
California Bill Equates Refusing to Let a Child Transition with Child Abuse

Once again, California is proving to be the leader in perversion in this fallen nation as a new bill gaining traction in the State Assembly attempts to take even more rights away from parents, specifically regarding the gender transition of minors.

The bill, A.B. 957, has raised more than a few red flags. Notably, it explicitly includes a parent’s affirmation of their child’s gender identity as a crucial factor in custody disputes – putting it on par with child abuse and neglect.

This change has sparked concerns among conservative Christians who believe that parental guidance rooted in biblical principles should take precedence in shaping a child’s understanding of gender. Opponents of the bill, such as Erin Friday, a prominent San Francisco attorney and co-lead of the parent coalition Our Duty, expressed deep reservations about the potential consequences.

The group argues that equating non-affirmation with abuse unfairly stigmatizes parents who hold conservative Christian beliefs and seek to guide their children according to their religious convictions. A.B. 957 is just one example of California’s ongoing legislative efforts to advance demonic gender ideology.

State Senator Scott Wiener, a co-author of the bill alongside Assemblywoman Lori Wilson, is also pushing a separate measure that requires foster parents to pledge their affirmation of transgender-identifying children. Moreover, Wiener previously introduced a contentious law allowing out-of-state minors to undergo sex changes without parental consent, further challenging the rights and values cherished by conservative Christians.

Perhaps the most alarming aspect of A.B. 957 is that it treats non-affirmation as equal to issues such as abuse or neglect, opening the door to criminal prosecution of parents who refuse to allow their children to succumb to the state’s transgender brainwashing program. As A.B. 957 approaches its Senate committee hearing, Christians in California and every other liberal state should consider it a direct assault on their faith. This bill is the logical conclusion of a state and culture given to a reprobate mind. The state wants your children. If they cannot murder them in the womb, they will seek to mutilate them in adolescence without your permission.


Public School’s Aggressive PRIDE Indoctrination Sparks Righteous Anger

The Western world’s descent into becoming a modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah escalates significantly every June, and June 2023 is no exception. Videos surfaced on Monday depicting scenes at St. Matthew’s School in Newfoundland, Canada, that would outrage anyone without a seared conscience.

The footage showcased a series of LGBTQI+ “Pride” decorations adorning the school, accompanied by adults, likely school administrators and teachers, dressed in flamboyant rainbow-colored costumes associated with the gay movement.

St. Matthew’s School, once a Catholic institution, joined the Newfoundland public school system in 1998. However, the decision to remove a prominent white Christian cross from the school’s facade in 2013 following a parental complaint had already raised concerns about the erosion of the school’s moral standards. The alarming videos originally shared on the school’s now-locked Twitter account captured scenes that deeply troubled true Christians everywhere.

Children from kindergarten to seventh grade were seen waving “trans-inclusive” “Pride” flags as adults greeted them at the school’s entrance.

Additionally, a “Pride” rainbow arch was displayed in the hallway, symbolizing an embrace of the LGBTQI+ movement. What alarmed many conservative Christian parents and observers most were the overt displays of LGBTQI+ symbols and the adult individuals’ flirtatious behavior.

St. Matthew’s School and its administration have not addressed the outrage over their despicable behavior. Their only response thus far has been to lock their Twitter account. This is unsurprising as public schools seem to enjoy sharing their perversion with children without parents ever catching wind of their systematic grooming efforts. As we’ve said often, if there is any possible way that you can get your children out of the public schools, do it before it is too late. These perverts want to brainwash your children and convince them that good is evil and evil is good.


Kohl’s Risks a Target-Style Boycott with LGBTQ-Themed Clothing for Children

In yet another example of a company self-immolating over its devotion to the sodomite agenda, Kohl’s is facing backlash from outraged Christian shoppers who discovered LGBTQ pride-themed apparel being sold in their stores, specifically targeting kids and babies.

The department store chain is now giving parents the option to dress their infants, ranging from 3 to 9 months old, in onesies featuring rainbow patterns and slogans like “Love is love” and “Happy Pride.” Fox News reports that Kohl’s even offers a variety pack of five baby pride-themed onesies with different LGBTQ slogans and designs. Additionally, pride-themed shirts with messages such as “Ask Me My Pronouns” and “Be Proud” can be found in the children’s section of the department store.

