Black Hebrew Israelites suggest that Kanye has definitely lost his way. Now, he writes:

“I’m taking a 30-day cleanse. A verbal fast. No alcohol. No adult films. No intercourse. In God we praise. Amen. But my Twitter still lit.”

The fact that Kanye is taking a fast from watching porn and fornicating suggests that it’s something he’s actively been engaged in, and the other fact that it’s only going to last 30 days and not forever is even more an indictment on the state of his soul.

We’ve always taken a sit and wait approach with new believers, and Kanye is no different. After 3 years, we now have our answer.


PCA’s Greg Johnson Suggests ‘Christian’ Gay Couples can Live Together, so Long as They “Desexualize” the Marriage

A pastor in the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA) has seemed to endorse the notion of civil unions for gay couples who become saved, saying that he wouldn’t encourage them to break the marriage apart but rather simply encourage the couple to stop having sex with each other.

Greg Johnson is the most controversial figure within the conservative PCA, gaining publicity in 2018 when he hosted and defended the abomination that is Revoice. (See notes below) Since then, he’s been staunchly opposed Overture 15, a proposed amendment to the denomination’s Book of Church Order designed to combat Revoice’s wreckage and make the denomination more biblically faithful with a purer sexual ethic.

His church is presently under investigation by their Presbytery after one of their ministries hosted a lurid concert event featuring filthy trans performers. The church is upset that anyone is questioning this ministry or choice of event, complaining that the possibility of being forbidden to let similar events occur will negatively impact their ministry to the pagans.

As a result of being occasionally taken to task by denominational leaders who have by and large utterly failed to deal with him and his theological shenanigans much sooner, and are now (poorly) dealing with the consequences of gay chickens that have come home to roost, Johnson’s church is intending to leave the PCA as soon as they can, but not without chumming the waters while he prepares to get going.

Speaking on the Apologia – Centrum för Kisten Apologetik channel on October 27 2022.

Question: It seems ok to recommend single gays to stay single, but what about gay people that are already in relationships- may be married and have kids? What should the church recommend to them?

Yeah, if the gay couple with a family you know, came to Jesus in my church, my goal would not to be to break them apart. (Unintelligible) I think in discipleship, really, the goal would be to desexualize the relationship, because the love they have for one another is not the problem. 

You know, that’s not sinful. The commitment they have to one another is not sin. You know, it’s sexualization of that. And so, in all honesty, with a lot of gay couples, you know, when they’ve been together for a number of years, they’re not very sexually active. Some are, but a lot aren’t. 

You know, I know one guy told me that, you know, after the first 10 years of sex just got boring. And so his partner, the most they ever do is snuggle in front of the television, but, they’re still there for each other. And so, that would be my direction in that kind of situation.

Johnson does not want to break them apart, because he believes the power of the Holy Spirit to sanctify gay people, “such were some of you, but you were washed,” is a fantasy. He believes homosexuals are an untouchable class whose sexuality cannot be redeemed and that even God doesn’t have the power to straighten their bent orientations. 

Rather than what would be an appropriate direction to take take the situation in- the couple publicly renounces their marriage, stop living together, get in counselling, get discipled, and stay single or get married to someone of the opposite sex- Johnson, the seeming expert on how frequently gay people engage in their perverse approximation of sexual intercourse, offers only that he’d seek to “desexualize” the relationship but not break them apart. This is trash advice.

Furthermore, Johnson says that the love they have is not the problem- but it is! Because it isn’t love, it is a sin. Any feeling/ sensation/ emotion/ affection that a man or a woman has for the same sex that is beyond strong platonic affection is vile and a corruption of God’s intentions.

Johnson doesn’t even believe that gay people cuddling and snuggling is a sin to be discouraged. So long as the couple agrees to stop bumping together their incompatible bits, that’s about the extent of what they must change about their situation after coming to Christ.

Johnson’s response betrays how truly compromised he is, and is an indictment on the Missouri Presbytery for letting it get this far.


PCA Leader Says Pastors Should Tell More Stories about Gay People From the Pulpit To Be More Loving

Weeks after Pastor Greg Johnson and the elders of Memorial Church in St Louis, Mo, announced their intentions to leave the conservative Presbyterian Church of America, the results of finding that they can no longer support sound doctrine and instead want the freedom to preach their particularly noxious brand of subversive sexual theology, Johnson explains that one of the best ways to make gay people in our congregants know we care about them is to preach more positive illustrations about homosexuals from the pulpit, using illustrations that intentionally note people’s sexual deviancy and sexual sin, even if it’s not relevant to the story.

Speaking to Martin Helgessen on the to the Apologia – Centrum för Kisten Apologetik channel on October 27 2022:

Question: What do you think we should do at our church to make LGBTQ people know that we care about them

Is homosexuality only discussed in the context of discussing everybody else’s sins? You know, because you don’t ever want to pick on- you don’t ever want to preach on one sin that the whole congregation doesn’t experience and make one or two people who do feel horrible.

