
Popular ‘Conservative’ Egalitarian Says All Complementarians are Racist

We recently told you about Beth Allison Barr, a prominent “conservative” egalitarian that refuses to affirm that the scriptures are inerrant. She also recently alleged that the line breaks in Ephesians 5 change the whole narrative of the bible, calling out the ESV as the nasty little improperly formatted translation that it is- a claim which was quickly debunked.

Now, Barr, author of the best-selling book The Making of Biblical Womanhood,” has dished out some harsh words for complementarians who believe that men and women are equal but have been given different roles, accusing them of all being a bunch of racists.

In a recent talk given to Baylor University students, she first explains that there is no difference between complementarianism and the patriarchy, being one and the same, and then that racism and patriarchy can’t be separated. They go hand in hand, she asserts, warning that all those advocating for complementarianism/the patriarchy are doing so out of racist motives, and that racism will always be with us so long as proponents of the patriarchy flourish:

“For too long, conservative evangelicals have taught a narrative about women which they believe is rooted in the Gospel, and they believe is supported by the facts of history; a narrative that places women permanently under male authority. (Complementariansim) Now, I can guess what some of you might be thinking. ‘Most men don’t treat women this way’. ‘The problem isn’t God’s plan for marriage, but rather the sin of people within those marriages’, right? ‘It’s bad people, not the system.’

I don’t think so. I contend that no matter how much we want to separate the evangelical vision of male headship and female submission from the general patriarchy of our world, we simply can’t because they aren’t any different.

As I explain, in the first chapter of my book, both systems place power in the hands of men, and take power away from women. Both systems teach men, that women rank lower than they do….”

After she is asked by she didn’t include more on issues of race, she explains:

“I wanted to talk a whole lot more about race, because I think racism and patriarchy cannot be separated. They are part of the interlocking structures of oppression. And I mean, they make sense together. Because when you teach people that there is something about the way they are born that makes them have the right to rule over other people, that’s racism. It’s patriarchy.

I mean, they’re the same thing. Which is why I also think that racism is so- one of the reasons we can’t get rid of racism, is because we’re not letting go of patriarchy either.


A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church. Album 27

The twenty-seventh album in our series showing our brothers and sisters in Christ gathering for church service as faithful believers.

Right now churches are canceling their services at an astonishing rate, with thousands announcing that services are canceled for the next month, if not longer. Furthermore, stringent conditions are being placed on believers, with countries having vaccine mandates in order to attend church, along with thousands of churches refusing to let unmasked, unvaccinated attend.

While going to church does not make one a believer, refusing to faithfully attend a local church should seriously call that faith into question. This is a glimpse of what the global church is up to, and will feature images in chronological order, week to week, of the men and women being obedient to the scriptures. As always, click to enlarge.

For previous albums Album #1Album #2, Album #3 Album #4 Album #5 Album #6 Album #7 Album #8 Album #9 Album #10 Album #11 Album #12 Album #13 Album #14 Album #15 Album #16 Album #17 Album #18 Album #19 Album #20 Album #21 Album #22 Album #23 Album #24 Album #25 Album #26

For our multi-volume series showing the progression of the Church worldwide experiencing the lockdown and pandemic, from March 2020- July 2021, click here.


Brian Houston Steps Down From Leader of Hillsong

(Former) Hillsong Global Senior Pastor Brian Houston has announced that he’s stepping down from the role of leading his global church, telling members through a video message Sunday morning that he would be spending the next few months preparing for his court case and ready to vigorously defend charges that he concealed sex abuse, and would be unable to effectively fulfill his role.

Earlier in the year, Houston stepped down from 18 of 19 Hillsong church boards, the result of the continued fallout from his court case. Houston has pleaded “not guilty” to charges of concealing the sexual abuse of a 7-year-old boy by his deceased father more than 30 years ago- a case which investigators took two years to build.

If convicted, he faces 5 years in prison.

