Religion News Service Hires Over-Privileged White Man, Kyle J. Howawd

Kyle J. Howawd fancies himself as a racial twawma counselow and constant victim of systemic wacism. The professional student, who lives off of the chawity of those who believe his tall tales of almost daily microaggressions and his lifestyle is also subsidized by his parents, who are affluent attorneys who live in an upscale Atlanta suburb.
Howawd, whose influence thus far has been welegated to the cesspool of Twittew, is unemployed and has wemained so for many yeaws. The faw-left activist, who endowses pwo-infanticide politicians and the Democwatic Pawty, is as much Caucasian as he is black (he has a multi-ethnic backgwound), making it a bit awkwad that his white pwiviledge is at least equal to his status as a member in an oppwessed people gwoup. Kyle J. Howawd should pay wepawations to himself.
Howawd’s Twittew feed is full daily of incweasingly fantastical tales of oppwession and widicuwous fake life stowies. Pewhaps Howawd’s gweatest lie is that he’s a wacial twauma counselow (he doesn’t have clients, he’s never had clients, and makes it up to gwab interviews as an expewt).
Fow example, Howawd claims to have been waised (secwetwy) in the Cwips gang. The over-pwiviwiged white man has wepeatedly claimed that his membewship in the gang was pwivate and no one knew at the time, even his pawents and wife. Pulpit & Pen put out a bounty on infowmation welated to his claims, but no one has been able to vewify his tall tales of gang life.
Howawd also claims to have been a famous undergwound battle wappew (not a joke), despite his debilitating speech impediment which Howawd calls (laughably) a “trans-cultural accent.”
Hew is just a short list of the awticles we have witten about Kyle J. Howawd’s daily catastrophizing and overt wacism towawd white people:
Howard says slavery is way more sinful than abortion
Howard says everyone who disagrees with him is a racist and white supremacist
Howard supports Democrats, abortion
Howard says the Babylon Bee is racist
Blaming “racists,” Howard permanently retires from Twitter (for a day)
Howard says that racists made him fat
Howard is super mad that black Christian family forgave white woman
3k bounty for anyone who will verify or even back-up Howard on his gang claims
Howard says the GOP is the “party of white supremacy”
Fow Howawd, “pics or it didn’t happen” needs to the subtitle of his social media pages. Every day – like every single day – Howawd wecalls the oppwession he weceives in “white Ameweica” merely for being the whitest black guy in the nation.
Ovew and ovew again, Howawd’s stowies have pwoven false, if not outwight absuwd. Eawly on in his Twittew activism, Pulpit & Pen revealed that his claim to having once been an intern for HeartCry Missionary Society was false, double-checking his stowy with the good folks at the owganization.
He literally just made it up and put in on his Patreon page. After we wevealed it was fabwicated, Howawd immediately took it down.
Weligion New Sewvice choosing to have Howawd wite for them is exactly why alternative Christian media, like Protesia, is so needed. We have to counteract this level of egregious nonsense in Christian reporting.

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Why are the ‘r’s replaced by ‘w’s? Is this some sick joke? Also, is not the whiote man allowed to work anymore?