SBC Pastor Says Gospel Unity Demands Female Pastrixes

Time has been a great friend to Protestia (formerly Pulpit & Pen) as it clarifies the cause and reveals trajectories we called years ago. In 2016 we sounded the clarion call about SBC pastor Dwight McKissic, insisting that little offhand comments and veiled innuendo the convention stalwart was making were, far from being harmless chatter, indicative of deep theological deficits and drift that were bubbling under the surface, soon to be put on display for all to see. We’ve been getting heat over our characterization of the denominational gadfly for years, warning that his small, seemingly innocuous left-leaning comments he’d litter in this combo or that were signs of a darker and deeper theological demon wailing to be unfurled.
And they have.
McKissic turned out to be a CRT-embracing, pro-choice egalitarian seeking to wrangle the denomination into a downgrade position that lets him jump on its back and ride it downhill at breakneck speed.
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A new tweet brings even more clarity to the situation. In his most straightforward statement yet on pastrixes, McKissic has favorably tweeted a letter to the editor from the wretched Baptist News Global, where some conniving soul makes a case for women pastors in the worst case possible.
Noting that “I agree with every word” and describing it as “Encouraging! Challenging! Enlightening!”

The letter states in part that because the country is polarized, the SBC should start ordaining these disobedient and unlearned women to “show the unity found in Jesus.” He pleads: “Why allow women in ministry to be such a divisive issue when it doesn’t have to be?…. I believe there are some things that can simply be left up to the conscience of the local church, and this is one of them…why not take this opportunity for unity?”
Of course, the whole letter is just a smoke screen for this salient point: that if the SBC starts to ordain chick pastors, the moderates will come back and play nice again.
“There is an amazing opportunity right now for the SBC to bring together what was broken so many years ago. Right now, there isn’t a home for the conservative-moderate. SBC, why not choose to seize this moment?
…SBC leadership, why not take this amazing opportunity to bring together all those moderates who left years ago, rather than polarize everyone?”
Which moderates are we talking about? The lost goatlings who were tossed out during the conservative resurgence? Or are we talking about the more recent moderates who left the SBC, fuming because of the perceived lack of promotion of black lives matter and critical race theory?
McKissic himself threatened to leave the denomination over their criticism of CRT, so is he just holding up a mirror to himself, looking around lonely because he was no one else to relate to? This appears to be the case.
Never forget that the conservative-moderate is halfway from being a progressive-moderate, and the last thing the SBC needs is their opinion, presence and influence.
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