
YouTube Terminates Greg Locke’s Channel

Three weeks ago, YouTube permanently banned Pastor Greg Locke’s church channel for “severe or repeated violations of our Community Guidelines.” Now, they’ve finished the job and deleted his personal page, taking 800 videos and 105,000 subscribers with it, along with the ability to live stream their church service.

Readers of Protestia will recognize Locke as the foul-mouthed, spouse-abandoning, Tennessee “pastor” who notoriously divorced his wife of two decades and quickly married his secretary, claimed that “Illuminati hand signals are controlling Mitch McConnell,” threatened a Dunkin’ Donuts worker with kicking his teeth down his throat, and recently said that if you deny the existence of tunnels under the White House or Capitol Building that were uncovered by the military and used to house both live and dead children, you’re just as complicit in the abuse as “crack-smoking perverts.” 

Now, he writes on Facebook, the last of the big three social media he has left after being banned from Twitter last year:

Many of you know that YouTube removed our church channel a few weeks ago. It was unfortunate and no real reason was given. Well today YouTube completely removed my personal Pastor Greg Locke page. There was no message, no warning and no explanation. They simply bowed to the wishes of countless haters reporting the page. I decided against doing a video about it for now. Of course it’s a bit discouraging. They literally deleted 800 videos, 105,000 subscribers and banned our church Live stream. Make no mistake…GOD WILL GET GLORY AND DO SOMETHING AMAZING!! I will not be bullied into silence. This is a bump in the road and only further proof of the agenda that we are up against. Remember, TRUTH ALWAYS HAS A PLATFORM. Just gonna sip my coffee, pray for wisdom and simply watch the Lord move on our behalf. God is good! Let’s keep mashing the gas for the Kingdom.

As much as we believe Locke is disqualified from the pastoral ministry, we do not rejoice over this development, as it’s only a matter of time before we’re taken down as well.


Spiritual Child Abuse? Charismatic Revival Night Sees Young Children ‘Slain in the Spirit’ (Caution, Hard to Watch)

We last wrote about Jenny Weaver, the former homeless drug addict and self-cutting Wiccan-turned worship leader after she led a charismatic children’s conference that had kids as young as four years old being encouraged to speak in tongues, prophecy, and get slain in the spirit.

Now she’s actually doing it.

At a November 11, 2022, Core Group revival meetup, Weaver, in a very hard-to-watch video, performs what can only be described as spiritual child abuse. Telling the children they’re about to get “wild for Jesus,” she asks them to come to the front to worship because “they’ll create an atmosphere for God” and won’t get “arrogant” or doubt that the Holy Spirit is in the room. 

At the conclusion of the service, she specifically targets the children, ‘speaking in tongues’ over them while proclaiming, ‘the Lord wants to baptize you in the Holy Ghost.’

With music reverberating through their bodies and surrounded by other kids, she amps them up so much that they become teary, overwhelmed, and succumb to the unbiblical, creepy charismatic invention known as ‘slain in the spirit.’

In response to the criticism, Weaver was unapologetic, writing on her Facebook wall:


Al Mohler Says Overturning Roe v. Wade Was Worth Losing the Senate

Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President Al Mohler has weighed in over the poor showing of Republicans during last week’s midterms, acknowledging them as an “an unmitigated disaster for the cause of the sanctity of human life” which say many states either reject pro-life candidates or policies, while arguing the harsh electoral losses was worth it in the end.

Exit polls by CNN and other mainstream media show that, in many instances, codifying the right to kill babies via abortion was the most important issue to Democrats, compared to one of the least important for Republicans. As a result, they were punished at the polls.

During Monday’s Briefing opines on the disappointing aftermath, writing…

...we’re looking at the fact that several states voted directly on abortion, and every one of them was a disaster for the cause of human life, well, what are we talking about here?… the constitutional amendments concerning abortion, the passage of radical pro-abortion amendments in California and Vermont and Michigan, the failure of pro-life amendments or pro-life measures in the states of Montana and Kentucky. Yes, absolute disaster. 

Mohler quotes from columnist Ross Douthat and says that his ultimate conclusion that “Republicans traded the election of 2022 for a generational goal; the reversal of Roe v. Wade” is a fair one, and a trade he’d make again,

A very key insight in Douthat’s argument is this, “If you were to go back to say January or February of 2022, and you could say to pro-life voters, “Look, here’s the deal. You could have a disappointing election in November, but you can see the end of Roe v. Wade, or you can see a more successful election in November, but you have to give up hope of ever reversing Roe v. Wade.”

I’ll be honest, I would take the reversal of Roe v. Wade over the electoral win.”

