bad theology Breaking Church News SBC

Kevin Ezell Issues Non-Apology for NAMB Partnering With False Gospel

Just when you thought the SBC was as wayward and corrupt as it could get, enter Kevin Ezell.

In response to massive pushback from the pews, the president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s North American Mision Board (NAMB) issued an “apology” letter for lending the rapidly-waning credibility of the nation’s largest church planting network to the He Gets Us campaign – a deep-funded advertising campaign promoting a false gospel and an unbiblical, woke Jesus.

He Gets Us is a radically affirming campaign promoting a Jesus that is a social justice warrior completely disinterested in sin, repentance, or the exclusivity of the Gospel of the actual Jesus. The campaign and its church connection chat will gladly point “seekers” to a gay-affirming church:

Showing his worldly pragmatism has no bounds, Kevin Ezell wrote that it’s apparently totally okay to get on board with the woke Jesus train if it might lead people to “connect more people to our churches” because “these ads will be seen by millions of people.”

With no concept of the gravity of his error nor apparently any plans for truly apologizing, Ezell described the campaign as “too broad,” which is apparently the evangelical newspeak way to redefine false gospel. He finishes off his face plant by stating that they will pray that “the conversations begun by this campaign will lead to gospel-centered conservations (sic) and cause many to seek to learn more about Jesus.”

That’s right – the president of NAMB is praying that the false Jesus-promoting He Gets Us campaign will teach about Jesus. Apparently, Ezell is unconcerned with which Jesus they’re going to get. God help us.

Here’s the letter:

bad theology

‘Maverick City Music’ Musician Posts Pro-Abortion Message

Maverick City music is a Christian Music worship collective based in Atlanta that has seen much sucess in just a few short years. last after. Know for such songs as ‘Jireh’, ‘Promises’, and ‘Wait on you’ Their album Maverick City Vol. 3/ Part 1 recently won a Billboard Music Award for the Top Gospel album, and they recently won a both a GMA Dove Award and a Grammy for their song Old Church Basement.

We last wrote about Maverick City Music their after lead singer Chandler Moore Issued a Defiant ‘Apology” After his Salacious Wedding Photo went Viral, as well as when they appeard on ‘The View’ and sang a Worship song while Dancing with Christ-Hating Host Whoopi Goldberg.

Now, one of their members, drummer Harold Brown, released a since-deleted message on Instagram stories informing the masses that ‘Men shouldn’t be making laws about woman’s bodies.

After some blowback, Brown quickly removed it from his stories, and also shut down his Twitter account too.

Thankfully, fans have already called them out for it, with commenters making their displeasure known.

We’ve reached out to Maverick City Music and will update this article with any new information.

bad theology News Religion

Julie Roys Funded by Progressive Baptist College Steeped in Wokeness

Surprise, surprise. Julie lies.

Despite hiding behind her former show on Moody Radio and claiming to be “about as conservative as they come,” the self-annointed Investigative Journalist (and not some stinkin’ lowly ‘blogger’) Julie Roys is affiliated with and funded in large part by uber-woke Judson University, a private Baptist college in suburban Chicago, that she plugs at the start of every show. Roys funnels all funding for her operation (including her own salary) through the school to help her supporters write off donations like they are supporting an actual Christian ministry.

Judson is affiliated with the women-ordaining and often LGBTQ-affirming American Baptist Churches USA (although the school holds a Title IX exemption allowing it to discriminate against LGBTQ students for religious reasons), and is the liberal arts college offshoot of Northern Baptist Theological Seminary – alma mater to theological stalwarts like televangelist John Osteen (father of Joel Osteen) and lady preacher Tara Beth Leach (favorite “lead pastor” of Jory Micah). The denomination is home to the likes of gay-affirming Hillary supporter Tony Campolo and Kamala “Ukraine is a country in Europe” Harris.

