Charismatic Prophetess Says ‘Evil Residue’ Lives in Clothes and Must be Cleansed Before it Leads to Suicide

When Kat Kerr, our favorite pink-haired charismatic meme-bot and “Dr. Michael Brown-approved prophetess” isn’t weaving an unbiblical tale of witchcraft and false theology by claiming that when babies die in miscarriage, sometimes God “puts them back” in the womb, that heaven is full of 20ft Sasquatch Warriors, ‘Fairies,’ and unicorns, or explaining how she has a picture of thousands of lioned-faced angels frog-marching chained demons across the sky in order to go to heaven for judgment, she’s explaining how depressed and suicidal people leave an ‘evil residue’ in their clothing that must be purged with ‘blue fire’, lest it makes one want to kill themselves.
Speaking to chief-enabler and gullibility king Steve Shultz on Episode 19 of “Wednesdays with Kat and Steve!” Steve explains that he used to have a jacket given to him by his dad, who happened to have an anger problem. Every time he wore the jacket he would likewise become angry and agitated- a pattern that continued for years. It was only after throwing out the jacket that he ceased being enraged and upset every time he wore it, prompting Kerr to chime in with these unique pearls:
The father showed me these things when he said do not even touch a garment that is spotted by the flesh. In the word that means people who commit sins, people who are filled with their own self and don’t even care about others, don’t even take something they own.
Don’t take it, don’t wear it because there’s a residue of them on it. I understand all that. Being a seer I’ll look at things and some people’s garments have stuff on it you don’t want. Your own garments collect your words, what are you saying.
Speaking to Shultz particualr case, she elaborates:
“That happens to them so many times. Sometimes its oppression- they don’t even know why- and they’ve taken something from someone who lived so depressed, maybe they even… took their life because they couldn’t handle that, maybe they got to where they couldn’t handle living. You do NOT want to take stuff like that from people.
She says that if you take anything from anyone, you ought to “cleanse it for the kingdom” which involves touching it and doing some sort of incantation over it. If you do this:
“The fire of God will come out of your hand and it will burn every bit of that stuff off. I want you to know, I don’t sit in one chair in the restaurant without touching that chair and say I cleanse it for the kingdom.
Steve “Really!?
Sometimes residue. But people walk past me not saying a word, and I hear what they said coming off their garments. Like your dad wore that coat all the time angry, it absorbs literally into the garment. We have to understand the spirit realm around us. Your words create something, and so you don’t want to take things from people. That’s why he said “don’t touch a garment spotted by the flesh”
That means they sinned in the flesh… and if you take the residue you can’t wash it off in the washing machine by the way, and you wear that, you’ll start having the same thoughts or the same expressions coming out of you.
…if you like the thrift shop, whatever you get in the thrift shop cleanse it for the kingdom before you take it to your house.
Describing the anointing that burns off bad vibes to manifest as blue fire, she explains that when she goes into people’s homes “I’ll brush the wall and release it in the whole place.” She even cleanses letters and parcels that come to her home, lest they be sent by someone with an evil residue. However, she says that even cleansing has its limits:
If it’s been something that been worn a long time or somebody you don’t know, you don’t want to get something that came from somebody who was really wicked. I wouldn’t take anything. I wouldn’t even take it to cleanse it.
I don’t know why people believe this woman, and I feel sorry for those who waste their time watching Kat and Steve.
And as a public service announcement, a good washing for apparel and a wipedown with antibacterial spray for hardgoods from thrifts will take care of any “bad no-see-ums”.
Dear Kat- please repent and find your sanity.
I know what Kat’s saying is true, as just a few days ago a pair of old pants I was wearing made me angry and uncomfortable. My wife claimed it was because they were now two sizes too small, but she knows nothing about clothing energy residue, and I told her so. Apparently manifesting a demon, she called me ‘fatso.’