Charismatic Prophetess Says Angels Will Occasionally Rip the Souls from Your Body

When Kat Kerr, our favorite pink-haired charismatic meme-bot and “Dr. Michael Brown-approved prophetess” isn’t weaving an unbiblical tale of witchcraft and false theology by claiming that when babies die in miscarriage, sometimes God “puts them back” in the womb, or that she has a picture of thousands of lioned-faced angels frog-marching chained demons across the sky in order to go to heaven for judgment or giving explaining that when children die, sometimes they have to stay in the mansions of their distant relatives until their own parents take custody of them, she’s revealing that angels will occasionally forcibly remove souls from bodies.

Speaking to chief-enabler and gullibility king Steve Shultz on Episode 26 of “Wednesdays with Kat and Steve! Kerr explains that on occasion, if a person is about to die, their angels will somehow rip their souls out of their bodies beforehand, effectively killing them so they don’t have to suffer.

I’ve seen a situation where it actually happened. Right before the moment of the impact their angel will actually come and grab their spiritual body out (of their physical one.) It’s absolutely true. For whatever reason, and I don’t know why, it’s just whatever their angel has decided at that moment knowing that they won’t live or survive it.”

On the fly, in an expert show of improv, Kerr spins a yarn on the spot to justify her wild story.

Somebody came up and asked me a question after the meeting, saying “our son had the most horrific accident and it was horrible what happened to him? Did he feel any of that?”

And the Holy Spirit said “no!” His angels took him out, took his spiritual body out and just took him right to heaven because they didn’t want him to have the impact of that torment on him.

So they just grabbed him on up out of the vehicle before the head-on happened and he never felt a thing.”

Shultz “Well, so even though moments later he would be torment-free anyway, they didn’t want him to experience even a moment of torment, even a second of torment?

“Well I’m sure the father had told them “just get him.” I’m sure the father, for whatever reasons said, “take him before the impact happens.”

So many times people don’t realize they just…they were just taken. They were just taken.”

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3 thoughts on “Charismatic Prophetess Says Angels Will Occasionally Rip the Souls from Your Body

  1. Oh my. Someone should do a video series called “That ain’t Christian!”. There would be endless material.

  2. Copeland is possessed by at least one demon, and Moore is most likely possessed as well. Duplantis, Dollar, Meyers, Osteen, Jakes, Johnson, and more know that they’re lying and fleecing people out of their money to enrich themselves; heck I don’t even believe that most of those people even believe in God at all.

    But this lady? I think she honestly believes the stuff that she says. I don’t think she’s intentionally lying like the others are – I think she suffers from mental illness so strongly that she honestly thinks that the nonsense she says is true. She belongs on the Funny Farm in a round room with no corners and lots of padding on the walls, God bless her insane heart.

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