
Uh….Non-Binary Lutheran Reveals: ‘PRIDE is Wearing a Crop Top at the Lectern, Showing a Little Skin’

Christ Lutheran Church in Blaine, MN, is led by impastor Sarah E. Moat and has the distinction of being one of the more progressive “churches” we’ve ever come across. A quintessential Evangelical Lutheran Church in America congregation, pastrix Moat is not content to refer to LGBTQ peeps with that moniker but insists on doing the whole ‘LGBTQIA2S+’ each time (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and/or gender expansive, queer and/or questioning, intersex, asexual, and two-spirit) lest she exclude someone.

She explains that they formed a welcoming team in 2020 “with a focus on ensuring that “LGBTQIA2S+ people have a safe space within the church.” One of the first things the team did was to “encourage the staff and congregation to begin identifying themselves with personal pronouns.” 

The staff add personal pronouns to their email signatures, and they instruct congregants, “The next time you have to introduce yourself, include your personal pronouns after you say your name.” Ironically, they’ve culled any gendered language as part of their worship services, no longer using terms like “men” and “women” and only referring to God as ‘God’ rather than using the “He” pronouns as revealed in the Bible. 

During their 2023 Pride Sunday service, one member gives a bizarre testimony of what Pride means to him, and it resolves around the towel on his head he wore up to the stage, a whole lot more.


Heretic Alert! Charismatic Leader Prophesied ‘Favor’ and ‘Supernatural Houses’ For Maui Church, Months Before They All Burned Down

In late October 2022, New Apostolic Reformation prophetess Cindy Jacobs preached at King’s Cathedral Church in Maui, where she prophesied that the pastor and congregants would receive ‘supernatural favor’ in the form of ‘supernatural houses’ and that the testimonials from folks in this church receiving new houses as a result of this favor and blessing ‘would ring out across the world.’ 

Ten months later, unprecedented wildfires raged across Maui, burning down their church plant and dozens of congregants’ homes and businesses, demonstrating again what a fraud, charlatan, and false prophet Jacobs is.

At the time, Jacobs was adamant that the blessings would flow, even coining the term “remodel faith” for those who would be blessed with so much favor they could remodel their home and sell up, then the flames came:

It is actually part of the word of the Lord that God has given me for Kings and for you. You’re gonna be very excited what the Holy Spirit is saying. By the way I prophesied over Pastor Jireh (Urmeneta) that he’s going to get a new house already and that God is going to give him supernatural financing. So you mark it down, it’s gonna happen.

In fact, why don’t we pray for anyone that needs it. Raise your hand or stand up quick. Father in the name of Jesus I thank you Lord for supernatural houses. Lord we thank you for testimonies from this one service that are gonna ring around the world.

Father we thank you for the level of faith needed for these houses, for the favor in the name of Jesus and Lord to obtain them, and Lord let it be said that when you go to King’s Cathedral Church you enter into supernatural favor, and we got this house cause God gave it to us, amen?

…Oh by the way somebody thought ‘well I like my house but I need to remodel.’ Who’s that? Okay father we thank you for ‘remodel faith,’ a remodel faith so you can sell it so you can buy up...”

h/t to the Messed up Church on YouTube, where I clipped and tweaked this video from, as well as the cover picture.


Charismatics Offer Prophetic ‘Dream School’ Certification, Only $2398

Do you desire to “learn a variety of ways God speaks through dreams?” Do you want to “become your own best dream interpreter?” Do you want to “be a part of advancing Dream Culture in your family, church, city, and nation!?” If so, look no further, as the Dream School would like nothing more than to scam your money  help you achieve these spectacular results.

The Dream School is a venture started by Jessie Vredevelt Schultz, an Oregon-based author, speaker, and entrepreneur, and April Chummar, a ‘speaker, dream coach, and revivalist. ‘

Dream School “equips and activates your dream life dialogue with God” so that you can “learn Biblical dream interpretation, personal application, discipleship and ways to integrate dreams into evangelism.” The initial course costs $399 but has a claimed value of $2800.

Once completed, the graduate will be able to “hear the Spirit of God, see into the spirit realm, discern God’s wisdom, and become a Prophetic Voice in your community.”

