Charismatic Nonsense Church Religion Righteous Defiance

Bethel Worship Leader Attracts ‘10,000’ Worshippers in Outdoor Concert, Claims Healing Miracles

Bethel Worship Leader Sean Feucht, making the rounds through America on his “Let us Worship Tour” which attracts massive crowds primarily in lockdown locations, put on more events in Nashville on Sunday and Charleston on Monday, claiming crowds of up to 10,000 people and alleging many healing miracles. The size of the crowd fluctuates through the event, which lasts many hours. Feucht has been overly aggressive with his estimation, and we put the crowds at a quarter of that, if that.

Feucht, who is quickly becoming one of the most well-known worship leaders in America Today, had the event location changed on him three times, yet managed to turn out a massive crowd eager to attend a worship concert in the midst of government lockdowns which have kept others inside. Social distancing was not observed and masks were not worn.

The events, which feature not just worship but also a bit of preaching and time of personal testimony, also feature charismatic manifestations as one might expect from a Bethel Church event. Men and women were speaking in tongues, being slain in the spirit, prophesying, waving flags, and praying for supernatural healings. For the latter, Feucht claims that hundreds of salvations and miracles happened at these events.

In this case, they released two short clips claiming that bad backs were healed and a man who was deaf for 47 years could now hear.

These events, which are normalizing Bethel’s brand of ecstatic worship services and gaining them prominence in the absence of any other groups behaving similarly, have likewise attracted millions of online viewers and shares, which only grows their influence.

Drive-In Church Featured Righteous Defiance

A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church Amid Pandemic – Album Twenty Nine

The twenty-ninth album in an ongoing series documenting faithful churches gathering for Sunday service in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. With some churches still not gathering in-person in these dark times, others being persecuted by the government for being open, and others ending services for the rest of the year, these are the congregations who are meeting faithfully at the command of Scripture (Heb. 10:25).

For previous albums: 

Album #1  Album #2  Album #3  Album #4  Album #5  Album #6  Album #7  
Album #8  Album #9  Album #10  Album #11  Album #12  Album #13  
Album #14  Album #15  Album #16  Album#17  Album# 18 Album #19  
Album #20  Album #21 Album #22  Album #23 Album #24 Album #25
Album #26 Album #27

These churches are using FM transmitters to pipe audio to the cars directly, are preaching outside, or are back in their buildings having in-person services. Some with masks. Some without masks.

All are being safe. All are being obedient to the scriptures. All are loving their neighbors.

Featured podcast Polemics Report

Podcast: ‘Deep’ Tweets by Tim Keller, Beth Moore, And Mask-Based Sheep Beating

On today’s program for October 8, 2020, JD goes through the news of the day including Beth Moore, the latest poll from Barna on Christians not knowing what Christianity is, and other stuff. Then, he discusses Tim Keller’s incessant nonsense on Twitter that people think they don’t understand because it’s too smart for them; in reality they don’t understand it because it’s stupid and doesn’t mean anything. Finally, JD goes through a newsletter from a pastor sheep-beating his church for not wanting to wear masks.

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 47:48 — 65.7MB) | Embed

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Critical Race Theory Evangelical Stuff Featured News

Christianity Today Bashes White Christians as Racists who Commit Violence Against Black People by Voting GOP

Christianity Today continues its theologically obstreperous ways, accusing white Christians of being inherent racists who commit acts of spiritual violence against black people by voting GOP and suggesting Democrat voters don’t have a biblical worldview.

The offending article is by Dr. Christiana Edmondson, an anti-racist advocate (the irony of such a title will become quickly apparent) who co-hosts the Truth Tables Podcast with two other allegedly Christian women. Incidentally, the other co-hosts, Michelle Higgins and Ekimini Uwan, are both pro-choice, with Higgins routinely posting support for Planned Parenthood.

So clearly, they take issues of systematic violence and racism seriously.

