Charismatic Nonsense Featured Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics

Charismatic Prophetess Gives Wild Answer to Gruesome Q&A about Angels Chopping off Demon Heads

When Kat Kerr, our favorite pink-haired charismatic meme-bot and “Dr. Michael Brown-approved prophetess” isn’t weaving an unbiblical tale of witchcraft and false theology by claiming that when babies die in miscarriage, sometimes God “puts them back” in the womb, that St. Patrick’s mansion is surrounded by giant singing shamrocks, or that heaven is full of 20ft Sasquatch Warriors, ‘Fairies,’ and unicorns, she’s explaining how she has a picture of thousands of lioned-faced angels frog-marching chained demons across the sky in order to go to heaven for judgment.

Appearing on Episode 23 of Wednesdays with Kat and Steve, Kerr, who really is excellent at improv [the form of comedy in this case? -Ed.], answers the question from the ever-gullable Steve: “Can I ask my angels to draw their swords and cut off the heads of any and all devils that I find attacking me, and if not, what can I ask them to do?”

Kerr informed the poor tormented soul that she herself can’t kill the demons, but that if she invites heaven’s army to accompany her, the angels can do her dirty work. These are not the 40-foot tall guardian angels that look like people, but rather a separate class called “hosts.” She explains:

The hosts don’t mostly don’t ever look like people, they look like creatures. They’re made out of things like light or sound. But, they’re real and they’re fierce. They can battle the demonic, they can shred them but not kill them and I mean they will literally shred them. They can leave marks on them but they can’t kill them.

I…literally took a picture one time, when I first invited heaven’s army according to the protocol the Father gave me. I invited heaven’s army to be one of my weapons and they began showing up outside in the sky over my home.

And one time, not kidding, there was a whole group of them, the ones that looked like lions, they’re the world guards, they had some demons in chains and brought them over my roof and I got a picture.

Steve: “Really?”

I’m not kidding. I’m, not kidding. They were showing me the ones they had captured and were dragging either for judgment, because I have been in the courtrooms in heaven where sometimes demons are dragged up and judged and then the father deals with them. They’re either thrown in a dry place or they’re thrown in chains. That’s what ‘spear force(?)’ is all about. You’re gonna learn so much about that so I don’t have time or won’t answer any questions, but I can tell you you can command your army if you have an army.

Featured Religion

All Protestia Patrons Get the PAID Version of ‘The Insurgency’ for FREE

Gideon Knox Group, the publisher for this and other alternative Christian news publications, launched The Insurgency after Big Tech began banning conservative news for giving the facts on COVID-19 and the Big Steal following the presidential election. It was our way of getting the truth out, despite Big Tech trying to serve as the gatekeeper to the Marketplace of Ideas.

Each day, our Gideon Knox news team (thanks Greg and Gerry) send out roughly 50 links to news stories that have been – or likely will be – banned by Facebook and other Big Tech communications utilities.

We include articles from Protestia, Capstone Report, Montana Gazette, Reformation Charlotte, North Carolina Gazette, Mile High Evening News, and other pals of ours, but also send out articles from The Federalist, Gateway Pundit, Steve Deace, Todd Starnes, Zero Hedge, Natural News, and more.

Instead of going on a time-wasting news hunt every day, just open up your email and *bam* it’s already there – ad free – from you to scroll through conveniently and click on the headlines that interest you.

The Insurgency email blasts are free three days a week. To get it six days a week, it’s $7 a month.

BUT all of our patrons who give (at least) $5.95 a month for your Patreon membership to support us at P&P are entitled to THE PAID VERSION OF ‘THE INSURGENCY’ FOR FREE.’

Of course, as a patron, you also get the full-length version of Polemics Report and not just the free version the plebes get on the Bible Thumping Wingnut RSS feeds.

The only thing you have to do is sign up as a patron on Patreon here, and then email and ask to be added to ‘The Insurgency.’ It will be good as long as you remain a patron.

Featured Heresies In-person Church Righteous Defiance

Police Issue 26 Churchgoers The Steepest Known Fines in North America for Attending Services

Police in Nova Scotia have fined 26 churchgoers a total of $2,422 each for attending an “illegal faith gathering” on Sunday. This is believed to be the highest value of fines handed out to individual parishioners in North America since the pandemic began.

