
Michigan, California, Vermont Enshrine Abortion Rights- Now in the State’s Constitution

Democrats are a bloodthirsty lot and will not be content until every woman has the right to poison, crush, and dismember her baby up until the point that the baby’s arm is flailing out of the uterus, at least if a slew of newly passed laws have anything to do with it.

During last night’s midterms, abortion was on the ballot as several states voted to enshrine it and, in some cases, see it as part of the state’s constitution.

In California, the excretable Gavin Newson led the charge as residents passed a ballot initiative to enshrine abortion rights. By a 2-1 margin (67% to 33% at the time of writing), Californians added this language into their governing document:

“the state shall not deny or interfere with an individual’s reproductive freedom in their most intimate decisions, which includes their fundamental right to choose to have an abortion and their fundamental right to choose or refuse contraceptives.”

In Michigan, they likewise locked in abortion rights, passing Proposal 3 which amends the constitution to give all residents an “individual right to reproductive freedom, including the right to make and carry out all decisions about pregnancy.”

Finally, in Vermont, residents approved an amendment to their constitution to entrench baby butchery, with it now reading:

“An individual’s right to personal reproductive autonomy is central to the liberty and dignity to determine one’s own life course and shall not be denied or infringed unless justified by a compelling State interest achieved by the least restrictive means.”

Montana and Kentucky residents also have abortions on the ballot, and early returns do not look good for further restrictions.


Podcast! Founders Ministries’ Lack of Discernment, Bart Barber’s Personal Twitter Magisterium, and Is God Just As Sad at Natural Disasters As We Are?

On Protestia Tonight, David talks about Bart Barber’s personal Twitter Magisterium, a little bible shreddin’ with Andy Stanley, and Jonathan Leeman’s dull take on Christian Nationalism. In the patron-only portion, we take issue with Founder’s Ministries’ lack of discernment on Side B “Christianity.”

On Bible Bashed, Tim and Harrison ask whether or not natural disasters are as bad as they seem, whether they are within or beyond God’s control, and whether or not God wills for 60,000 souls to be killed in Tsunamis and the subsequent threats of disease and looting. (Hint, he does)


Famed Worship Leader Takes (Some)Credit for Overturning Roe v Wade Because He did THIS

Worship leader Sean Feucht is a Bethel Church School of Supernatural Ministry alum who gained name recognition after crisscrossing the states for his ‘Let us Worship’ tour during the height of the pandemic. A self-described “missionary, artist, speaker, author, activist, and the founder of multiple worldwide movements,” he frequently drew in thousands of people to his outdoor concerts and has become one of the most recognizable worship leaders today for it.

Feucht has become more and more embroiled in politics these past two years and can be frequently seen leading worship at quasi/ political rallies. In this recent clip, he takes partial credit for overturning Roe v. Wade, engaging in some bizarre numerology and typology by claiming that he and his team prophetically marched and sang at the Supreme Court 40 days after the news of Dobbs, prayerfully binding the leak to the Supreme Court. He concludes by invoking the Lord and striking imaginary arrows into the ground repeatedly, declaring that victory is at hand.

And then on the count of three we’re gonna strike strike, on the count of three we’re gonna lift up a shout and listen this is not a rah rah moment. I believe this is a prophetic moment. Listen, we marched around the Supreme Court 40 days after the Dobb’s decision was leaked, and we prayed that that decision would be bound together by the Supreme Court justices.

You know what? We got a victory. How many believe we’re gonna have a victory on Tuesday? So come on, let’s give a victory shout. Let’s strike the ground and let’s give a victory shout on the count of three. Are you ready?

So here we go. Get your arrows out. Just go strike strike, strike, strike, strike, strike, strike strike, strike, strike, strike, strike, strike strike, strike, strike, strike, strike!!!

h/t the Dissenter


Jemar Tisby Suggests White Republicans Support “White Supremacy, Racism, Sexism, Ableism, Homophobia, Islamophobia + Elitism”

Jemar Tibsy, the author of The Color of Compromise and How to Fight Racism who has an openly pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ woman leading his Christian organization and who has praised and platformed a Universalist Anti-Christ pastrix has retweeted a particularly ugly tweet from activist Tami Sawyer, accusing white Republican voters of all sort of vile invectives.

“I want tomorrow’s punditry to be focused on how 50+1% (or more) of white voters support white supremacy. That’s the headline. Not what Black + Latinx voters did or didn’t do. Let’s discuss the majority’s commitment to racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, Islamophobia + elitism.”