Judson – much like Roys herself – claims to be theologically conservative. Yet the school platforms the kind of woke lady pastors that make Beth Moore sound like Phyllis Schlafly. “Conservative” Judson advertises a parody-level commitment to diversity, social justice, and racial reconciliation on their website, which confesses their practice of the sin of partialism through race-based hiring and scholarships, so-called diversity “curriculum transformation,” and segregated student organizations. Yet perhaps no evidence of Judson’s gospel-denying wokeness is clearer than their recent “Race and Justice” speaking series.

In the most notably awful entry from the series, Pastrix Juliet Liu of Life on the Vine Church in nearby Long Grove teaches the students at Judson what happens when a preacher reads the part about how we were made in God’s image, then throws away the rest of the Bible. The 7th grade-level presentation is something to behold, as Liu channels the ghost of John Lennon and spews social gospel insanities like this little gods heresy:

We are tasked with representing the Lord, the Creator God who nurtures life, who shares power, rather than consolidating it for himself, who labors sacrificially and gives of himself for the peace and flourishing of all people. That is the kind of leadership and authority we are invited to share with the Lord. And in fact, it is Jesus’s mission, to restore us to that likeness of God.

Not a pastor. Not a Christian.

She substitutes social justice for true biblical justice:

The beautiful diversity of what the Creator has made, is ensured when the Creator makes a just world where all of life can thrive. That’s what biblical justice is about. It’s about ordering the world to be a place where one group isn’t doing well at the expense of another group. But instead, all of life is flourishing. That’s what biblical justice is, ordering the world to be a place where one group isn’t doing well at the expense of another, but all of life is flourishing. And then that’s what God invites us into to share with him that work of justice. He says, Let’s build a just world together a place where all of life can flourish.

She spins a wild CRT whiteness fantasy – a mini 1619 Project that would make Ibram X Kendi blush:

And so western man saw himself as having a God given right to rule over these lower grades of people. And then as light skinned European colonists encountered the dark skinned peoples of India and Africa, the language of whiteness began to develop. And it started to evolve, it was used as a way to distinguish the colonists from the often darker skinned peoples they encountered in the lands that they took over. So again, we saw the lighter skinned people who again, this language of whiteness is developing, started to rule in oppression over the darker skinned peoples of the other lands.

Before finishing with the damning false gospel of works-based universalism:

You have been made in the image of God. And you have been invited into the mission of God. That mission, at its foundation, is the reconciliation of all people to God, all people who have been made in His image, and the building of a world that reflects the love and justice of our Creator, and Redeemer God. So will you join the Lord in that work? Will you join this mission of building a just world with our maker?

This is what is being taught at the institution that funds the journalism of Julie Roys. She promotes this garbage at the beginning of every one of her podcasts by recommending Judson University. The progressive and egalitarian doctrine flowing through Roy’s dark corner of evangelicalism frames her targeting of John MacArthur in a much more understandable light.

While Roys claims to be “very, very conservative (you know, because Moody doesn’t put you on the radio if you’re not conservative), she is anything but. Frankly, it doesn’t matter what subjective descriptor she assigns herself. For those willing to listen, she is telling everybody where she truly stands on the pivotal theological issues of the day. She is demonstrating that she will misrepresent, obfuscate, and outright lie to attack those who stand against the downgrade she represents.

h/t to Tim Hurd at the Bible Thumping Wingnut for discovering a good portion of the information in this article.

In our next article, we will follow up on additional details, evidence, and outright lies perpetrated by Julie Roys in her current attacks on John MacArthur, and how these attacks demonstrate that she is the one perpetrating abuse against the survivor community in her pursuit of her White Whale.

bad theology Charismatic Nonsense

Leaked! Audio of Venue Church Pastor Tavner Smith Being Confronted By Congregants over Mistress’ Kiss

The Chattanooga Free Press has released leaked audio of church volunteers confronting Tennessee Megachurch church pastor Tavner Smith on December 17, 2021 over his affair with worship leader and employee Lexi Elijah, with Tavner explaining that he’s been through a lot these last few years, that they’ve been kissing (but only after they stopped living with their spouses) and that they intend to marry.

