
VP of Jermar Tisby’s Org Slams White Women For Singing at Beyoncé Concert: ‘It’s a Black-centered Space’

Ally Henny is the LGBTQ-affirming, openly pro-choice Vice President of Jemar Tisby’s Black Christian Collective Organization. We’ve written about her in the past after she advised black women not to enter interracial relationships with white people. She said she’s concerned about the number of black ‘coons’ running for political office because white people are ‘weaponizing’ them

She also said that white children are racist after observing THIS normal playground behavior, that white people enjoy the viral ‘It’s Corn!’ video because they’re racist, and then accused a nine-year-old girl of engaging in problematic behavior” by wearing a “black hairstyle” and therefore being guilty of being white supremacy and “cultural appropriation.” She’s also claimed that gender normativity is rooted in transphobia.’

In a recent Facebook post, she criticized ‘women of pallor,’ ‘people of whiteness’ ‘palm colored folk’ (Hennyesque slurs for white women) for singing during a Beyoncé song, scolding them for ‘not being able to read a room.’

Because she’s one of the Tisby’s more deranged disciples, Henny notes that because the white women sang during the ‘mute challenge’ portion of the concert, they ‘did the maximum for the most points possible’ by entering into a ‘Black-centered space’ while not being ‘being mindful of how they showed up.’ She also laments that the women’s behavior is a ‘microcosm of how people of whiteness treat Black spaces and culture.’

What is the ‘mute challenge?’ People explains:

The mute challenge occurs during Beyoncé’s performance of “Energy,” particularly when she utters the line, “Look around, everybody on mute.” Like a game of Simon Says, the entire crowd stops what they’re doing and goes silent, with some even “freeze framing” and being completely still….The moment of silence usually lasts about five seconds before the music revs up again and Beyoncé continues with the rest of the song.

And for this, Henny’s disdain for white people shines through and is made manifest:


Why Are Pro-Life Legislators REPEALING Laws Criminalizing Abortion?

(Abolish Abortion Texas) Did you see what happened in South Carolina? Pro-Life legislators REPEALED an existing law that made it a criminal act for a pregnant woman to deliberately kill her own preborn baby by abortion.😳

And this isn’t the first time. Other states have done this.

Before I get to the others, though, here’s what South Carolina did.

South Carolina had a statute (S.C. Code Ann. § 44-41-80) criminalizing self-managed abortions:

But, the 2023 Fetal Heartbeat and Protection from Abortion Act (S.C. SB 474, Section 9), repealed that law, decriminalizing self-managed abortion in South Carolina.

Here’s how it happened.

A Democrat Senator offered the amendment to do this (Hutto, Amendment 10).
With 30 Republican senators and only 13 Democrats, you would assume that anything decriminalizing abortion like this wouldn’t stand a chance of passing, right?


One Republican did… to continue reading, click here.

This article was written by Bradley Pierce and published at Abolish Abortion Texas


Living Waters Releases New Anti-Abortion Film ‘What Is It?’ Free on YouTube

“If you are tempted to say, ‘Oh, I’ve seen pro-life films before,’ trust me, you haven’t seen the best one.” —Justin Peters

Living Waters Ministry, founded by Ray Comfort, has released the global premiere of their movie ‘What Is It?’ on their Youtube channel completely free.

The film primarily features on-the-street interviews and interactions with the public about their views of abortion. Here, the host pokes and prods them to delve into their beliefs, confronting them about the consequences and implications of their own convictions. It also features segments on the history of abortion, other pro-life arguments, and some evangelism at the end.

The film description reads:

You were you from the moment of fertilization—a unique human being who will never be repeated in all of human history. Abortion is one of the most hotly debated and complex topics in the world. Hitting the streets with common-sense reasoning, Mark Spence, Ray Comfort, and Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne use science, philosophy, and theology to change people’s minds on abortion. This complex issue can be decided by answering one simple question: “What is it?”

The team behind award-winning movies like “180,” “Evolution vs. God,” and “Audacity” is back at it, changing people’s minds on abortion and proclaiming the gospel. This riveting documentary will equip Christians, change minds, and (by the grace of God) be used to bring sinners to a saving faith.