The revelation of Kohl’s selling Pride merchandise for young children quickly spread across social media, prompting calls for a boycott against the company. Christian and conservative Twitter users expressed their disappointment and vowed to stop shopping at Kohl’s. Similar boycotts have previously affected companies like Target, which faced a $9 billion loss in one week after launching their line of pride-themed apparel for kids.

Despite attempts to address the controversy, Target’s stock continues to decline. It remains to be seen how Kohl’s will respond to the calls for a boycott, as the company has not yet released an official statement. Only time will tell if they will face a similar fate as Target and other brands that have faced backlash for their support of LGBTQ rights and inclusion.

It’s edifying to finally see Christians stand up in the face of this wickedness and do real financial harm to corporations pushing this demonic filth on children. Although it may cause some discomfort to not shop at stores like Kohl’s and Target, it is worth it, as followers of Christ are finally making their voices heard and are bringing awareness to the sinful behavior of woke corporations.


Now The North Face? Another Brand Pushes the Sodomite Agenda to Children

Outdoor apparel brand The North Face has recently made headlines for its collaboration with a prominent figure from the “drag queen” community as part of their latest collection, “Out in Nature.” With Sodomite Pride Month approaching, the brand now offers clothing adorned with vibrant rainbow colors, including items for children. 

In a promotional ad shared on The North Face’s Instagram page, a mustachioed man masquerading as what he thinks a woman looks like, named Pattie Gonia, leads the campaign by announcing the Summer of Pride tour. The video, aimed at younger audiences, extends an invitation to “come out” while accompanied by suggestive pauses and on-screen text. The ad prominently references All Things Gay while encouraging people to join Mr. Gonia at various tour stops across cities like Salt Lake City, Atlanta, Portland, Denver, Columbus, and San Francisco. 

Recalling a prior partnership in 2022, Mr. Gonia reminisces about their nationwide celebration of Pride alongside The North Face. The corporation emphasizes self-expression and pays homage to the influence of the pagan deity “mother nature,” describing their attire as a means of honoring her guidance. The collection showcases multi-colored shoes and other apparel, with some items priced as high as $165, and even includes a range of clothing options for children. 

These developments emerge amidst growing parental concerns, leading some conservatives and Christians to express their discontent by initiating boycotts against brands like Bud Light and Target, following their complete and total submission to and promotion of the rainbow agenda. We covered the Target controversy here.

The North Face has added itself to a long list of brands many Christians insist should be marked, avoided, and boycotted. According to reports, targeted boycotts have been devastatingly effective on perversion-promoting brands like Bud Light, which has seen billions in market value wiped out. Sales continue to plunge, and Target is now pulling LGBTQ displays from some of its stores. 

Believers must stand firm against this wickedness and make their voices heard with their dollars.


Calls to Boycott Target Intensify as they Push Sodomite Propaganda to Children

Retail giant Target is about to get an elbow to the head, financially speaking, as conservative and Christian consumers have rallied to strongly oppose the store’s LGBTQ-themed children’s apparel, books, and accessories.

The recent addition of “tuck-friendly” bathing suits and chest binders for “transgender” children to their collection has ignited a storm of criticism from conservative commentators who rightly argue that the items are inappropriate for young audiences. Among the LGBTQ-themed products being sold by Target and marketed to children are shirts featuring slogans like “live laugh lesbian” and “Queer Queer Queer Queer.” The children’s book section also includes titles that promote gender ideology, such as “Bye Bye Binary” and “The Pronoun Book.”

Conservative pundits wasted no time expressing their outrage and calling for action. Matt Walsh, the host at the Daily Wire, criticized Target for selling chest binders and bathing suits designed for “tucking” for children, correctly pointing out that the retailer had crossed a line worse than previous controversies involving companies like Bud Light. Walsh urged fellow conservatives to consider boycotting Target and emphasized consumers’ influence over corporate decisions.

Similarly, conservative musician Five Times August voiced his displeasure at the prominent display of LGBTQ-themed merchandise in Target stores. Sharing photos of the items for sale, he suggested their positioning was aimed at normalizing these products for young children.

The inclusion of imagery featuring nude adults further intensified concerns among Christian and conservative parents.