The thesis of her post is simple: “White Christians” have a faith that is corrupted by racism in a way that a “Black Christian’s” faith is not, to the point that inherent in a White Christian’s faith is the built-in justification to commit terrible acts of murder against black people.

Furthermore, White Christians express their racism by voting for the Republican Party, which happens to be an act of implicit racism and overt spiritual violence against black people. This violence is magnified when we say things like “The Republican platform is more in line with a biblical worldview” and “the Democrat platform promotes theft, pro-abortion-, pro-homosexuality, pro-transgenderism, inclusive sex-education for children which affirms sexual perversion, men in women’s washrooms, socialism, and a host of others unbiblical positions, and an as a result their platform is not compatible with biblical Christianity and Christians should not vote for it.”

Saying those two things might as well be the spiritual equivalent of a celestial curb stomp, crunching the teeth and sending bone splinters into the brains of woke Christians planning on voting for Biden.

Truthfully, the whole article is an excretable, gangrenous cauldron of the worst excesses of woke TGC, ERLC, and #BigEva put together, sprinkled with a little Black Lives Matter and Critical Race Theory Rhetoric for that extra bitter kick. She writes:

The so-called shared faith of white Christians and black Christians does not guard against violence toward the Emmett Tills, Tamir Rices, or George Floyds of society… [Editor’s Note. Emmet Till was a 14-year-old black kid who was falsely accused by a white woman of hitting on her in 1955. As a result, a group of white men kidnapped him from his home, tortured and killed him, and then were found not guilty in a sham trial. Till’s Mother, Mamie, chose to have an open casket at the funeral, showing off her son’s disfigurement, an act which helped to galvanize national attention against racism and acted as an impetus for many anti-racism organizations gaining power and prominence. ]

White Christianity’s very design exists to maintain false piety and sear the consciences of white people against the oppression and exploitation of blacks….

Spiritual violence abusively castes people within our systems but also in our imaginations and social media feeds with name-calling such as ‘heretic’ or ‘unbeliever.’

Edmondson takes particular exception with Mohler’s statement that voting for the Republican party is most in line with a “Christian worldview.” In this case, she takes him to task for the necessary implication that people (particularly black Christian women) who vote for the Democrats don’t have a biblical worldview when it comes to voting. She writes:

Spiritual violence against black Americans in the political sphere means disparaging and minimizing the faith of black Christians.

As president of the flagship seminary for the largest Christian denomination in the United States, [Mohler’s] religious endorsement of a highly controversial president known for racist and sexist rhetoric and actions mattered significantly…

My concern, while subtle, knocks at the door of spiritual violence. By saying one’s ‘Christian worldview’ leads to reelecting Donald Trump in 2020, Mohler asserts that faithful Christian theology applied to politics must draw the same political conclusions as most white conservative Christian men in this country. 

She continues with the disparagements:

Black women report some of the highest levels of Bible study, charitable giving, authoritative views on Scripture, amount of time praying, and church attendance. But because of their political and theological misalignment with Trump and Republican agendas, they are deemed by default biblically ignorant, and at worst, heretics, cultural Marxists, and whatever new term works to caricature and discredit those holding a differing view. Welcome to politically motivated spiritual violence.

Edmonson notes that “Despite claiming loyalty to the same Jesus, divergent “Christian worldviews” historically produce on one hand people like George Whitefield and Johnathan Edwards and people like Stacey Abrams on the other (or other Christians like Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, etc.).

The view that people like Stacey Abrams and Nancy Pelosi are Christians makes sense from her understanding, as Edmondson has already demonstrated that being actively pro-choice isn’t a deal breaker when it comes to someone’s “Christian” faith. Wannabe governors can be “Christians” and be pro-abortion and pro-LGBT at the same time, and there will be no discrepancy of conflict present.

Yet, from Edmonson’s perspective, the act of us saying that the mighty woman of God known as Democratic candidate Stacey Abrams is not a Christian is by necessity an act of spiritual violence against her, an act we commit because we have this White Christian Skin that is driving us to violence.