The tweet was ‘liked’ by a couple hundred, most of them having their personal pronouns and trans and queer creds in their bio. Another person who liked the Tweet? Jemar Tisby, suggesting that he’s picking up what she’s putting down and finding himself in lock step with the statement.

Tisby likes to show himself a scholar and reasonable man able to think deeply and fairly about these issues but we know nothing could be further from the truth. When you’re compromised with hate, it never stays bottled up and hidden for long.


SBC Pastor Says Gospel Unity Demands Female Pastrixes

Time has been a great friend to Protestia (formerly Pulpit & Pen) as it clarifies the cause and reveals trajectories we called years ago. In 2016 we sounded the clarion call about SBC pastor Dwight McKissic, insisting that little offhand comments and veiled innuendo the convention stalwart was making were, far from being harmless chatter, indicative of deep theological deficits and drift that were bubbling under the surface, soon to be put on display for all to see. We’ve been getting heat over our characterization of the denominational gadfly for years, warning that his small, seemingly innocuous left-leaning comments he’d litter in this combo or that were signs of a darker and deeper theological demon wailing to be unfurled. 

And they have.

 McKissic turned out to be a CRT-embracing, pro-choice egalitarian seeking to wrangle the denomination into a downgrade position that lets him jump on its back and ride it downhill at breakneck speed. 

Prominent SBC Pastor Suggests ‘Abortion is Not Murder’ in Cases of Rape and Incest

Prominent SBC Pastor Advocates For Abortion in Cases of Rape and Incest

Progressives Wail and Gnash Their Teeth After SBC Pastor is Caught Taking Pictures with John MacArthur

A new tweet brings even more clarity to the situation. In his most straightforward statement yet on pastrixes, McKissic has favorably tweeted a letter to the editor from the wretched Baptist News Global, where some conniving soul makes a case for women pastors in the worst case possible. 

Noting that “I agree with every word” and describing it as “Encouraging! Challenging! Enlightening!”

The letter states in part that because the country is polarized, the SBC should start ordaining these disobedient and unlearned women to “show the unity found in Jesus.” He pleads: “Why allow women in ministry to be such a divisive issue when it doesn’t have to be?…. I believe there are some things that can simply be left up to the conscience of the local church, and this is one of them…why not take this opportunity for unity?”

Of course, the whole letter is just a smoke screen for this salient point: that if the SBC starts to ordain chick pastors, the moderates will come back and play nice again.

“There is an amazing opportunity right now for the SBC to bring together what was broken so many years ago. Right now, there isn’t a home for the conservative-moderate. SBC, why not choose to seize this moment?

…SBC leadership, why not take this amazing opportunity to bring together all those moderates who left years ago, rather than polarize everyone?”

Which moderates are we talking about? The lost goatlings who were tossed out during the conservative resurgence? Or are we talking about the more recent moderates who left the SBC, fuming because of the perceived lack of promotion of black lives matter and critical race theory?

McKissic himself threatened to leave the denomination over their criticism of CRT, so is he just holding up a mirror to himself, looking around lonely because he was no one else to relate to? This appears to be the case.

Never forget that the conservative-moderate is halfway from being a progressive-moderate, and the last thing the SBC needs is their opinion, presence and influence. 

bad theology Evangelical Stuff News Op-Ed

Mike Winger, Allen Parr, and the Darker Side of Christian YouTube

Precisely because they have misled my people, saying, ‘Peace,’ when there is no peace, and because, when the people build a wall, these prophets smear it with whitewash, say to those who smear it with whitewash that it shall fall! There will be a deluge of rain, and you, O great hailstones, will fall, and a stormy wind break out. Ezekiel 13:10-11 ESV

The internet certainly provides a great number of teachers saying what itching ears want to hear (2 Tim. 4:3). No site makes this more obvious than the world’s second-largest search engine, Google’s very own YouTube. Viewers can watch content ranging from bizarre and obvious rank heresy all the way to solid expositional sermons from trustworthy ministries around the globe – all loosely defined within the distinct yet unceremoniously monikered “Christian YouTube.”

At the top of the Christian YouTube heap lies a perniciously dangerous breed of online teacher. These teachers boast hundreds of thousands of subscribers, millions of views, and video content on nearly every theological topic imaginable. Their content is often solidly biblical and helpful, especially for believers not steeped in the finer points of biblical discernment.

