Transformation Church Christmas Eve Service Evacuated After ‘Bomb Threat’

Transformation Church had its Christmas Eve service turn chaotic after congregants were evacuated mid-service, the results of threats made against the church.
Controversial pastor* Mike Todd was halfway through his sermon and was unwrapping presents on stage when Executive pastor Charles Metcalf approached him and informed him of the threat. The church shut down its service, and law enforcement quickly arrived on site, sweeping the building with the help of the church’s security team but finding nothing. Todd later finished up his sermon on Instagram.
The church released a statement on social media, saying in part:
“At Transformation Church, public safety is a priority for us. Our teams prepare for emergency scenarios, which include training and comprehensive drills. Today, after working with the Bixby Police Department, Tulsa Police Department, and local authorities, we safely and orderly executed our evacuation plan.”

Transformation Church is led by impastor Michael Todd, known for crowd surfing during his church’s worship service and spending a lot of money. In the last three years, he’s given away $3,500,000 in houses, cash, and cars, spent $65,000 to buy 168 pairs of shoes, gave $600,000 in “reparations,” and purchased $66,000,000 in real estate.
He’s also known for preaching some good old-fashioned Modalism, giving the world perhaps the grossest illustration in church after he snorted and then hocked a loogie full of spit and snot into his hand and rubbed it in another man’s face. He recently had a service where ballet dancers with bare butts danced around the stage and, in a recent sermon, offered a muddled, confused, contradictory, and seeming apology for what God’s word says about homosexuality.
*We no longer consider Michael Todd to be a believer, or to have any confidence that he understands the gospel of Jesus Christ or even who Jesus Christ IS.
Todd has publicly stated that Bishop Carlton Pearson a man who recently died, was a “man of God” who is in heaven. This is despite the fact that Pearson denied the exclusivity of Christ, being a universalist who believed everyone will be saved, denied the Trinity, being a long-time Unitarian minister, denied the existence of hell, calling it a “monstrous vulgarity.” Pearson also said the bible is not infallible, but rather contains multiple errors, fallacies and false teachings. That Todd can say that this man was saved, despite being such an obvious heretic, shows he doesn’t know God at all.