The Gospel Coalition Says We should Affirm the Right of Homosexuals to Marry?

The hive of scum and villainy known as The Gospel Coalition keeps on getting worse and worse, with the newest exhibit, an article by Charlie Self. In the article and subsequent Instagram Post, Self argues that since the United States has legalized homosexual marriages, Christians who are ‘wise’ should ‘affirm’ the right of homosexuals to get married, even if they disagree with it morally. He says you don’t have to approve, but to find common ground with them for the common good, you need to affirm their right to holy matrimony. 

Of course, this makes no sense. Cory Higdon points out: “To put it another way: “The unwise Christian will publicly proclaim both the individual and communal perils of any legal definition of marriage that violates the natural law.” By Self’s logic, it would likewise be “unwise” and “against the common good” to seek to have Obergefell overturned, as that would cause the homosexuals grief and to “live in fear.”

“Every culture and nation must find common consent in public ethics, specifically on what is prohibited, permitted, and promoted for the common good. True toleration must include living peaceably with deep differences. Most Western nations have extended reproductive rights to pregnant women. The wise Christian will affirm the legal right of consenting adults to procure an abortion without fear; yet that right doesn’t entail affirming the goodness of these arrangements. Believers can be good neighbors to all while diverging on some moral issues. This is the heart of a peaceful and pluralistic society.”

Earlier in the year, he released his best and favorite films of 2021 list. While some benign films were relatively clean, his top 20 featured many that were rated ‘R’ for language, violence, and frequently for copious scenes of sex and nudity. Then, he released his top 20 TV shows. Unsurprisingly, they were also full of sex and nudity, including graphic scenes of homosexuality. He also claimed that watching these lewd shows helped him to be better at evangelizing. When we pointed out this disconnect on the TGC Arts and Culture Facebook page, which he admins, he deleted the posts. Not once. Or twice, but on three different occasions. 

And people thinks he’s going to respond to backlash about this post? Never going to happen.

Bonus: Some of TGC’s greatest hits:
TGC Author: Straight Men Should Consider Singleness Out of Solidarity for Celibate Homosexuals
TGC Suggests Boomers are Sinfully being ‘Radicalized into Conspiracies’ by Ben Shapiro, Fox News
TGC Writer: Jesus was a ‘Downwardly Mobile Migrant’ who Faced ‘Daunting Pressures of Exclusion and Insecurity’
TGC Author: Christians Have Endured No ‘Hostility’ or ‘Ill-treatment’ From Govt During Pandemic
The Gospel Coalition: Anti-Masking is Not a ‘Conscience Issue’ but Instead is Sinful ‘Civil Disobedience’
TGC Author: Believing in ‘Big-Government Overreach’ Is a Denial of ‘Objective Reality’
TGC Author Advocates for Using Trans Personal Pronouns, Suggests Not Using them Makes one a ‘Weaker Brother’
TGC Canada Again Argues that Their Churches Aren’t Being Persecuted
TGC Author Says We MUST Repent of our Parent’s and Grandparent’s Racism
Pacifist TGC Writer Says The World Should Have Let Hitler and Nazis Conquer Unopposed
TGC Contributor Ironically Praises Enneagram On Podcast about ‘False Teaching’
TGC Contributor Argues Pro-LGBTQ Xtians and Universalists Are Still In the Faith

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9 thoughts on “The Gospel Coalition Says We should Affirm the Right of Homosexuals to Marry?

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  3. Rights do not come from “common consent” of mankind. Rights come from God, and He does not give anyone a right to violate His standards. Come Judgement Day, the evildoers will find out the hard way that no such right exists (1 Cor. 6:9-11)

    A Christian should submit to our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ, not to the “common consent” of the world.

    This is where secular ethics is at extreme odds not only with God’s Word, but with the foundations of the law in the United States. Secular ethics says rights are things that are collectively agreed upon (according to the insufficient, ever-changing, baseless, shifting sands of opinion). Godly ethics says rights are bestowed by God Almighty, and that no one has the authority to infringe on them.

    But since the people repeatedly and overwhelmingly voted against so-called “homosexual marriage” in every official vote, even in leftist states like California, one could make a strong secular argument that rejecting it would be to uphold the “common consent” – which begs the question, exactly what “common consent” is the author referring to aside from that which exists in his own imagination.

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