Pool of Siloam Steps, where Jesus Walked and Healed the Blind Man, Are Unearthed

(Christian Headlines) In recent weeks, archaeologists and workers in Israel have unearthed eight steps at the Pool of Siloam as part of a major project that will reveal – for the first time in centuries – the very stones that Jesus and the men and women of Scripture once walked.

The project was announced late last year by the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA), the Israel National Parks Authority and the City of David Foundation and involves excavating a site in the southern part of the City of David and within the Jerusalem Walls National Park area.

The pool was built some 2,700 years ago during the reign of King Hezekiah (2 Kings 20:20) and allowed “bathers to sit and immerse themselves in the waters of the Pool,” according to an IAA news release. The Babylonians destroyed it around 600 B.C. before it was rebuilt, as recorded in….to continue reading click here.

This article was written by Michael Foust and published at Christian Headlines


Famous Hell-Denying Preacher Battling Cancer: ‘I Was At Death’s Door’

Carlton Pearson used to be one of the most prominent pastors in America. He founded a Church of God In Christ church (COGIC) called the Higher Dimensions Evangelistic Center in Tulsa, OK, in the early 80s, which he eventually grew to over 6000 attendees every Sunday.

He hosted a weekly preaching show on TBN, reaching millions of people, and was one of the first black ministers to sell out stadiums and conferences, platforming folks like TD Jakes and Joyce Meyer and sharing the stage with Jerry Falwell and Oral Roberts. Given his prominence, he also met with and ministered to Bill Clinton and George Bush, counseling them on faith-based initiatives and following major tragedies.

His downfall began after he claimed he heard the voice of God speaking to him and telling him there was no hell after watching a video of the Rwandan genocide. He shared this revelation with his congregants, who rejected him and the message wholesale.

His denomination publicly branded him as a heretic and his church hemorrhaged dozens of pastors and thousands of congregants until only a few hundred remained. After struggling on their own for a few years, they eventually merged with All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa. Here, at this pro-LGBTQ, pro-choice Trinity-denying church goatpen, he became an affiliate minister, where he’s been ever since. 

He’s also incredibly ill, with the Christian Post reporting that he’s battling a prostate cancer reoccurrence from twenty years ago. Pearson revealed in a Facebook Live video Tuesday.

“I don’t know what happened. It (the illness) just hit me all at once. We’ve been battling, you know, the prostate thing for 20 years but had been free. And then all of a sudden, this thing hit me, and I haven’t even had any treatment for it because my body was so toxic and so filled with sepsis and infection.

I had no idea. By the time they got me to the hospital, I was at death’s door. My son was with me. We went through all of that… like 17 days in the hospital and several in and out, but I want you to know I’m yet holding on.”

If localized, prostate cancer has an almost 100% five-year survival rate, but if it spreads to other parts of the body, the survival rate drops to under 35%.

There’s no denying that Pearson is a heretic on his way to hell, and we pray that he repents before it is too late.


Church Ordered to Return 10 Years of Tithes Worth $780,000, Or Lose Building

Messiah Lutheran Church in Joliet, Illinois, received the shock of their lives after government officials ordered them to repay nearly $800,000 in tithes given to them over the last ten years, and the clock is ticking. A FAQ created by the church explains:

An unexpected, devastating crisis threatens the permanent closing of Messiah in Joliet, Illinois, a large congregation that has served the community for over 120 years. And this despite no wrongdoing or accusation of wrongdoing by the church.

In January of 2021, the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) Receiver filed a federal lawsuit against Messiah demanding payment to the SEC of $780,165, the full 10 years of donations that had been given to the church by a local business. The SEC accused the local business of recent fraudulent financial dealings (by defrauding numerous investors)

The church accepted those donations in good faith and is not accused of wrongdoing. However, the donations are no longer available to meet the SEC’s demand because they have been used in ministry over the last ten years.

Illinois law does not offer any protection despite no wrongdoing on the part of the church. It allows for the claw back of donations to charities based on accused misdeeds of the donor. There are no laws in Illinois to protect nonprofit charities, so no charities in Illinois are safe from facing this same scenario.

The church said it tried for years to settle with the SEC receiver in a way that wouldn’t financially cripple their church, but that the SEC “rejected multiple settlement offers put forth by Messiah on the basis that, even if Messiah did not have the money to pay the judgment sought, a judgment could be enforced against Messiah’s real estate.”

