Pastor Mike Todd Gives Muddled, Confusing View on Gay Marriage: ‘I Don’t Know!’

Pastor Michael Todd leads Transformation Church (TC.) He is known for crowd surfing during his church’s worship service and spending a lot of money. In the last two years, he’s given away $3,500,000 in houses, cash, and cars, spent $65,000 to buy 168 pairs of shoes, gave $600,000 in “reparations,” and purchased $66,000,000 in real estate.
He’s also known for preaching some good old-fashioned Modalism, giving the world perhaps the grossest illustration in church after he snorted and then hocked a loogie full of spit and snot into his hand and rubbed it in another man’s face and claiming his church had 75k salvations in the last 18 months even though practically none of them stuck around. He recently had a service where ballet dancers with bare butts danced around the stage.
In a recent sermon, he offered a muddled, confused, contradictory, and seeming apology for what God’s word says about homosexuality. While he tearfully does say that he can’t marry gay folk because he needs to submit to the kingdom, he comes across as second-guessing God, lamenting that God didn’t make matters of human sexuality simple or black and white, even though the things he’s speaking of absolutely are.
When he mimics someone asking him what he thinks about gay marriage, he exclaims, ‘I don’t know!’
God’s already decided some stuff that we think we can have an opinion on….God decided ‘male and female.’ (Audience mildly cheers) No, no, no, I’m not this is not a bad- I need y’all to hear my heart on this. This is not a bashing.
If I was there, maybe I would have told him ‘Is there something in the middle you could do’…..I feel you. And I wish that there was an option of ‘other’ in the kingdom. In culture, you can make it whatever you want to. In culture, you can build whatever you want to. But the truth of the matter is that if we are going to submit under what the King says, I’m going to have to wrestle with what I don’t even fully understand.
Oh God, pastors don’t say this because they want to be absolute. ‘Well why did…?’- I don’t freaking know! No honestly, I wish God would have made it so much simpler, and it was like A B C or D. Like Frick! No, I’m serious! As a pastor, (it’s) like- ‘so what do you think about gay marriage?’- I don’t know!
But I do know in the kingdom….I’m not the king. I don’t, I don’t know why he decided to do it like this.
I don’t know why you’re wrestling like that and I don’t know what to do to help you but to stand with you, and pray with you, and you’re welcome at transformation church. ‘Trans’ is in the title ‘Trans-formation’ transformation, can be here! You’re loved here. I want you here.
He continues:
Will I marry you? I can’t. Not because I don’t think you found love.. just as a Kingdom Ambassador, when I look back at the orders that are in the constitution of the kingdom.
I know people don’t talk like this because they want it to be black and white, but there’s some things on this earth I don’t have the answers to. And so when I don’t know, I just default. I come sub to the mission.
I know people are going to try to make this clickbait and make it something I didn’t say. I hope you hear the heart of what I’m saying. I wrestle and pray for all types of people all the time.
(Gives an example of a wonderful gay man he knows who loves better tha most Christians)
How freakin unfair It must feel, to feel something every day of your life and it not line up with the God you love. I don’t have all the answers.”
If your pastor “doesn’t know” where they stand on LGBT issues, you really need to find another church.
Or another pastor.
….and fast!!!
Love does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth (1 Cor. 13:6)
And the truth is that in their unrepentant state, they are abominations (Duet 22:5) which the Lord detests, who are headed directly to Hell (1 Cor. 6:9-11) lest they repent, turn from sin, and become born again.
If you don’t love them enough to tell them the truth, then you don’t love them at all. If you don’t care about their eternal fate, then you don’t love them.
Call them to repentance. But if they remain defiant, unrepentant, and rebellious then they should be shunned, at all times, in all places (1 Cor. 5)(2 Tim. 3:1-5). They should not be allowed to bring their abominable sin into the Lord’s House, anymore than a drunkard should be allowed to bring a fifth of liquor and stand on stage drinking it down during the service, or a porn star should be allowed to dance naked down the aisles, or an abortion doctor should be allowed to dismember a baby on the church lawn. Do not allow them to defile the Lord’s House. Do not allow them to make a mockery of God’s House. If you do, then it is you who defiles it, and you who makes a mockery of it, and you who brings sin into it.
It is true that no one can know the mind of God, the answer to the question of why He does what He does and says what He says ultimately always boils down to one thing – because He is perfect.
But Mr. Todd appears to conflate and confuse not knowing why with not knowing at all.