Evangelical Stuff Featured News

University Professor Finds Lost Bible, Reports it to the ‘Bias Hotline’

(The College fix) In November 2019, a George Mason University professor stumbled upon a Bible and an accompanying CD in her classroom. The professor collected the items and immediately reported the items to the school’s Bias Incident Reporting Team, which classified the episode as “discrimination” and “harassment” against “religion.”

The professor accompanied her report with photographs of the Bible, and the items were collected by the Bias Team.

The incident was one of 12 filed with the school’s bias reporting website between January 1, 2019 and January 1, 2020 and obtained by The College Fix through an open records law request. The documents provided by the university were redacted to protect the privacy of students involved.

The reports were obtained as The Fix continues to investigate the types of complaints that are lodged through bias response teams at college campuses across the nation. Nearly two dozen universities have been included in the investigation so far since it launched in 2019.

According to George Mason’s Campus Climate website, students and professors are encouraged to report and “act of discrimination, harassment, intimidation, violence or criminal offense committed against any person, group or property that appears to be motivated by prejudice or bias.”

According to the school, “bias” could mean “negative…

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Editor’s note. This article was written by Christian Schneider and posted at the college fix. Title changed by Protestia


World’s first Christian airline eyes 2021 launch; aims to transport missionaries worldwide

(Christian Post) A nonprofit ministry is set to launch the first-ever Christian airline next year, providing a source of travel for missionaries seeking to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ across the globe.

Judah 1, currently based out of Shreveport Regional Airport in Shreveport, Louisiana, has already carried small groups of missionaries to disaster areas and mission fields in its capacity as a private airline. 

But starting next year, Judah 1 will “go from being private, which is what we are now, to an actual airline standard,” Judah 1 President and CEO Everett Aaron told The Christian Post in an interview. 

When this happens, Judah 1 will have a Federal Aviation Administration certification, putting it in the same league as well-known airlines such as Delta. While the ministry currently deploys smaller aircraft for small teams of missionaries, the airline is planning to acquire larger planes that can fly hundreds of people by the end of 2021. 

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Editor’s note. This article was written by Ryan Foley and posted at the Christian Post.

News Righteous Defiance Shutdown World Headlines

Over 120 church leaders blast UK’s ‘unlawful’ closure of churches amid COVID lockdowns

(Christian Post) More than 120 church leaders are taking legal action against the U.K. government for its “unlawful” decision to ban worship services during the ongoing COVID-19 lockdown.

The leaders of various denominations are demanding a judicial review of the government’s decision, arguing that the “measures involve a direct and serious interference with the independence of religious organisations and freedoms of religious people.”

The Christian Legal Centre is supporting the religious leaders’ legal challenge, according to a statement by the group.

“The English and Welsh Governments have now introduced two successive sets of lockdown measures which have completely prohibited and criminalised public communal worship, a core aspect of religious life for the Claimants and their congregations,” the letter reads. “With these measures, the Governments have inflicted a terrible human cost, without rigorous consideration of less onerous restrictions, and as part of a package which leaves places of worship open for secular activities.

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Editor’s note. This article was written by Anugrah Kumar and published at the Christian Post. Title changed by Protestia

Church Conspiracy Evangelical Stuff Featured

Lifeway Children’s Bible Study Highlights Pro-Abortion Democrat Senate Candidate

(Capstone Report) The Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) revealed itself to be an arm of the Democratic Party and the Joe Biden campaign. Now comes Lifeway. Lifeway’s Kid’s Bible Study featured a pro-abortion Democrat candidate (and newly elected senator.) Yes, you read that right.

Dr. Tom Buck raised the issue. He asked, “Could @LifeWay explain why they have a pic of Mark Kelly in their Lifeway Kids material? You couldn’t find an example of twins where one wasn’t a staunch abortionist Democrat? Why would you want to promote such a man to our children?”

The newly elected Democrat senator was featured in the Fall 2020 Explore the Bible: Younger Kids Explorer Guide, Volume 7, Number 1.

Buck, Pastor of…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by the Capstone Report and published there. Check it out in full.

Church Evangelical Stuff Featured Politics

David French Joins Southern Baptist Leaders in Praising Joe Biden for “Character”

(Reformation Charlotte) David Fench, a political commentator at the National Review — who also happens to be in bed with the leftist wing of Evangelicalism — has joined hands with progressive Southern Baptists such as Russell Moore of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) and president of the denomination, J.D. Greear to congratulate and extend a warm welcome to Joe Biden as their future pastor-in-chief.

After years of relentless attacks on the current president Donald Trump over his “character flaws,” these men now praise Joe Biden for carrying the moral high ground despite the fact Biden opposes God from every conceivable angle.

In a recent piece at his personal blog titled…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Jeff Maples and posted on Reformation Charlotte.

Featured Social Issues Social Justice Wars

School Bans 3rd Grader’s ‘Jesus Loves Me’ Mask, Threatens Suspension

(Christian Headlines) A Mississippi family is alleging religious discrimination against their third-grade daughter’s elementary school after officials there forced her to remove her face mask with the phrase “Jesus Loves Me.”