As more people become aware of the perversion Target is pushing on children, the call for a boycott of the store grows stronger. It appears that other boycotts have been somewhat effective recently, as in the case of Bud Light. One can only hope that Christians refusing to do business with companies promoting evil will persuade them to repent and promote Biblical values rather than serve Satan.


Oklahoma Governor Defunds Public Television for Pushing Pro-Sodomite Indoctrination

Governor Kevin Stitt of Oklahoma recently vetoed a bill that would have funded the Oklahoma Educational Television Authority (OETA) through 2026. Stitt has been vocal about his concerns with the increase in LGBTQ content aired on the station, including on the popular children’s show Sesame Street. 

The governor rightly claimed that the content on the station is leading to the “indoctrination and over-sexualization” of children in defending his decision to defund OETA. In a press conference discussing his veto of the bill, Stitt stated that he does not believe Oklahomans want their tax dollars used to “indoctrinate kids.” 

He went on to say that some of the content on the station “overly sexualizes our kids.” Stitt has also called OETA an “outdated system” and questioned why taxpayer dollars are being used to prop up or compete with the private sector in running television stations. 

The governor’s office has pointed to specific examples of content being aired on OETA as evidence of the “indoctrination and over-sexualization” of children. This includes a segment of the program “Let’s Learn” where a character called “Lil Miss Hot Mess” reads a book called “The Hips on the Drag Queen Go Swish, Swish, Swish.” 

We’ve covered the alarming trend of promoting degenerate lifestyles on public television.  Gay characters are often featured in PBS programming as the government continues to saturate everything in queerness in an attempt to turn an entire generation into lost and confused souls who don’t know their right hand from their left when it comes to basic human biology. 

 Governor Stitt’s veto and comments are a step in the right direction. Unless conservatives fight back against this demonic agenda, an entire generation may be lost to this reprobate ideology.


They’re Not Hiding Anymore – European Parliament Displays Blasphemous Picture of Jesus.

A recent art exhibit at the European Union’s Parliament building in Brussels, Belgium, has garnered controversy over its display of photographs depicting Jesus Christ and his apostles in a disgusting and blasphemous manner.

The exhibit features the work of Swedish photographer Elisabeth Ohlson, who created a series of images that depict Jesus supporting homosexuality. In one particular photograph, Jesus is shown wearing a white robe and a halo made out of stars above his head. He is surrounded by seven men dressed in leather-based fetish clothing associated with BDSM fetishism.

While the exhibit received praise from some of the usual malcontents, it also faced backlash from conservative members of the European Parliament, who criticized the photographs as disrespectful and vulgar. Some Italian lawmakers took to social media to voice their objections, with Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini calling the exhibit “just vulgarity and disrespect.”

Olhson is no stranger to blasphemy. Her work first gained attention in 1998 when she toured Sweden with an exhibition called Ecce Homo, which contained several controversial depictions of Christ that promoted homosexuality, transgenderism, and BDSM fetishism. The exhibit was displayed in numerous churches in communion with the Lutheran Church of Sweden, sparking heated debate among the faithful.

While the exhibit created controversy in Sweden, it faced even harsher criticism when displayed at the Belgrade Pride festival in Serbia. Patriarch Irinej of the Serbian Orthodox Church called the exhibit “deeply insulting” and “blasphemous” and even requested that the government ban it.

Although not surprising, this represents an escalation in their blasphemous practices and proves to anyone watching that they are no longer hiding their hatred for God.


Transableism: The Next Perversion Set to Sweep the Nation

Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID) is a rare condition in which individuals intensely desire to amputate one or more of their healthy limbs or experience paralysis. This desire can be so strong that some individuals resort to self-mutilation or even request surgical amputations. While BIID has long been recognized as a diagnosable psychiatric disorder, a recent report from the New York Post suggests that the condition is being rebranded as “transableism” in an attempt to align it with the transgender community and gain more acceptance. 

According to the report, some individuals with BIID are adopting the term “transable” to harness the cultural power of gender ideology and advocate for their cause. However, this shift in terminology could also have unintended consequences, such as opening the door for doctors to perform amputations on healthy limbs under the guise of “treating” patients. 

This raises ethical concerns about medicalizing a condition traditionally treated as a mental health issue. Transgendered proponents take note. 

