Critical Race Theory Evangelical Stuff Featured News

Tim Keller: The Church will Grow by Immigration Because White People are Too Secular

Tim Keller, founder of The Gospel Coalition and cultural Marxist extraordinaire, has a long history of saying awful, terrible things, such as when his church called for more same-sex intimacy in churches, said that if you have white skin, the bible says you’re involved in injustice, trashed the “Social Justice and the Gospel Statement,” endorsed the notion of a “gay Christian,” affirmed Christians have “liberty of conscience” to vote for pro-abortion Democrats, and explained that Christians will be purged from government and schools and that they brought it on themselves.

In fact, he’s usually so bad and distinctive in his wrongness, that we created a Tweet Generator about him.

In his latest theological gaffe, Keller spoke with The Gospel Coalition’s As In Heaven host, Jim Davis, explaining that the population is becoming “de-churched” and the church is shrinking on account of white people who are nominal Christians leaving the faith. This, he says, is the result of the church failing to handle sexuality, race, justice, and science (Keller is a theistic evolutionist) in a way that people can “connect with.”

Thankfully, whereas white folk are increasingly becoming more and more fallow soil, Keller explains that persons of color (POC) are the future, suggesting that that “non-white people” are “a lot less secular and a lot less individualistic than white people” and they are the fertile soil that will bring revival.

JIM DAVIS: Pre-COVID, 49 percent of our city was churched, 8 percent was never churched, and 43 percent is de-churched, so we consider this problem so significant that we’re going to devote the entire third season of our podcast on the de-church phenomenon. And as we have been studying what’s going on with the 43 percent who are currently de-churched, one of the common refrains that we’ve been hearing has been: evangelicals struggle to properly name racism as a problem and make steps towards justice and human flourishing. So here’s the two-part question: first, what role do discussions of race and justice play in de-churching, and second, how can churches shape people better in this conversation moving forward? So, Dr. Keller, I’ll start with you.

TIMOTHY KELLER: Well, there’s three issues that are we’re gonna have to be able to face and speak to well, because a lot of people are walking away for three reasons. One is how the church talks about sexuality, how it talks about justice and race, and how it talks about science. And all three of those, unless you give people cogent answers that are both, that they connect with their concerns and their rightful objections to the way the church has operated in every one of those areas, at the same time draws on our confessional orthodoxy, we are not going to make much progress. So all three of those things.

The way you say, what role is the justice, race thing, one of three, okay. And going forward, it means we have to change the way in which we do our own catechesis and our own doctrinal way of training people, because we actually do not tend to connect with biblical doctrines with cultural narratives, and so our people get co-opted by the cultural narratives. And that’s a long story.

Let me just say something encouraging kind of quick, is I believe that the de-churching thing will will bottom out in about 20 or 30 years, because, number one, immigration means that non-white people are a lot less secular, a lot less individualistic than white people and, therefore, they’re much more .

Secondly, you’ve got two kinds of religious people in the country. You’ve got nominal people and true believers, converted people. And what’s happening, of course, is the nominal people, they’re the ones that are leaving very quickly and shrinking, whereas the true believers retain their children better and they evangelize.

And so what’s going to happen is, as you might say, as a congress, as our culture becomes more multi-ethnic and as the nominal believers leave and we get down to the converted, you’re going to find that the church starting to grow back in many, many ways. So I would actually say that the secularization, the deconversion, is going to last for another couple of decades, but it’s going to bottom out. I say that by way of trying to encourage some people.

It doesn’t take long to see why this is problematic: First off, people aren’t leaving the church because it has an uncouth or non-winsome way of voicing their opposition to perverse sexual proclivities, but because they are unregenerate and have believed a false gospel. If they were genuinely concerned, they never would leave.

As far as the other part, all you have to do is reverse the skin color. @wokepreachertv, who provided the video and transcript, explains it thusly:

h/t to @wokepreachertv for the clip and the transcript. Everyone should follow him on TwitterGab, and YouTube.

[Editor’s note: Also, maybe the reason people are leaving the Keller camp is that they are tired of the woke, agenda-driven, anti-science garbage that Tim Keller spouts. Dude, if some one can write a tweet maker for you that makes it too difficult to tell if you actually wrote it, then you have become entirely readable and predictable. Tim, you have “jumped the shark.”]