The course is not just a one-and-done deal, however, as there are some add-ons. You can purchase the Dream Journal, a “user-friendly blueprint that will empower you to decode and archive 25 of your dreams.” Alternatively, you can pay another $399 for “3 Hours of Private Coaching with Jessie Schultz or April Chummar.”

After you’ve paid $799.98 for the Dream School and private coaching, you can also “validate your gains” with a Dream Work Certification for only $1999 (with the $399 initial course as a prerequisite, lol)

While Schultz and Chummar advertise this certification as “industry-recognized,” the site is suspiciously silent on what that entails or how big the delusional charismatic dream interpretation industry truly is.

We tried to contact them requesting more information, but there seems to be no contact information on their website or any discernible way to get a hold of them, even by email, without purchasing the initial offering.

h/t Revealing Truth on YouTube.


Texas Supreme Court Upholds Ban on Sex-Changes for Children

Groomers were wailing and gnashing their teeth last week after the Supreme Court of Texas denied their last-minute attempt to block Senate Bill 14 from taking effect, ensuring that the legislation designed to stop puberty blockers, hormone treatment, and sex changes in children will become the law of the land, at least for now.

The Texas government previously passed SB14, which outlaws so-called “gender-affirming care” for minors experiencing gender dysphoria. I.e., you can’t castrate the kids.

A week before it was to take effect. However, state district Judge Maria Cantú Hexsel issued an emergency injunction against it, arguing that it violates parts of the constitution. The Supreme Court didn’t see it that away and swatted away the injunction.

Though it is currently in effect, it may not be that way forever. A lawsuit was filed by several families with trans kids against the new law, which the Supreme Court will hear in late November. In a joint statement from the Texas ACLU and the lawyers representing the parents, they lament:

“Today’s cruel ruling places Texas’ transgender youth, and the families and medical professionals who love and care for them, directly in harm’s way…..transgender youth and their families are forced to confront the start of the school year fearful of what awaits them.

“But let us be clear: The fight is far from over. In its ruling, the district court clearly articulated the ways in which S.B. 14 likely violates the Texas Constitution by infringing upon the fundamental right of parents to make decisions concerning the care, custody, and control of their children, infringing upon Texas physicians’ right of occupational freedom, and discriminating against transgender adolescents with gender dysphoria because of their sex, sex stereotypes, and transgender status. We couldn’t agree more, and look forward to continuing this fight.”


Lecrae Discontinues ‘Cardi B’ Shirt After Backlash From Christian Rapper, Community

Deconstructed rapper Lecrae announced that he has discontinued his “I can quote Cardi B and Corinthians” after being called out publicly by Christian Rapper Dee-1, along with sustained pressure from fans, who have publicly criticized his “Righteous & Ratchet” merchandise campaign. 

According to Rolling Out:

“When I saw he used his large platform to publicly push, promote and glorify a lifestyle of being righteous and ratchet, I was like, ‘nah,’ ” Dee-1 said. “I have a responsibility to use my large public platform to put a message out and let people know that we as believers do not all agree with that and we don’t stamp that. We don’t co-sign that.”

Dee-1 said after he initially called Lecrae out for it, the two had a private conversation and Dee-1 thought they agreed the campaign wasn’t appropriate. But, Lecrae continued to market the line, and he even saw one of the shirts for sale that read, “I can quote Cardi B and Corinthians.”

“He still chose to want to monetize the moment,” Dee-1 said. “So [now], it seems like you’re putting the business before the ministry, and we have to be careful of that in life. When you’re doing ministry and business, it should never be business and then ministry.

In a new post on Instagram, Lecrae revealed he was discontinuing the shirt amid backlash.

“Enough people have been frustrated or upset behind that Cardi shirt, and I want y’all to understand my intentions in my heart. First of all, it will be discontinued, just so you know that. The shirt was not about promoting debauchery or worldliness, that wasn’t the intention.

“I can own the fact that I should have put more thought into that before we dropped it. I didn’t even consider some of these realities. Context is king, and Christianity in major cities and places that I dwell is a hotbed for racism, political ideology, homophobia, anti-intellectualism, and I always want to push back on people when they think that, because we’re not! That’s not what Christianity is, but a lot of people think that’s what it is.”