As would we.


Charismatic Prophetess Says All Her Books Are in Heaven’s Library+ God Hand-Writes Books, Jesus Does Speech-to-Text

When our favorite pink-haired charismatic “prophetess” Kat Kerr isn’t revealing how to access the ‘body parts room’ in heaven, sharing how heaven smells like pumpkin pie and where cows drive around on tractors, claiming she has a picture of thousands of lioned-faced angels frog-marching chained demons across the sky in order to go to heaven for judgment, or talking about how heaven is filled with giant 20ft sasquatches, unicorns, 200ft high cryptids, she’s letting in little secrets of what heaven is like, including the fact that you can read her own books in Heaven’s library and that God the Father likes to hand write books where Jesus is more a speech-to-text kind of guy.

Speaking to chief-enabler Steve Shultz on Episode 90 of Wednesday’s with Kat and Steve, she explains:

Kerr: …The Father, the Son of the Holy Spirit, if you wanted to really say something to them, he loves, by the way, writing that thing down is an MO, is a modus operandi of the Father. He does have the Lamb’s Book of Life, we know he has the Book of Remembrance. He actually has many, and they’re real books, they’re are huge books. And (God the Father) does actually write in them, He likes to write things out. Christ would rather say, but the Father writes things down.

So authorship is a really big thing in heaven. Everyone (who) has written a book that represents God or Heaven, or just something really fun, but decent. They’re already on library shelves in heaven. Your book’s already in heaven.

Shultz asks her to clarify who has a books in heaven, and she say people who have written books on earth will have them read by others for eternity in heaven.

Kerr: What I’m saying is those who have authored a book here, those books. I saw my own book, in a library in heaven. And I was told those who become authors is so important, because even when you’re gone, that book remains here and those words will still be read by people. And it may be something a spiritual, or it could be a help book, or just something funny that’s really decent. I mean people love to read. And there’s still people who read books and (unintelligible) you can go get them out of the library, or you can just request to have one yourself there in heaven, and you have a place for a library in your own mansion.

Shultz: Well, I thought it was cool when Bill Johnson had my book in his library. If my book is in heaven, that’s way cooler. That’s very, very cool.


Pastor Suggests White People Voted for a Black Candidate Over Another Black Candidate Because of…Racism?

Bishop Robert Regester is the senior pastor of New Life Church in Brandon, FL, whose bio describes him as a “magnetic leader, visionary, and passionate man of God.” He has as a theory on why rabidly pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ, Stacey Abrams lost the 2022 midterm elections but Herschel Walker “came so close to winning,” and white folk are right at the center of it. In a sermon preached on November 13, 2022, where white folk are damned if you do and damned if you don’t, he explains:

Listen, Stacey Abrams did not win the governorship in Georgia, it’s not because she wasn’t a good candidate. It’s not because she wasn’t smart. It’s not because she was some kind of left-wing nut or communist. That’s not why she lost the election. She lost the election because White people don’t normally vote for black people.

Listen. White people not only don’t vote for us, they don’t go to our church either.

Regester goes to to say that he doesn’t know why white folk won’t attend black churches either, despite being comfortable with attending rap concerts, basketballs games and boxing matches, “but when it comes to church and sitting under you, they have a problem with that.”

Everyone knows that Herschel Walker is not a qualified candidate. How in the heck did he get so close to winning? Because White people, and I love them- and I’m not being racist right now, I’m talking about the world we live in-they would rather vote for him than somebody who is competent and Black. Because they still see somebody who is competent and Black as a threat to their existence.

Bonus. His church bio is also…exceptionally glowing:

His preaching transforms, his teaching is transparent and his exhortation is encouraging. Those who know him best would describe him as an exceptional and irreplaceable man of character. His love is tangible and transformative. His commitment to the things of the Lord is immoveable and his integrity is overwhelming. His authenticity is genuine and his smile is contagious. A force to be reckoned with, this inspirational man of God is worthy of exceptional honor.


Jars of Gay? Frontman Dan Haseltine is Pro-LGBTQ, Pro-Trans, Pro-Choice

A few months ago, we broke the story that ‘Christian’ band Relient K came out as pro-LGBTQ after inviting open and unrepentantly gay musician Semler to join them on their upcoming tour and selling LGBTQ merch. This came on the heels of Switchfoot’s Jon Foreman Releasing a pro-LGBTQ TikTok video. We followed this up with an investigation into music group Five-Iron Frenzy, showing the band had come out as pro-LBGTQ and that frontman Reece Roper was pro-choice and lost. More standouts include:

Exclusive. CCM Artist Sara Groves Comes Out as Gay-Affirming
Amy Grant Defends Hosting Same Sex Marriage “I Love Those Brides”
Christian Band ‘Plumb’ Comes Out as LGBTQ-Affirming

Now it’s Jars of Clay’s turn.

