‘Maverick City Music’ Musician Posts Pro-Abortion Message

Maverick City music is a Christian Music worship collective based in Atlanta that has seen much sucess in just a few short years. last after. Know for such songs as ‘Jireh’, ‘Promises’, and ‘Wait on you’ Their album Maverick City Vol. 3/ Part 1 recently won a Billboard Music Award for the Top Gospel album, and they recently won a both a GMA Dove Award and a Grammy for their song Old Church Basement.
We last wrote about Maverick City Music their after lead singer Chandler Moore Issued a Defiant ‘Apology” After his Salacious Wedding Photo went Viral, as well as when they appeard on ‘The View’ and sang a Worship song while Dancing with Christ-Hating Host Whoopi Goldberg.
Now, one of their members, drummer Harold Brown, released a since-deleted message on Instagram stories informing the masses that ‘Men shouldn’t be making laws about woman’s bodies.‘

After some blowback, Brown quickly removed it from his stories, and also shut down his Twitter account too.

Thankfully, fans have already called them out for it, with commenters making their displeasure known.

We’ve reached out to Maverick City Music and will update this article with any new information.
This group is led by a fornicator, Chandler Moore. Look at their 2 websites: they are super-woke. It’s time for Christians to rise up and say we will not be led in “worship” by the likes of these.
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Indeed! I agree!
I’m not sure what people are doing these days. No one is judging. God’s word says, you will know them by fruit
It’s either, you are in or out. Can’t shake with the world and then fake with God. Be not deceived God is not mocked, whatsoever a man sow, that he shall also reap. So a good seed, reap a good harvest, sow bad seed, reap a bad harvest ( bible). I’m just really concerned that these groups,are sending mixed messages! We are commissioned by Christ to preach the gospel, irregardless if singing or speaking! Everything pertaining to Jesus has got to be correct.
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Actually, I kind of agree with their stance. Men should not be making rules over women’s bodies, especially since when God has already given us ALL the instructions we need in the care of ourselves and each other in this sin-sick world. Go back to The Book, problem solved.
It makes no difference which sex writes a ruling; law is law. This shouldn’t even be a point of discussion.
Agreed, so how about the woman inside of the womb? You can’t selectively apply your logic. “Don’t make laws interfering with another person’s body”. Permitting the legal murder of that baby girl & future woman is 100% interfering with her body, regardless of age. That is a human being and has been granted life by God.
Update your article to state this isn’t a Christian band. They certainly don’t worship the God of Holy Scripture.
Failed musicians who couldn’t make a dime in the secular market but go on to scam dumb Christians by adopting “Christian music” branding.
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Mr. Harold, what about the baby’s body? Doesn’t the very God we serve breathe and give life? So what about the woman who is living and wants to end a life? How does that represent the body of Christ?
Abortion is murder of the most innocent of all humans ,the Lord designed it so the baby would grow in a safe ,secure place
I’ll start being concerned about homos and babykillers when the Kkkristian Reich starts following Proverbs 23:2.
Dumb. Can’t even read a single verse before it.