Yet time and time again, when the topic at hand would call them to risk their popularity by decisively marking and avoiding a false teacher (Rom. 16:17) with enough followers to put a dent in their subscriber base, these teachers retreat. They capitulate and play the “judge not” card – not only refusing to identify clear heretics but often encouraging the faithful to welcome leaven in the lump.

These professional video creators are rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, revealing that while they may disagree with the icebergs, they aren’t prepared to tell ships to stay clear. They are collaborators – telling the faithful to let down their guard (sometimes quite literally) while convincing themselves their popularity must be maintained lest the Spirit be unable to minister within the hearts of digital seekers. Their compromise is often identifiable in the comments of their most ardent defenders, who rush to their defense with cries for unity, gentleness, and accusations based on nebulous “Christlikeness.”

In the same spirit, these YouTubers will make sure to identify and warn against other online discernment ministries who don’t hesitate to mark false teachers and therefore must have less-than-pure motives.

Allen Parr is one such popular Christian YouTuber, and (much like the false teachers he runs interference for) his channel “THE BEAT with Allen Parr” offers a good amount of true teaching along with some dangerous errors – most concerningly his belief that Christians ought to “eat the meat and spit out the bones” when sitting under Christian teaching. In a video posted in May 2021, Parr tells viewers not to focus on identifying false teachers but to be concerned with false teaching. This way – according to Parr – Christians are free to “listen to whoever you want to,” being blessed by whatever the teacher says that’s true while disagreeing with anything they happen to say that’s false. Parr describes the act of calling out false teachers as a “fallacy,” claiming that it causes others to miss out on the “blessing” and “value” of the true things the false teacher will inevitably say.

The apostle Paul, on the other hand, tells the Roman church to mark and avoid false teachers, reminds the Galatians that a little leaven (false doctrine) leavens the whole lump (spreads throughout the church), and tells the Ephesian elders in Acts 20:29 that “after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock.” Notably, Paul (and the rest of scripture) makes no mention of how properly discerning believers should avail themselves of the good parts of a wolf’s teaching.

Mike Winger is another popular Christian YouTuber who recently got into a “scuffle” with the Bible Thumping Wingnut’s Tim Hurd over Winger’s non-warning about arch-heretic Bill Johnson, “pastor” of grave-sucking, gold dust sprinkling Bethel Church. While there is no doctrinal statement on Mike Winger’s website, he is a charismatic-lite Arminian who holds to biblical authority and sufficiency – a fairly typical combination for someone coming out of a Calvary Chapel background. He is a personable guy who hosts helpful videos on a variety of biblical topics.

Yet recently the Doctrinal Watchdog YouTube channel posted clips and commentary from Winger talking with Ruslan KD about Bethel Church and John MacArthur. The video claimed that the two trashed John MacArthur and defended Bethel Church, and contains a clip of Winger claiming Bethel “has the essentials of the faith” and that he “didn’t see a false gospel in Bethel’s teaching.” In response to the Doctrinal Watchdog video, Tim Hurd the Bible-Thumping Wingnut Guy (who admittedly is a big John MacArthur fan) posted a video discussing these quotes and claiming he no longer finds Mike Winger solid. Full disclosure: is the home for the free side of the Protestia Tonight podcast.

Winger then posted a video outlining what he claimed were lies told about him by Doctrinal Watchdog and BTWN, resulting in Hurd retracting some of his claims but remaining concerned about several other issues – including some more dangerous than those originally claimed by Doctrinal Watchdog. As the old adage goes, sometimes the coverup is worse than the crime, and in this case, Winger’s added context revealed bigger problems. Most troublingly, Winger made it clear that he has a different standard for what constitutes a biblical, saving Gospel than what scripture clearly teaches.

Winger discussed five supposed lies that were told about him, commented on in italics:

  1. That he was “slain in the spirit.” It is true that Winger seems to not believe in the validity of being slain ala Benny Hinn (fall over uncontrollably, or the “Holy Hadouken“), but he doesn’t see anything in scripture that would invalidate it.
  2. That he believes churches should have an official office of prophet. Winger does seem to believe that an office of church prophet is invalid, but not invalid enough to disqualify a church that employs such an office.
  3. That he supports Kris Valotton, the “prophet” of Bethel. While Winger states that he does not “support” Valotton, he has claimed that Valotton sometimes prophesied truthfully.
  4. That he “trashed” John MacArthur due to MacArthur’s teaching on modern speaking in tongues. Winger is on record stating MacArthur is a blessing and great Bible teacher, but states in his response video that “there were some things they (MacArthur) said in that conference that…kind of made it sound like half a billion Christians around the world are like not really Christians based upon your standards.”