The multi-platinum, three-time Grammy-winning CCM staple was known for such albums as their 1995 self-titled Jars of Clay (with classic songs like Liquid, Flood, Love Song for a Savior, and World’s Apart) along with albums Much Afraid, If I Left the Zoo, and the Eleventh Hour. Active for over 20 years, the band still plays shows occasionally but has yet to put out a studio album since 2013’s Inland.

In 2014, the band drew widespread criticism after frontman Dan Haseltine, who deconstructed his faith as early as 2012, posited on Twitter that he couldn’t see any reason why gay marriage shouldn’t be legalized and supported, offering that nothing terrible could possibly come from it. 

He would also write, “It is perhaps less important to know what is “right and wrong” morally speaking than to know how to act toward those we consider “wrong” and “I don’t particularly care about Scriptures stance on what is “wrong.” I care more about how it says we should treat people.”

The backlash was so intense that two days later, he wrote a follow-up clarification on his now-defunct and deleted website explaining: “In the heat of discussion, I communicated poorly and thus unintentionally wrote that I did not care about what scripture said… I should’ve chosen my words more wisely. I care about what scripture says. It matters.”

Not anymore.

Though Haseltine has kept a low profile since the public battering, he has resurfaced on occasion with a distinctly progressive worldview. He appeared in a video with queer artist Semler lamenting the negative response of Christian media to his 2014 tweets, explaining that after he said those words, he was viewed by the industry as “unsafe.” Haseltine reiterates that despite the bad publicity, he doesn’t regret “pushing the conversation forward.”

And he has, making his theological aberrations public and clear.

He has also taken up the cause for trans issues, supporting trans propaganda in library books, trans ‘men’ having access to the women’s washroom, and trans kids being able to compete in sports,

While insisting that neither he nor anyone else is “pro-abortion, Haseltine has a tendency to “ask questions” while obfuscating his beliefs and pushing back against the orthodox position. This lends the impression that he’s either pro-choice (a term he hates but which fits) or at the very least pro-life with exceptions, which is another way of saying he’s pro-choice. He seems to believe that Roe v. Wade shouldn’t have been overturned, as doing so would only have a negligible impact on abortion rates, and insists that if people want to lower abortion rates, they should vote for the Democrats.

And then from a few days ago:

Farewell, Jars of Clay


Man Arrested After Biting Pro-Lifer At Rally, Causing Hospitalization

A man was arrested by police and taken away in handcuffs after he attacked an attendant at a pro-life event in Belfast, causing his victim to be hospitalized, according to Precious Life who report:

The assault causing actual bodily harm happened at a Life Chain in front of Belfast City Hall on Saturday (5th Nov). The event was organized by Precious Life to commemorate the 4136 unborn babies killed since the Westminster Government forced abortion on Northern Ireland in 2019.

Director of Precious Life Bernadette Smyth was giving a speech to the crowd assembled for the Life Chain. A man approached Ms Smyth from behind and began aggravating and trying to distract her. The man, who had a small child with him, continually made the gesture of a twirling motion of his finger to his head, and pointing at Ms Smyth and loudly telling the young child that Ms Smyth was crazy.

After several minutes of harassment, one of the attendees went to intervene, fearing Smyth might be attacked or set upon, asking the man to stop. The assailant instantly got aggressive and started screaming, reaching for her placard. When another attendee intervened and stepped in front, he was bitten on the neck by the unhinged mocker, causing his daughter to run off screaming and causing the man to be arrested and handcuffed.


A Brief Roundup of Pastors and Pastrixes Headed to Hell #8

Welcome to our bi-monthly roundup of the worst of the worst so-called pastors and pastrixes from TikTok and other social media hubs. These are a collation of lost souls fast on their way to receiving the greater judgment if they don’t repent of their sins and put their faith in Christ.

Each one is between 15 and 30 seconds and is used to demonstrate the sheer insanity that is out there. This also serves as a foreshadowing where some of these conservative denominations are headed if they don’t take an uncompromising, bombastically hard line against even a hint of LGBTQ influence in the church.

Warning, Foul language:


ELCA Leader in a Polyamorous/’Ethically Non-Monogamous’ Relationship

Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries (ELM) is a “professional community for publicly identified Lutheran LGBTQIA+ rostered leaders, candidates, and seminarians” that is dedicated to “raising the visibility of extraordinary leaders and ending discrimination towards people for reasons of sexual orientation and gender identity.” 