Despite removing the Cardi B shirt, he has elected to keep his “I can quote Kendrick (Lamar) and Corinthians” for sale .

Bonus: We’ve spoken at length about how by every measurable standard, the deconstruction Lecrae is so grateful to have undergone is not healthy, but rather is the picture of unhealth leading to death. Let’s look at his life over the last two years.

For more on this story:


IL Megachurch Pastor Starts New Church Six Months After Resigning Over Sexual Abuse Scandal

A mere six months after Mike Baker abruptly stepped down from his role leading one of the biggest megachurches in the state following allegations that he covered up his son’s sexual misconduct, he has done what all fallen megachurch pastors do after being unceremoniously excised: start up a new church.

Baker abruptly resigned from Eastview Christian Church in March of this year. A subsequent investigation conducted by church-hired attorneys found the allegations that he and his son Caleb Baker engaged in gross misconduct. 

Mike’s son Caleb Baker was a pastor at Eastview who engaged in multiple extramarital affairs while on staff. Instead of exposing it, Mike took an active role in concealing it from the congregation, allowing his son to go pastor another church unencumbered by the stain of disqualification and clergy sexual abuse, where he would proceed to have another extramarital affair and scandalize another church. 

After being confronted by his role in the mess, Mike Baker resigned in protest. 

Mike Baker announced on his YouTube channel that he was naming his new church Song and Sword Church and would begin meeting at a hotel conference room next week. He insists he isn’t competing with his former church but will likely draw hundreds away for his first service:

Song and Sword Church, I’ve gotta say this from the beginning, is not about competing with Eastview Christian Church. With a clear conscience, the Holy Spirit is my witness; I can tell you, I’m not seeking revenge; I don’t hate Eastview. I don’t hope they fail. I love Eastview Christian Church.


Podcast: Muslim in Beth Moore’s Church, Oliver Anthony Isn’t Real, Prudish Demons, and Is it Effeminate for Worship Leaders to Sing In Falsetto?

Episodes of Protestia Tonight and Bible Bashed can be downloaded on all your podcast apps

On this week of episodes for Protestia Tonight, David talks about the Iman who was chanting the Quran in Beth Moore’s church and what our view of interfaith dialogues should be, the interview of Oliver Anthony and Joe Rogan showing that he’s not a real person, and the trend of exorcists and deliverance ministers casting out demons that are overly modest and prudish.

On Bible Bashed, Tim and Harrison discuss whether or not it’s sinful to sing in falsetto, particularly in a worship environment, and what the worship leader is trying to accomplish or convey when he does so.


Mel Gibson’s ‘Passion of the Christ’ Sequel Sets Production Date of January 2024?

Veteran Hollywood Critic Jordan Ruimy has reported that The Passion of the Christ sequel is set to film in Januray 2024 and that “The production date seems set in stone.” 

Released in 2004 by Director Mel Gibson, the original film grossed over $600M worldwide on a $30M budget. It received a mixed response within the Christian community, with many praising it and even using it as an outreach tool, and others attending showings to hand out tracts against it, railing against it for it’s explicit Roman Catholic theology, the inclusion of that weird little demon baby, and the fact that it breaks the second commandment. The sequel has been in production hell for the last decade, and now finally seems ready to release.

While the first film covered the 12 hours leading up to his death, the sequel is expected to cover the days after his death, possibly intercut with scenes from Jesus in Hell and the fall of Lucifer . Gibson said a few months ago:

It is such a massive undertaking that you can’t do it lightly and you can’t do it quickly. You have to really consider what it is that you need to show in order to be poignant. It can’t be linear; you have to have many things to juxtapose against one another even from different time periods in order to illustrate what something means in a more full way. And I think it’s going tobe a real jigsaw puzzle to do.

And I have two scripts right, and one of them is very structured and a very strong script and kind of more what you’d expect. And the other is like an acid trip and because you’re going into other realms and stuff. I mean you’re in hell.. It’s like, you know, you’re watching the angels fall..”


Groomer Pastrix Jacqui Lewis: Children ‘have a right to privacy about their sexuality and gender identity’

Queer universalist Pastrix Jacqui Lewis of New York City’s Middle Church is so far to the left that if the theological spectrum of orthodox Christianity were a baseball field, she would be firmly planted in the stands adjacent to left field, or perhaps tailgating in the parking lot.  