Officers were called to Weston Christian Fellowship Church in Weston, N.S., where they found the service in progress. Nova Scotia has one of the strictest rules in Canada, where it is illegal to have any in-person church service, irrespective of the number of people or the space it is being done in. RCMP spokesperson Cpl. Chris Marshall explains:

Twenty-six people were charged in the event, as a result of the gathering, and then the organization itself that was hosting the gathering was also charged. Basically, anybody that was over the age of 16 was issued a fine. There were some children and things there, but the children weren’t issued fines.

Not only were the congregants charged, but the church itself was charged as a corporation and given a $11,622 fine. In total more than $74,000 in fines were issued.

Naturally, Nova Scotia’s chief medical officer of health Robert Strang was supportive of the decision, given that it is the result of his own orders and policies.

We recognize the importance of faith services, of worship. But also recognize that right now, there’s a need to do that in ways that don’t bring people together, and the vast majority of our faith leaders understand and support that. It’s disappointing that this happened, and I hope people understand that we’re not doing this because we want to, but it’s absolutely necessary to keep people safe.

Nova Scotia has a population of a million people and has had 71 deaths, the average age which is 80 years old.

[Editor’s note: Speaking as a Canadian, I have to wonder where all the brown shirts are. When did we wake up in Nazi Germany?]

Evangelical Stuff Featured News

Christians News site DISRN is Shutting Down, But Only Sorta

The Christian news website Disrn announced yesterday they are shutting down effective immediately and will be no more, but thankfully they aren’t going far. Rather than disappear altogether, they are retiring the name and the website, but are merging their content with sister site Not the Bee (NTB).

Disrn made its mark by offering the latest news and headlines digested into bite-size pieces, taking a just-the-facts approach that would boil down a 10-minute news story into 30 seconds and a short video, focusing on brevity with a few key insights.

Their closure has nothing to do with social media censors or anything like that, thankfully, but rather is on account of being victims to their own success. Creator Adam Ford explains that despite Disrn accumulating millions of views a month, it’s no match for the juggernaut that is Not the Bee.

Disrn has been a success, yes, but Not the Bee is a rocket ship. Upon NTB’s launch in September it blew up beyond anyone’s expectations. Last month — its 7th month in existence — it notched 9 million page views.

Ford shares that he needs to cultivate and focus on NTB – which has a “more fun and vibrant nature” and has a far stronger emphasis on virality. (One of today’s articles is titled, “Wanna see what it looks like to get chased off by a huge gator while fishing in Florida?”) It also has a built-in social network available to subscribers that would rival the features of any of the big tech offerings.

Not the Bee is essentially the front page of Reddit for conservatives.

Given that NTB shares so much content with Disrn and has taken away a large chunk of its audience, and not wanting to see Disrn stagnate and become a shell of its former self, the merging of the two makes total sense for a site that has such a high degree of overlap, though we will miss their snappy distillations.

Goodbye, Disrn, and congrats.

Charismatic Nonsense Church Featured Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics

Steven Furtick Promotes Trinity Denier’s Book + Says His Kids Think his Words are Scripture

Famous Trinity-denier TD Jakes has been getting an awful lot of love lately, with a raft of Christian people and organizations cuddling up to the money-loving Modalist. For years he was even loved by LifeWay before they quietly stopped carrying his books, the result of a barrage of negative attention and cage-rattling from us back when we were Pulpit and Pen. [Editor’s note: Apparently us “15 angry Calvinists” are a formidable force!]

And why wouldn’t we? T. D. Jakes has gone on record as saying he doesn’t believe that Jesus is the second person of the Trinity, but rather is just a “manifestation” of God. In fact, even now his church website reads, “There is one God, Creator of all things, infinitely perfect, and eternally existing in three manifestations: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”

Despite denying a fundamental, primary doctrine of the Christian faith, T. D. Jakes is widely accepted within Christendom and nowhere more than by Elevation Church’s Steven Furtick, who speaks of him in a way reminiscent of a 12-year-old schoolgirl whose crush just asked her to the prom, gushing praise and affection for an enemy of the church who is leading his congregants to hell.

Naturally, they preach at each other’s churches and attend each other’s conferences – even one that costs $1000 to attend. In this case, Jakes uploaded a video on April 21 featuring a conversation between him and Furtick discussing his new book Don’t Drop the Mic, which was also recently promoted on Charisma News.

Speaking to the audience, Furtick goes on to explain that the Bishop is quoted so often and frequently in his house that his 16-year-old son started believing that his words were bible verses and that Jakes’ snippets were actually scripture. He recounts:

How many have ever listened to Bishop Jakes’ preaching and you’re like, ‘Does he have the same bible that I have?’