Through their candidacy accompaniment, the group provides “support and advocacy for LGBTQIA+ persons in the Lutheran candidacy process through direct work with candidates, and relationship and resource development for synods, seminaries, candidacy committees, and other church leaders.”

ELM is a key player in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, which really is one of the most wretched hives of scum and villainy, which we’ve covered a length many times.

ELCA Considers Expelling all Conservative, Anti-LGBTQ Pastors from their Midst
Church Holds’ Pride Worship Service’ Featuring all LGBTQ Songs
Woke Church Newsletter Invites Congregants To Help Pay for Abortions and Abortion Pills
Pastrix Says Jesus Called Syrophoenician Woman a ‘B*****’ + “Jesus Screwed Up, She Redeems Him”
Queer ELCA Pastrix Ordained With Drag Queen Nuns While Jennifer Knapp Serenades

In a recent Facebook post, ELM shares that one of the ELCA’s rostered Leaders is in a polygamous relationship but has decided not to share the name because “ELCA policy would endanger the call of a person.” Still, they offer that this polygamous relationship is a “beautiful example of the love and care of a Triune God who is relationship” despite this being in actuality an example of a lost pagan with a demon in their ear, whoring around and blaspheming God. 

During the pandemic, I moved halfway across the country to be with the person I love, but if you asked me, it was because I had family in the state and community in the city that I moved to. Why couldn’t I be open and honest? Because the ELCA still has a policy that clergy cannot “cohabitate”.(Editor’s Note. For now) So terrified of sexual joy and liberation, and the prerequisite conversations, the ELCA has just decided sex in marriage=always good, sex outside marriage=always bad, and spending the hours between 12am and 7am together in a house, apartment, or room are the only times to have sex and sex will definitely happen then. I’m not actually sure I know anyone for whom the above guidelines for sex are 100% accurate.

Why haven’t I been public about my current relationship? Well, aside from the fact that we are living together (strike one), my partner has another partner who also lives with us.

As someone who practices relationship anarchy, I deeply value the many different relationships I have, from my biological family to my chosen family; from sexual and romantic relationships to platonic ones; from best friends to my relationship with their kids. All of these relationships matter to me and one is not placed above the other (as our culture requires for cisheteronormative monogamy). When I do get married, I won’t be marrying my best friend because I already have one (a few actually).

But even then, the ELCA requires legal marriage for relationships to count and may be codifying it, depending on how the Sexuality Statement revisions play out. So what do we do? Already people don’t understand when I talk about living with other adults in shared housing. They don’t seem to understand the financial need for shared housing due to out-of-control rental and housing costs. They also don’t seem to understand the particularly queer nature of chosen family. Right now our household includes me, my partner, their other partner, my partner’s sister, and her girlfriend. We share a house because it’s a financial necessity and because we are chosen family together. Because “we rise together.”

We are family. We give each other rides to work, plan our groceries together, argue about dishes, and wish everyone would leave our bathroom shelf alone. We cover each other when one is short on rent and together plan on how to support our elderly parents in the twilight of their lives. Our porch is where we have family meetings, we plan for the future, and we dream about getting a dog.

Things will change and we will eventually be able to be public about our love and commitments to each other. For now, we rest in our shared relationships and the ways we are able to be out in our neighborhood and among our close friends and family.

h/t Exposing the ELCA


Lifeway Survey: The Pandemic Is Over, But Church Attendance Down Substantially+ 1 in 10 Down 50%

Almost every church in the United States is holding church services two and a half years after the pandemic began, but attendance is down an average of 15%, according to a recent Lifeway Survey, and nearly 1 in 10 churches are down 50%

After COVID 19 hit, most churches closed their doors for months or years at a time, with only a few faithful churches remaining open in some capacity the entire time. Most went to all-virtual services, offering congregants a coarse, substandard, and sub-biblical experience that was not church at all, deposited being marketed as such. Consequently, online services were sparsely attended and those that did stick with it found it more appealing than rejoining the body.

While the overwhelming number of churches are back in full swing, not all are, as some lost institutions are just now starting up again for in-person services.

The survey further reports that 8% of congregations are still down 50% from pre-COVID attendance numbers, thanks to people like this:

Lastly, it’s revealed that 35% of pastors report having at least 90% of their former attendance, and 17% say their numbers are up. As far as who is down the most and privy to those 50% losses, the mainline progressive churches (United Methodist Church, ELCA, PCUSA, Episcopalians) are leading the way.