Unsurprisingly, over the course of the meeting, Tavner claimed that he would be transparent and open, and yet repeatedly said that there was some information he couldn’t share, and that people would feel different about their relationship if they knew the “whole story.”

Just go through my life in the last two years, y’all (unintelligible) a pity party, I’ve been through a lot. Okay? And I just would like a little bit of a break.

I’m not going anywhere. I’m your pastor, I’m going to pass through this church. God called me here and nothing’s changed about that. The vision has not changed. The promise still stands, what God spoke over this place is still going to happen.

I would just like a few weeks to breathe a little bit. I’m going to preach Sunday for Christmas, I would still love for you to bring all of your friends because regardless of anything, here’s what I’ll tell you. The gospel is going to be preached and it’s an opportunity for people to get saved. And I don’t know what you believe. I don’t know what your theology is. But when there was somebody that was preaching Jesus to get the Apostles in trouble… Jesus said it this way, because Peters, like ‘we need to shut them up’. And Jesus said this: “I don’t care if they got the wrong motives, I don’t care what their heart is, the Gospel’s being preached, don’t shut him up, because it’ll still save people.

And Sunday, the gospel is gonna be presented on one of the two biggest days of the year that people can get saved. So I’m gonna preach. I’ve recorded for online already, and it is a word. It’s a prophetic word over your life and your family’s life, and it’ll show on the 26, the 26 will be online only. And the first Sunday of the year, January 2, I’ll be on the stage to share Vision Sunday and where we’re headed for 2022 to the whole church. After that, I’m going to take a few weeks off.

I don’t know how long it is going to be because in talking to people I have around me and counseling me, I didn’t want to just make that number up. ‘Oh, I’ll take three weeks off, that sounds good.’

What I’m going to be doing is consulting licensed mental health therapists, physician, psychiatrist to say, ‘this is what I’ve been through for the past two years, this is what I lead, this is what I’m walking through. How much time do you think I need in order to really get to a place where I can come back and be new in 22?”

I’ll have that by the second, when we cast vision Sunday. I’ve already talked to some of the greatest preachers in this world. Already been on the phone with them. They know my story, they know everything going on here. They didn’t just want to, they were excited to preach for me in those weeks.

Our church is going to be in good hands while I’m taking a little bit of a breather. I wanted you to know from the bottom of my heart, I’m sorry that I’ll let you down.

I’m sorry (that/ when) I wasn’t fully 100% transparent, I’m sorry if you put your faith and your trust in me as your spiritual voice and a man of God, and my humanity came out, and I apologize. I don’t have any excuses. I just want to say I’m sorry and let you know that in the future that I’m going to be 100% transparent, and I’m going to walk this vision out as God’s asked me to do. And I truly hope you’ll join me.

As far as a statement goes, that’s really all I wanted to say. At this point, I know probably that you have questions…

Question to Smith “I hate to say this, but I need to ask this question. You said that you guys haven’t been sexual. Have you been physical? (Tavner: “meaning what?”) Meaning have you kissed?

Yes. But..a caveat… never in any time where either of us were living with our spouses. It was, at my point I was 14 months outside of living with Danielle separated and her point she was eight months out from living outside separated. So in no time while there was we… (audio cuts out)

Despite acknowledging the relationship, Smith rebuffed some criticism and refused to answer a question by one of the volunteers who asked him how he could insist it wasn’t an “affair” in light of his actions. He also did not answer questions about the “chili and boxers” incident.

Of course, it is the height of scumbaggery to be pursuing a romantic relationship with an employee in the church who is currently separated from her husband. Not only is the whole thing not an ‘affair’ but rather CLERGY SEXUAL MISCONDUCT. The fact is that Tavner should have been counseling her and the husband towards reconciliation, not putting the moves on her and acting out his vested interest in seeing the marriage dissolve.