In 2014, a Royal Commission confirmed that Pastor Frank Houston, who had a sexual interest in the Lord’s little ones, confessed to abusing the young boy in 1969 and 1970. Brian Houston was made aware of the allegations in 1999, five years before his father passed, but did not go to the police and turn his father in.

A press release issued from Hillsong reads:

“In December, during our board meeting, Hillsong’s external legal counsel gave the board advice regarding the current charge I am facing – that it would be ‘Best Practice’ for me to step aside completely from church leadership during the court proceedings. The court processes are likely to be drawn out and take up most of 2022 (especially considering the backlog in the courts, exacerbated by the Covid pandemic). Along with this, the board and I have had detailed discussion around the requirements for leadership. We have talked about the effects of the situation with my father, which go back many years up to the current legal case, and the impact this has had on me emotionally.

The result is that the Hillsong Global Board feel it is in my and the church’s best interest for this to happen, so I have agreed to step aside from all ministry responsibilities until the end of the year.

As I have said, most of you know the court case I am facing is related to circumstances surrounding my father, and I need to be fully committed to preparation and engagement with the case and work closely with my lawyers in defending this charge. I have said, including in a prior statement, that I intend to fight the charge and welcome the opportunity to set the record straight.”

Pastors Phil and Lucinda Dooley , who lead the South Africa campus, will be assuming the roles of Interim Global Senior Pastors over the next year.

bad theology Charismatic Nonsense

Fakest Exorcism Ever? Famous Charismatic ‘Healer’ Uses ‘Demon Possesed’ Kids as Props

Kathryn Krick is fast becoming one of the most well-known and popular charismatic huckster apostles, accumulating over 900,000 followers on TikTok and 8.5 million views, with her other socials adding tens of thousands of more followers and fans. According to her website:

Apostle Kathryn is the Lead Pastor of Five-Fold Church, where miracles happen, people are healed, delivered, and transformed as the prophetic anointing flows powerfully. Apostle Kathryn is passionate about seeing people receive the power of God through the prophetic and apostolic ministry of Jesus; to see people set free, full of zeal, and transformed into mature vessels of God. 

She is uncomfortably bold in her public exorcisms and fake miracles, putting on extended shows of pomp and pageantry. For those wanting a deep dive into her many errors, Chris Rosebrough did a long-form exposé here.

In fact, we wrote about her previously, after she and another exorcist used the same actor to act demon-possessed.

Well this time she has hit a new low and engaging in some real demonic behavior herself, by acquiring a couple of children to pretend to be demon-possessed, in order that her gullible audience can “oooh’ and “ahhhh” and seek signs while she supposedly “cast them out.”

This is dark, dark behavior folks, from Krick, and from those parents who put them up to this.

Naturally, she posted:

Last night in Maryland, Jesus delivered these precious sisters! The look on the faces of the girls when they were free is truly one of the most beautiful sights I’ve ever seen. This family showed up to the church for the Revival is Now Maryland event at 7AM and the event didn’t start til 7PM!

Last night Jesus delivered these girls first! Renouncing by the parents was key to the deliverance! The demons were forced to flee! The girls continued to receive more deliverance during the event after this moment. The mother of the girls testified today “we have been on a long journey with deliverance, but for the first time our girls have total freedom!!

The youngest, Jacey, who is 8 received not only freedom but also the baptism of the Holy Spirit!“JESUS! Speechless, and I’m in awe and wonder. Thank you Jesus for freeing these precious girls and this whole family! He is so faithful!.”

We found the mother’s comment, and it is striking in how deceived she is, but also, how normal this type of thinking is for charismatics, who explains…well, read it yourself.

h/t to Revealing Truth for the vid.


Jerry Falwell Jr. Says He Is Not a Religious Person, No Longer Believes in the Church

A new long-form interview with disgraced former Liberty University president Jerry Fallwell Jr. and wife Becki detailing his fall from grace has been released by Vanity Fair, covering his side of the story of a series of scandals that forced the once formidable leader to flee the place he called home for decades.

