Disgraced Pastor Bruxy Cavey Starts New Ministry, Despite Being Charged with Sexual Assault +Multiple Allegations

Last year, one of the largest churches in Canada released a statement revealing they substantiated several sexual abuse allegations against their former head pastor Bruxy Cavey, and that one involves a minor. Now, that disgraced pastor has launched a new ministry and hopes to return to the game.
For brief background, Bruxy Cavey is one of the country’s most recognizable religious leaders. Far from being orthodox, he is also a false teacher, who denies penal substitutionary atonement, biblical inerrancy, the eternality of hell, has an unbiblical view of the sin of homosexuality, and displays an affinity for open-theism. For more information on Cavey’s many false beliefs, click here.
Cavey was released from his position at The Meeting House, a 5000-member multi-campus megachurch in Oakville, ON, one of Canada’s largest, after being arrested and charged with sexual assault. Further investigations would reveal that the church has an endemic problem, with a third-party investigation revealing that there have been nearly 40 different reports of sexual abuse against multiple pastors within the church.
At the time, the church revealed in a statement:
We have now received the results of the second and third investigations into allegations of sexual abuse and sexual misconduct brought against former Senior Pastors Bruxy Cavey… In this second investigation, two sets of claims of sexual abuse by a church leader (as defined above) have been substantiated. In the third, his actions have been found to be substantiated as sexual misconduct. In one case, the victim was underaged when the abuse took place.
Yet somehow, Bruxy is on the mend. Despite his trial scheduled for February of 2024, where Cavey intends to plead ‘Not Guilty,’ he has created the website ‘The Ghost of 1820’ which is “not a place for judgment and divisiveness” but instead where he will “share some of my processing on the gospel principles of repentance.”
He is also “trying to rebuild what I have broken and repent of what I have done wrong while also defending myself against accusations of things I have not done.”
Not content to merely blog, he also has released a series of devotional studies and teachings, as well as has participated in Small Church, where he and his family have joined “a number of small communities of grace, where people deeply long for a true relationship with one another.” These small gatherings are made up of “pastors, parishioners, therapists, friends, and family together, quietly engage in spiritual truth-seeking…”
He notes that while he did not start or lead any of these groups, at that it is too early to think about returning to pastoral ministry quite yet, he was “invited by these groups to share my reflections on Jesus’ teachings,” which he has joyfully done.
Lastly, he created a “Donate Page” where he invites readers to promote and share his site with other people and consider giving him a one-time or recurring monthly donation, which he claims will “encourage my own healing and wholeness,” and help fund ongoing devotional studies and create content like podcasts to help people “dog deeper.”

The shamelessness is stunning.
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Go away, lying scammer
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Narcissistic slimeballs like this guy crave the fame, power, and money too much to stay out of the pulpit even though they undoubtedly know they are not biblically qualified to teach.
Canadian brethren please help me. Is it indeed true that this rank apostate was considered the leading “evangelical” in Canada?
I know we have problems in the USA, with Christian Post and others acting like Andy Stanley is an evangelical rather than an emergent headed for hell. But nobody has ever suggested he is close to being the biggest evangelical here.
I feel badly for the tough situation Canadian Christians have especially under tyrant Trudeau. And we are afraid that everything going on up there is coming here if God does not intervene.
He’s one of them, but the higher up the ladder of evangelicalism people are, the more likely they are to be playing for the other team. I don’t think Evangellyfish “leaders” in Trudeaupia can tell Christ from Antichrist; they certainly seem unable to recognize false teachers and false teaching.
To give you an idea of the pathetic state of Trudeaupian Evangellyfishism, look at this column by John Stackhouse, a professor at Crandall University and a big name in Canadian Evangelicalism for decades, from
ApostasyFaith Today, the magazine of the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada: https://www.faithtoday.ca/Magazines/2022-Sept-Oct/Correct-coffee-in-CanadaJacob Reaume of Trinity Bible Chapel in Waterloo, Ontario was one of the few Canadian pastors to protest the Covid lockdowns, and one of the few with the discernment to recognize Cavey as a false teacher–and I don’t think that’s a coincidence. He’s written a number of article about Bruxy Cavey, which you can find here: trinitybiblechapel.ca/?s=bruxy
Some secular media outlets have published articles about the Meeting Place scandal. I have no use for The Walrus, but for what it’s worth, here are links to an article from that government-subsidized magazine, as well as one from Toronto Life: