Amy Grant Defends Hosting Same Sex Marriage “I Love Those Brides”

Contemporary Christian Music icon Amy Grant is the poster child for the worst excesses of the shallow, vapid, mindlessly stupid and self-centered approximation of the Christian faith that has enthralled much of Christendom to day. Her hatred for God is exemplified in an interview with People Magazine and The Washington Post regarding her hosting her niece’s same-sex wedding. 

Rather than conform her thinking to the word of God, Grant reveals she never bothered reading any feedback or criticism of her actions. Instead, she disregards anything the scripture say about the matter, giving priority to the dark desires of her heart.

“I never chase any of those rabbits down the rabbit hole. I love my family, I love those brides. They’re wonderful, our family is better, and you should be able to be who you are with your family, and be loved by them.”

She previously told the WP how she justified in her mind the same-sex wedding, offering that she was just loving them like Jesus would.

“Honestly, from a faith perspective, I do always say, ‘Jesus, you just narrowed it down to two things: love God and love each other,’ I mean, hey — that’s pretty simple.”

Grant, an artist who has sold over 30 million albums, won 6 Grammys and 26 GMA Dove awards, has been gay affirming for a long time. Though her position was always couched in just enough plausible deniability, she came out clearly last year and hasn’t looked back since.

Over the last three years, multiple bands and personalities have come out as pro-LBGTQ, including Relient K, Jars of ClaySwitchfootFive Iron Frenzy, and Kevin Max.

She’s just another one on a long list that’s getting longer.

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8 thoughts on “Amy Grant Defends Hosting Same Sex Marriage “I Love Those Brides”

  1. Isn’t this the same woman who cheated on her husband with the also married Vince Gill, all while singing about how much she loves Jesus? “Love” clearly means something different to her as a narcissistic, self-serving deviant. They destroyed two families and are currently “married” to each other. Now she’s willing to push her niece toward Hell in order to be liked and praised. I can’t say I’m surprised that a false Christian is still doing godless things. Her fruit is as rotten as her theology, but it has been for a few decades now.

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