Most people, I imagine, watched in horror the recent footage of the unarmed black men killed in 2020…However, the horrors of 2020, coupled with the trauma-cementing psychological and spiritual violence of news networks popular to white “conservative Christians,” discredit each victim.

She finishes her article, however, with an appeal to White Christians to stop being so intrinsically violent, and to have a heart, and be more like black Christians who are dedicated to anti-racism, empathy, and repair.

The necessary violence of racism is combated by the nonviolent and steadfast resistance of black Christians, which reminds all of us who we are designed to be. White Christians, will your shared humanity and Christianity move you from violence and violence-denying to the nonviolence of empathy, solidarity, and repair?

Thank you, Christianity Today. You have really outdone yourself with this one.

Church Featured Heresies Religion

Episcopal Church declares Bishop to be ‘Apostate’ Because He WON’T perform Gay Weddings

The morally and theologically bankrupt Episcopal Church, long given over to Satan and all his minions and which likely boasts less than 1% believers within their ranks, further cemented their reputation as an enemy of God with a “guilty” ruling against the last clerical holdout who had been contesting the Church’s position on the acceptance of gay marriage.

The Episcopal Church of North America concluded a disciplinary hearing last week and unanimously determined that William Love, the Bishop who presides over the diocese of Albany, violated canon law after he wrote a letter to the churches in his diocese prohibiting them from performing same-sex weddings.

Bishop Love, who by all accounts has been fighting the good fight within the Episcopal church and is one of the last faithful men standing, was savaged by the disciplinary hearing because he refused to comply with Resolution B012. The Resolution, passed in 2018, requires any priests unwilling to perform gay marriages to get another priest willing to preside over that blasphemy to do so in his place.

Love issued a now-widely circulated letter in 2018 which called out the resolution for the monstrous perversion it is, writing that:

The Episcopal Church and Western Society have been hijacked by the “Gay Rights Agenda” which is very well organized, very strategic, very well financed, and very powerful. Satan is having a heyday bringing division into the Church over these issues and is trying to use the Church to hurt and destroy the very ones we love and care about by deceiving the leadership of the Church into creating ways for our gay and lesbians brothers and sisters to embrace their sexual desires rather than to repent and seek God’s love and healing grace. B012 plays right into this…

It is in direct conflict and contradiction to God’s intent for the sacrament of marriage as revealed through Holy Scripture.

B012 ignores God’s Word regarding marriage and thus ignores the authority of Holy Scripture. When asked about marriage and divorce, Jesus stated, ‘But from the beginning of creation, God made them male and female. Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.’

As a result of losing the hearing, he has opted not to appeal, believing it would have no good result or impact. Love will learn of his fate in a few weeks, with the consensus that he will be defrocked and excommunicated from the Church, and thus removing the last faithful Bishop from their midst.

In recent years, Episcopal congregations who could not abide by the apostasy of their denomination created and fled to the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA), which holds to the biblical view of marriage. Despite their faithful belief on the issue of same-sex marriage and morality, however, the ACNA still have several problematic beliefs, such as the acceptance of the ordination of women.

Featured Righteous Defiance Shutdown

John MacArthur Launches Petition Campaign to ‘Open the Church’

John MacArthur, Pastor of Grace Community Church (GCC) in California who has been engaged in a protracted battle with the LA County Health Board and State Government over their right to have church services as they see fit, has launched a petition campaign to tell our leaders that the church is essential.

Launched in partnership with Liberty University’s The Falkirk Center, the four-minute “The Church is Essential” video follows MacArthur around the campus of GCC where he gives a high-level recap of the position churches are in, and explains the reason for launching the petition, with the promotion material for the campaign enjoining:

The Government is trying to dictate to the church how we should worship. We have been commanded by God to meet and that freedom is protected by the Constitution.
to remind our leaders THE CHURCH IS ESSENTIAL.

