Dozens of Stories of Sexual Abuse Emerge at Bruxy Cavey’s Megachurch, Multiple Pastors Accused

Cornerstone Church, a 5000-member multi-campus megachurch in Oakville, ON that serves as one of Canada’s largest had a meeting on Tuesday to update the congregation on where they were with the investigation of sexual abuse by Bruxy Cavey, one of the country’s most recognizable religious leaders who was recently arrested and charged with sexual assault, as well as give an update on the state of the church and where they were with the investigations at large. They only reserved 10 minutes for the Q&A and did not answer many specifics, suggesting that it would come after they’ve had a chance to listen to everyone first.
Describing this as a “kind of like an excavation season” church leadership told the gathering that “this sounds crass, but it’s like we need to dig up the bones in order for us to plant a garden with beauty in life.” They recount that at this point there have been nearly 40 different reports of sexual abuse against multiple pastors within the church, explaining:
“To date, our victim advocate Melodie has received 38 inquiries. She’s documenting each story and is committed to advocating on their behalf. The inquiries are not all unique or separate, but they do represent allegations, disclosures and concerns relating primarily to clergy sexual misconduct, harassment and abuse by Kieran Naidoo (youth pastor charged with possessing child pornography in 2012, and later charged with sexual exploitation in 2021 as a result of an incident from 2002-2004) Dave Churchill ( a youth pastor church charged with sexual assault and sexual exploitation in 2014) Bruxy Cavey (multiple allegations of sexual abuse and relationships, some which he has admited) and Tim Day (served as senior pastor of the Meeting House for 14 years, unspecified allegations of sexual misconduct and abuse)
The cases of Naidoo and Dave Churchill have gone to court and convictions were laid. And as you’re aware, we’re currently underway with two investigations where Bruxy Cavey and Tim Day have been named.
Additional disclosures have been brought to Melodie where previous leaders and staff engaged in sexual misconduct, adultery, and troubling emotional abuse. In almost all of the responses, individuals have suffered spiritual harm.”
They continue that one trend they’ve seen over and over is dismissing the victim of abuse and siding with the offender through ‘restoration; which they suggest has been incomplete and wrong-headed.
We’ve also heard stories of brave individuals who have tried to address the culture of immorality in the past and they felt shut down and alienated by the church…these aren’t new or recent incidences of harm and they do come as a surprise to the overseers
“One trend we’ve identified is askew is prioritizing the care and well being of offenders over victims…there are multiple stories of victims who felt shamed and rejected by the Church, while the offender was supported through so-called ‘restoration.’
And finally:
The most treasonous of all treasons was committed against an innocent and unsuspecting child of God. What once was a place of respite became a place of hyper-vigilance, and safety became the gauntlet of danger. What once held hope, now held sickness and disease. What once made sense became an unsolvable puzzle. What once held innocence, now accused of guilt and shame. This is not a fluke, a fall or a human mistake. This was an act of aggression perpetrated person after person after person.
To those who are still in the fog of trauma caused by confusing and disorienting acts, and by the church, you are not alone. We are deeply sorry for the abuse and harm that has occurred, be it sexual, emotional, or spiritual, in our church family. We are deeply sorry for how many of these stories have been handled in the past. We continue to be humbled to now be the stewards of those stories.
The church closed out by announcing that given all that has happened, both with the abuse allegations and with the pandemic, they are only at between 60-70% of their financial intake compared to last year. Given that they have 20 campuses, some very close to each other, they have drawn up plans to restructure and consolidate some of their locations.
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I certainly don’t endorse what he’s done. He’s caused so much pain and devastation to TMH and the Christian community as a whole due to his past actions. That said, is he guilty of sexual abuse? Did he prey on a parishioner at TMG as widely reported? Absolutely and categorically not.
Pastor (yes; you read that right) Rebecca Thomson pursued Bruxy and he obliged; it’s that simple. Bec is hiding behind “Hagar” and as a result of her anonymity she’s able – and is! – claiming all sorts of untruths about the issue surrounding her affair with Bruxy. It lasted for a few years, was consensual and that’s the raw truth. There’s no big story here; no mystery to look into. It was an affair between two consenting adults… between two spiritual leaders, unfortunately.
Even as recent as 2017, Becca Thomson was endorsing Bruxy (see and look to the right of your screen where it says “About This Video” and read Becca’s own words for yourself). Why she came out recently – after so many years – to claim “sexual abuse” is the only mystery here. Many of us are left scratching our heads, knowing who both she and Bruxy are. If you know Becca, you know who the initiator was here.
Regarding the other two women who came forward; the allegations are in fact true “but” nothing physical took place with either women. Inappropriateness? Yes 100%. Anything physical? Absolutely not. Lastly, regarding the allegation of sexual misconduct/abuse towards a minor; the overseers made this claim without providing any actual evidence; this is one issue I can’t speak to as I have no knowledge of whether it’s accurate or not. In this specific instance, I can only offer my opinion based on knowing Bruxy. There’s no way he would ever harm a child. Then again, plenty of people present this way and we later learn they did harm children. However, no evidence has been given and the police haven’t charged him for this. In fact, there’s only one charge and it relates to Pastor Rebecca Thomson and he’s not been convicted … and nor do I believe he will be as this is a clear case of an affair.
TMH overseers have no problem accusing Bruxy but they seemingly have an issue providing ANY evidence to their claims at all. If/when Bruxy’s charges are either dropped or he goes to court and is found not guilty (“if”), my hope is that the overseers will resign and never take any position of leadership again. Accusing a man of sexual abuse and then later accusing him of sexual abuse/sexual misconduct against a minor without providing evidence is irresponsible. They should stop playing detective and let the police handle everything and when all is said and done… THEN make a statement based on whether he’s CONVICTED of a crime.
If he’s convicted, I’m all for making such a conviction known and warning others. If he’s guilty… he’s guilty. But that’s the thing; he’s INNOCENT until “proven” guilty in a COURT OF LAW”… not on a stage at a church by a board who’s transparency record is nil. Telling me that an “outside investigator substantiated the claims” means zilch. I want evidence of wrongdoing; actual, tangible evidence. Not merely claims. Short of that, I don’t care how passionate you are about what you believe did or did not happen; I’m not swallowing the Kool-Aid. If you’re not willing to provide tangible evidence to your claims… DON’T MAKE THESE CLAIMS.
“But … but … we’re keeping the evidence on the down-low to protect the victim(s)”. Fine; then don’t make the allegations against the “alleged” offender as he’s not been convicted of any crime.. ever. Just keep your mouths shut and let due process take place. In your so-called desire to “protect” the victim(s) you’ve destroyed a man who may not be guilty of ANY of your allegations.
I know some will disagree but just imagine if a leadership board accused YOU of being a child predator and sexual abuser without your day in court. Just imagine the damage that would come from such accusations. Imagine that you then went to court and were found not guilty based on all the facts presented. Oh well; YT videos and news articles have been circulating about how you’re a predator. Have fun living the rest of your life.