Another One?! Gay-Affirming North Point Church Leader Hosted Same-Sex Wedding Reception

With the news that Andy Stanley’s North Point Community Church has become a cesspool filled with LGBTQ+ affirming pastors, leaders, ministries, guest speakers, and conferences, it’s unsurprising that as more stones are overturned, more deviant theology emerges.
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Andy Stanley’s Church Hosts and Promotes Pro-LBGTQ+ Ministry
Surprise Surprise, Another North Point Church Leader is Gay-Affirming and Wildly Liberal
Sandi Harman-Waldrop is a long-time member of North Point Community Church. After her child came out as gay in 2011, she searched for resources but found none she liked, until she and her husband became leaders at Parent Connect, where they’ve been for the last six years.
Where did Parent Connect come from? Amy Blakeslee is the Director of Parent Connect, and she explains the origins in her Q Conference bio.
Hello! My name is Amy. I identify as gay, my pronouns are she/her, and I’m the proud parent of three adult kids, one of whom also identifies as gay. Over the past ten years I had the privilege of meeting with hundreds of parents of LGBTQ+ children through my position on the Care staff at North Point Community Church.
As more and more parents reached out to the church for support, I began meeting with them in their homes. Parent Connect was birthed, one of the first church-based ministries in the nation created specifically for Christian parents of LGBTQ+ kids.
Parent Connect exists to “inspire parents of LGBTQ+ children to follow Jesus by providing a safe environment where they can experience community and personal growth.” This is done through a series of meetings, get-togethers, mentorship, and curriculum studies with parents and their gay or trans kids.
Parent Connect uses a curicculum from Embracing the Journey, a pro-LGBTQ group, who believes that children cannot change their sexuality, and that if they say they’re gay, they must be affirmed no matter what, lest they be led to suicide. She explains some of her backstory.

Harman-Waldrop eventually became a board member of Renovus Network, a pro-LBGTQ+ advocacy group whose mission is to “Connect LGBTQ+ individuals to reclaim and develop their relationship with Jesus” and who envision “a world where no one has to choose between their faith and sexual orientation or gender identity.”
Renovus was co-founded by Gregory Cook, a leader with the North Point Community Church Production team for the last 13 years. She’s joined on the board by North Point pastor Debbie Causey and North Point leader Greg McDonald, founder of Embracing the Journey.

Harman-Waldrop is a big fan of gay pride parades. She considers herself a “Pride mom” and attends to give out hugs and show her support for the LGBTQ+ community.

A couple of years ago she hosted a same-sex wedding reception at her house for Brian Nietzel. Nietzel is the co-founder of Renovus and speaker at at upcoming North Point Conference who ‘married’ his partner Dan. Naturally, several other leaders at North Point Church were in attendance at the nupitals.

At this point we’re left wondering; given that all five leaders of Parent Connect that we’ve investigated so far have been gay-affirming, are they the rule and not the exception?
Love the people, hate the sin. This church has apparently decided it’s easier (and more profitable) to embrace both, regardless of whether it wars against God’s Word and simple morality or not.
Follow the money.
This seems like a disaster for Christianity. But in reality, these fake church leaders who are defying God’s Word and acting like they are more kind than God are now being “outed” by God Himself. The sheep are being separated from the goats, and at the end of the day we will realize the sheep are few….a remnant. However, in times like this, God has always drawn out those who are His and whether it is a 12-disciple rag-tag group or a god-honoring remnant of resistance, God uses them to turn the world upside down. That Andy has abandoned orthodoxy and celebrates that which God calls “an abomination” is sad. But that God is revealing and outing fake it sin-laden leaders is a cause of rejoicing.
This ‘church’ has been fully invaded by the cancer of same sex idolatry.
I’m afraid the prognosis is terminal. This cannot be excised without killing the patient.