Jacqui believes in a false universalist gospel, whereby those who hold her leftist views are the embodiment of the second coming of Christ. Her doctrine essentially denies the future physical return of Christ in favor of what could best be described as liberation theology and queer theology meets full preterism. Lewis affirms abortion and supports all manner of sexual deviancy within the church. In February 2020, The pastrix and her Black Lives Matter-supporting theological co-belligerents even performed a Trayvon Martin-themed communion service that included Skittles and Arizona Iced Tea in lieu of the orthodox practice of the Lord’s Supper. 

Less than a year after Middle Church performed this abominable desecration of a church ordinance and supported the destructive June 2020 protests of Black Lives Matter, God saw it fit that their building would burn to the ground.

Three years later, Middle Church is still fundraising to rebuild. The congregation has dual affiliation with the apostate United Church of Christ and the rapidly leftward-trending Reformed Church in America. Both denominations tolerate apostate churches like Middle Church, favoring man-centered eisegetical messages that are sin-affirming over sound doctrine. 

In a recent sermon series, queer second fiddle pastor and author of Cry Baby: Why Our Tears Matter, Benjamin Perry taught that “Forgiveness is not a moral obligation.”

When he isn’t skydiving with his grandmother, performing in the Union Theological Seminary Drag Show, or railing about “God’s blessed queerness,” Perry prides himself in tearing down the patriarchy by teaching crying as a spiritual discipline.

In keeping with Middle Church’s longstanding tradition of holding far-left positions that fly in the face of scripture, lead Pastrix Jacqui Lewis recently took to Twitter to advocate child grooming via the removal of rights from parents who would seek to protect their children from the kind of proud millstone-necklace-wearing LGBTQ child-indoctrination advocates who feel perfectly at home in the theological rot of Middle Church.

Lewis was promptly roasted and ratioed for her pro-groomer statement. Even Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy took the opportunity to tee-off and score basic decency and common-sense points on Lewis’ absurd statement.

Doubling down on her comments, following the controversy, Lewis claimed that it was the state’s responsibility to protect groomed and brainwashed children from their own parents.

Jacqui Lewis and Middle Church are virtually indistinguishable from the secular world. They are a synagogue of Satan that pedals a poisonous doctrine of demons to be marked and avoided.

I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive. Romans 16:17-18

Despite all this, who has platformed and praised her? None other than Witness BCC’s Jemar Tisby, who has encouraged all his followers to read her content and follow her and “access her wisdom”


All Charges Withdrawn Against Pastor Who Spent 18 Days in Jail for Opening Church During COVID

Days ago, Alberta’s Crown prosecutors withdrew all remaining charges against Pastor Tim Stephens, the Fairview Baptist Church pastor imprisoned for refusing to shut down his church service or abide by public health orders demanding his gatherings be limited on account of COVID-19.

According to a press release by the JCCF, who represented Stephens:

The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms is pleased to announce that all charges for violating Public Health Orders against Fairview Baptist Church have been withdrawn by Crown prosecutors.  

In early 2021, charges were laid against Pastor Timothy Stephens and Fairview Baptist Church for violating Public Health Orders, which included mandates regarding gathering limitations, masking, and social distancing…

Pastor Stephens spent 18 days in jail but was released when provincial gathering restrictions were removed on July 1, 2021. Soon thereafter, four of the six charges laid against him were dropped by the Crown. 

On September 15, 2022, Pastor Stephens went to trial on two remaining charges of violating public health orders. On November 1, 2022, Judge Allan Fradsham determined that Pastor Stephens had not been guilty of the two remaining charges. 

On August 29, 2023, the Crown withdrew all charges against Fairview Baptist Church. 

Rebel News, who has been doing on-the-ground reporting on this since day one, explains “The withdrawal of charges follows the Ingram v. Alberta decision, wherein it was discovered that public health orders issued in the province of Alberta were invalid because they were instituted by the Alberta cabinet, not a chief medical officer of health, as is required by the Public Health Act.”

It was this decison that also saw all charges dropped against Pastor James Coates of Grace Life Church, who likewise spent a month in jail under similar circumstances.