Truett Theological Seminary Hosts Gay-Affirming Speakers, Panelists

George W. Truett Theological Seminary, or ‘Truett’ for short, is a Texas-based seminary operated by Baylor University (The World’s largest Baptist university) and associated with the Baptist General Convention of Texas.
With nearly 400 students, they describe themselves as an “orthodox, evangelical school in the historic Baptist tradition” with a mission to “equip God-called people for gospel ministry in and alongside Christ’s Church by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
We recently wrote about Baylor after Greg Garrett, their pro-choice, gay-affirming, trans-affirming professor of Literature and Culture who called a centuries-old hymn “sexist” for containing the word “brethren,” and after he chastised author J.K Rowling for posting a lengthy Twitter thread where she repeatedly called a bunch of trans-women “men” on Trans Day of Visibility, something he found intolerable.
Garrett also appears to be a key organizer in the new annual “racism” conference at Truett Seminary. Whereas last year’s featured Jemar Tisby and Beth Moore talking about racism in the white church, this year’s “Racism in the world church” includes a bunch of antinomians lecturing believers about how to be better Christians.
As part of the conference “Racism In The World Church” 2024, Truett/Baylor’s held a panel that was composed of pastors at affirming churches (at least 2 of 3 speakers). Woke Preacher TV explains:
Sean Palmer, an Enneagram guru and teaching pastor at Ecclesia Houston, proudly declared in a 2018 speech that his church has accepted transgender individuals and same-sex couples into membership.
Timothy Peoples is senior pastor of Wilshire Baptist Church, which advertises its affirming stance and is a member of the Association Of Welcoming + Affirming Baptists and participated in Dallas Pride last year.
(The third panel member, famed musician Jimi Calhoun, doesn’t really counter-balance the other men’s stances, as his “church,” Bridging Austin, appears to just be him, his wife, and a friend who have streamed a handful of brief “online liturgies” and held “meetups” advertised as “Taizé Contemplative Services” in the past few months.)
At the end of their conversation, titled “Black Pastors In White Spaces,” Palmer alludes to the objection of @NeilShenvi and agrees that adopting a critical social justice frame towards race will inevitably lead to compromise on “a whole constellation of other issues and topics that I also have to treat similarly.”
h/t Woke Preacher TV
“Enneagram” is code word for Theological Liberal or Apostate.
Freddywin is a code word for little bitch.
The wolves are in the hen house.