As MacArthur walks around Grace Church, he comments that the current crop of politicians are trampling on the citizenry and crushing their constitutional rights under a manufactured fear, discussing the low death rates of COVID in his state, saying:

That absolutely does not warrant shutting down anything, but especially, absurdly, arbitrarily, churches who have a special protection from the constutition—oh, and at the same time leaving open abortion clinics, strip clubs, and marijuana dispensaries…

Describing this as targeted discrimination by leftist and secular government officials, Macarthur hammers over and over that the Church is essential.

Describing this season as a watershed moment in America, MacArthur states that “we are commanded to be the church by the Lord Jesus Christ who is the head of the church.”

“This is a time of all times to meet as the church,” he said. “Open your church. The church is essential.”

Charismatic Nonsense Church Evangelical Stuff Money Grubbing Heretics

Prophetess Kat Kerr Dispatches 1000 ‘Special Ops Angels’ in ‘Red, White & Blue Robes’ to Oversee Trump Victory

Prophetess Kat Kerr, general in the Lord’s angelic army, controller of weather, rebuker of hurricanes, and guaranteed to liven up prayer meetings everywhere, announced that 1000 special ops angels, adorned in red, white, and blue robes have been dispatched to earth to oversee Trump’s upcoming election victory: a reward for helping the President emerge victorious in 2016. 

Kerr, who is considered a “little extra” even by charismatic standards (but not by much) pointed out the anointing of the President while “prophesying” that he will win the election and that the whole thing is a done deal. It is this confidence perhaps that has her only commanding 1000 special ops angels, and not the 100 million she previously dispatched to oversee the Republican National Convention. She explains:

When he [Trump] speaks there is an anointing in his voice that brings healing hope. And you know what? We should have no fear. Remember the scriptures says ‘perfect love casts out all fear.’

So I don’t want anyone to be afraid of anything, and I can just tell you this from heaven: Trump is going to win. And no matter what the left and the liberals and the hate people and the fake news, no matter what they come together, even with some wicked people to plot the downfall of America, to make it a socialist country you don’t want that. If you’re too young to understand you don’t want it…

We in America are the land of the brave, the free, and the filled with God. And I can tell you that whole event was filled with the presence of God. And yes, there were 1,000 angels waiting. You know who these angels were? I could see them sitting all up in the…upper stands and everything, in the seats, and they were white—they just glow with the glory of God. But they actually were wearing red, white, and blue robes.

And the Holy Spirit said, ‘These angels are special ops angels that were sent from Heaven back in 2016 to fight on behalf of America, on our president, on his administration, God’s plans that he has for this country.’ And they were there to be sent out again right now. And we all did that…It was very powerful to see them. They shoot past us like beams of light, and they were very powerful beings. Very excited. Let me know, why were they there? God invited them, as a reward for what they’ve already done for America. To hear the words of those who stand in the gap, who will prophesy about what God wants done in America, who have powerful prayer warriors, all of them who were there.

We would ask Dr. Michael Brown to confirm this prophecy, but we’re still waiting for him to comment on the wolfish wager he made with cessationists that left him utterly bereft of credibility. If any other charismatics want to co-sign on all this, we’re all ears.

Church Conspiracy Money Grubbing Heretics

Televangelist Pat Robertson: ‘I don’t think most Christians are Stupid enough to Believe in Creationism’

Longtime Televangelist Pat Robertson, (90 years old) who should have retired decades ago/ never started at all, took to the airways on his program The 700 Club to a question asking why his show promoted the Old Earth Theory “rather the biblical viewpoint that is shared by most Christians.”

Robertson, whose advice tends to fluctuate between the passable to the unbiblical ramblings of a decrepit old man, responded:

… I don’t think most Christians are stupid enough to believe that other… The other is the Ussher theory… if you added all the generations from Adam until the current time, and you say, “Alright, that adds up to 7,000. Okay. And so, therefore, the Earth’s only 7000 years old.” Well, that’s just nonsense.

I mean, there are just too many geological factors, too many things that have happened on our Earth. The Earth is about 14 billion years old, and there’s just no question about it.

