‘The Satanic Temple’ Headquarters Damaged After ‘Explosive Device’ Thrown on Porch

The Satanic Temple (TST) came under attack Monday after an unknown assailant threw an ‘explosive device’ onto the porch of their headquarters in Salem, Massachusetts, causing minor damage to the building and prompting the FBI to investigate.
We last wrote about TST after they raffled off a free abortion to promote the organization’s religious abortion ritual, hosted SatanCon 2023′, billed as ‘The Largest Satanic Gathering in History,’ opened up a new abortion clinic to murder babies in satanic ‘ritual’ and recently saw a statue of Baphomet they erected in the Iowa Capitol destroyed and beheaded by Christian Vet Michael Cassidy.
No one was in the building at the time of the incident, which occurred at 4:00 am, and it is unknown what sort of device it was, though some eyewitnesses reported it described as a “pipe bomb.” By all intents, the perpetrators intended much worse to happen to the property. After the device and damage was discovered at 4:00 pm, the bomb squad was called in and swept the property, determining there was no further damage or devices.

Co-founder and spokesperson for The Satanic Temple Lucien Greaves noted that the device “kind of fizzled out, but scorched some of the sides of the house” and offered, “given the seriousness of the investigation and the clear skilled professionalism of those involved, I am confident the perpetrator will not long remain unknown.”