Pastor Eric Mason Blames ‘White Foolishness’ for Black People not being Saved, says ‘Whiteness has Caused Blindness of Heart’

Eric Mason, pastor of Epiphany Fellowship Church in Philadelphia and author of ‘Woke Church‘  resumed right where he left off from his bombastic sermon last week when he demanded 200 years of reparations for black folk, with a new sermon that blames “being under white foolishness” for the reason some Black people aren’t saved, which is one heck of a soteriology, saying ‘whiteness’ has caused “blindness of the heart.”

…Every last one of us lives under a curse, and Christ comes to be the cure for the curse. And that’s why we place our confidence in him who bore our sins on the cross. But the question someone is asking is, oh don’t oversimply this by just trust Jesus, what about the black people that aren’t saved, are they under a curse? No. They’re under white foolishness. That’s what they’re under.

After this snippet, Mason pivots to explain why Black people are suffering in the world today, claiming that it’s due to God cursing white people with blindness of heart, making them eternally see black people a certain way, with the curse of whiteness being the curse of forever having internalized racism.

What’s going on with black people and why are black people suffering everywhere? There’s something called the Noetic effects of sin. The noetic effects of sin is the negative effect of sin on the minds and thinking of humankind, causing the reasoning ability of fallen humanity to be corrupted, especially degrading the understanding of spiritual things, also called the Noetic effects of the fall.

Where do we find this in the Bible? Ephesians 4:18. It says having the understanding darkened, being alientaned from the life of God, through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart.

Whiteness. Has. Caused. Blindness. Of. Heart. Whiteness. Has. Caused. Blindness. Of. Heart! The Noeteic effects of the fall have made you create and brand black people globally, everybody, no matter where you go, view black people in a particular way.

There are other highly disturbing comments from the sermon, but these two help summarize the depths over which false teachers seeking to divide the body of Christ will go.

The whole video has been posted below for full context. It’s a wild ride.

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