Mike Winger’s normative discernment, practiced by online ministers, is basically a “see no falsehood, hear no falsehood” approach to other teachers – even clearly false ones. Winger helpfully sums up what it means to exercise normative discernment at 11:15:

I really do think that a lot of Christians are real Christians, even though they have major issues in their lives. Whether it’s some doctrinal things that are wrong, or whether it’s even some practical like living their life, and there’s issues and maybe I’m less confident that they’re Christians because of the things I see. But I’m not going to call them false brethren because of it. I’ve done this with several people who are even prominent teachers like Joel Osteen, who I yeah, I’ve got a reason to wonder whether that guy’s really saved or not, but I lean hopefully on the side that, you know, he does seem to proclaim the true gospel of Christ.

Yes, Winger stated that Joel Osteen “seems to proclaim the true gospel of Christ.”

Winger’s standard for the true proclamation of the Gospel appears to be whether or not a teacher directly contradicts the “salvation recipe” in their teaching – apart from what else the teacher teaches (or prophecies) or what other elements they add to the Gospel. As long as the teacher is on record somewhere, sometime, teaching salvation by faith alone in Christ, anything else taught (even substantive modifications of the Gospel) does not place the teacher outside the Kingdom.

Winger is likewise unwilling to label Bill Johnson (the functional “apostle” of Bethel) a false teacher, despite the fact that he has clearly (and by Winger’s own admission) added to the gospel. Rather, Winger sets aside the doctrine added by Johnson and only judges the “essential recipe.” This method of “discernment” is in contrast to what Paul wrote to the Galatian church: “But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed.” The purity of the Gospel was of utmost importance because it was the difference between life and death. Later in the letter, Paul reminds them that “a little leaven leavens the whole lump (5:9),” emphasizing the purity of the truth and that (particularly legalistic) false teaching corrupts the entire church.

Final Thoughts

These YouTubers are selling a “unity” based on nonjudgmentalism rather than truth, and will gladly equivocate their way around any concrete judgment that has the potential to draw controversy or overt opposition from a sufficiently large “Christian” community (Bethel, Lakewood, Elevation, etc.). Of course, any true teaching coming from an aberrant movement or false teacher (a “blessing” according to Allen Parr) should safely be found in solid churches or even (gasp) from a Christian’s own church and pastors – negating Parr’s justification for “eating the meat and spitting out the fat.”

There is never an actual need for a Christian to sit under the teaching of faraway pastors or ministries (including this one, by the way), so there is absolutely no justification whatsoever for exposing oneself or one’s family to false teaching for the sake of nuggets of truth that might be mixed in. Likewise, there is no need to expose oneself to Christian YouTubers who refuse to follow biblical instructions to identify false teachers and protect the flock from wolves merely to maintain online popularity.


Pro-Abortion, Race-Baiting ‘Pastor’ Jamal Bryant Endorses Radical Leftist Political Candidates

Jamal Bryant, a left-wing goat of a pastor and serial adulterer, is known for his leftist political antics. When Roe v. Wade was recently overturned by the Supreme court, Bryant decried the decision to allow states to restrict abortion as “racist” in a baby dedication Sunday sermon, claiming that the elimination of abortion would somehow increase the black infant mortality rate by 30%. Bryant is a simple political idealogue who cosplays as a Senior pastor every Sunday morning at New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, which is quite an ironic name for a church that is pro-abortion and preaches the twisted false gospel of Liberation theology. The church’s website doesn’t contain any substantive Gospel-based statement of faith but a social justice-based statement on community organizing and development.

As if social justice wasn’t enough, the church employs a diverse staff of leaders with bizarre titles, including a pastor of psychology, pastor of biology, pastor of cardiology, and pastor of internet. 

Unsurprisingly, Pastor Jamal Bryant’s most recent antics include the endorsement of radical leftists Stacey Abrams and Raphael Warnock in a Sunday morning rant that became viral when it was reposted by dozens of race-baiting Marxists, who believe that Bryant somehow “took down” Warnock’s republican opponent, Herschel Walker with the clever statement “I don’t need a Walker”. In the unhinged rant, Bryant goes from telling a story about how charlatan Benny Hinn gave him the power of healing that allowed him to heal a woman who refused to give up her walker, a story that Bryant uses as an incoherent segue to push his leftist political agenda of electing leftists. During the rant, members of the congregation pace back and forth across the front of the auditorium, with numerous audience members waving pom-poms in a scene that looked much more like a political rally than a Lord’s Day service.

