Prominent ‘Pastor’ Larry Reid Accused of Molesting Teenage Boy

Dr. Larry Reid is the founder of the MBN Network (MBN), the owner of LDREnterprises, and the Senior Spiritual Leader of Reformation Church of Atlanta, a “cyber-church” that seems defunct. His website biography describes him as a “Multimedia Personality, Comedic Commentator, Songwriter, Recording Artist, and Spiritual Leader” who hosts a show where hundreds of thousands of people tune in each week.
Reid is known for giving social commentary and weighing in on spiritual abuse, setting himself up as a champion of the oppressed who exposes bad churches and bad pastors.
A few months ago, a man named Lavontraye Andrews publicly accused Larry Reid of molesting him when he was in his teens. Reid in turn sued for defamation but then quickly dropped the lawsuit.
In an interview with Tasha K, Andrews shares that after his father and mother divorced, his father was absent and it caused him some trauma, having difficulty working through he effects of not having a father figure in his life.
Andrews started attending Breakthrough Church where Reid was the Senior Pastor. Soon, Reid became that father figure for him, so much so that the teen eventually came to live with him in his home. Andrews alleges that Reid groomed him for over a year, telling him things like ‘engaging in gay sex acts doesn’t make someone gay,’ or ‘giving another man oral sex doesn’t make a person gay’, planting the seeds of how to frame in the future any overtures he may make.
Soon after Reid molested him. Andrews explaining that the events took place in the context of a father/son dynamic, where Reid framed the abuse as a way he could give the young teen a spiritual covering and he in turn could help the minister relieve some of the spiritual pressures he was under. He describes the abuse in part:
Reid so far has denied any and all allegations.
Yet another sexual deviant wolf masquerading as a man of God. Is it any wonder the unsaved world mocks what passes for Christianity today?
Maybe the so-called pastor ought to join the Roman Catholic Church, and become one of their “priests,” as it would be easier to get away with it then since they can have other “priests” absolve them during confession, since they are considered “another Christ.” How much more blasphemous can you get?