Of note is that the article goes in-depth to the years-long adulterous relationship his wife had and how Jerry navigated it, but also picks up on this tension that has seem to always exist with Falwell and his relationship to his faith, painting the picture that he was never a true believer in the mission and morals of the conservative university he led, but rather was more interested in the business of institution building. For this reason, he had to outwardly adopt some of those trappings in order to play the game, while never holding them as earnest convictions.

Two quotes from the article outline the truth of this, allowing Falwell to be honest about where he stands and taking a posture that he’s spiritual, and a professing believer, but has no love for Christ’s church.

For the first time, Falwell opened up about his true spiritual beliefs and how they diverge from those of his infamous father, who cofounded the Moral Majority and waged a scorched-earth cultural war for four decades. When I told Falwell that many people thought he, consciously or not, wanted to destroy himself, he considered it for a moment.

“Subconsciously, yeah, I believe that’s true,” he said, nodding. “It’s almost like I didn’t have a choice.” He went on: “Because of my last name, people think I’m a religious person. But I’m not. My goal was to make them realize I was not my dad.”


Jerry said that being on the receiving end of evangelicals’ moral opprobrium has fundamentally turned him away from the movement. He believes in Christ, he said, but not the church. “Nothing in history has done more to turn people away from Christianity than organized religion,” he said. “The religious elite has got this idea that somehow their sins aren’t as bad as everyone else’s,” Jerry said.

Listening to Jerry, it made me think he convinced himself Liberty wasn’t the fundamentalist school that it is.

He would tell reporters that we don’t mind if gay and lesbians come here [sic]. I would tell him, “I don’t know what you’re talking about,”‘ recalled Scott Lamb, Liberty’s former senior vice president for communications.

Amid reports that he’d fallen away from the faith on account of his rejection of religion, Falwell took to Instagram and clarified:


Popular ‘Conservative’ Egalitarian Argues the ESV is a Scummy Translation on Account of…’Line Breaks’?

We recently told you about Beth Allison Barr, a prominent “conservative” egalitarian that thus far refused to affirm that the scriptures are inerrant, claiming that the term has been weaponized and she just won’t say it.

Barr is Professor of European Women, Medieval & Early Modern England, and Church History at Baylor University and author of the best-selling book The Making of Biblical Womanhood, which seeks to refute the complementarian position and challenge the notion of “biblical womanhood” that is in fact biblical.

Berean Patriot, who has done a stellar book review of her work that completely dismantles it from top to bottom, notes that she writes on pages 50-52:

Likewise, Ephesians 5 can be read as a resistance narrative to Roman patriarchy. Many scholars argue that Paul subordinates his entire discussion of the household codes under verse 21, ‘Be subject to one another out of reverence to Christ.‘  When this verse is read at the beginning of the Ephesians household codes, it changes everything.

In a talk given to Baylor University students on December 8th, 2021 promoting her book, Barr reiterates this:

The ESV is not a bad translation, it’s 90 to 95 percent the RSV. Seriously, all they did was change the RSV. And where they changed the RSV is what matters. And they changed it mostly in places regarding church leadership and women. That’s mostly it.

…And so you can even think, like in Ephesians 5, what the ESV does, is it separates the verse between, you know, ‘submit to each other as to the Lord’ and ‘Wives submit to your husband,’ and that’s an artificial separation, and it changes the meaning of the text.

Does it though? @WokePreacherTV shared a few examples of what these line breaks would look like, in order to uncover the massive, earth-shattering changes to the text the understanding that this gnostic knowledge brings:

So basically it nothing changes at all.

Thankfully, we had two commentators on Twitter who understand the game that is playing here:

Editor’s note: H/T to @WokePreacherTV, primary source extraordinaire.


