
Dutch Doctors Can Now Secretly Place Sedatives in Food before Euthanizing Alzheimer’s Patients

(Christian Headlines) In a decision that is drawing widespread criticism from ethicists, a Netherlands medical committee has changed its code of practice to allow doctors to slip sedatives into the food or drink of patients with dementia before they are euthanized so as to prevent them from becoming “disturbed, agitated or aggressive.”

The change in rules by the Netherlands review committee for euthanasia comes after the country’s Supreme Court ruled in April that a doctor who carried out assisted suicide on a 74-year-old patient with Alzheimer’s did not commit murder by placing a sedative into the patient’s coffee.

The patient woke up and had to be held down by her daughter and husband, the BBC reported. The patient previously had written a statement saying she “wanted to be euthanized before entering a care home, but adding that she wanted to decide ‘while still in my senses and when I think the time is right,’” the BBC said.

The new rules say it “is not necessary for the doctor to agree with the patient…

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Editor’s note. This article was written by Michael Foust and published at Christian headlines.


Twitter has a new Position Called ‘Head of Conversational Safety’- It’s as Bad as you Think

(Not the Bee) Just when you thought Twitter couldn’t get any safer, they went ahead and hired someone for a position called “head of product for conversational safety.” And the new hire is busy coming up with ideas to make Twitter even worse.

Somehow even for a made-up job they still managed to find someone underqualified for it.

You’d think the person in charge of what might be the most difficult task at Twitter would have a predictable skillset: years of experience in and out of academia, politics and programming; an impenetrable wall of media savvy; close ties to the exec suite. You’d be wrong.

Christine Su was Twitter’s pick for the position and she is an “activist-entrepreneur” whose startup PastureMap “helped ranchers plan climate-friendly grazing practices.”

And while she may not be qualified for the job, she does have something that matters much more than experience:

An intersectional power level of over 9,000.

“As a queer women of color who is an Asian American in tech in rural America, that experience is a very intersectional one. I’ve had plenty of experiences moving through spaces where I wanted more safety,”

And she’s gonna use that experience to protect you from mean words on the internet.

If you’re afraid that..

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Regan Rose and published at Not The Bee. Title changed by Protestia.


Poll: Americans Increasingly Comfortable with Church Defiance of COVID-19 Restrictions

(Christian Post) A new survey reveals that the American public is much more accepting of churches defying coronavirus lockdowns than they were when the pandemic first broke out in March.

Paul Djupe, an affiliated scholar with the Public Religion Research Institute, and Ryan Burge, a political science professor at Eastern Illinois University, collaborated on a survey asking 1,750 Americans for their views about the coronavirus pandemic in October. They had previously collaborated on a coronavirus-related survey in March, when they spoke to 3,100 Americans.

When asked if they agreed with the statement, “If the government told us to stop gathering in person for worship I would want my congregation to defy the order,” 34% of respondents who participated in the October survey agreed (with 16% strongly agreeing). By contrast, 21.8% of Americans surveyed in March said that they agreed (with 10.7% strongly agreeing) with their congregation defying in-person worship restrictions.

Meanwhile, the share of Americans who disagreed with churches’ defiance of worship restrictions dropped significantly from March to October. In October, 39.1% of Americans…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Ryan Folley and posted at the Christian Post. Title changed by Protesia

cancel culture Featured Shutdown

Vermont Gov. Tells Kids to Rat on Parents who Celebrated ‘Unauthorized’ Thanksgiving

(LifeSiteNews) – Vermont’s governor asked the state’s schools to interrogate children and parents about their Thanksgiving gatherings when the students return after the holiday, and if it’s determined a “multi-family” get-together took place, the kids will be forced into quarantine. 

“Unfortunately, we know some will still get together and schools have asked for help. @VTEducation will direct schools to ask students or parents if they were part of multi-family gatherings and if the answer is yes, they’ll need to go remote for 14 days or 7 days and a test,” Republican Gov. Phil Scott tweeted.  

Scott’s tweet directs the Vermont Agency of Education to take charge of asking schools to question students about their Thanksgivings. 

According to a Burlington Free Press report, Dan French, who serves as Vermont’s Education Secretary, said he hopes that families will come out “honestly” about their Thanksgiving gatherings. 

“Schools operate on..

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Andy Murdoch and published at LifeSiteNews. Title changed by Protestia.

Briefing Conspiracy Evangelical Stuff Money Grubbing Heretics

Russell Moore’s ERLC Lies About SBC in Amicus Brief

Well, what should one expect from a lifelong Democrat?

(Capstone Report) The desperation of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) and the North American Mission Board (NAMB) of the Southern Baptist Convention is so palpable that the ERLC lied about the Southern Baptist Convention’s governance in an amicus brief to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.

The brief filed contra Will McRaney’s lawsuit against NAMB contains this explosive and false claim on page 10:

“McRaney directed a state-level body of the Southern Baptist faith tradition, an organization that supported 560 Southern Baptist churches. The primary, leading convention, or group, is the Southern Baptist Convention which is the umbrella Southern Baptist governing body over all the various groups of churches…Within that hierarchy are several organizations, including McRaney’s previous employer and defendant NAMB…McRaney disagreed with the direction that NAMB wanted to go in terms of church governance.”

This is stunning.

First, the 560 churches support the state convention. Next, there is no hierarchy in the SBC. Each church and state convention is autonomous.

According the..