We’re Throwing a ‘Kill the Fatted Calf’ BBQ to Celebrate Russell Moore Leaving the ERLC, and We Want YOU There

And bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it; and let us eat, and be merry. Luke 15:23

Here at Protestia/ Pulpit & Pen, we’ve been working for more than a decade to get Russell Moore to leave the Southern Baptist Convention. Now that this day is upon us, we are going to celebrate and commemorate Moore’s departure from the SBC this coming Tuesday, May 25, 2021 with our Kill the Fatted Calf celebration, and we’re inviting all Patrons to attend.

All patrons may join the event, at any donation level. The event will include a teaching on the imprecatory Psalms, and we will invoke them against the Social Justice leaders and pray together that God shut their mouths.

Every attendee will be entered for door prizes that include:

* A Bible commentary
* “Fault Lines” by Voddie Baucham
* A Heritage .22 Rough Rider revolver

JD will be broadcasting from his kitchen or patio (weather permitting) at 06:30 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada) and we want everyone to FEAST.
Buy yourself some beef, some venison, or even some poultry, and grill it up in honor of this glorious day.

A new BBQ Grill will be given away to the person with the most impressive piece of grilled animal flesh. The winner will be decided by a vote of attendees.

We’ll be joined by our fellow discernment bloggers who helped make Moore’s departure a reality. Let’s celebrate together! 

If you are not a Patron yet, now is a great time to join. Sign up HERE, and support our ministry and the work the Lord is doing.

See you all there!

Editor’s Note. To stave off any anticipated criticism, there is a way to reconcile Proverbs 11:10, Revelation 18, Proverbs 24:17, Exodus 15, etc.

For this reason, we rejoice!

Critical Race Theory Featured

Trauma Queen

“Rightful mockery, holy sarcasm, and righteous satire” are the perfect ways to describe the kind of fun we are having with Kyle J. Howard, the cartoon Twitterer who gets attention by claiming trauma around every corner and leveling false accusations at anyone not towing the CRT line. Sometimes you just have to laugh at it. And before you respond with accusations of not being gracious, loving, or respectful ask yourself how respectful we should be with a lying accuser of the brethren?


Critical Race Theory Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies

The Wokefication of World Vision: ‘White Male Gaze’ and Why White Christians Desire White Primacy

World Vision’s online course designed to equip churches and pastors to understand “racial justice” is a hotbed of Critical Race Theory, unbiblical syncretism, and radical progressivism, infecting the organization and resulting in the wokefication of World Vision and a denial of some core tenets of the Christian Faith.

Discovered through their monthly “May We Be One: Pastors pursuing Racial Justice” course, this is part two in a five-part series exposing the extent that CRT has compromised the mission of the famed NGO (See Part one for more information on these courses).

In this case, Dr. Soong-Chan Rah, Professor at North Park Theological Seminary and one of the primary moderators for World Vision, explains the CRT concept of “white male gaze” and the ways it is designed to frame black people as a threat, resulting in the propensity of White Christians to “act instinctively to preserve that narrative of white superiority” and “act naturally, instinctively, to preserve…the narrative of white superiority.”

Whose perspective determines the perspective of society? Willie Jennings [of Yale Divinity School] talks about the four quadrants of relationships, a four-part relationship, between the white male, the black male, the white female, and the black female. And that interrelationship between these four oftentimes is determined by the gaze or perspective of the white male.

In other words, how the white male views the others determines how the rest of society views the other. So, for example, when the white male gazes upon the black male, how is that black male perceived? The black male is perceived in such a way that the rest of society views the black male in the same way. So, when the white male sees the black male, that black male is a threat.

In fact, if you think about the six o’clock news and what leads every single news report on the six o’clock local news, what is the most scary, threatening person in our society according to the six o’clock news? It is the unidentified black male

…Now that threat of the black male is translated in a lot of different ways, and one of the ways is translated is the gaze issue again, the perspective, when the black male looks at the white female, that is oftentimes conceived as a very real threat.

Narratives are like a good actor in a good TV show or in a movie. So there are good actors who use something called method acting. In method acting, what they do is they embody the character so deeply that they reflexively and improvisationally, impulsively act out of that character. So, for example, if Robert De Niro is playing a mobster in a movie shoot, and you run into him at a Starbucks, don’t talk to him, because he’s so into that character, he’ll respond to you like he’s an actual mobster.

So that embodied character, getting so deeply into that character that your instinct, your reflex, what you improvise, comes out of that character, that’s what narratives do. And so these narratives have been played out over and over again. The unidentified black male. The superiority of white culture over other culture. The demeaning of other cultures and the elevating of this culture.

When that narrative gets played out over and over again, we end up embedding that character into our imagination, our value system, our worldview, and we act improvisationally, instinctively, reflectively, reflexively, out of that character.

One of the questions we want to grapple with as we go through this material is what are the ways that we act instinctively to preserve that narrative of white superiority, white primacy? What are the ways we act naturally, instinctively, to preserve or act into that narrative of white superiority?”

h/t to @wokepreachertv for the clip and most of the transcript. Everyone should follow him on Twitter, Gab, and YouTube.

Charismatic Nonsense Church Featured Heresies

California Loses Lawsuit, to Pay Church $1,350,000 For Shutting Them Down

A California District judge has given the win to Harvest Rock Church (HRC) and ordered the State to pay them $1.35 million in legal fees and attorney costs, the result of landing a monstrous victory over California Governor Gavin Newsom. HRC and other churches sued the governor for imposing pandemic rules limiting the size of church services and attendance, as well as the ban on singing and chanting, which they say violated their First Amendment rights.

Mat Staver, the Liberty Counsel Chairman whose firm has been representing Harvest Rock, was ebullient over the news, saying in a statement:

Newsom has now been permanently quarantined and may not violate the First Amendment rights of churches and places of worship again. We are grateful for Pastor Ché Ahn, Harvest Rock Church, and Harvest International Ministry. Pastor Ahn’s leadership and courage has toppled the tyranny and freed every pastor and church in California…

For over a year, California prosecutors were levying threats of criminal charges for each individual congregation member at HRC, amounting to thousands of individual $1000 fines and jail time for up to a year for violators.

In fact, the prosecutor’s office in Pasadena informed HRC, led by the defacto head of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), Pastor Ché Ahn, that they were revved up and ready to criminally charge every congregant member who chose to show up at the church, including the pastor, the staff, and the parishioners, if they did not immediately desist worshipping together on the Lord’s day, sending letters like these.

Though Pastor John MacArthur’s Grace Community Church has garnered most of the attention and publicity for restarting their services after a lengthy shutdown, hundreds of Churches in California have been defying Newsom for weeks and months before GCC ever did, if many even closed at all.

Harvest Rock Church opened its in-person services back in late May of 2020, joining 1200 other pastors in a day of defiance that set the date for reopening their services despite shutdown orders. They launched a lawsuit against the state in June, and have been a thorn in the side of government officiants wanting to shut them down ever since, battling it out in court over and over with the help of the Liberty Counsel.

It was Harvest Rock Church’s win that resulted in the statewide permanent injunction against COVID-19 restrictions on churches and places of worship being put in place, meaning every church in California owes them a word of thanks and gratitude. In a statement, Pastor Ché Ahn said:

This is a momentous day for churches in America. After nearly a year-long battle defending our religious freedoms, our lawsuit has reached a permanent settlement in our favor.

I am thrilled to see the complete reversal of the last discriminatory restrictions against churches in California, knowing this case will act as a precedent, not only in our state, but also in our nation. We are incredibly grateful to our attorney Mat Staver and to Liberty Counsel for their relentless support and fierce determination. Most of all, we give all the glory to God for moving mightily in this historic season.

Cursed Headlines Evangelical Stuff Featured News Religion

John MacArthur’s Message Makes it to Hollywood

Pastor John MacArthur and his trusty sidekick Phil Johnson were discovered to have appeared in a Hollywood thriller, their distinctive voices talking about the authority of God and the perversions of mankind while one of the characters evades a feared stalker, in a recently unearthed clip.

Sweet Virginia, released in 2017 and starring Jon Bernthal, is about a retired rodeo rider who befriends a young man, not knowing he’s behind a string of violence occurring in their small town. The film is Rated R for “violence, some strong sexuality, language, and drug use” and has a 79% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

The dynamic duo doesn’t appear in person, however, but rather their conversation appears on a radio program during a tense scene. One of the main characters is listening to Phil interviewing John on the radio, the two explaining that the major problem facing the nation is the lack of confidence in the word of God and the lack of submission to its authority.

The audio, we have discovered, was taken from a 2002 interview titled “Mission in a Dying Culture,” where we overhear:

Phil: You’re saying that you don’t believe the major problem, the major moral issue that confronts our country today, is not pornography, it’s not homosexuality, it’s not abortion, it’s not liberalized education, or any of these other things that we typically identify. The real, basic, moral problem in America is the lack of confidence in the Word of God.

JOHN: Well, yeah, that’s absolutely right. The lack of not only the confidence in the Word of God, but the lack of submission to it as the absolute authority.

You and I went to Italy one time. I walked in to Pompeii, which was preserved because of the volcano, Vesuvius, and I looked at the walls of the homes in Pompeii, and I saw the most gross, obscene, pornographic stuff painted in frescos in the first century in Italy that would rival anything pornographic today. The only difference was the medium was different, this is permanent fresco, today it’s in a magazine or on a piece of film or whatever that might be. I mean that is not new. That is not American.

One way or another, the wretchedness of the human heart, which is bent on sexuality, heterosexual sin and homosexual sin, that is nothing new at all. Go back to Genesis chapter 19 where you have a whole city given over to homosexuality, where they want to rape the angels that show up, they’re so base, Sodom and Gomorrah. That is not new, that isn’t inimitable to American culture. Even abortion – I mean you can go back in history, abortion has been done throughout all of history. That isn’t anything new, that isn’t anything inimitable to America, the death of little infants for whatever reasons.

Critical Race Theory Evangelical Stuff Featured

Aimee Byrd and the Egalitarians Explain Their Plan To Smuggle in Women Pastors

(Denny Burk) Mike Bird and Devi Abraham recently interviewed authors Kristin DuMez, Beth Allison Barr, and Aimee Byrd (see video below). All three of these authors have written books condemning complementarianism. Both DuMez and Barr are convinced egalitarians. While I have never heard Byrd own that label, she has said in her book that she is not a complementarian. In any case, it’s difficult to detect any daylight between Byrd’s position and that of the two egalitarians in this interview. They all three are very much opposed to complementarian theology, which is denigrated as abusive patriarchy in this interview.

One thing that they all three seem to agree on is the need for women to take on more teaching and leadership positions over men in churches. On this point, there was one revealing moment at the end of the interview that I think complementarians would do well to take note of. Devi Abraham asks the authors what one thing needs to change in evangelical churches, and Beth Allison Barr answers first with this:

You know, I would like for women to be able to teach Sunday School… In order for women to be accepted in leadership roles, we’ve got to put them in leadership roles… Lots of men have this story that their minds actually weren’t changed by what they read. Their minds were changed by hearing women. And hearing women teach and realizing they could be edified, that they could grow spiritually from hearing a woman.

So I would really like for more evangelical churches to put women in adult leadership roles… So I’m not expecting pastorate immediately. Everything takes time. But just put them in more spaces where they actually can use these gifts. Don’t confine them only to women’s ministry and to children’s ministry and to the dream team in the kitchen. Put them out in leadership roles… Let women teach the Bible. Let them teach actual theology and good stuff. And let’s see them do it… If I could change one thing, I would put more women in adult Sunday School and teaching places in churches.

Notice that the endgame for…

To continue reading and see the video, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Denny Burk and published at Title changed by Protestia.

Church Evangelical Stuff Featured In-person Church Righteous Defiance

Police Shut Down Pastor Tim Stephens’ Church, But He Hints at Going Underground

Alberta Health Service and Provincial law enforcement have announced that they are physically shutting down “arrested and now released” Pastor Tim Stephens’ Church*, barring their doors to get them to cease gathering. Despite these strongarm tactics, the defiant minister explained on social media that “the church must gather,” and that they had every intention of doing so, building be damned.