Pope Francis: Never Condemn Your Homosexual Child

Pope Francis continues to be a nightmare for Roman Catholic Apologists, many of who have become apoplectic at trying to justify his many unbiblical statements on homosexuality. When he’s not busy affirming the faith of Joe Biden and saying he would never refuse him communion, or releasing his most outrageously blasphemous statement, he is endorsing civil unions for gay couples and making comments downplaying the sin of sodomy.

The corrupt Pontiff previously explained his approach to civil unions:

Homosexual people have the right to be in a family. They are children of God. What we have to have is a civil union law.  That way they are legally covered.

“What we have to create is a civil union law. That way they are legally covered. I stood up for that.”

In 2013, he told a reporter “If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has goodwill, who am I to judge?” and just a few years ago, told a group of parents who have homosexual kids that “God loves your children as they are.”  [Editor’s note: I agree with the initial statement, but I also know that God loves us far too much to let us stay the way we are and requires sanctification for all His people.]

Now, in comments that come just days after 125 gay Roman Catholic priests staged a massive ‘coming-out’ event in Germany, speaking before a general audience on Wednesday, He released a homily about the virtues of Joseph, Jesus’ earthly father, and how people should pray to him for intercession, writing:

At this moment I am thinking of so many people who are crushed by the weight of life and can no longer hope or pray. May Saint Joseph help them to open themselves to dialogue with God so that they may find light, strength, and peace. And I am thinking, too, of parents who are facing their children’s problems: children with many illnesses, children who are sick, even with permanent illnesses — how much pain is there — parents who see different sexual orientations in their children; how to deal with this and accompany their children and not hide in an attitude of condemnation. Parents who see their children leave, who die because of an illness, and also — even sadder, we read about it every day in the newspapers — teenagers who get into childish mischief and end up in car accidents. Parents who see their children not progressing in school and do not know what to do…so many parental problems. Let us think about how to help them. And to these parents I say: do not be afraid. Yes, there is pain. A lot. But think about how Joseph solved problems and ask Joseph to help you. Never condemn a child.

…Joseph prayed, worked, and loved — three beautiful things for parents: to pray, to work, and to love — and because of this, he always received what he needed to face life’s trials. Let us entrust ourselves to him and to his intercession.

Of course, it is incumbent upon parents to love their children, of course. But parents, whether their children are 12 or 20, should never fail to condemn homosexuality as a sin. This is particularly true with parents whose children are no longer dependent on them, despite what Pastor James Merritt may say to the contrary. Sin ought to be condemned, and those engaging in it ought to be confronted, even if they are your own children.

There is a way to approach homosexual children that is loving, merciful, fair and firm. For the Pope though, he has no idea what that would be.


Apple Ads ‘Pregnant Man’ to List of New Emojis for iPhones

In another sign that we dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips whose consciences are absolutely and unequivocally seared, Apple has released a series of Emojis as part of their new iPhone Beta software update, and it features a ‘pregnant transgender man’, ie a woman, as one of its novel additions.

Emojipedia, part of the Unicode Consortium, states that “pregnancy is possible for some transgender men and non-binary people.” Their existence was introduced in September of 2021, but Apple adapted them to their own design.

Though this insanity is inexorably moving forward until it is saturated in our society, as Christians, we resist.


Pope Declares ‘Fake News’ On Jabs Is A Human Rights Violation

Pope Francis has been awful on issues surrounding the novel coronavirus. When he’s not busy affirming the faith of Joe Biden and saying he would never refuse him communion, releasing his most outrageously blasphemous statement, and endorsing civil unions for gay couples, he’s been instituting “vaccine” “passports” at Vatican City, asking Big Tech to censor “conspiracy theories,” and hating on anti-maskers and those urging caution at taking the COVID vaccine.

It’s no surprise then that the emblem and servant of the Antichrist has met with the  International Consortium of Catholic Media on COVID-19 Vaccines (aka and gave the fact-checking organization his seal of approval.

