Trauma Queen
“Rightful mockery, holy sarcasm, and righteous satire” are the perfect ways to describe the kind of fun we are having with Kyle J. Howard, the cartoon Twitterer who gets attention by claiming trauma around every corner and leveling false accusations at anyone not towing the CRT line. Sometimes you just have to laugh at it. And before you respond with accusations of not being gracious, loving, or respectful ask yourself how respectful we should be with a lying accuser of the brethren?
Kyle please repent before it’s too late.
Pretty funny. 👍
I can’t stop listening to this; this is just too good!! 🤣
This is not “rightful mockery, holy sarcasm, and righteous satire.” Considering all that went into producing this video, this was a waste of time. Tell me, what good could you possibly accomplish by employing worldly music tied to lyrics meant to insult another man, even an enemy? Do you aim to do good to Kyle Howard by this production? If so, do you really believe that your mean-spirited mockery of him and his speech will be instrumental in bringing about his repentance? The holy sarcasm employed by God’s prophets was done out of love to God and man, given for the purpose of showing how ridiculous one’s errors are, and there was hope that the offenders would see the foolishness of their error and repent. But you have moved far beyond attacking the man’s errors, and have proceeded to attack the man, himself, even showing such disrespect to his person by calling him drama “queen.” We are called to love our enemies, to pray for them, and to do good to them—genuinely desiring their greatest spiritual and eternal interests. Your hatred of the man, however, is evident. Such a mockery like this will never bring him to repentance, but will serve only as a stumbling block to further entrench him in disdain for you and his own erroneous ways.