I was going to tell you this. So my oldest, Elijah, the other day…we’re on the porch and I quoted a Bishop quote to him. And I said, ‘you know well bishop always says, “badadadada naadada,”‘ one of these little parables that you spit out. You know, just this beautiful, uh, beautiful…beautifully crafted thing right? And he goes, ‘Oh, that’s Bishop? I always thought that was a bible verse.’

[What] I’m saying to you is, you are so loved in the Futick home, that my kids think you wrote parts of the bible that aren’t in the bible, that how much you mean to us.

h/t to Doctrinal Watchdog for the video.

Evangelical Stuff Featured LGBTQQIP2SAA

Revoice Leaders Promoting “Homosexuality is a Blessing” Nonsense

(Reformation Charlotte) Grant Hartley, a former Campus Crusade leader who turned to Roman Catholicism after spending years teaching students at Campus Crusade retreats that homosexuality isn’t sinful, recently tweeted a thread insisting that LGBTQ+ can’t be reduced to a desire for gay sex and that God’s “blessings” in homosexuality are often overlooked by well-meaning people.

Revoice leader, Nate Collins, echoed these gay sentiments looking for acceptance and tolerance among Christians who believe that homosexuality is not only weird, but an affront to God and nature…

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s note. This article was written by Jeff Maples and published at Reformation Charlotte

The crux of the argument here is that being a sodomite somehow

Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics SBC

SBC’s National Day of Prayer Rips Off the NAR’s ‘Seven Mountain Mandate’

The SBC Executive committee released a guide designed to support members during the upcoming National Day of Prayer. Captioned ‘How to pray the 2021 theme, Lord, Pour out your Love, Life, and Liberty into the Seven Centers of Influence in America for the National Day of Prayer, May 6, 2021.‘ The guide is the spitting image of the New Apostolic Reformation’s notion of the “Seven Mountain Mandate.”

The idea of the “Seven Mountain Mandate” was first introduced in the summer of 1975 by Loren Cunningham and Bill Bright, it’s birth the result of a “direct revelation from God.” The two men brought it to the Church as something that must be shared and it was quickly latched on to and popularized within charismatic circles by “prophets,” “prophetesses,” and “apostles” such as C. Peter Wagner, Chuck Pierce, Lance Wallnau, and Cindy Jacobs.

According to, “Those who follow the seven mountain mandate believe that, in order for Christ to return to earth, the church must take control of the seven major spheres of influence in society for the glory of Christ. Once the world has been made subject to the kingdom of God, Jesus will return and rule the world.”

The seven mountains, according to the seven mountain mandate, are:
1) Education, 2) Religion, 3) Family, 4) Business, 5) Government/Military, 6) Arts/Entertainment, 7) Media.

These seven sectors of society are thought to mold the way everyone thinks and behaves. So, to tackle societal change, these seven “mountains” must be transformed. The mountains are also referred to as “pillars,” “shapers,” “molders,” and “spheres.” Those who follow the seven mountain mandate speak of “occupying” the mountains, “invading” the culture, and “transforming” society.

When we look at the guide that the SBC introduced, we see the exact same mandate and the exact same mountains:

While the NAR wants to take dominion and sociopolitical control of these categories through their prayers, with the help of their apostles and prophets, in the form of dreams, visions, and direct revelation from God, we are thankful that the SBC hasn’t gone there.

But ripping off a play from their playbook is wildly inappropriate and completely unnecessary. The SBC needs to stop borrowing from the NAR and stop repackaging “the seven spheres of influence” as “the seven centers of influence.” SBC Churches don’t need to borrow anything from the NAR, and that includes inspiration for their prayer guides.

Coronavirus Evangelical Stuff Featured In-person Church

Breaking! Jailed Canadian Pastor Artur Pawlowski Released from Prison (Updated)

Update #2. Artur and his brother have both been freed and are officially out.

Update #1 The director of the Calgary Remand center is refusing to release the Pawlowski’s from prison, demanding that Judge Adam Germain, the one who issued the order to be released, issue individual release orders for both brothers. Furthermore, according to Rebel News’ Ezra Levant, the guards, under the orders of the director, are refusing to let brother David go because they are insisting that the release orders spelled his name wrong. His name is Dawid Pawlowski’s- he is Polish and that is the correct spelling- but they insist it must be spelled “David” before he can be released

The Canadian pastor who was thrown in jail for the crime of having an illegal church service has been ordered to be released in mere hours, according to his lawyers who are handling the case.