When asked who was going to hold him accountable, on account of his position over the overseeing board, who the church doesn’t even know who they are, Tavner explained that most of the anonymous “big-name” pastors had abandoned him, but at least one stuck around:

“They know that they’re a part of everything going on. That’s been walking me through what I’ve been going through. Ron Phillips Sr, he’s the pastor of Abba’s House, he has been a mentor in my life. He’s been one of (the men) I’ve met with over the past several years, a lot of times, and he really believes in me.

To be just fully transparent with you all, I had three big-name pastors that were on my board. And then all this, they stepped away because they didn’t want to, nor did I want them to have their name tied to drama as we went through all of this, because I knew what it was going to be. I had a transitional season where I didn’t have a board for a few months. And to be honest with you, through some people reaching out to other pastors who were friends of mine, who I would have asked, none of them wanted to be on the board. And so I really dove into Pastor Ron and he’s the main…

bad theology Charismatic Nonsense

Exposed! NAR Founder C. Peter Wagner Mocked Pastors who Dislike Cleavage/ Scantily Clad Women

Content Warning: The following video contains several instances of scantily clad women. Viewer discretion

C. Peter Wagner is the granddaddy of the New Apostolic Movement. He’s the granddaddy of Dominion Theology. He is basically the first person who named the movement and along with Cindy Jacobs, became the leader of it and developed the theology through his vast writings, authoring 81 books.

The leader of Global Harvest Ministries, he famously taught that the beginning of the second apostolic age began in 2001, when the offices of apostles and prophets were restored and renewed, and therefore the church in the 21st century would be ruled by them. Therefore traveled throughout the world promoting prophets and apostles into the church. In fact, one such of these was when he participated in the Charismatic Day of Infamy.

Basically, his role in the movement, (which includes Lou Engle, Bob Jones, Paul Cain, Bill Johnson, Mike Bickle, Rick Joyner, Cindy Jacobs, Ché Ahn, and Todd White) cannot be understated. He was the guy. He was the granddaddy of it.

And he was messed up.

In a newly unearthed video, Wagner is shown commenting on the uproar and controversy with Sun Ho. Sun Ho is a Christian pastrix who cofounded the megachurch City Harvest Church in Singapore, along with her husband Kong Hee. This church had more than 33,000 members when it peaked in 2010, and was one of the biggest churches in the world. For decades, there was a concentrated effort to make Singapore a ‘Christian Country’ by NAR folks, who invested a ton of their time and effort into nation-building.

Despite being the pastor, Sun Ho decided that she wanted a music career in Mandarin Pop. Despite having the opportunity to do so modestly, she chose the other way, which involved her dancing and writhing around in barely any clothes and using sexually charged lyrics.

This went on for years, and she gained a fair amount of success. Certain people began to investigate her, however, and it was later revealed that the church had misappropriated nearly fifty million dollars to help build, launch, and sustain her career, which ultimately resulted in all six of City Harvest Church leaders being indicted and sentenced to between 2-8 year in prison. According to Wiki:

The November 2016 appeal revealed the City Harvest Church leaders spent $24 million on Ms Sun Ho’s musical foray into the United States which included a house in Hollywood that cost $28,000 a month in rent; a whole entourage of staff; a $1.9 million paycheck to rapper Wyclef Jean to produce the “China Wine” video; as well as another $500,000 to sweep up her albums when they tanked.

Over the course of the trial, the court heard that Kong Hee had set up a multi-purpose account where church members deposited “love gifts” that were used to pay for expenses between 2006 and 2010.

Examples of expenses included more than $300,000 spent on travel, more than $100,000 on food, and over $100,000 on make-up and medical costs. Ho’s earnings of more than $400,000 a year came from these gifts, and Kong admitted in court that donors were unaware of Ho’s earnings.