You’ve got the dinosaurs. You’ve got all the things that have happened on this Earth. And there’s too much geology, I mean, it’s just established science. So the idea of having a 6-7,000-year Earth is just… It’s just… Any Christians who believe that, just, I’m telling you that, they aren’t very up on today’s…

I believe science! I mean, let’s face it! You know, God didn’t… This whole planet was set up for God’s purpose. The universe is tuned for life. But it didn’t get here in 6-7,000 years! It got here over… almost 14 billion years to get this Earth to where it is right now.

It’s not the first time that Robertson has taken potshots at Biblical Christianity presentation of the timeline and origins of the earth. In 2015 he responded to another question in the same vein, proffering:

… I appreciate the fact that you’re trying to grapple with it… the truth is, you have to be deaf, dumb, and blind to think that this Earth that we live in only has 6,000 years of existence. It just doesn’t. I’m sorry…

…We haven’t worked all the wrinkles out, but I think to deny the clear record that’s there before us makes us looks silly… There’s no way that all this that you have here took place in 6,000 years. It just couldn’t have been done, couldn’t possibly have been done.

H/t to the unfriendly pagans at the Friendly Atheist for this story and for the transcript.

Church Featured News

Barna Poll: 40% of Christian Evangelicals are Pretty Much a Bunch of Socialist, Pro-Choice Pagans

Barna recently released another survey for self-described evangelicals and it has confirmed what all the other polls have said, just with rapidly heightening percentages. Results reveal that nearly half of evangelicals are pretty bunch a ragtag group of biblically illiterate, confused, socialist, sexually progressive weirdo pagans.

The survey released Tuesday, part of the Cultural Research Center (CRC) of Arizona Christian University’ American Worldview Inventory 2020 survey, shows an increasingly troubling trend. Famed Polster George Barna reveals:

The most startling realization regarding the theological reformation in progress is how many people from evangelical churches are adopting unbiblical beliefs. What makes that trend so significant is that evangelical churches, by definition, teach that the Bible is the authoritative word of God that teaches not only salvation by grace alone but also an array of life principles that are meant to drive one’s thoughts and actions.

Several polling results found that apply specifically to American evangelicals- a term that is not loosely defined but rather must meet 9 different criteria- reveal:

  • 48% believe a person who is good enough or does enough good works can earn eternal salvation
  • 44% do not believe that history is the unfolding narrative of God’s reality
  • 44% claim the Bible is ambiguous in its teaching about abortion
  • •43% maintain that when Jesus was on earth, He sinned
  • 42% seek moral guidance primarily from sources other than the Bible
  • 42% do not identify and confess their sins on a daily basis
  • 40% accept lying as morally acceptable if it advances personal interests or protect one’s reputation
  • 36% prefer socialism to capitalism
  • •34% reject the idea of legitimate marriage as one man and one woman
  • •34% argue that abortion is morally acceptable if it spares the mother from financial or emotional discomfort or hardship

The results certainly do not reflect favorably on the churches that these people attend. Barna says it nicely “If the views of the people attending our
Christian churches these days are any indication, we need to redirect our efforts for greater impact.”

We at Protestia are a little more direct.

Half the people in this poll are unregenerate pagans and have a false assurance of salvation. They’re part of seeker-sensitive churches that don’t teach the whole counsel of God, led by emasculated betrayers of Christ who’d just as soon preach on self-help and trivialities than a mercilessly tortured Christ who was murdered on a cross because of mercilessly foul sins- slitting the throats of their sheep with bad teaching and then juggling their heads to entertain the goats.

May God have mercy on us.

Evangelical Stuff podcast Polemics Report

Podcast: Hillary Clinton Says the Church is Too Judgmental

On this episode of Polemics Report, JD discusses today’s news topics, and then goes on to demonstrate that Hillary Clinton’s theology – as recently expressed by her – is 100% identical to that of SBC leaders or the Gospel Coalition. JD discusses the payoff of Thom Rainer and also answers some sincere questions about Soros, Theonomy, and more.

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 28:36 — 39.3MB) | Embed

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