Artur Pawloski and his brother Dawid were arrested in the middle of the street on Saturday in a dramatic takedown, surrounded by a dozen officers, shortly after having a church service. They were charged with “organizing an illegal in-person gathering” a well as “requesting, inciting or inviting others” to join them. Ie, having church and inviting others to come to church.

After spending over 48 hours in custody at the Calgary Remand Center, in which Artur claims he was subject to inhumane conditions, he will be released on bail today, on conditions that he comply with restrictions limiting church attendance to 15 people inside or 5 people if the service is held outside. According to Sarah Miller who is Pawlowksi Lawyer:

There’s the issue of whether the immediate arrest on Saturday is proper, legal. Those things will be addressed next Thursday, we have a hearing for the contempt application that AHS is bringing, but as far as the process of someones whos been detained, it’s a very irregular process, simply because it’s not usually utilized. Criminal procedures arrest regularily, there’s processes for that. Civil procedure usually does not, so this has been an unusual 48 hours.

Following his release, there will be a hearing on May 20 to determine if the Pawlowski’s will be found in contempt for disobeying the Judges orders.

Church Evangelical Stuff Featured Religion

Tim Keller Tweet Generator

New and improved, and now including authentic quotes from the city’s favorite guru himself!

See if you can figure out which ones are real or fake!

Featured Religion

Privileged White Man Pretending to Be Oppressed Black Man Gets SBTS to Admit It’s Racist

Admittedly, I was interested in this Twitter affair from the start. That’s saying something, considering I rarely care about what stage of fire evangelicalism is in anymore. Once the dumpster has been lit, there’s no unlighting it. But there was something special about this sparring match.


On one side was Kyle J. Howard, a privileged white man (he’s as much white as he is black, so I’m helping him self-identify) who pretends to be an oppressed black man. He was raised by two attorney parents in an affluent Atlanta suburb, attended an award-winning grammar and high school, and has become a full-time ward of his family, living in one of their investment homes rent-free. The man is in his mid-thirties and has never been gainfully employed. The full-time student claims to be a “racial trauma counselor” but he doesn’t have a practice, a business license, credentials, or clients. The extent of his work is relegated to Twitter, where thanks to shout-outs by Beth Moore, Russell Moore, Lecrae, and other woke evangelicals, has developed quite a following of leftists who are enamored with his daily claims of oppression.

Howard, as everyone knows, is a habitual liar of such epic proportions that his name has become synonymous with fibbing. He once claimed to have worked for HeartCry Missionary Society, an assertion we debunked after reaching out to HeartCry for comment. Howard claims that he entered the Crips gang in High School, but maintained his place on the debate team and honor roll. His gang affiliation, Howard says, was secret, and not even his parents or girlfriend (and now, his wife) knew at the time he was a super-secret thug who carried a snub-nose revolver and “a razor blade under [his] tongue.” Howard, who suffers a debilitating speech impediment, claims to have been a break-out star on the “underground battle rapper” circuit, which his critics find hiwawious. When “free-styling” for his Internet audience, Howard’s eyes can be seen scrolling left-to-right on the computer screen to read his pre-written rhymes.

As Howard tells the tale, his gang let him depart in peace when he got into college. Now, when he returns to “da block,” as he calls it, they call him “Rev” and ask him for religious advice. The block where he grew up is an ultra-exclusive, posh gated community.

When we put out a $500, and then $2000, and then $3000, and now finaly a $3500 bounty on information from anyone able to corroborate his gang affiliation, Howard claimed that every member of his gang had died or is in prison, and not a soul exists who can back up his accounts. Apparently, no one in Atlanta remembers him as a popular battle rapper, either.

But the biographical tall tales of Howard don’t compare to his daily tales of micro-aggressions that grow like an old man’s fish stories. We track down his stories to disprove them when his accounts are specific enough. For example, he claimed to have been traveling along an Interstate and stopped at an IHOP, where he was instantly targeted by White Supremacists and his car was vandalized in a hate crime. Our investigative reporter tracked down the exact IHOP he was at, they reported that there was no incident, there have been no incidents of racial disharmony in the restaurant’s existence, and there was no police report filed for the damage done to his vehicle. In response, Howard claimed he was afraid to call the police because he would get shot (because he’s kinda black).

Literally no one believes any of that crap, except for perhaps the lily-white members of the Latte Mafia in Woke Evangelicalism who grew up in a neighborhood like Howard’s and haven’t been to ‘da block.’ For them, Howard has become the token oppressed negro, who endlessly entertains his plantation’s massas with stories about what life was like hunting wolverines in Alaska with his cousins.

