Lecrae Discontinues ‘Cardi B’ Shirt After Backlash From Christian Rapper, Community

Deconstructed rapper Lecrae announced that he has discontinued his “I can quote Cardi B and Corinthians” after being called out publicly by Christian Rapper Dee-1, along with sustained pressure from fans, who have publicly criticized his “Righteous & Ratchet” merchandise campaign.

According to Rolling Out:
“When I saw he used his large platform to publicly push, promote and glorify a lifestyle of being righteous and ratchet, I was like, ‘nah,’ ” Dee-1 said. “I have a responsibility to use my large public platform to put a message out and let people know that we as believers do not all agree with that and we don’t stamp that. We don’t co-sign that.”
Dee-1 said after he initially called Lecrae out for it, the two had a private conversation and Dee-1 thought they agreed the campaign wasn’t appropriate. But, Lecrae continued to market the line, and he even saw one of the shirts for sale that read, “I can quote Cardi B and Corinthians.”
“He still chose to want to monetize the moment,” Dee-1 said. “So [now], it seems like you’re putting the business before the ministry, and we have to be careful of that in life. When you’re doing ministry and business, it should never be business and then ministry.
In a new post on Instagram, Lecrae revealed he was discontinuing the shirt amid backlash.
“Enough people have been frustrated or upset behind that Cardi shirt, and I want y’all to understand my intentions in my heart. First of all, it will be discontinued, just so you know that. The shirt was not about promoting debauchery or worldliness, that wasn’t the intention.
“I can own the fact that I should have put more thought into that before we dropped it. I didn’t even consider some of these realities. Context is king, and Christianity in major cities and places that I dwell is a hotbed for racism, political ideology, homophobia, anti-intellectualism, and I always want to push back on people when they think that, because we’re not! That’s not what Christianity is, but a lot of people think that’s what it is.”
Despite removing the Cardi B shirt, he has elected to keep his “I can quote Kendrick (Lamar) and Corinthians” for sale .

Bonus: We’ve spoken at length about how by every measurable standard, the deconstruction Lecrae is so grateful to have undergone is not healthy, but rather is the picture of unhealth leading to death. Let’s look at his life over the last two years.
- He regularly watches pornographic TV shows that are filled with graphic sex and nudity.
- He has stopped going to church.
- He rebuked a street preacher for preaching the gospel at a rap concert.
- He has claimed hanging out on a bus ‘chopping it up’ is ‘church’ and that a recent album release party where people hang out, eat food, and get free tattoos is ‘church.’
- He sputtered, “You know…well…um…er….ah….I don’t know,” when asked about the sin of homosexuality in an interview.
- He says he “doesn’t endorse” abortion but HATES classism, took more time out of his day to dismiss the need for a local church body, and said after Joe Biden won the election and was inaugurated that it “feels good to be on the right side of history” with the party that is “pro-life from womb to tomb”.
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