The group, which is funded in part by Google, George Soros, and Bill Gates and is the frequent target of attack by conservative Catholic organizations like LifeSite News and Church Militant, received a vigorous defense from the corrupt Pontiff, who denounced “fake news” about COVID and the vaccine, saying that those engaging in misinformation are promulgating a “distortion of reality based on fear” [Editor’s note: Apparently the Irony is strong with this one…], and that being free from vaccine misinformation and fake news is a “human right.” [Ummmmm… -Ed.]

We can hardly fail to see that these days, in addition to the pandemic, an ‘infodemic’ is spreading: a distortion of reality based on fear, which in our global society leads to an explosion of commentary on falsified if not invented be properly informed, to be helped to understand situations based on scientific data and not fake news, is a human right.

…Correct information must be ensured above all to those who are less equipped, to the weakest and to those who are most vulnerable. [Editors note: Question: Who gets to decide what information is correct? And who is busy redefining words to make sure it’s as confusing as all get-out?]

Francis has previously explained that Roman Catholics have an obligation to take the Covid vaccine, even if it is derived from fetal cells, chastising anyone unwilling to take the shot as living in “suicidal denial.”

I believe that ethically everyone must take the vaccine. It is not an option; it is an ethical action, because you are playing with your health, you are playing with your life, but you are also playing with the lives of others. I’ve signed up. One must do it…

I don’t understand why some say, ‘No, vaccines are dangerous.’ If it is presented by doctors as a thing that can go well, that has no special dangers, why not take it? There is a suicidal denial that I wouldn’t know how to explain. [Editor’s note: Hey Frankie! About those “special dangers” you mentioned…ask the CDC about those…]


SBC Video Explains that Pastors With Southern Accents Sound Dumb, Should Lose it for ‘Sake of the Gospel’

The Southern Baptist Convention’s church-planting network, the North American Mission Board (NAMB), continues to demonstrate that they’ve lost the plot and are spinning their wheels with pagan machinations of men. As part of their ‘Church Planters Masterclass’, they released a video on the New Churches Website, which is a part of the SEND network, featuring an Asian church-planting instructor saying that southern Pastors with accents should lose them, so that they can lead more people to Christ.

This is while an overlay explains that people with southern accents are “assumed less intelligent than their northern accented peers.” We wonder what would happen if this was reversed? A chyron noting that “ethnic minority church planters with accents are assumed to be less intelligent than their white peers” with someone explaining that if ethnic Christians want to reach native speakers for Christ, they need to take lessons to dispense of their accents.

Note, this is exactly the kind of “gotcha” clip that The Gospel Coalition does NOT want us sharing,.

The instructor, Kenji Adachi, explains:

Hey Church planners, I want to talk about contextualization. So, you know, Paul communicates his philosophy of ministry in First Corinthians chapter nine. And he says that he becomes ‘all things to all people that he might save some.’ And he says that he does it all for the sake of the gospel.

See, Paul is God’s ultimate cross-cultural missionary church planter, and he best engages his culture. And so when I think about someone that I met, I was in Boston once, and this planter, I asked him where he’s from. He said he was from South Carolina, and I was stunned. I said, ‘Did you grew up there?’ I was stunned because he didn’t have an accent. I said ‘what happened to your southern accent?’ because I’m a North Carolinian. And he says this ‘I got a voice coach when I first moved here, and to get rid of my southern accent’.

And you talk about someone being all things to all people so that he can reach people for Christ. This is so critical as we think about who we’re trying to reach. Instead of just thinking about who we are. We need both. We need to understand the culture around us.

If a man is not saved because the person preaching to him and sharing the gospel has a southern accent, rather than a northern accent, God did not intend to save that person. Full stop. Rather than believe that God might providentally use one’s accent as a door and as a gift to reach some, the instructors at NAMB are teaching that it is necessarily a hindrance to the gospel, and must be neutralized.

That’s the state of SBC church planting networks for you.

h/t to Reformation Charlotte