A particularly absurd story that Howard told back in 2018 is that his wife wasn’t comfortable visiting the Southern Seminary campus because of “anti-Asian hate crimes” running rampant there, which were instigated by Donald Trump. Howard claimed that because he was black (kinda), his wife was Asian, and his kids have roughly the melanin of Tiger Woods’ white cousins, Southern Seminary was an unsafe place. We wrote an article about this, pointing out that the Michael Minger Act is a Kentucky state law that requires public colleges and universities (also at private institutions licensed by the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education) to report campus crimes to their employees, students, and the public. Southern Seminary is in compliance with that law, and race-based crimes, hate crimes, or incidents of racial hatred there are zero.

But in regard to the latest fib, Howard claimed on Twitter that he could not be physically present to get his degree from Southern because he was afraid of hate crimes.


What was Southern Seminary to do about this? The gang and I at Protestia chuckled and settled in with our popcorn.

The seminary has been completely prostituted in the name of wokeness, and Albert Mohler has served as Comintern Extraordinaire, promoting Critical Theorists to the highest levels of leadership while occasionally speaking against Critical Theory with low-energy conviction and a forced smile. Mohler, intent on keeping SBTS donors happy, has repeatedly spoken out of both sides of his mouth while trying to keep them distracted from what his left hand was doing (which was waving in Critical Theorists upon the SBTS faculty like head carny ushering clowns into a car at the circus).

Mohler has made some absurdly outrageous claims, including that “there is no liberal drift in the SBC,” that “no one will be teaching Critical Theory on my watch,” and my personal favorite, “there are no female pastors in the SBC.” Meanwhile, Mohler’s professors have been caught on video over and over and over again teaching textbook Critical Theory. Mohler’s response has been to delete the videos and then extend their contracts.

Ultimately, the biggest chuckle here is that Kyle J. Howard is a student of Matthew Hall, the provost of Southern Seminary who admitted to being racist on the grounds that all white people are racist. The only explanation for Mohler continuing to employ a racist at the top spot of his seminary is that he also affirms Critical Theory, in which the most racist thing of all is to claim you aren’t a racist. By virtue of claiming to be racist, Southern Seminary professors are proving that they aren’t as racist as they could be.

Our question, betwixt bites of popcorn, is who would win in this Mexican Standoff of Wokeness. Kyle J. Howard is claiming that the Flagship Institution of Wokeness in the SBC is RaCIsT. And yet, the CRT doctrines taught at Southern Seminary tacitly asserts that its professors and students are racists (so long as they are white).

The question for us was how it would be possible for Southern Seminary to deny Howard’s accusation of racism when its provost and faculty admit to being CRT-style racists.

Then, comes in Dr. Haykin. Haykin claims on The Social Gospel Coalition’s blog to have narrowly escaped Marxism when he was younger, but it seems he hasn’t escaped at all. Haykin has been at the forefront of Southern Seminary’s wokeness parade, cheering each and every single instance of Downgrade that has sullied the once-great reputation of the institution. Whether it’s showing support for Karen Swallow Prior, or poo-pooing the faggotry at Revoice and its origins at SBTS, or daily griping about the Holy Spirit’s gift of discernment and crediting it to the devil, Haykin is the cheerleader for the leftward drift that Mohler says doesn’t exist.

But would Haykin stand back and watch his institution, drenched in woke religion, be called RaCiST? Heck no.

Haykin spoke up…

We predicted among ourselves that Haykin’s comments wouldn’t survive the weekend when Mohler would inevitably tell him to apologize to Howard and repent for saying SBTS wasn’t racist and that Howard was a lying schmuck.

That’s what happened.

Profaning the word “brother” and making its religious usage absolutely meaningless, Haykin now claimed to not being saying there wasn’t racism at SBTS. He then said that he “should have said nothing,” apologized for “deeply hurting” Howard (who is literally traumatized by everything), and asked forgiveness.

I guess we know who now wins in a head-to-head battle between Kyle J. Howard and Albert Mohler’s SBTS. It’s Kyle J. Howard.

Frankly, I applaud the whole affair. I pray God destroys them both in an orgy of crocodile tears and bleeding emotional trauma. I hope they both have an underground virtue-signaling battle-off and both are dispatched by sheer exertion, trying to prove who is more victimized by one another.

It couldn’t happen to better people.