This is the context of Wagner mocking pastors who were upset at what she was doing; as Wagner explains that the dress and the lyrics are fine with him if that gains her influence on top of the “mountain of arts and entertainment.”

bad theology Charismatic Nonsense

Fakest Exorcism Ever? Famous Charismatic ‘Healer’ Uses ‘Demon Possesed’ Kids as Props

Kathryn Krick is fast becoming one of the most well-known and popular charismatic huckster apostles, accumulating over 900,000 followers on TikTok and 8.5 million views, with her other socials adding tens of thousands of more followers and fans. According to her website:

Apostle Kathryn is the Lead Pastor of Five-Fold Church, where miracles happen, people are healed, delivered, and transformed as the prophetic anointing flows powerfully. Apostle Kathryn is passionate about seeing people receive the power of God through the prophetic and apostolic ministry of Jesus; to see people set free, full of zeal, and transformed into mature vessels of God. 

She is uncomfortably bold in her public exorcisms and fake miracles, putting on extended shows of pomp and pageantry. For those wanting a deep dive into her many errors, Chris Rosebrough did a long-form exposé here.

In fact, we wrote about her previously, after she and another exorcist used the same actor to act demon-possessed.

Well this time she has hit a new low and engaging in some real demonic behavior herself, by acquiring a couple of children to pretend to be demon-possessed, in order that her gullible audience can “oooh’ and “ahhhh” and seek signs while she supposedly “cast them out.”

This is dark, dark behavior folks, from Krick, and from those parents who put them up to this.

Naturally, she posted:

Last night in Maryland, Jesus delivered these precious sisters! The look on the faces of the girls when they were free is truly one of the most beautiful sights I’ve ever seen. This family showed up to the church for the Revival is Now Maryland event at 7AM and the event didn’t start til 7PM!

Last night Jesus delivered these girls first! Renouncing by the parents was key to the deliverance! The demons were forced to flee! The girls continued to receive more deliverance during the event after this moment. The mother of the girls testified today “we have been on a long journey with deliverance, but for the first time our girls have total freedom!!

The youngest, Jacey, who is 8 received not only freedom but also the baptism of the Holy Spirit!“JESUS! Speechless, and I’m in awe and wonder. Thank you Jesus for freeing these precious girls and this whole family! He is so faithful!.”

We found the mother’s comment, and it is striking in how deceived she is, but also, how normal this type of thinking is for charismatics, who explains…well, read it yourself.

h/t to Revealing Truth for the vid.

bad theology

Disgusting! Megachurch Pastor Mike Todd Rubs Spit in Man’s Face for ‘Sermon Illustration’

Transformation Church’s Lead Pastor Michael Todd is known for crowd surfing during his church’s worship service and spending a lot of money. In the last two years he’s given away $3,500,000 in houses, cash, and cars, spent $65,000 to buy 168 pairs of shoes, gave $600,000 away in “reparations” and purchased a real estate complex for over $20,000,000, and then another for $35,000,000.

Now, you can add winner of the most disgusting, bible-twisting sermon illustration ever.

During a January 16, 2022 sermon illustration, Todd hocked a loogie into his hands multiple times and rubbed the contents into a man’s face on stage, in order to satisfy some sick sermon illustration in a perverse imitation of Jesus healing the blind man in John 9:6. Todd asserts the revulsion people were experiencing at seeing him do it, is the same revulsion people will have with them as they pursue their dream, as sometimes receiving a vision from God means things sometimes get ‘nasty.”

The disgusting display included all sorts of scripture twisting, least of which is that Jesus spit on the ground and rubbed in some dirt to make a paste, not rub in a loogie full of mucus and smear it repeatedly over his face. Todd explains:

This is where most people would not face Jesus anymore. What most people would do is turn away. What I’m telling you is just as he’s physically standing here, knowing what’s coming, God saying ‘can you physically and spiritually and emotionally be able to stand when getting the vision or receiving it, might get nasty.’

I’m gonna say it in a point just like that. Receiving vision from God might get nasty. You mean ‘God I just bought, in crazy faith, I just bought my dream car. And now you’re going to ask me to sell it back and ride in the (hoopty?) again?’