But it’s things like that that you can do, making sure that positive stories of gay people make it into the pulpit. You know, if you’ve preached with illustrations, you know, there’s one story that I’ve been telling for years.

I had a very small little Honda Civic in the late 1980s, and we had a horrific snowstorm…so I was trying to get out of my alleyway to get to school, grad school, and my car had gotten stuck in the snow, so that my wheels were spinning, but they weren’t touching the ground anymore. And I remember just thinking, ‘this is horrible. How am I going to get out of here?’ Like, ‘how long will it take for snow to melt under me? Will that even happen?’

He continues:

And then a Rolls Royce Silver Cloud pulls up, something from the 1930s, this expensive antique car and out pop three gay men. And two of them have shovels, and the other one has a top hat and a big fur coat.. and he tells his friends to dig me out. And meanwhile he’s talking to me he’s like, ‘so what do you do? Are you a student?’ Like, yeah, I’m a student. ‘What do you study?’ Historical theology.

But the point is, the Good Samaritan was the gay man who, in a snowstorm, got out his 5000 pound Rolls Royce and two of his buddies to drive around shoveling theology student’s cars out of ditches, you know? Who’s the Christ figure? It’s this gay guy.

Tell stories from the pulpit like that. I have probably a dozen or more stories like that in my book. Talk about CS Lewis and his gay best friend Arthur, you know, and their friendship as a model of what friendship could be. You know, there’s stories to be told. And also just make sure that there would never be anything said up front that would make someone feel targeted. Stay out of politics.


Benny Hinn Sued: Handed Legal Paper in the Middle of His Sermon

Rank heretic Benny Hinn, who was last seen offering invitations to his birthday party for $5000 a person, found himself served with legal papers in the middle of a sermon, the result of being sued for defamation. 

Hinn, along with publicist Ron Torossian and associate Donald B. Price, were named in the lawsuit filed by Norman Quintero, the CEO of TeleAmerica Television Network and Senior Pastor of Iglesia Getsemani in California. 

Quintero is accusing Price, a close friend, confidant, and strategist for Hinn, of creating a website designed to “destroy Dr. Quintero’s personal reputation.” The since-deleted but archived website  contains a bevvy of claims, such that he “has been declared a criminal by the State Of California” and that he is a “Democrat Pastor” who has gone “bankrupt.” 

It is unclear at this time what role if any Hinn played in the fabrication of this website.

h/t Trinity Fi


Famous NAR Prophet and his Family Make HOW MUCH MONEY From their Ministry?!

Chuck Pierce of Glory of Zion International is a major player in the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR.) We last wrote about him after he burned a Counterfeit $20 on Stage to Rebuke the ‘Sneaky Quid Spirit’ that Led to George Floyd’s Death“, the time he falsely prophesied Covid would come to an end… in early 2020, his role in the ‘Charismatic Day of Infamy“, the one time he held a “Car Anointing Fire Tunnel” Service, and in our recent post NAR False Prophet Chuck Pierce ‘Interprets’ a ‘Prophetic Dance.’

In a recent TrinityFi article outlining the respected charismatic, they flag the apparent Nepotism at play which sees family members getting excessive compensation for frequently questionable work. “According to the ministry’s latest Form 990, which recently became public, seven Pierce family members received $3,779,930 in compensation and independent contractor payments from April 1, 2020, to March 31, 2021.”

The times have been good for Pierce, who has seen his compensation double in a few years.

Family member Samantha Pierce is making $264,643 as an independent contractor, and there is no indication of what she does. The ministry also paid $318,644 for landscaping and maintenance, a hefty-seeming sum.

In all, Pierce’s ministry brought in $23,040,615, had $17,835,125 in expenses, and netted $5,205,490.

Something to consider next time you hear him begging on TV about how important it is you tithe into his ministry to receive the blessings and favor of God.

h/t Trinity Fi


NPR Plays Agonizing Audio of Woman Getting Abortion

The inhuman ghouls at NPR featured a segment on a woman aborting her twin babies, playing the sound of babies being murdered while “nurses” encourage and comfort the crying mom like she just gave birth, rather than dismember two little ones.

Price goes on to say, correctly: ” The left always talks in euphemisms when it comes to abortion. “Choice,” “reproductive care,” etc. But this clip puts on full display the what an abortion actually is: violence and full on dehumanization of the unborn. That’s why it’s important to share. To show reality.”

For the sake of comparison, here is a miscarried baby at 11 weeks. It’s humanity is on full display, and this woman killed two of them, later thanking the abortionist for ending their lives.

It’s a highest tragedy of the highest degree.