A Word of Thanks to Our Supporters + Update

David and I were talking last night for a couple of hours about Protestia- about where things are going, the challenges we’re facing with our jobs cracking down on us on account of the ministry, a nasty new round of throttling on Facebook that has really eaten into our ability to share content and receive ad revenue. We spoke about everything that’s happened in the last few months, YouTube demonetizing our channel and the way that hurts us, about ministry friends who we hoped better of that are treating us like anathema still, some patrons dropping support with JD gone, the vision and direction of what we’re doing here in light of our time commitments, and the way it’s gotten so much more difficult and personally taxing. It’s been a bit discouraging, and in *some* ways, we’re asking ourselves if we’re spinning our wheels.
We’ve also spoken about some bright spots, such as Bible Bashed joining the family, a new upcoming shorter show we’re hoping to launch, (the graphics for this are super fun) the testing of a 24/7 streaming channel, and a call we put out to partner with people that are willing to be associated with us. There’s the quest for new writers to expand our universe, some positive feedback we’ve been given, building bridges with several places that formerly banned us from sharing content, and their willingness to reexamine that policy so that we can start posting again, and finally you guys, both our patrons helping keep the lights on and our hands at the wheel here inside the ministry, as well as our beloved freeloaders, bathing us in prayer and sharing our content.
It means the world to those who keep supporting us and sacrificing for us. Perhaps this is simply me getting emotional, but last night while talking to David I was getting pretty overwhelmed at what a grace and mercy it is, knowing there are people out there that see the value in the mission and are willing to stand with us in the manner. We’ve always said that we want to be a resource not just for you, but for others, unlike anything else on the internet. What has been nice is that we’re not just getting clicks on our new posts, but receive thousands of views on older posts each day from people wanting to know about this teacher or that, and we are receiving feedback, like these two emails sent to me:
“Thank you so much for what your doing. I used to attend Bethel church for almost three years but always felt an unsettling and uneasiness in my spirit every time they started to preach and really teach about healing. I found your website after googling and after seeing posts after posts about what my church was doing, and the ways the leaders did not teach the bible, it all made sense to me. My husband was skeptical and didn’t want to leave, but after seeing what I shared, including pictures and video, he agreed and we left and found a new church that I feel like my spirit can breathe in, and which teaches the bible much better.”
“Im not sure who is reading this, but someone there needs to know that this website is great. Everything is to the point and looks research. My country has been hurt and attacked by the prosperity teachers who come and preach a false gospel of wealth and money, and when I send this to my friends, they dont go to the see the bad service and it help convince their parents and brothers not to go. Aleluia praise the almighty for this teaching. The wicked shall be expose!
That’s all you guys. It’s the people who stand with us unashamed, the people lifting us in prayer, the people interacting with posts, the people working overtime away from their families so they can send us that extra $20 or $50 each month, especially with inflation happening and things getting tighter and tighter. We’re doing our best to honor the sacrificing in return, and if you’re curious about the specific ways we do that, our DMs are open. But thank you, thank you, thank you.
Lastly, I realized a few days ago we haven’t had our Patreon link at the bottom of our posts for the last few months, so I need to figure out how to do that as soon as possible. If you’re not a patron and want to join us, click here. If you can’t support us financially at this time, we still appreciate you so much for the other ways you help us. (But as usual, don’t give if you are not part of your local church or actively looking, and don’t give to us if by doing so you’re abdicating your responsibilities to give to your church.)
Now we get back to work.
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Nice post. Thanks!
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Absolutely nothing learned here from the last round of ‘freeloader’ bashing and likening non-patrons to Satan.
Non-patrons help to generate revenue by seeing advertisements whilst reading your articles. You have admitted as much insofar as you have bemoaned the loss of advertising revenue due to throttling and other measures.
‘Freeloaders’ is not, as you have asserted earlier, any kind of term of endearment. Neither is being likened to Satan.
When JD Hall announced his exit from polemics earlier in the year, he claimed that it was no longer an effective tool. What a co-incidence – just when he decides to opt out, polemics becomes irrelevant.
I have another take on that idea – polemics is irrelevant because it always was irrelevant. How many 100s of hours of my life I’ve wasted on this site and others, for no net increase in edification or sanctification. The simple fact is that God’s children, also known as Jesus’ sheep in John 10, will not follow anyone but the true Shepherd, because they know His voice, and a stranger they will not follow.
Be careful with thinking that you are doing God’s work here. Pride comes before the fall. Watch out that you are not fighting God, who sends false prophets to test the faithfulness of His people.
This is the absolute limit of what can be tolerated.
I learned from this website JD Hall was (is) a druggie and the rule is, if a leader falls then so does his followers. REPENT and READ YOUR BIBLES you drugged out druggie followers!!!
Was it not for pulpit and pen, is likely still be a tongue speaking aka soothsaying and”prophesying” pentecostal. The connectors below are of the devil, not ya’ll. I was in some heavy NAR teaching and was trying to find what was true, I knew that junk wasn’t it, mostly I studied the Bible, but P&P had tons of biblical articles at that time that explained why pentecostalism and WOF is not biblical. Don’t stop the work you’re doing ever. Thank you Cody, David, Seth, etc.