61% of Black Protestant Pastors Voting for Biden
(Lifeway Research) Almost all Protestant pastors plan to participate in the 2020 election, but around a quarter still haven’t decided...
(Lifeway Research) Almost all Protestant pastors plan to participate in the 2020 election, but around a quarter still haven’t decided...
(National Post) The coalition government of the Netherlands has moved to make euthanasia legal in the case of terminally ill...
(Capstone Report) The $1,000,000-plus severance package given to former LifeWay CEO Thom Rainer was kept secret from many trustees including...
You Cannot “Love Your Neighbor” by Using the Government to Do to Him the Things God Forbids. (The Christian Intellectual)...
(Christian Post) New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo threatened to shut down churches and synagogues in New York City if they...
(Capstone Report) If God has a standard, why aren’t Christians required to vote accordingly? One troubling theme among Big Evangelical...
(Christian Today) A remote Papua tribe has received 2,500 Bibles 55 years after two missionaries trying to reach them with...
(Lifesite News) President Donald Trump is expected to nominate federal appeals court Judge Amy Coney Barrett to replace pro-abortion Justice...
(DISRN) A translation of the Bible in American Sign Language has just been completed after 39 years of work. Work on the...
(The Friendly Atheist) Right-wing pastor Perry Stone — who’s best known for checking his phone while speaking in tongues, claiming to speak four languages at...