Yeah, because the vision I’m about to give you, it might get nasty. Do you hear and see the responses of the people? What I’m telling you is how you just reacted, is how the people in your life will react when God is doing what it takes for the miracle. What are you saying? This man was blind and what (Jesus) was trying to do with this man is give him his DNA”

bad theology Charismatic Nonsense

Todd White on Medical Leave for 3 Months After Major Health Issue

Charismatic evangelist and professional cold-reader and leg-lengthener Todd White has announced that he’s on 90 days bed rest, on account of a problem with his heart, and that this would be a good time to sow into his ministry.

For a brief time, many had thought the notorious heretic had repudiated his false beliefs after delivering an emotional sermon where he admitted he was not preaching the full gospel– leaving people to wonder if he’d been saved. We put on our discernment caps and explained this is how we would know he was repentant. Sadly, the next week he demonstrated that he was not. Since then he claimed that Jesus BECAME child pornography and bestiality on the cross and sampled Aerosmith as a prophetic worship song, showing that he’s just as sketchy as ever.

In a message posted to YouTube he explains:

Hey guys, it’s Todd White at Lifestyle Christianity. As you guys know, we’re doing a campaign called Expand 22. Unfortunately, for the beginning of this campaign, I had an issue come up with my heart. I haven’t been here at the training center, I haven’t been able to preach like I want to, I haven’t been able to speak like I want to.

I’m actually on 90 days of bed rest. Well, medical rest, the doctor said. Anyway, I had some kind of some kind of virus come in and weaken the left ventricle side of my heart, because I’m a big advocate of working out, big advocate of cardio exercise and healthy eating, which I still am. But it caused my left side of my heart to get weak, and so the pumping capacity was at 20%.

My heart is on the mend. It’s actually better than it was. I’m only 60 days out from being fully released to be able to go and preach the gospel and do everything that I’m called to do, and that is going across America, bringing the power and loves, (and?) making LCU as strong as it can possibly be.

And we want to bring God’s kingdom right here, right now. We want to see America saved but we need you guys to help partner. Please help us right now with this Expand 22, we really need help, we need you to sow now. Go to, look for Expand 22 and sow your seed now.

Bless you, we love you. Help us if we’ve helped you. Love you

Todd is on record as saying that all sickness comes from hell and Satan, and that it’s always God’s will to heal. He’s also claimed to heal hundreds if not thousands of people from muteness, blindness, cancer, bad backs, crippling arthritis, inability to walk, deafness, etc.

That this is a curveball in his own theology is an understatement. Still, we pray for his salvation and his healing.

h/t Shawn from Revealing Truth

bad theology News Religion

Justin Peters Torches the Babylon Bee’s Pathetic “Gospel” Presentation to Elon Musk

Hey Babylon Bee, how much do you hate Elon Musk?

Renowned apologist, evangelist, preacher, and teacher Justin Peters took issue with the Babylon Bee’s “gospel” presentation given near the end of their recent interview with Elon Musk.

“Took issue” is putting it lightly. Peters lambasted the Bee’s interviewers:

You just sat there and listened to Elon Musk give you his, basically pantheistic view of God, and that Jesus is just a moral teacher who spun some good yarns and did some nice things…there’s no difference between that Jesus and Gandhi. And then say, “We got him? Praise the Lord?” Are you kidding me? You know, I actually happen to believe what the Bible says about Christ and who He is and what He did. I actually happen to believe that the Bible is trustworthy and true when it says that people who die in their sins will spend an eternity in hell. And you have the audacity to say, “We got him, praise the Lord?” You offered not one scintilla – not a hint of any explanation of who Jesus is. You listened to him give his pantheistic view of God and this weak spirituality and – I’m not mad at Elon Musk at all. My heart breaks for Elon Musk. My heart absolutely breaks for him. Because here he is being interviewed for like an hour and a half by Christians.

