ICYMI That Time Pastor Eric Mason Smeared Black Christians as ‘Angloid on the Inside’ +MORE Very Bad Things

In a recently unearthed clip, pastor Eric Mason engaged in some race essentialism at the infamously awful 2018 MLK50 conference hosted by the ERLC, where they lauded and exulted a heretic and pervert.

Mason is the pastor of Epiphany Fellowship Church in Philadelphia and author of ‘Woke Church,‘ He is incidentally also the pastor of Paul Tripp, who has shilled for him in the past and hence caused us to sour on him.

Mason has previously expressed his support for “kill shots” for white Capitol Hill breaches, blamed ‘white foolishness’ for black people not being saved, saying that ‘whiteness has caused blindness of heart,’ released a much mocked-sermon insisting on getting that “silver and gold,” and demanded reparations and 200 years of free tuition for black students.

In the clip, Mason says that certain black men are “not qualified” for leadership in multi-ethnic churches because if they would have been qualified, they’d already have been hired by black churches, and because they are “black on the outside but Angloid on the inside.”

Angloid is a derogatory term for white people, in the same style as “mongoloid.”

“Let me tell you right now, multiplicities of negroes ain’t feeling evangelicalism. But one of the things I’ve been, God’s been working on me in my heart, is that the root of bitterness sprouting up will defile many. And if I allow myself to stew in my frustration towards whites, Jesus won’t be my center. My hatred will.

But on the other hand, whites have to do this. Assume in Jesus’ mighty name that because there is an offense, that you need to press into that particular offense and begin to educate yourself on beginning to develop the opportunity to not have reductionistic ways in which you try to cause racial reconciliation. Like through hiring non-qualified African-Americans to be the multi-ethnic engineers in your local churches. And you know they’re not qualified because blacks haven’t hired them. And it works against unity when you hire somebody that we not feeling, and you’re wondering why multi-ethnicity isn’t happening at your church. It’s because you have a person that’s black on the outside but Angloid on the inside.

h/t WPC

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2 thoughts on “ICYMI That Time Pastor Eric Mason Smeared Black Christians as ‘Angloid on the Inside’ +MORE Very Bad Things

  1. Just another showboating narcissistic racist pretending to be a man of God – he so clearly is not.
    Pray for the naive and undiscerning who actually follow this wolf.

  2. It’s really hard for me to stomach a stupid racist. They just have that look of a total loser that doesn’t even realize how much of a loser they are. Yet there is something even more offensive about a fat, stupid racist spewing out hate when he’s too fat and too stupid to defend himself, mentally or physically.

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