Pope Francis Pledges Zero CO2 by 2050 at Pro-Abortion UN Climate Conference

(Lifesite News) “The moment has come for a change of direction,” Pope Francis urged the world in a video to the U.N. virtual Climate Ambition summit on Saturday, before begging viewers not to “rob the new generations of their hope in a better future.” The summit, attended by numerous state leaders, was held to mark five years since the creation of the Paris Climate Agreement.
In his address, Francis promised that the “Vatican City State is committed to reducing net emissions to zero by 2050,” to be achieved by “intensifying the efforts at environmental management that have already been in process for some years.”
Francis neglected to mention Jesus Christ or anything remotely religious in his appearance at the summit, instead basing his statements on “fraternity and the alliance between the human being and the environment.”
“Integral ecology” is a term featured in Francis’s talks…
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Editor’s note. This article was written by David McLoone and published at Lifesite News.
How does that work exactly? I’m guessing every time the Pontiff farts, a bishop plants a tree or something along those lines?
Spoken like a true Jesuit devil puppet. (The Pope, I mean… not the author)