Having the desire to be a gender different than the one God made you used to be considered an instance of demonic possession or a brain disorder. Yet, as society engages in more and more deviltry, these desires have been normalized to such a degree that little girls are having healthy breast tissue removed, and little boys are having their penises mutilated and fashioned into some grotesque approximation of a vaginal canal. 

Sadly, BIID seems to be headed along the same course. The National Library of Medicine defines BIID as a phenomenon that occurs in some people who desire the amputation of healthy limbs or paralysis. It is believed to be a brain disorder that affects an individual’s body image, causing them to perceive their body as incomplete or not in alignment with their identity. As transgenderism has become more widely accepted, some individuals within the disability movement are seeking similar understanding and acceptance. 

Anyone with an ounce of insight can see transableism as the next societal evolution in normalizing non-normative bodily desire, with experts cautioning against self-mutilation as a harmful practice and seeing both transgenderism and transableism as delusional disorders being few and far between.

This is the logical next step in a society that has been completely given over to a reprobate mind. It is a society where the creature is worshipped more than the Creator. Pray for those who have fully bought into this Satanic world system to such a degree that they’ve convinced themselves it is a good idea to remove their body parts.


Judge Forces School District to Host After School Satan Club – No Permission Slips Required

recent ruling by a federal judge has sparked controversy after a Pennsylvania school district was ordered to host an After School Satan Club. The Satanic Temple has advocated for establishing such clubs in school districts hosting Christian clubs. 

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed the suit on behalf of the organization, arguing that if the school allows one religion to host events, they must allow all. The Satanic Temple’s children’s club claims to teach kids “benevolence and empathy, critical thinking, problem-solving, creative expression, personal sovereignty, and compassion” and argues that it is a legitimate expression of free speech and religious freedom. 

U.S. District Court Judge John M. Gallagher, who presided over the case, wrote in his ruling that “when confronted with a challenge to free speech, the government’s first instinct must be to forward expression rather than quash it. Particularly when the content is controversial or inconvenient.” He added, “Here, although The Satanic Temple, Inc.’s objectors may challenge the sanctity of this controversially named organization, the sanctity of the First Amendment’s protections must prevail.” 

Because the only speech that is genuinely free is speech seemingly approved by this country’s evil and God-hating leadership, it should be no surprise that this government court is forcing a school district to host a club devoted to worshipping their god, Satan. 

Perhaps most troubling is that the district will not be asking parents to sign permission slips for this after-school gathering. This leaves parents none the wiser and ensures that children get groomed and indoctrinated inside and outside of school hours.

If at all possible, take your precious children out of these demonic indoctrination centers masquerading as public schools before it’s too late.


The VP Declares that Baby Murder Will be Biden/Harris’ Signature Issue in 2024

During a pro-abortion rally this week, Vice President Kamala Harris delivered a speech at Howard University, where she unsurprisingly referred to Republican lawmakers opposed to abortion as “extremists.” The address was attended by various pro-abortion groups, including NARAL Pro-Choice America, Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, and EMILY’s List.

Harris spent a large part of her speech criticizing the few principled Christian conservatives in government still standing for the rights of the unborn, stating:

“These so-called leaders would have the audacity to dictate what’s in our best interest, but we’re not going to allow that. We trust the people of America to make their own decisions about their health and bodies.”

The vice president also criticized the recent heartbeat abortion bans that prevent abortions after six weeks of pregnancy.

“It’s ridiculous. Many women aren’t even aware that they’re pregnant at that stage of gestation, yet these extremists want to dictate what women can do with their own bodies.”

This is what the left does best: they invert reality. The “extremist” position is to sacrifice children at the altar of promiscuity and convenience. Harris, like nearly every Democrat, views murdering unborn children as a reasonable position, a clear manifestation of a seared conscience and reprobate mind.

While the speech was not part of an official campaign event for President Joe Biden’s reelection bid, the president and Harris are expected to make abortion their signature issue in the upcoming 2024 presidential race.

Their first campaign video highlighted the importance of personal freedom (leftist code words for the right to murder babies) and criticized “MAGA extremists” who seek to protect the unborn.

The line between good and evil has never been clearer in American politics, and that line will only get more apparent as the 2024 presidential election season ramps up. The Democrats will highlight their love for murdering babies in the womb, and it’s up to Christians to vote against this demonic agenda.