With the November 8th election looming, and the video of Bryant’s nonsensical so-called takedown of Herschel Walker going viral in leftist circles, New Birth Missionary Baptist Church’s Pastor of Internet, Kervance Ross, went to work alongside the censorship overlords of social media. To clean up Jamal Bryant’s reputation and make him look like a reputable religious political pundit and representative of black Christians, New Missionary Baptist Church issued several copyright takedown requests against discernment ministry content creators, who exposed Bryant as a radical pro-abortion leftist shill. 

While the results of Georgia’s election are sure to be close on Tuesday, members of Jamal Bryant’s church can rest assured that if they “get a Walker”, they can weep with those who weep in the church’s Tuesday night Social Justice group therapy session.


Russell Moore “Shaking With Rage” Over Underwear Meme As He Spreads Leftist Conspiracy Theories.

In a November 3rd Christianity Today editorial, Editor-in-Chief Russell Moore claimed that “Some Evangelicals are endorsing violence.” Moore’s only piece of inspiration for the editorial was a popular conservative meme that mocked the establishment media’s bungling of the recent Paul Pelosi assault. 

Initial reports from left-wing media sources, which have since been retracted, alleged that Paul Pelosi answered the door in his underwear, telling police officers that responded to a 911 call, “everything’s good”, before he was assaulted with a hammer by alleged assailant David DePape, who was alleged by the same left-wing media sources to be a Trump supporter. Russell Moore jumped on the leftwing conspiracy train, pedalling the conspiracy that David DePape was a crazed conservative driven by right-wing conspiracy theories.

“Keep in mind what we have witnessed this week: A man with a history of following conspiracy theories—including 2020 election denial—broke into the San Francisco home of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, took a hammer, and beat the Speaker’s husband until he needed critical surgery. Police report that the man went through the house, yelling “Where’s Nancy?” The language is a direct echo of screams from insurrectionists on January 6, who swarmed outside the Speaker’s office after attacking and ransacking the Capitol.”

In reality, DePape is a “42-year-old nudist living in a Berkeley hippie commune that flies gay flags and banners supporting Black Lives Matter”, and Russell Moore is the one pedalling January 6th insurrectionist conspiracy theories. Moore claims that conservative evangelicals have an issue with the truth, but Moore himself clearly is no friend of the concept. He continues this line of accusation, making an effort to cast conservatives who oppose the unbiblical teaching of Critical Race Theory in churches as equivalent to conspiracy theorists.

“Where does much of this violence or the threat of it come from? Lies. The idea that the election was stolen by a vast conspiracy of liberals is a lie. That elected officials are part of a secret cabal to drink the blood of babies is a lie. That Jews are pulling the strings of the “globalist” order is a lie. That the federal government designed COVID-19 as a hoax is a lie. That your pastor is a “cultural Marxist” for preaching what the Bible teaches on race and justice is a lie.”

Russell Moore wants conservatives to believe that critical theory is Biblical teaching. Moore is admired by the leftist Liberation theologians who pedal CRT. While he is seething about January 6th and calling conservatives “conspiracy theorists” for opposing cultural Marxists, Moore is partnering with the cultural Marxists who want to deconstruct evangelicalism.

He can keep his rage and his shakes.


Bethel Chief Prophet says God made Adam ‘Male’ AND ‘Female’ + Adam ‘co-created Eve’

Kris Vallotton is the co-founder of the School of the Prophets and Senior Associate Leader of Bethel Church. In a recent post, we covered how in one 20-minute sermon, he went on a tear of theological fabrication, claiming that when Adam named the animals in the garden, he was “procreating” and co-creating” with God– and that we can do the same thing. 

Then he went on to teach some ‘little god theology’ by claiming we are made after the “God-kind.” Finally, he offers this truly bizarre interpretation of Genesis, saying that God made Adam both male and female and that Adam became ‘Just male’ only after God took the ‘female’ part of him out by creating Eve from his rib.

Even more brazenly, he claims that in the same way Adam’ procreated’ with God and helped ‘create’ the animals and their nature, he also ‘co-created’ Eve. He explains:

The first point I’d like to make in this conference really is that God made you after his kind and God made Adam– the word ‘Adam’ and the word ‘man,’ Hebrew word, It’s the same exact word. He made Adam, both male and female, as you know.

