Greg Locke Church Vandalized with ‘Your Lies Cost Lives’ Grafitti

“Pastor” Greg Locke of Global Vision Bible Church in Mount Juliet, TN, had his church vanalzied early Sunday morning by someone who did not like his message, painting ‘F U’ on his pulpit stand and spraypainting ‘your lies cost lives’ on the side of the trailer, referencing his well-known stand against COVID restrictions and masks.

Readers of Protestia will recognize him as the foul-mouthed, spouse-abusing-and-abandoning, Tennessee pastor who notoriously divorced his wife of two decades and quickly married his secretary, claimed that “Mitch McConnell is being controlled by Illuminati hand signals,” threatened a Dunkin’ Donuts worker with kicking his teeth down his throat, recently prophecied a massive false flag shooting was about to take place in America, and recently said that if you deny the existence of tunnels under the White House or Capitol Building that were uncovered by the military and used to house both live and dead children, you’re just as complicit in the abuse as “crack-smoking perverts.”

He shared this update on Facebook:

The reference to his ‘lies’ likely revolved around this sign. Locke famously said that he would kick anyone out of his church service who chose to wear a mask, making it clear that they were not welcome to worship alongside them.

This isn’t the first time the church has been vandalized, and it likely won’t be the last. The Church does not gather in a building, but rather meets outside in a very large tent.

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6 thoughts on “Greg Locke Church Vandalized with ‘Your Lies Cost Lives’ Grafitti

    1. What were you doing a couple days ago in Mount Juliet, Tennessee, Johnny?
      (insert tiny flags here denoting I am neither a sexual deviant nor mentally ill)

  1. Hysterical coronaphobic control freaks are 1000x more crazy and dangerous than any conspiracy theory. Unfortunately, they and their illness are all too real.

    1. Illness is real, but PCR’s are crap & inflate numbers, death certificates gave Been faked, total ignorng of flu not testing for it and pretending that it’s disappeared, pushing masks which not only do not block viral particles but also hurt the immune system among other things, pushing unnecessary possibly dangerous vaccines that haven’t had much testing, blocking usual treatment such as hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin along with zinc and vitamin D, and pretending the only treatment is a vaccine. Covid may be a real thing but it is no more dangerous than the flu to those who are vulnerable to respiratory diseases. Ie. Those on the store, smokers, those who are extremely obese, and those who refuse to be healthy and have a totally unhealthy diet and lifestyle regardless of their weight.

      1. I agree 🙂

        I was referring to the very real mental (and spiritual) illness of Coronaphobia. The irrational, hysterical fear of COVID, that is driving these control freak loons. They and their very real illness are far more dangerous than any conspiracy theory Locke might’ve repeated.

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