Fairview Baptist Church will be joining James Coates’ GraceLife Church, Jacob Reaume’s Trinity Bible Chapel, and two others in having their church shuttered and doors locked by power-tripping government officials, all for refusing to adhere to the provincial lockdown laws that limit church attendance to 15 people inside, or 5 people outside.

Taking to Twitter, Stephens says that he is grateful for everyone who prayed for his release from jail and that though the church building has been ordered closed, they are actively seeking a new place to gather together, implying out of sight and underground if need be. They would join several other churches currently hiding out from the government, some traveling over 80 miles to get to their hidden church location.

This is done with the hopes that if they meet in secret, they will be left alone and not subject to crushing monetary fines or even further arrests.

With pastor Stephens being released from prison after two days, it is still unclear exactly what restrictions and conditions were placed on him that enabled him to be released. AHS has been actively petitioning to keep him incarcerated or to lock him back up if he re-offends and continues to lead services, and it Is uncertain whether they will arrest him on sight if he attempts to lead church publicly.

As far as whether the province plans to relent from their harsh lockdowns, Premier Jason Kenny’s government is unlikely to relent soon, announcing that in his great benevolence, they have made an allowance for 12 whole frontline workers to attend a hockey playoff game, in a stadium that fits 18,500 people.

That’s the kind of fear and illogic ruling political decision-making. If he will not allow more than 12 to gather in a literal stadium, (who incidentally, are all sitting next to each other, so much for social distancing) he will not allow a couple of hundred saints in the house of God.

*We know it’s not their church, but the Lord’s Church.

Charismatic Nonsense Featured Money Grubbing Heretics

Charismatic Prophetess Says ‘Evil Residue’ Lives in Clothes and Must be Cleansed Before it Leads to Suicide

When Kat Kerr, our favorite pink-haired charismatic meme-bot and “Dr. Michael Brown-approved prophetess” isn’t weaving an unbiblical tale of witchcraft and false theology by claiming that when babies die in miscarriage, sometimes God “puts them back” in the womb,  that heaven is full of 20ft Sasquatch Warriors, ‘Fairies,’ and unicorns, or explaining how she has a picture of thousands of lioned-faced angels frog-marching chained demons across the sky in order to go to heaven for judgment, she’s explaining how depressed and suicidal people leave an ‘evil residue’ in their clothing that must be purged with ‘blue fire’, lest it makes one want to kill themselves.

Speaking to chief-enabler and gullibility king Steve Shultz on Episode 19 of “Wednesdays with Kat and Steve!” Steve explains that he used to have a jacket given to him by his dad, who happened to have an anger problem. Every time he wore the jacket he would likewise become angry and agitated- a pattern that continued for years. It was only after throwing out the jacket that he ceased being enraged and upset every time he wore it, prompting Kerr to chime in with these unique pearls:

The father showed me these things when he said do not even touch a garment that is spotted by the flesh. In the word that means people who commit sins, people who are filled with their own self and don’t even care about others, don’t even take something they own.

Don’t take it, don’t wear it because there’s a residue of them on it. I understand all that. Being a seer I’ll look at things and some people’s garments have stuff on it you don’t want. Your own garments collect your words, what are you saying.

Speaking to Shultz particualr case, she elaborates:

“That happens to them so many times. Sometimes its oppression- they don’t even know why- and they’ve taken something from someone who lived so depressed, maybe they even… took their life because they couldn’t handle that, maybe they got to where they couldn’t handle living. You do NOT want to take stuff like that from people.

She says that if you take anything from anyone, you ought to “cleanse it for the kingdom” which involves touching it and doing some sort of incantation over it. If you do this:

“The fire of God will come out of your hand and it will burn every bit of that stuff off. I want you to know, I don’t sit in one chair in the restaurant without touching that chair and say I cleanse it for the kingdom.

Steve “Really!?