So far the church has repaid $480,000 from cash reserves and donations and needs to raise another $300,000 within the next two months, or else they say they’ll be forced to sell their building and property to repay the balance owed.


Acts 29 Network Talking Heads Pummeled For Squishy LGBTQ Response

Pastor Nate Schlomann took a two-by-four to the talking heads at the Acts 29 Network commenting on a video  between Justin Anderson, the Director of Church Planting for Acts 29, and Mike Sullivan, lead pastor of Emmaus Church in Worcester, MS sharing strategies for churches to show ‘gospel hospitality’ to our LGBTQIA+ friends and family with conviction and love. 

Acts 29 was founded as an evangelistic church planting network designed to exemplify a deep biblicism, mainly on the back of its Calvinistic soteriology. However, downgrade has crept in over the years, facilitated by a leadership that refuses to diligently and relentlessly cull cultural decay and ungodly influence within their midst, exemplified best after they cowardly kicked out two pastors from their network for an unspecified public critique.

Schlomann explains their recent snafu:


Investigation Concludes $700,000 Stolen From Florida Baptist Convention NOT an Inside Job

Four months after the Florida Baptist Convention informed members that they were the “victim of a highly sophisticated cybercrime” that used fraudulent emails to steal $700,000 earmarked for their Send Network Florida account, an investigatory report concluded there was “no criminal activity on the part of any Florida Baptist Convention staff person” to account for the losses, but instead “the crime was the result of sophisticated cybertargeting by, at this point, unknown perpetrators.”

It’s a small consolation for the convention, which has been reeling from the loss. The report was delivered during their Aug. 24-25 meeting in Jacksonville.

While they are still making efforts to recover the funds, subcommittee members shared they are also implementing stronger protocols to prevent such a crime from occurring in the future, revealing that “the convention is exercising heightened awareness when carrying out financial duties, implementing ongoing training for convention staff, appropriate data security controls, and completing the process to become accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability


Investigation Substantiates Abuses by Disgraced Pastor Mike Pilavachi

The Church of England has completed its safeguarding investigation into abuse allegations against prominent UK pastor and evangelist Mike Pilavachi, finding him guilty of a range of inappropriate behaviors spanning 40 years.

Pilavachi was the founder of the Soul Survivor Festival, a summer camp/massive outreach event of worship, evangelism, and charismatic focus that drew over 32,500 UK youth in 2019 before being shuttered. 

Pilavachi stepped down as Associate Pastor of Soul Survivor after being suspended by the organization in the wake of dozens of allegations of abuse and physical and sexual impropriety, most of them stemming from his interactions with young men under his spiritual care.

These included manipulating them into receiving full-body oil massages in their underwear and participating in ‘vigorous’ wrestling matches with him, which could last as long as twenty minutes. One prominent victim is famed worship leader Matt Redman, who has spoken out against him. A press release from the Church of England reads in part:

The internal Church investigation into Mike Pilavachi, being conducted by the National Safeguarding Team, NST, and the diocese of St Albans, has now concluded. Having explored the safeguarding concerns fully, according to House of Bishops guidance, the investigation team has concluded that they are substantiated

The overall substantiated concerns are described as an abuse of power relating to his ministry, and spiritual abuse; described in guidance as ‘a form of emotional and psychological abuse characterised by a systematic pattern of coercive and controlling behaviour in a religious context’. It was concluded that he used his spiritual authority to control people and that his coercive and controlling behaviour led to inappropriate relationships, the physical wrestling of youths and massaging of young male interns.


Memphis Church, in 2023, Instructs Members to Quarantine and Mask Up for COVID

(Dissenter) Four years after the COVID panic hit the world, the vast majority of sane people in this world have finally come to see it for what it is—a scare tactic designed to force the masses into submission. Yet, there are some out there who just don’t seem to learn, despite the obvious nature of it.

One such church is Greater Harvest in Memphis, TN. Recently, this church released a COVID Update video instructing its members to quarantine and mask up, despite the enormous amount of proof that such tactics were completely useless against this mild, mostly harmless cold they call “COVID.”

If you “test positive,” and even if you’re not showing any symptoms, “still stay quarantined for five days and then wear your mask up to 10 days,” a…to continue reading click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written and published at the Dissenter.