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Editor’s note. This article was written by Capstone Report and posted to their website. If you aren’t reading Capstone Report, you need to. Title changed by Protestia.

Evangelical Stuff Heresies Social Justice Wars

SBC Pastor: Critical Theory, Intersectionality Spreading like ‘Gangrene’ at SEBTS

Southern Baptist Pastor details examples of Critical Theory infecting Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Buck: ‘Standpoint Epistemology is root of Identity Politics.’
Buck: ‘Whether Dr. Akin realizes it or not, the language he employs was spawned by Critical Theory and Intersectionality advocates.’

(Captsone Report) Southern Baptist seminaries are infected by Critical Theory and Intersectionality, according to Southern Baptist pastor Dr. Tom Buck. Buck, pastor of First Baptist Church Lindale, Texas, detailed the problems of these godless ideologies infiltrating SBC seminaries with a focus on the problems at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS).

Dr. Buck explains that in a recent SEBTS chapel service the seminary President invoked elements of Critical Theory in a discussion of hermeneutics.

According to Dr. Buck, “Dr. Akin implies that there’s a particular way that White Southern Males read the Bible as opposed to Northwestern Black Lesbians, and while he’s correct that we all have biases that can influence us. The problem is he imports race and gender identities into the discussion of…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Capstone Report Staff and published there. Title changed by Protestia.

Church Evangelical Stuff Featured News

150 Defiant SBC Church Members Fire Pastor, Nine-member Board of Trustees, and Half their Deacons. Or do They?

(Sun-Sentinel) A self-styled “Advocacy Group” of members of First Baptist Church of Fort Lauderdale is about to find out how difficult it is to wrest control of a pulpit from its recognized leaders.

The church was roiled by a divisive decision earlier this year to permanently cancel its signature event, the spectacular Fort Lauderdale Christmas Pageant, which sold thousands of tickets each year. The decision exposed deeper divisions that have some members trying to stage a coup.

A group of more than 150 defiant members met after services a week ago and fired head pastor James Welch, the nine-member board of trustees, and half the church’s deacons — hours after listening to a sermon on congregational unity. At least, that’s what they say they did. Welch and the church’s established leadership see it differently.

“They called an unofficial business meeting. It was off-site and private,” Welch said in a video message emailed to the congregation. “I need you to know that none of the decisions they made at that meeting have standing in our church.”

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by RAFAEL OLMEDA and published at the South Florida Sun-Sentinel. Title changed by Protestia.


Prominent Anglican Activist Compares Christians Who Don’t Accept Homosexuality to ‘Rapists’, ‘Holocaust Deniers’

(Breitbart) In a recent article for Pink News, Ozanne, director of the UK-based Ozanne Foundation and General Synod member, blasted the Church of England for upholding Christian teaching on marriage and sexuality in its recent publication of a set of resources titled Living in Love and Faith.

Supposedly a British evangelical Anglican, Ozanne works with religious organisations around the world in an effort to persuade them to update their moral teachings to accommodate LGBT sexual lifestyles.

Unlike the soldiers who crucified Jesus, church leaders know they are “wounding and hurting” LGBT people by propagating biblical sexual morality, Ozanne writes, and thus Jesus’ prayer — “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do” — does not apply to them.

“Personally, I believe that it is completely different,” she states. “Indeed, I think it is immoral, inexcusable, and cowardly.”

The Anglican Church’s invitation to LGBT people to dialogue with Church leaders is also unacceptable, Ozanne insists.

“Would one invite a survivor of the Holocaust to sit down and listen to the rantings of a Holocaust denier?” she asks.

“Would one ask a rape victim to sit down with a rapist and understand why they want to rape people? It is not only ridiculous – it is downright…

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Editor’s note. This article was written by Thomas D. Williams and posted at Breitbart. Title changed by Protestia.

Evangelical Stuff Heresies Social Justice Wars

Heartbreaking! Watch Young Kid Get ‘Baptized’ into Transgenderism at Woke Church

(NotTheBee) There should be a word for that emotion you feel when something simultaneously breaks your heart and enrages you.

That’s the thing I feel when I watch this video of these fake Christian leftists ritualistically baptizing a helpless child into transgenderism as though it were a sacrament.

What is that boy, 8? 9? (Editor’s note. 4.)

Do you for one second believe that he “decided to be a girl” on his own? Literally a zero percent chance.

His mother, who is clearly the head of his family, brainwashed him into…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Adam Ford and published at Not The Bee. Title changed by Protestia. Original Video replaced with a higher quality one due to low-res.

Featured In-person Church News Righteous Defiance Shutdown

‘Let us Disobey’: Churches Defy lockdown with Secret Meetings

(The Guardian) It sounds like the build-up to an illegal rave. Invitations are passed by word of mouth to trusted people. Minimal information – time, directions – is quietly given with pleas for discretion. Once everyone is assembled in a barn on a remote farm – “away from prying eyes,” says the organizer – it begins.

This is no rave, but an English church service under lockdown, and the organizer is a Protestant pastor. The Christians who will gather illegally in the west of England on Sunday morning – as they have for the past two Sundays – will pray, read from the scriptures, sing hymns and listen to a sermon.

“We’ve been holding clandestine services since this lockdown began,” the pastor told the Observer, speaking on condition of anonymity. “It feels weird for us to act this way. People have said it feels more like an underground church in China.

“The fact that we have to sneak around to worship God, in fear of criminal prosecution, is alarming. But we do what we have to do.”

According to…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Harriet Sherwood and published at the Guardian