Sometimes residue. But people walk past me not saying a word, and I hear what they said coming off their garments. Like your dad wore that coat all the time angry, it absorbs literally into the garment. We have to understand the spirit realm around us. Your words create something, and so you don’t want to take things from people. That’s why he said “don’t touch a garment spotted by the flesh”

That means they sinned in the flesh… and if you take the residue you can’t wash it off in the washing machine by the way, and you wear that, you’ll start having the same thoughts or the same expressions coming out of you.

…if you like the thrift shop, whatever you get in the thrift shop cleanse it for the kingdom before you take it to your house.

Describing the anointing that burns off bad vibes to manifest as blue fire, she explains that when she goes into people’s homes “I’ll brush the wall and release it in the whole place.” She even cleanses letters and parcels that come to her home, lest they be sent by someone with an evil residue. However, she says that even cleansing has its limits:

If it’s been something that been worn a long time or somebody you don’t know, you don’t want to get something that came from somebody who was really wicked. I wouldn’t take anything. I wouldn’t even take it to cleanse it.

abortion Evangelical Stuff Featured

Texas Gov. Greg Abbot Signs Fetal Heartbeat Bill. Now Come the Lawsuits

Texas Governor Greg Abbot has signed a fetal heartbeat bill into law, making it illegal to have an abortion once the heartbeat can be detected, which can happen as early as 6 weeks.

The law, which goes into effect September 1, makes it illegal for any physician to abort a baby if he or she can detect a heartbeat, as well as bars them from engaging in their murderous practices if they haven’t performed an ultrasound first to detect that heartbeat. Any abortion provider not following these practices can be sued and subject to civil action by any interested party (The girl, her boyfriend, her husband, a friend, etc.), to be awared no less than $10,000 and all attorney fees.

Planned Parenthood President Alexis McGill Johnson, who is the leader of the “apex predator” of the baby-killing world, called Senate Bill 8 “cruel and extreme” and vowed “fight back like hell” in order to get it shuttered, such as has been done with every other heartbeat bill that has ever been introduced.

While progressives and pro-abortionists are freaking out, and pro-life organizations like National Right to Life are celebrating, not all abortion dissidents are pleased.

This “half-measure” and “unrighteous decree” is a far cry from Governor Abbot’s 2018 promise to Jeremiah Thomas – the late son of Operation Save America National Director Rusty Thomas – in which he gave his word to the dying 16-year-old boy that he would abolish abortion completely in Texas, a promise he has yet to fulfill and shows so far no interest in doing.

Similarly, Indiana State Representative John Jacob, one of the first true abolitionist candidates that got on the ballot and won, explained in brief why people should not be celebrating or encouraging this sort of legislation:

The first heartbeat bill was passed in 2019 in Ohio. The bill was immediately blocked by the Courts and not one child has been saved after a detectable heartbeat was found. The same has happened in just about every other state to pass such legislation around the Country since 2019. These Heartbeat bills have not saved ONE child.

The ultimate ‘game plan’ is for one of these Heartbeat bills to make it to the Supreme Court, with hopes the Supreme Court will overturn Roe. I don’t see this happening, as the only type of legislative bill to overturn Roe, would be one that abolishes all abortion, not regulates it.

Why I believe Heartbeat bills are bad:

1. Abortion is murder. States should not regulate murder. Heartbeat bills are the regulating of murder.

2. Preborn babies are American citizens and deserve equal rights and protections. Heartbeat bills do not provide equal or Constitutional rights. Thus, Heartbeat bills are unconstitutional.

3. Pro-life abortion regulation laws actually strengthen Roe v. Wade. EVERY pro-life law that has been passed in the last 48 years, at the state level, has said to both the Supreme Court and the society at large that children in the womb do not have constitutional rights and protections, since their killing can be regulated.

Never in the history of the pro-life movement has a law been passed that has affirmed the humanity of the preborn, and has called for their complete protection. Not one! In light of all of this, pro-life regulatory laws have BACKFIRED and instead of ‘chipping away at Roe,’ these laws have actually STRENGTHENED Roe.

This is why the strategy to ‘regulate abortion’ is wrong and must be repented of and replaced with working to abolish abortion! We must pass laws at the State and Federal level calling for the protection of all preborn babies with no exceptions.