How much do you have to hate someone to know that they think they’re okay with God and not tell them the truth? Not give them the Gospel? How much – Babylon Bee guys – Kyle Mann and Dillon – how much do you hate Elon Musk? If you really believe the Bible is what it claims to be and Jesus is who He claimed to be – if you really believe the Gospel, how much do you have to hate Elon Musk to sit there and listen to him…it’s obvious he’s not a Christian, it’s obvious he’s dead in his trespasses and sins, it’s obvious he’s unregenerate – and not give him the Gospel? And just say, “Oh, praise the Lord? Woo hoo, we got him.”

The Bee’s gospel-less gospel was at the end of an interview where the guys were clearly starstruck and in shock that the wealthiest man in the world would talk to them – apparently forgetting that Elon will be taking none of his wealth with him to wherever he goes after he dies and his true need (salvation) remains unfulfilled. Much like an altar call, the original interview video has soft piano music underneath the unserious and adrift “gospel” talk, and the guys cowardly let Musk wonder aloud about all sorts of things that have clear biblical answers.

Peters goes on to describe his personal boycott of the Babylon Bee, as the site describes itself as a Christian ministry yet refuses to share the Gospel with a man who was basically asking questions about Jesus and his miracles in the interview.

At Protestia we are similarly disheartened and disappointed that the platform God gave the Babylon Bee was squandered like this. For shame, gentlemen.

bad theology

The Reasons the New Ultra-Progressive Methodist Demonomination is Failing are Hilarious

We are a people of faith committed to living into and out of the wisdom and compassion of the historical Jesus – a brown man of undetermined sexual orientation who arose from a people bowed down under Empire. His prophetic witness calls us to a risky engagement with powers and principalities and compels us to overturn tables of systemic oppression….In our quest for justice, we consciously avoid theological litmus tests and external creeds. We are a people led by God’s Spirit in a way that welcomes a dynamic evolution of our beliefs, our practices, and our systems….Our vision is founded on the prophetic leadership and active participation of Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC), Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual + (LGBTQIA+) people, and people with disabilities. These collectives live at the intersection of direct social action and theological reflection. (LMX Statement of Values, Vision and Mission)

Two years ago, the super progressives within the United Methodist Church were upset that their hellbound denomination wasn’t liberal enough. Consequently, many of the pagans within the UMC that were given the freedom to let their leaven fizz and ferment for decades announced the creation of their own denomination, called The Liberation Methodist Connexion (LMX), which went live in late 2020/ early 2021.

Since then, the last year has not been kind to them, already suffering massive defections, going from 40 churches to just 20. In a post on their website recapping the year, they recount their few victories:

“Since (we’ve launched), the LMX has put together several online events that have given many people a glimpse of a what a liberative spiritual experience could look like, combining the message that what we are all beloved children of God with tough conversations on how our churches enable racism, homophobia, misogyny, ableism, and other forms of oppression”

We have had two roundtables; one a conversation on race and how we can work towards eliminating racism, the other a conversation around queering Easter and how the resurrection story speaks to resisting oppression.

and now the bad news:

“Immediately after the launch, the LMX attempted to handle unexpected, complex challenges in ways that distracted from our primary purpose for weeks, exhausting us and leading to some internal distrust.”

“Since February, some working group meetings struggled with attendance as common ground in conversations on foundational documents was not reached. No new collaborators were introduced, seemingly due to a lack of agreement about how to best integrate new people. Other sticky points for us have been concerns about whether our BIPOC collaborators are being treated well, whether we are prioritizing dismantling white culture in the LMX over creating space for queer people, whether the LMX should be a traditional Christian denomination or other,

As we stepped back and took a wider view of where we were having the most trouble, one unforeseen issue is that we were mostly unprepared for what it looks like practically to build something new; particularly as a volunteer group without the resources of our old denominations. Common ground was easier to find when we were focused on critiquing old institutions. It has been much harder to find as we all bring ideas about what can be. We realized that we made many assumptions about the goals of our fellow collaborators.

Hahahahahahaha. You mean a bunch of woke pagans with Christian ideations can’t agree on how badly they hate the bible and the correct way to butcher it, resulting in no money and no people?