How many know God’s not a man? God’s both male and female, and if you oppress women, then you reduce the revelation of God. (unintelligible) Because God’s not a man, it took a man and a woman to demonstrate the revelation of who God is.

…Isn’t it interesting that Genesis 1, God said, ‘Let us make man look in our image, male and female, he made them’ and then chapter 2…God seems to like say, Okay, let me just go back and tell you exactly how I did this….How many know God created man and he created the animals from dirt?… it’s the reason why your DNA is so close to every other creature on earth, because God used the same raw materials.

I’d like to suggest that Adam wasn’t alone in (the garden) in the sense that there was no other Adams around, but then he was lonely. Follow me for a minute. I’m saying that God wasn’t looking for someone to procreate with, (when he named the animals who passed by him) God was looking for somebody to solve his loneliness with.

We continue:

Because Adam was made with a god-hole. And God came in the cool of the garden. In other words, when God was gone, Adam was alone. He didn’t have anybody who related to like he related to God. So what does God do about that? God puts Adam to sleep.

So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon man, and he slept, and God took one of his ribs and closed up his flesh there, and the Lord God fashioned into a woman, the rib which you take you for the man, and God brought her to the man and the man said ‘this is now a bone of my bones and flesh, my flesh, she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of the man.'”

Where was the woman? She was taken out of the man. The woman was in the man. There’s a few men in here. You can’t get in touch with your feminine side, because you don’t have one. The woman was taken out of the man. So where was the woman? She was in the man.

So God took Adam and said, ‘Okay, here’s how I’m going to make sure you no longer feel lonely. I’m going to take you and I’m going to break you in half. I’m gonna take the feminine side of you, and I’m going to remove it from you’.

And when Adam woke up, I’d like to suggest that he immediately knew that something was missing because he was both male and female at one point. How do we know that? Because the woman was taken out of the man.

I‘d like to suggest that Genesis 1, ‘female’ is not the Genesis 2 woman. That Adam was both male and female, and the woman was taken out of the man, so now Adam needs the woman the same way he needs God. He’s not complete without her. When Adam wake up…and looks at the woman…he sees what he’s missing…because he used to have it.

Kris concludes by saying that Adam co-created the woman with God, in the same way he co-created the animals.

And immediately he goes, ‘this is bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh. She shall be called woman because she was taken out of a man,’ And then he begins to prophesy to her… I think that Adam was prophesying who will pursue who. And he begins to do what he did with the animals. He begins to prophesy, he begins to co-create with God the woman. And he’s saying that men will be the pursuer, the woman will be pursued, the woman was born to be adored, and he begins to prophesy about this other part of him.


Donald Trump Invites Heretic Kenneth Copeland To Speak at Rally: ‘We Give you Praise and Honor Tonight’

When he’s not claiming that COVID has been destroyed , throwing someone in a wheelchair to the floor, casting away bald spots in Jesus name, or even running his own bizzaro Bible college, arch-heretic Kenneth Copeland, 86, the world’s richest prosperity preacher in America, can be frequently found making up stuff about Jesus and justifying his personal theological idiosyncrasies, particularly when it comes to attaining that filthy mammon. Copeland is a blight on the church and yet being super-successful has its perks, namely speaking at the recent Trump rally.

After Trump thanks also-heretic Paula White for being at the rally- one of his “spiritual advisors- he introduces Copeland as a “great man” and “one of the great men of our country” who then goes on to say:

(Trump is) a man who will do what he says and keep his campaign promises. I was in Jerusalem where the American embassy is on Donald trump avenue in Jerusalem, that’s where it belongs. I was there at the dedication….

Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whose we are and whom we serve. In a few days here, people will be going to the polls again to cast votes in the greatest nation in history. Your perfect will will be done and this nation will begin its change, and it will continue to do so. And it will continue under your leadership and your guidance. It will continue to change and change and change until it is great again.

And we thank you, sir. We give you praise and honor tonight. And I bow my knee before the God of heaven and earth to pray as my president Washington prayed. Still, you are our God, and we are still your people. Thank you. May God bless this country, may God bless you. Hallelujah. The great State of Pennsylvania. We can stop this inflation thing. I come from the state of Texas Praise God.

And the President had us energy independent again, even exporting oil like we should be. Wind mills don’t don’t it.

You know, you turn one of these things over to a preacher it- well, I mean, hey, I’m 86 years old. Those are not windmills, they’re wind chargers. My grandfather had one on top of the house.

Also, look how awkward Copeland is making Trump feel.