Prominent SBC Pastor Suggests ‘Abortion is Not Murder’ in Cases of Rape and Incest

Warning, a graphic image ahead.

Yesterday we revealed that prominent SBC pastor Dwight McKissic, a progressive denominational gadfly, came out as functionally pro-choice by stating that legally speaking, women should be able to murder their babies in the womb in cases of rape or incest. Now, he is saying that he does not label abortion in cases of rape to be “murder” and says that it is “compassionate” to allow women to kill their children in-utero.

It seems like a compassionate and nuanced thing to say, until you realize that what he want to be legally allowed and legislatively protected is using chemicals and curettes to slice up babies and turn their bodies into little pink slurries of blood and bone, scraped into the trash or incinerator.

Naturally, one might ask how he can say this, given it involved killing an actual baby. McKissic has clarified that it should still be her choice if she wants to do it or not, but that he doesn’t consider it “murder” and would not label it as such, because the compassionate thing is to let some abortionist rip of the babies legs and arms in the womb before crushing his or her skull and yanking it out.

‘This is not compassionate. This is murder, and McKissic is absolutely disqualified from the pastorate for being able to see it.

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9 thoughts on “Prominent SBC Pastor Suggests ‘Abortion is Not Murder’ in Cases of Rape and Incest

  1. I think we need to get back to Gods word. The rapist who rapes his victim ,whether it be a family member or not, is automatically under the penalty of death! Punish the criminal and not the baby. Thats how I see it. It is black and white as far as I am concerned. There is no gray here.

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    2. I agree. There is something severely wrong with murdering the baby while giving the rapist a slap on the wrist. Not only is an innocent baby being murdered, but they are encouraging more rape.

  2. My standard response to those using the rape/incest argument:

    I’m glad you brought up the topic of rape and incest. Those are terrible crimes that we should seek to prevent, and we should ensure that the victims aren’t further victimized and that there is justice for the rapists. If you propose the death penalty for the rapist I’d consider that, but why is it the first option for the innocent child? It is a scientific fact that the unborn are human beings from fertilization. Also remember that there are many false rape allegations.

    Abortionists like Planned Parenthood help hide the crimes. They have been caught countless times hiding statutory rape, incest (which is another form of rape) and sex trafficking. If you really care about rape, then protest Planned Parenthood and how they systematically hide statutory rape and sex trafficking.

    Rapes results in less than 1% of abortions. Those abortions are still wrong, but for the record, would you oppose outlawing all abortions, except those in the cases of rape, incest and to save the life of the mother? If not, then why not admit that you are really just pro-abortion and you use the rape card to advance your cause? Do not exploit rape victims to justify abortion.

    Unless you can look at an ultrasound and tell if a child was the product of rape or incest, then you shouldn’t let them be killed.

    Abortion doesn’t undo the trauma of rape, it compounds it. It is another way of a stronger person abusing a weaker person.

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