Andy Stanley ‘Elevator Pitch’ For Why He’s a Christian : ‘It Made My Life Better’

North Point Community Church leader Andy Stanley says his ‘elevator pitch’ for why he’s a Christian is because it makes his life better and makes him better at life.
Sadly, this is little more than the prosperity gospel, which denies that becoming a Jesus follower will often result in struggle, hardship, pain, and death. From the mother living in India who will be beaten by her husband and have her children taken away from her for converting, to the young man who will be disowned and murdered in Somalia, any elevator pitch for why one is a Christian must be able to include both the rich man in Seattle to the pauper in Libya.
Not so for Stanley.
The bottom line is simply this my little, you know, jog through my church past. There’s so many more stories. It’s really this. And I didn’t have this language back then. I don’t want to pretend, but the church made me a better person.
Following Jesus, as I say, you know, it made me better at, made me better, and it made me better at life. It made me a better person. So about five years ago, we were doing some wordssmithing of some things around here, and it just dawned on me ‘I should have, like, an elevator pitch for my faith’.
I mean, nobody walks up to me and says, Andy, why are you a Christian? I mean, I wish they would, because, man, I can razzle dazzle you with stuff about the resurrection all day long until you either just give up and become a Christian or walk off, okay?
But I needed, like, the elevator pitch. Like, what’s the short message? Why am I a Jesus follower? And that’s when I came up with this language. Because, honestly, it’s not because of some theological insight.It’s not because one day I’m reading through the whole Bible and ‘boom.’ The reason I’m a Jesus follower is, honestly, because following Jesus has made my life better, and it’s made me better at life. So of course I love the church.
But the church just isn’t good for me, and the church just isn’t good for you, and the church isn’t just good for us, the church is good for the community.”
Contrast this to Tom Buck’s ‘Elevator Pitch’ for why he is a Jesus follower:
“I’m a Jesus follower because I’m a sinner who rebelled against God and was under his just wrath. But God sent his perfect Son, Jesus, to die in my place and to pay the penalty for my sins. God accepted Jesus’ sacrifice, raised him to life, and made him both Lord and Savior. I confessed Jesus as my Lord; I believed God raised him from the dead; and he saved me. That is why I follow Jesus!”
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The converse of what Stanley says is this, “I’m not a Christian because my Jesus didn’t make my life better.” What woeful theology this man preaches. The Bible itself teaches that Christians should expect persecution and derision. If the barometer of one’s faith is based on whether or not their lives are better than before they were a believer, that’s a very fickle standard.
Classic case of churchianity. He’s revealing the origins of his apostasy.
The only elevator Stanley is on is the one that goes straight to hell.
May God have mercy on his soul