Matthew and Jennifer Booth filed a federal lawsuit Monday against Simpson County School District in Mississippi because their daughter, Lydia, was ordered to remove the mask on Oct. 13 and replace it with one her school, Simpson Central, supplied. All students are required to wear masks to help slow the spread of Covid-19.

Booth could be suspended if she continues wearing her faith-themed mask. Alliance Defending Freedom is representing the family.

The lawsuit says the school permits “students to convey a multitude of messages concerning unlimited topics on their masks” such as “Black Lives Matter” and the New Orleans Saints’ logo but forced Booth to remove her “Jesus Loves Me” mask, even though the suit says it had “caused no disruptions.”..

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Michael Foust and published at Christian Headlines.

cancel culture Evangelical Stuff Featured News

Liberty University Pulls John Piper Video after Trump Criticism

(Ministry Watch) Liberty University removed videos of evangelical author and speaker John Piper from its website after the well-known pastor wrote a blog post that was seen as critical of President Donald Trump.

According to Christianity Today, Piper and Southern Baptist Convention President J.D. Greear recorded a video conversation with David Nasser, Liberty’s senior vice president for spiritual development, in mid-October. The two resulting videos were posted online about a week later. 

The conversation was timed to coincide with the 20th anniversary of Piper’s best-known book, “Don’t Waste Your Life.” Greear has a new book out on a similar topic, called “What Are You Going to Do With Your Life?”

On Oct. 22, Piper posted an article that, while not naming Trump specifically, was critical of fellow evangelicals for overlooking sins like boastfulness, vulgarity and sexual immorality while…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Bob Smietana and posted at Ministry Watch. Title changed by Protestia

abortion Breaking Politics

Louisiana Approves Amendment 1 stating Abortion not a Right

(CNA) Louisiana voters on Tuesday approved a constitutional amendment to prevent Louisiana’s courts from finding a “right to abortion,” or to public abortion funding, in the state’s constitution.

Amendment 1 passed 64%-36%, with 96% of precincts reporting, according to the Associated Press.

Known as the “Love Life Amendment,” the measure will update the Louisiana constitution to state that “nothing in this constitution shall be construed to secure or protect a right to abortion or require the funding of abortion.”

State Senator Katrina Jackson, a pro-life Democrat, authored the amendment when she was a state representative, along with dozens of co-sponsors from both parties.

“It’s important to understand that Amendment 1 is not a ban on abortion. It simply keeps abortion policy in the hands of our legislators rather than state judges,” Jackson wrote in an op-ed in The Advocate last month.

Our body of pro-life laws ensure…

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Editor’s note. This article was written by CNA staff and published at the Catholic News Agency.

Church Conspiracy Evangelical Stuff Featured

Jerry Falwell Jr. and Wife Played Kinky ‘Would you Rather’ Game with Liberty Students

(Politico) When Jerry Falwell Jr. and his wife Becki strolled around the Lynchburg, Va., campus of Liberty University, the evangelical school which Falwell led as president, they would play a secret game called “Would you rather.”

The middle-aged couple would point to students, men and women, and imagine what it would be like to have sex with them, according to a former student who said Becki told him about the game.

The former student, a member of a band with the Falwells’ son Trey, has said that Becki initiated oral sex with him while he stayed overnight at the Falwell home, following other attempts to seduce him. She confided to him the details of the game she and her husband would play, and told him multiple times how she and Jerry would take note of students’ appearances.

“Her and Jerry would eye people down on campus,” the former student, who was 22 when Becki performed oral sex on him and is now 32, said. “She didn’t go into specifics, but said, ‘Oh, me and Jerry play games all the time, like “Would you rather?” with people on campus.’ I’ll never forget that.”

A close friend and neighbor of the Falwells told POLITICO that Becki confided to her about the relationship with the student. When the friend warned that Jerry would be upset to hear about it, the friend said, Becki told her that the only thing Jerry would be upset about was…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by By MAGGIE SEVERNS, BRANDON AMBROSINO and MICHAEL STRATFORD and published at Politico. Title changed by Protestia.

abortion Evangelical Stuff Featured News

Justice Amy Coney Barret to Oversee Major Abortion Case on Friday

(Life News) The U.S. Supreme Court is scheduled to consider a major abortion case out of Mississippi on Friday, just days after the Senate confirmed pro-life Justice Amy Coney Barrett.

The case, Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, challenges a state law that prohibits abortions on unborn babies after 15 weeks of pregnancy. A federal judge struck down the Mississippi law in 2018, and the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the ruling in 2019; but the state appealed to the Supreme Court.

On Friday, the justices’ schedule includes time to debate whether they will hear the state’s appeal, CNN reports.

According to Romper, the case is significant, not only because of Barrett, but also because “it is widely considered to be a direct challenge to the precedent outlined in the Supreme Court’s landmark 1973 ruling in Roe v. Wade.”

Mississippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch asked…

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Editor’s note. This article was written by Micaiah Bilger and posted to Life News. Title changed by Protestia.